The Things You Do To Me

"Perfect Timing"

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Written By Poppet:For LushStories ONLY!
The Things You Do To me
We meet and become fast friends. We form a bond that is closer than I’ve had in a long time. We joke, laugh, play, tease growing that bond tighter.

It doesn’t dawn on me what is forming between us. My heart is going through turmoil over the confusion of what ‘he’ is doing to me. You’re there, holding my hand, letting me cry, taking care of me. You always make sure to never to leave me upset.

I begin to open up to you more, I feel myself pouring my soul to you. I tell you my darkest secrets. You don’t judge me, you help me. You make me realize what is being done to me. All the while our jokes, laughing, playing teasing bond is growing stronger.

It happens, it ends. He left, he broke all his promises and I’m left with a wounded, confused broken heart. He says we can still be friends, but where is he? Nowhere to be seen. You’re there still, holding my hand, letting me cry, taking care of me. You never leave when I’m upset, always making sure I’m okay.

Our bond grows to a new level, I reach out to you. You reach out to me, we form a bond that we didn’t see coming. We were both so blind to it all along. It forces our eyes open and it feels like a sucker punch to the heart. Of course not of pain, but of absolute joy, happiness, caring, need and love.

We lay awake all night talking, endless conversation about nothing but everything. Our bond grows so thick and deep we’re entangled into each other. We fit perfectly as one. We’re now not you and me but an us.

I’ve fallen for you, I know you fallen for me. When you make love to me it’s truly pure bliss. We can’t get enough of each other; our bodies desire each other more and more each day. It’s not just about sex; it’s about all of it. We meet each other’s needs to the exact point, it’s almost like when we were made, brought into this world we were built for one another.

Things happen for a reason; sometimes it can’t be explained to us why it does. Sometimes it happens and we don’t find out until much later why it happens. Sometimes it was in our faces all along. I think this time, it was there all along.

Thank you for walking to my life at the perfect timing. Thank you for being you and doing the things you do. I wouldn’t be where I am right now if it wasn’t for you. You’ve saved me from self destruction. You’ve shown me I can truly be loved for being just me.

I love you, Jamie.

Published 12 years ago

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