Chapter 10 – Sally’s class companions Special Friday continues
It had taken the forty-three-year-old a full ten minutes to begin to recover her composure after the three dominants had left her leaning on the oak ‘punishment stool.’ As her breathing slowed and her nipples returned to their normal state, Ruth could hear the Headmistress order her elder sister to leave her position facing the wall, “For a taste of this lovely Lochgelly tawse.”
The Governess then addressed her, “You may stand Ruth and watch, it will be your turn shortly.”
She wiped the remaining tears of ‘pain-joy’ from her flushed face and looked at the scene going on a couple of yards away. The Headmistress had positioned Anne’s left palm before her and raised the fearsome two-tailed thick strap back over her own shoulder. Then with an audible whoosh, the strap lashed down across the delicate palm. “Keep it there Girl.” Commanded the Headmistress, and Ruth watched her darling sister’s face wince as another blow came down.
Anne knew very well she could not move her hand as to do so would mean the stroke would be repeated. Anne yelped that time and Ruth could see the satisfaction written all over the punisher’s face. Again, the command to retain position and a third vicious stroke crashed down. The Headmistress then announced, “swap hands Girl.” Another three lashes to Anne’s right palm and she was instructed to stand back at the wall and watch while her younger sister got the same ‘Hand-warming.’
Anne did her best to soothe her stinging palms by pushing them between her bare thighs and spared very little attention to the scene that played out before her.
After she had delivered six equally wicked tawse strokes to Ruth’s palms Mrs Macdonald looked very pleased with herself as she addressed Mrs Lee, “I’ve warmed their hands nicely for you Mrs Lee, three on each hand with this please.”
As she spoke, she handed the scantily clad Korean lady a new, shorter, and lighter cane than had been used up to now.
The Governess interjected, “Make them good and sharp please Shelly, aim for the fingertips.”
The extra encouragement was unnecessary as Shelly licked her lips and tested her new rod through thin air energetically. Swish, swish, swish causing both Anne and her onlooking sister to tremble even more.
‘Left palm out straight for me, girl.” She placed the cane underneath the target and lifted it, causing Anne to raise her palm until the upward pressure was released. She then adjusted her distance, tapping the cane on the fingertips as she did.
In a strict tone that caused the Governess and Headmistress to smile, “Do not move now.”
Swish Twack, exactly where she had aimed. Anne squealed in pain but got no respite. “Keep still Girl.”
Swish Twack, this time an inch from the tips of the fingers causing poor Anne to pull away her hand in agony and blow in a pointless attempt to ease the pain.
“‘I will count to three Girl, if that hand is not back in position by then, we will start over.”
Anne sucked in air and found the courage to obey quickly.
Shelly gauged her distance again by tapping on the quivering hand, “straighten those fingers Girl and stay still.”
The third whipped down and landed where she had wanted, right between the first and second strokes.
“Take a moment Anne and then get your right hand into position.” Saying this, Shelly walked around Anne, flexing the cane between her hands as she did.
Anne pressed her tortured hand between her right breast and armpit and prayed silently that this would be over soon so that she could get to the bathroom and cool her hands under running water.
Shelly was flushed in the face and glad that her girdle hid the moisture she could feel down there. This was, by far, the most exciting day of her life to date but she felt sure that Harriet had more joys in store for her.
She took up position in front of her victim again and gave the inevitable instructions.
She did to Anne’s right hand, exactly as she had to the left. Then she ordered the tearful forty-five-year-old to place her back to the wall, hands-on-head and watch carefully as her sister was dealt with in the same way.
The Governess took the cane from her new friend and suggested she have “a little break.”
She was not quite as accurate but that may have been because she put extra force behind each of her six strokes. She particularly enjoyed the look of sheer terror on the forty-three-year-old’s face as she watched the rattan come whipping down. Some landed on the meaty part rather than at the tips of the fingers, but she was beaming anyway as she spoke. “Pull yourself together Girl, you know you deserved that, and the second set of twelve Mrs Lee will be putting across that big bottom soon. Firstly, however, you and Anne may serve us drinks and have one yourselves.”
The serving of drinks was a regular routine that Anne and Ruth dreaded. Mrs Lee however had no notion that it was a subtle trap invented by Harriett. At least, not until she and the other two dominant ladies had been handed their refreshments by the two teary-eyed older women. They had filled their own glasses when Harriet observed “Girls, fill those glasses to the brim, not half-full! Then come here.” All three dominants now sat at the Headmistress’s desk and sipped their drinks. The Headmistress and Governess watched intently as the nude ‘students’ walked slowly from the drink’s cabinet to where the three ladies sat. Both girls groaned as some drops spilt because of their trembling hands but they came to where the Governess waited with a stern and exasperated expression. Shelly knew then that it was a regular part of this ‘Friday maintenance’ as Harriett instructed, “Put those drinks on the desk you sloppy pair. Anne got over the Headmistress’s lap. You here Ruth.” She uncrossed her thighs and patted her lap.
