Lilla: Summer Storm

"Lilla's life had become a ritual but change is inevitable"

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As July Fourth approached the humid Gulf coast heat was already overbearing. The beach, Lilla’s near-daily refuge from a sad home life, lacked any hint of a breeze and pushed her early to the shaded Wharf Bar for her regular glass of Chardonnay out of sight of her husband.

The wharf was packed. Faces turned her way. A few men gave her that admiring nod they sometimes do but she knew she must be a sight. Her hair was piled cumulously on her head to keep the hot mass off her neck. Her red bikini and fishnet cover-up, chosen for the extreme heat, suddenly felt inappropriate and awkward, even for the casual outdoor bar.

Lilla was not a young woman. Fit and trim, she appeared younger but as a woman in her late fifties, Lilla felt her privilege of wearing bikinis in public had expired. The beach was one thing, she would sunbathe nude on her towel if it was allowed. Anywhere else a bikini usually made her feel uncomfortably exposed.

She turned to leave only to find herself facing a woman wearing Dresden blue Lycra shorts and a godawful pink tube top. The woman was maybe ten years younger, a few inches shorter, and almost comically curvier.

“We’ve seen you here before,” the woman said in a cheerful voice with a disarming smile. “You’re more than welcome to join us. It’s just the two of us. I’m Sally and my husband over there is Fred.”

Lilla surprised herself by accepting.

Fred and Sally seemed nice enough to Lilla. She wasn’t much help answering questions the enthusiastic new residents had about restaurants or nightspots since she rarely went out, but their casual attention and good natures got her to warm up to them. She confessed her daily beach and wine ritual was her alone time. The very private and guarded Lilla enjoyed the most animated conversation with someone outside her family and neighbors in quite a long while.

Fred, a tall lanky guy with sun-streaked hair and a horsey face had a comically clumsy demeanor shared by many tall men. Lilla noticed his nicely toned arms and big hands guessing he may have been a basketball player.

Sally had a cherubic Snow White quality even with the slight crow’s feet at her eyes. The white skin of her shoulders and décolletage was smooth and even. There was such a unique playfulness to Sally that Lilla wondered how she previously overlooked the delightful woman.

Lilla didn’t again visit the Wharf for over a week, partly because the heatwave ushered in stormy weather and partly because of the delightful but odd couple. Somehow they seemed a little too interested in her.

When she finally did return the couple was there. Gus, the bartender, began pouring her wine as soon as she walked onto the wharf. When he put the glass of Chardonnay in front of her Gus nodded toward Fred and Sally saying it’s on their tab.

Lilla carried her wine to them, remained standing and asked them to please not pay for her wine or expect her to always sit with them, stressing that this part of her day was her “alone” time.

They were both taken aback, but Sally said, “Well if you sit today so we can tell you a little more about ourselves we’ll leave you alone if you prefer.”

“Okay. Sorry,” Lilla adjusted her mood and sat down. “I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just that with my busy home life I’ve come to cherish my alone time.”

Feeling a bit on the spot Sally and Fred looked at each other. Fred nodded. Sally began. “Fred and I are in the lifestyle.”

“Yes, we’re swingers,” Sally said unabashedly.

Lilla sat stunned, unblinking, expressionless. She glanced at Fred and looked back to Sally who went on to explain in general terms how the two of them have explored the limits of sexuality with other couples and even groups for almost twenty years. She spoke as casually as if she was talking about a cooking club.

Lilla studied Sally making sure her own mouth hadn’t dropped open.

“Have you and your husband ever swapped or played with another couple?”

“No, my husband and I don’t have, haven’t had sex in years.” Lilla regretted letting that slip. She had thought it would serve to eliminate their interest in her and her husband but immediately felt she said too much.

Visibly distressed, Lilla was still also curious.

Sally, who had begun describing the virtues of threesomes, paused to drink, then resumed with a question. “Have you ever kissed another woman?”

“No, well I…when I was…” Lilla checked her stammering and began over, calmly, “No, not really.”

Lilla took a sip of wine, looked down at it and swirled it around a little then took another sip

“I go onto this erotic story website,” Lilla said. “I like reading erotica (whispered, glancing side to side), you know, my dirty little secret. It’s a site where I can chat with other people about my private life. Heavens, I can’t talk about sex with anyone who actually knows me. When I’m on that site is the only time I ever feel sexy at all. I have talked with lesbians but well no…no. Really, I’d better get going. Thanks for the wine.”

The next week was perfect beach weather. Lilla went every afternoon but avoided the Wharf. She wanted to avoid the swinger couple.

Lilla did find herself often thinking what an odd couple they were and yet how happy they seemed to be with each other. She was envious. Curious too.

A week later Lilla went to the beach early to avoid a predicted thunderstorm. When she got there huge storm clouds already loomed offshore. Skipping the beach she drove to the bar for an early glass of wine ahead of the crowd.

Before reaching the door of the Wharf large drops of rain suddenly began to explode on the ground all around her. Fred and Sally came hustling out. Fred said, “Come with us, we have wine.”

