If I were brave,
Such as I’m not jealous
Of all your friend girls,
But then I would lie.
I could tell you I’m
Strong and brave
And self-confident
And you traveling to see
Other friend girls
(Or them traveling to see you)
Doesn’t bother me,
But then I would lie.
I could tell you that
The age difference
Between us doesn’t matter
To either you or I,
But then I would lie.
I could tell you I’m not
Afraid of the unknown
The uncertainty of tomorrow,
The pain of yesterday,
Or that the endless possibilities
Don’t frighten me,
But then I would lie.
But you know what
Frightens me the most?
Never standing up
For what I want
For what I love
For what I will fight for
Which is you and me together,
And that is most certainly not a lie.
And if revealing to you my
Utmost fears and longings
Makes me most vulnerable,
I find I do not care because
Then at least for once
I have been honest and true,
And you now know how much I love you,
And about that I most assuredly would not lie.