Shelly’s excitement was so great that she had to excuse herself soon after the dual spanking started. She rushed to the toilet, pulled down her girdle and stockings without taking the time to unclip the suspenders, pulled aside her knickers and plunged her fingers into her sopping vagina. She came loudly but did not care who may have heard.
When she returned to the office, she was presented with a delightful view of two freshly spanked bottoms facing out from the far wall. By now mused Shelly, she could identify the submissives purely from their bottoms. Ruth’s buttocks overhung her thigh-tops whereas Anne’s bottom was little more than an extension of her thighs. Both were decidedly red now as well as striped on the lower parts.
“Ah there you are Shelly, I’ve got the cane ready for you over there.” The Governess was smiling a knowing smile that caused Shelly to blush but rather than hold the gaze, she hurried to the stool and picked up the waiting cane.
This time she wanted to carry out the caning differently. “Come out here in the middle of the room you two and face one another. ” The already well-punished sisters obeyed. “Now hug each other. No, closer, chin resting on your sister’s shoulder. Interlock your fingers behind your sister’s back, each of you.” Shelly walked around the pair, studying their position. She moved Anne’s left leg so that the thigh pushed between Ruth’s thighs. Satisfied, she looked at her two companion dominants, smiled and said, “I intend to cane Ruth in this position, will you be so kind Harriett as to cane Anne at the same time please?” The Governess beamed, removed another cane from Mrs McDonald’s cupboard and came to join the trio.
“Don’t you dare move out of the position I’ve put you in. If you do, the stroke will be repeated for she who moved and for her sister.”
She studied her ample target. Only a few cane stripes were visible as most of the previous caning was now hidden on the overhanging lower portion. Her innate curiosity got the better of her and she firstly probed softly under the buttocks and then lifted them to see. The only reaction from the forty-three-year-old was a barely audible gasp. Shelly thought yet again, what a wonder these girls were. One could do whatever one pleased and they dare not protest or maybe, more likely in Ruth’s case at least, she lived for this treatment. She was totally and utterly submissive. A joyful gift from Harriett, for which she would be ever in debt.
Savouring the control, she weighed one bottom cheek at a time and then caressed under and over each cheek slowly. She ran her fingertips down the bottom cleft and back underneath. Instinctively, her ‘toy’ parted her legs a little drawing a laugh from the dominant. Then, she leaned in from behind and said in a low voice, “Hold tight now Ruth, I want you to take these bravely for me.”
Harriett had heard and was waiting for a signal. That came with a nod and three fingers in the air over the shoulders of the clasping nude women between them.
They stepped back, swished a practice stroke through the air and then took position, each, behind and to the left of her target. Canes were raised high and with perfect coordination, whipped down and across their targets. The ‘students’ both sucked in air but did not yell. Strokes two and three followed quickly. Then the oriental visitor signalled a pause with her index finger in the air. The Governess was smiling broadly at her and waited for the next signal which came quickly. Four, Five and Six lashed onto the prone semi-orbs. Again, a signal for pause.
Anne and Ruth were now sobbing and shaking but their physical closeness gave them courage. They were halfway through their final stage of Friday Maintenance. This afternoon had been particularly hard to get through so Anne kissed her sister’s shoulder in a silent sign of solidarity.
“Steady now Girls, this next set will be six non-stop.”
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven and finally, number Twelve were driven down with absolutely no holding back. Each of the victims felt her own bottom being lashed and at the same time her thrust away was equally met with her sister’s counterthrust. They held onto one another for several minutes after the twelfth as the two dominants observed their handiwork of crisscrossed tramlines.
The Governess said to her friend, “Follow me, Shelly.” Then she took Anne by the waist and walked her through a side door to a restroom. Shelly followed with Ruth.
The room had been converted the year before from its original state as a library and could now only be accessed through the Headmistress’s office. The only natural illumination was via a line of narrow windows set high along the opposite wall, so it was totally secluded. The centre was occupied by two two-seater sofas that faced one another with a low antique Chinese table between them. There was a well-stocked drinks cabinet but what would catch the eye of a first-time visitor most, was the array of instruments of correction attached to hooks above and to the left of that cabinet.