Sally took Lilla’s hand and ran toward the cars. “I’ll ride with you Lilla to show you the way.”

It all happened so fast. Sally was in Lilla’s car and Fred was pulling out of the parking lot as the downpour started full force.

Lila had a choice. She knew she could remain in the lot and demand that Sally call Fred to return and pick her up. She knew she could drop Sally home and still leave. She had options, a lot of options.

Lilla has always been conflicted between her Catholic upbringing and her sexual urges. Most of her life’s regrets was the sex she missed over Catholic guilt.

“Are you and Fred really swingers?”

“Yes, I wouldn’t lie about something like that. We got into it very young, we were only married about five years.”


“It hasn’t always been easy, but I have to admit it’s never been boring.”


“At times, yeah, gut wrenching even. I thought of leaving Fred and the whole scene a couple of times.”

“What made it bad?”

“Oh, lots of things. For one, Fred is really popular in the lifestyle. That was okay, I mean I’d get jealous at times but I always was proud he was mine. Then again I was popular too and that bothered Fred more than it should have. Eventually he accepted that I was as entitled to the scene as he was.”

Gripped by nervous energy Lilla let the conversation fall silent until Sally directed Lilla to pull into the garage next to Fred’s car.

“I’m sure Fred’s opening a bottle of wine,” Sally said as she led Lilla into the spacious house. Lilla kept quiet, her body humming.

Before reaching a large open area Sally stopped and turned to face Lilla. Lilla surprised Sally by taking an extra step to stand toe to toe. After a moment of expectant looks and Lilla suddenly brought her hands to Sally’s face and began kissing her in a way that left them both breathless in seconds. Sally responded by wrapping her arms around the small of Lilla’s back. Lilla wrapped hers around Sally’s shoulders pulling her tightly.

Sally broke off and began unbuttoning her blouse. Lilla removed her hair spike and pulled her cover-up over her head. With a shake the soft waves cascaded to her shoulders. Lilla pushed the straps of her suit off and just as she let the front fall away she saw Fred sitting in the living room to her right and froze. Fred lifted his wine glass with a nod. There were two other glasses on the table In front of him.

Lilla turned his way with a smile, spread her arms and gave her breasts a little shimmy.

She turned back to Sally who had both hands behind unclasping her bra. It seemed to burst from her body. Sally’s breasts, buoyant against the pull of gravity, were a wonder.

When Sally kissed Lilla the sensuality of their breasts mashing caused Lilla’s pussy to suddenly reawakened from it’s long slumber. As their passion skyrocketed Sally knew she had won Lilla. Lilla knew too.

“I’m loving it but we invited you for wine.”

They moved into the living room. Lilla was about to self consciously pull her suit back into place when Sally handed her the glass from the table. She decided to let the suit front remain down and sat on the sofa next to Sally across from Fred.

Lilla kept herself from giggling at the absurdity of sitting half naked with strangers.

They chatted about sex for a few minutes before Sally set her glass on the table, moved toward Lilla, took her wine glass and set it on the table. Then she moved over Lilla who leaned back onto the arm of the sofa in invitation of another kiss.

It was Sally’s turn at surprise, gripping the upper edge of Lilla’s suit and pulling it down over her butt which Lilla instinctively lifted for Sally. Without a moment’s hesitation Sally pulled Lilla’s knees apart and had her face buried in Lilla’s neatly trimmed sex. Nipping at the outer folds with her lips and painting broad brush strokes with her tongue.

The sensations were at once familiar and yet so newly feminine. Lilla soon felt a sense of urgency. She wanted Sally’s tongue to pry into her.

“Push it in. Oh God Sally push your tongue in please!”

Sally did, pressing her face tight and pushing in as deeply as she could before performing a little tongue dance on Lilla’s sensitive pearl.

One minute turned to two and two turned to five. Lilla’s breathing grew short and rapid. She had a shallow orgasm that left her wanting more. Orgasms did not come easily for Lilla. She put both hands on Sally’s head and opened her legs wider. Her head lolled toward Fred.

Seeing Fred look at her, legs splayed while his wife licked her pussy made Lilla feel slutty and trashy yet sexier then she felt in years, already Fred and Sally’s sex object.

Fred stood up and took off his t-shirt. Lilla felt her heart skip a beat. Then still standing in front of his chair he opened his cargo shorts and let them drop without taking his eyes from Lilla’s. When he dropped his boxers Lilla’s eyes went to what looked like a thick rope hanging halfway to his knees.

She was in awe. Every man she had known, even the biggest, would expand from a modest flaccid state to erect with mysterious magnificence. The thought of that happening to Fred’s hanging cock was frightening.

Fred stepped forward and draped his cock over Lilla’s face. She let it slide across her open lips as if it was a harmonica under which she rotated her head.

She moved one hand from Sally’s head and gently wrapped Fred’s hanging balls in her fingers to guide the stiffening shaft slowly back and forth across her lips. She couldn’t believe how quickly and fully these two strangers had won over her inner slut.