Ann and Ruth had been here before and knew the purpose of the collection attached to the wall was to remind them what would happen should they now fail to fully please their tormentors.
Their Governess led the way by quickly divesting herself of all her clothes and laying on her back on one of the sofas. As soon as she had, she crooked her index finger in Anne’s direction. The older of the sisters needed no further instruction and kneeled between her chastiser’s legs. She kissed the flat tummy before her and then brushed her lips up to the erect and swollen nipples.
Shelly took delight in pulling Ruth down by her nipples until their lips met in a long deep kiss.
The lovemaking on both sofas was focused on satisfying the dominant pair. No effort was made to bring the two submissives to orgasm. They were well-used to the egoistic approach and did not dream of seeking release. That would come later, maybe this evening in their own beds as they waited for the pain in their bottoms to ease.
For now, they concentrated on sucking and tongue-flicking their Mistresses’ exited clitorises, catching breath after each wave of orgasm.
They had received a long and no-mercy punishment and now every ounce of remaining energy was being spent on bringing joy to their punishers. It was the order of things. A perfect balance.
Having washed and dressed, the Governess kissed each of the submissives on the lips and patted their bottoms. “Well done girls, we’ll see you next Friday”. She signalled to her guest, who had also dressed, and they left the restroom.
Anne and Ruth waited until they had heard the “goodbyes” from the office next door. Then, just as they were about to follow, the Headmistress entered carrying a strap-on with a double-phallus. “I have a new toy for us girls, aren’t you excited?”
Meanwhile, back at the house.
By the time Sally heard her Aunt Harriett and Mrs Lee come noisily through the front door and take the stairs, she was already more than a third of the way through her weekend homework. It had not been a good first week at school. Every single day she had been caned in class. Her aunt’s conviction that she needed “morning maintenance” caused her to arrive at school with an already-throbbing bottom. Twelve strokes on Thursday and twelve that morning instead of the six given on Wednesday. She had prayed to her angels all day that the test she had handed to Miss Simms this morning would result in a 90%+ mark. Any less would result not only in an immediate three strokes per 5% under 90% but substantiate her aunt’s decision.
That though was Monday, right now she needed to get as much work done as possible before her aunt decided to pay her a visit in the study with her guest Mrs Lee who delighted in spanking her bottom for no other reason than she enjoyed doing so. When on earth would that woman leave?
In another half-hour, she had managed to concentrate and get another good part of her weekend load out of the way. Then she heard running steps. She looked up and smiled at her only real friend in this house. Sarah helped her tidy up the desk a bit and leave two distinct bundles of homework. The ‘to do’ bundle was now almost reduced to the size of the ‘done’ pile. Then Sarah had a thought, and whispered, “You never know what Hilda might get up to.” She opened a cupboard, put the homework inside and then locked the door and passed the key to Sally with a wink.
Then ‘little mistress’ and her special maid ran upstairs to get Sally showered and changed into her evening clothes. First, the part that Sally enjoyed most, her dear Sarah gently rubbed the curing cream into her ravaged bottom and upper thighs.
The pretty maid sat on the side of Sally’s for the ten minutes required for the cream to work its magic and listened to the rest of the reassumption of her charge’s day at school. There had not been enough time during the drive home for Sally to complete her tale.
Sarah enjoyed these precious moments that gave her an insight into the mysterious world of her employer’s school. Of course, she had picked a lot from the other staff and during her rare trips to the village but this was all fact, not just gossip. As she listened, she continued to caress that beautiful bottom and laughed as Sally opened her thighs wide.
She faked surprise at how sopping Sally was, leaned in and whispered. “You are such a naughty girl, it’s no wonder everyone wants to spank that delicious bottom.” Sally grinned and they kissed deeply as Sarah pumped.
The younger girl broke their loving kiss as she gasped for breath and orgasmed. She flung her arms around her maid’s neck, and they kissed again, softly this time.
Sarah, always acutely aware of her duties, hurried her precious responsibility into the bathroom and pushed her into the shower with a playful slap on her jiggling bottom.
She watched as Sally soaped and rinsed and then she held out the big fluffy towel for her to walk into and be wrapped and padded dry. They kissed again and then went back into the bedroom to dress Sally.
When Sarah left her ‘little mistress’ at the table in the dining room, the Mistress and her guest had still not arrived, which was as well for both as being late for dinner would have had them both in trouble. Sarah went to help in the kitchen and Sally’s eyes wandered to the ever-present cane on the wall.
She was daydreaming about how much had changed in her life in one week when she heard her aunt and Mrs Lee enter the dining room. She got to her feet immediately with hands behind her back. Sally waited to be spoken to as that was her aunt’s strict rule.
Instead of a pleasant enquiry about how her day had been, Sally received the instruction, “Lift your dress high over your waist Sally and let us see how the new girdle looks. Mrs Higgins informed me she picked the outstanding things up from the shop.”
As the two ladies studied Sally’s new ten-strap girdle, Mrs Lee fondled her tightly held buttocks “Oh my o my Harriett, you are so right. It controls her enormous bottom perfectly. Can we see her walk a bit with her dress up?” The nod when Sally looked at her aunt was enough. She walked so the ladies could see how her hips performed encased in the new girdle. Mrs Lee clapped and laughing said how the girl’s Cuban buttocks no longer jiggled as she walked.
Taking Sally by the shoulders and turning her slowly, Harriett ran her fingers over the suspenders demonstrating her point as she said, “Just the standard three suspender straps per leg would leave big gaps. By having five on each side, the stockings are not only held up better but the girdle is held snugger to the hips.” Beaming that she had made a point which had evidently been under discussion, Harriett sat at the table and indicated to Mrs Lee that she should join her.
Sally was still holding up her dress and coughed to draw attention as Hilda was now walking in with their starters.
Her aunt seemed to have genuinely forgotten or at least gave that impression as she looked up and noticed. “Oh, do let your dress down and join us, you silly girl.”
After Hilda had served starters and left them, Mrs Lee addressed Sally as though nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. “So, Sally dear, how was your Friday at school? Productive I hope?”
Sally chose her replies carefully, but the skilled businesswoman went straight to the core and popped the six-million-dollar question. “Were you caned today, Sally?” To Sally’s affirmative, Mrs Lee probed further rather than allowing Sally to steer the conversation away. “How many strokes in all Sally?” Just then Rita reached the table to remove the first dishes causing Sally to blush and pause. Her aunt did not allow her off the hook and pressed with, “Come on Girl, answer Mrs Lee. How many strokes today?”
Looking at the floor, “Thirty strokes in all Mrs Lee Ma’am.” Just as she replied, Rita dropped a fork, stooped down beside Sally to pick it up and sneered at Sally from down there.
“Gosh Sally, what happened to cause all those strokes?”
“Look up and answer Mrs Lee’s question Girl.”
Rita must have decided she’d better leave before a reprimand and thankfully got up, collected the things and went off to get their main course.
“I really do not know Mrs Lee. For some reason, in every single class today, the teacher questioned me continuously until I gave an incorrect answer. It was very strange. Even in English Literature, at which I’m pretty good, the Mistress kept asking me questions and I kept answering correctly until they got more and more impossible. It was frightening Ma’am; I was really nervous. I got six strokes from all the Mistresses today, Ma’am.”
Sally had been looking at Mrs Lee as she replied, and she noted that the lady glanced at Sally’s aunt and there was a hint of a smile when she did so. That caused her to switch her attention across the table just in time to see the bright-eyed glee on her aunt’s face.
“Yes, indeed Sally, it was arranged that way. We would not want the Mistresses or the other students thinking I expect my niece treated lightly, would we?” Sally was dumbstruck. “But Ma’am in every class it..” Her aunt cut her off with the repeated question “would we Girl?” Her glance at the cane on the wall left the teenager in no doubt as to what answer was demanded. “No Ma’am.” Her aunt nodded and smiled. “So glad you agree Dear. We may have a similar Friday in the not-too-distant future.”
The table conversation became normal and very pleasant after that. As usual, the food was exceptionally good.
Sally believed she was putting on a bit too much weight and asked her aunt whether she could skip breakfast in the morning and go for a run on the very expansive grounds before showering and spending the morning finishing her homework.
“Skip no Sally but talk to Sarah and ask her to arrange with cook for just some muesli and yoghurt. After that, by all means. Do have a run but ask Sarah to accompany you. You can do so also on Sunday morning if you wish but be back around 9:30 latest please as I’d like for us all to go and visit a friend of mine for Sunday lunch. We’ll need to leave by 10:30.”
She went on to explain that she and Mrs Lee were going to be leaving early the next day but would see her here for lunch and then she would review Sally’s homework.
Sally had known that a review of her work was always on the cards, so she was not surprised. A tad nervous of course, but not surprised. Would, she thought, there be no maintenance caning in the weekend mornings? It sounded like she’d be safe Saturday morning but study review, in the afternoon, could hold danger.