She lifted her head off the sofa arm as she opened her mouth allowing a few inches of the prodigious shaft inside.

Fred pushed his fingers into her hair and held her head in place as he drove deeper over each of five or six thrusts before causing her to gag.

When Fred pulled away his shiny cock sprang up at an acute angle waving a plum purple head. Lilla looked at it in awe. Fortunately, she thought, it hadn’t increased much in length.

“I’m going to fuck you, Fred said.

“I need you to fuck me.”

In the bedroom Sally peeled off her shorts and panties revealing a smooth vagina, a smoothness only achieved with wax. She climbed onto the high bed, maneuvered onto her side and patted the bed next to her while looking at Lilla.

Lilla climbed onto the bed next to Sally. They resumed kissing and giggling like a couple of schoolgirls before Sally rolled Lilla onto her back.

Fred was there, at the edge of the bed. A small bottle of lube appeared in his hand, he poured some into his palm and slowly stroked it onto his cock then slid first one, then two of his lubed fingers into Lilla.

Fred did everything slowly, twisting and stroking his fingers into Lilla in an unhurried manner that made her relax. With one hand he pulled Lilla along the bed toward him by her ankle and lifted both of Lilla’s legs onto his arms.

Sally reached between Lilla’s legs and took hold of Fred’s cock. She painted Lilla’s slit as Fred gradually pushed until the head was in. Beyond all else, even the unique exhilaration of new people and the bisexuality, Lilla felt enthralled to finally have a cock enter her again after these last few years.

Fred slowed way down, “Hot Glacial Sex” he called it. Lilla watched as he took half a lifetime and a dozen slow half strokes to fully bury his cock into her. The sheer size made Lilla’s body respond even before he was all in. The glacial invasion brought no pain just a thrilling intense pleasure. A gentle shuddering rippled through Lilla. Her breath rate doubled. After a few seconds, Fred withdrew at the same slow pace. He followed with metered full strokes. A relentless ten second cycle: five seconds in, five seconds out.

Lilla relaxed, enjoying the unhurried sensations brought on by each re-entry. She floated weightlessly as her body rocked against the steady relentless invasion.

She eventually wanted more. “Harder,” she moaned.

Sally was there, kissing her and caressing her breasts, “Soon.”

Long minutes passed, Lilla grew frustrated. She didn’t have patience for this type of sex, she wanted to be fucked hard and Fred’s “hot glacial sex” had grown interminable. She wanted him to lose control.

Lila’s focus increasingly centered on her vagina which grew more needy. More greedy than it’s ever been.

Fred continued on, every ten seconds his giant pestle grinding into the deep mortar of her yearning cunt, filling her like never before, making her head rear upwards, making her want more. Greedy cunt. She was about to beg for more when a deep burning in her chest rose up and swirled across her neck and breasts. Her skin flushed and her breathing grew heavy.

Sally reappeared kissing one cheek and stroking the other with her hand. “Now you’re ready.”

Fred quickened his pace. A tremor had begun in her lower abdomen. It began radiating, not just from the fire ring of her outer entrance but from deep within. Her breathing grew increasingly labored. Suddenly every muscle in Lilla’s body began to tighten.

Her neck lifted her head off the mattress. Her torso surged upward. Sally rolled onto Lilla, straddled her chest and held her down, pinning her arms to the mattress. The strain of Lilla’s orgasm kept building as Fred plunged faster and faster.

“Take that cock, Lilla,” Sally said, “take all that big cock.”

Lilla’s focus shifted from the push and tug of her pussy lips to the deep pounding. The uncontrollable shaking began in her legs. The spasms worked up her torso even as she was pinned down.

She started moaning then yelling: “Oh God, Oh God, Oh God yes! Fuck Me, Oh God, Fuck Me!

Fred was driving ruthlessly into her now with the kind of speed and urgency she had been craving from the start. Another even more powerful orgasm gripped and claimed her body, sending spasms through her pussy.

It was a shocking sensation of sudden emptiness when Fred suddenly pulled out while her body continued to writhe and spasm uncontrollably. Sally’s weight lifted free.

Fred moved over the bed above her. Feeling the bed shift Lilla opened her eyes just as the first blast of cum shot at her neck hitting under her chin. Another followed and Lilla watched as cum poured in thick pulses from Fred’s swollen purple cock head onto her tits. So much cum.

The distinct odor of a man’s cum smelled magnificent as her body continued to writhe even after the flood stopped.

“Oh what a mess, Fred,” Sally chided sweetly as she bent over and began licking the pearlescent cream from Lilla’s two-toned tanned chest. Next she began kissing Lilla’s mouth, giving her some cum along with the kisses. Lilla was enthralled by the erotic smells and tastes and textures of the delicious kisses. She grew still and melted into the soft mattress as Fred and Sally sandwiched her between them, kissing her.

Lilly jumped a little when Sally cupped a hand over her still sensitive vagina. “Oh my god, girl, you are fun to fuck,” Sally said as if she had been the one doing it.

Lilla felt so very happy. It was going to be a fun, hot, and stormy summer.

Published 3 years ago

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