Daddy Caught Me Masturbating (part 3)

"Part 3: Did he just spank me?"

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My eyes pop open quickly as my eyes dart to the clock. Only 8am on a Saturday why was I even up. I paused an then I look up at the door finding no one standing there. It wasn’t like I was looking for anyone in particular right?? I couldn’t be hopping for daddy to be standing there could I?

I yawn softly and get out of bed, tugging my small night gown down over my black lace panties. Brushing my long black hair back with my fingers and stretching big.Walking out of my room and into the hall as I instantly hear mama’s voice speaking in low mummers.

“No I said let go of me,” her voice was harsh and cold.

I pause quickly as I look at her slightly cracked door able to see daddy sitting on the bed looking off towards their closet. His nice hard cock pushing at the covers that hid it. Just then mama walks past the door making me sink back into the wall.

“You haven’t touched me in months!” His voice was low as she sighed heavy.

“You are here… Aren’t you? Handle it yourself,” her voice trailed off as I heard her footsteps coming back to the door.

I quickly pulled myself off of the wall and began walking to the bathroom when I heard the door yank open.

“Fine, I will,” daddy spat at her as she rushed passed my room into the living room and out of the front door.

I heard daddy slam the door to his bedroom just as I closed the door to the bathroom. What was happening? Did mama find out what happened last night? Did daddy tell her?’ My thoughts had me stuck standing still by the sink.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I stood there for a moment starring at myself in the mirror and taking in a deep breath. I walked out passing daddy’s room looking straight at my door. I gripped onto the handle and before I could push my door opened daddy opened his.

Small waves of tingles jumped down my spine and dived in my panties. I turned slowly looking over my shoulder at daddy. He filled the entire doorway leaning against the door frame looking at me.With his large arms crossed over his chest with the slightest smirk on his face. His dark eyes focused on me like they were last night.

“Good morning daddy,” my voice sounding a bit unsure..

“Morning babygirl,” he pushed himself off of the door frame and spread his arms”

I could not help but smile and move into his arms as he gripped me tight. He felt so good holding me against him and kissing the top of my head.

“Can daddy just say one thing babygurl?” I looked up at him and giggled nodding a little.

“Of course daddy anything you want.” He smirked and leaned his head down towards mine kissing my lips softly.

My eyes closed tight as my tongue pushed into his mouth. My body heating up quickly as I pushed my belly against his hard shaft. This is how I saw him kiss mama, when they were still ‘romantically involved’. I felt him pull back away from me as my eyes shot open to see him looking down at me chuckling a little.

“What is it daddy?” I tilt my head looking down at his lips as a quick hard sting rips across my bottom making eyes water slightly and my pussy tingle. Did he just…. Spank me??

“Get that tight little ass in the kitchen and make me some breakfast! I shouldn’t have to tell you that a man needs to eat in the morning” He smiled wider and the glow in his eyes plus the stinging on my ass made my pussy kick into overdrive.

My panties slowly starting to sink down my hips as my wetness seeps into them. “Ouch, daddy…”

I began as he sent another sizzling smack slamming across my ass making me yelp. I push my hardening nipples against his chest closing my eyes tight as I let out a soft moan. My knees shivering as my pussy heated even higher making me grind my stomach against his thick restricted cock.

He pulled his hand back once more as my eyes closed tighter and slammed it across my reddening cheeks turning them an even darker red.

“I shouldn’t have to repeat myself babygirl… I don’t like it when you make me…” He smoothed his hands across my red ass making me squirm under the heat of his hand.

“Sorry daddy, I will go make you some right now I promise” my voice came out quickly not wanting to get another slap, or did I?

He released me, and for a moment I couldn’t move until I felt his hand lift for another smack. My body jerked off of his and he caught my wrist when I was a about to flee into the living room. I looked back at him quickly as I tried to tug my hand away.

“Don’t daddy get a kiss for giving you some love taps?” He smiled devilishly as he puckered his lips out but didn’t bend over. So I had to reach up for it on my tip toes, I inhaled his deep musk scent and pushed my lips against his as best I could. As his hands went around me he gripped onto my night gown lifting it until it rested slightly over my hips.

I gasped softly as his warm hand pushed into my panties and sank into my dripping cunt lips from the back. A soft gasp left his lips as I arched my back making my slit more available for him to push into. My walls rippled around the tip of his finger as it drove into my slit harder the second time.

“Oh babygirl what are you so wet for?” His evil grin was back across his sexy lips.

I but down on my bottom lip and looked down at my hands as I tugged back away from him.


I have to go change” I said quickly pulling out of his arms and rushing into my room.

Slamming the door quickly as I push my night gown over my panties grinding my hand roughly at my dripping cunt. Moaning softly as my fingers prob at my clit more firmly, lifting my gown more and gripping onto my nipple tugging at it and whimpering softly.

Picturing daddy’s hands on me and my body reacting to him so openly. My eyes closed tight as I pushed my panties to the side and slid my fingers into my slit butting down on my bottom lip not wanting to moan out loud. Then I heard daddy’s steps coming closer to the door.

“Babygirl I’m not gonna get fed by Casper out here… I am hungry” he demanded and twisted the door knob.

My eyes closed tighter as my fingers dived deeper into my slit making my hips curl up into my hand and making my palm press hard against my clit.

“Babygirl?” His voice rang in my ear as I forced myself to stop and pull my fingers from out of my dripping wet panties.

“Coming daddy,” I said as he released the door knob chuckling.

“I bet you are dear bring the food in my room if you will,” I heard his door close as I took in a deep rough breath.

I pushed my panties off and tossed them on the bed. Getting up and pushing my gown down as my wetness dripped from my fingers and my cunt. I closed my door and went straight through the living room and into the kitchen getting ready to make daddy’s food. When I heard his door open again.

I paused as I was washing my hands, I heard another door open then close. I bit down on my bottom lip as I went back to getting the skillet and starting up some eggs, bacon, sausages and waffles. I heard a door close as I was about to put it all on a plate and put a fork in it.

I grabbed the plate going back to his room. I opened the door and saw daddy with my super wet panties wrapped around his cock. Pumping his shaft up and down with his eyes closed tight. I stood there for a minute stunned as I didn’t really know what to do.

“D… Daddy,” I moaned softly as his eyes opened and locked on me.

His fist continued beating at his shaft as he moaned out pushing his hips up into my panties. My mouth watered slightly as my pussy shivered hard, I had never seen anything like it. He stood up and began walking towards me looking at my pussy as if he could see it through my night gown.

“Daddy… I finished with your breakfast…” Before I could finish my sentence he gripped onto the plate and put it on the dresser.

He gripped onto my gown and yanked it off of me pulling me into his arms. I moaned softly as I was now completely naked against him. I could feel his shaft jabbing hard at my slit as I closed my eyes tight feeling his lips connect with mine.

And in one quick motion my back had hit the bed and his tip had dug into my dripping cunt lips. My head threw back as his hips lifted away from mine then dug deep into my slit again. My toes curled tight as I could only hold onto him and lift my hips to soften the blow as his tip ravaged my walls.

Pushing them out wider then they had ever been stretched. My body shivered hard as my pussy pulsed in protest. He gripped into my hands shoving them above my head, as his hips began to shove harder against my crotch. My eyes closed tight as he gripped both of my wrists with one hand an sent the other around me cupping under my ass.

soon I felt his finger pushing into my ass hole making my body push up towards his impaling cock. My eyes closed tighter as I moaned out even louder until his mouth landed on mines. His tongue grinding against mine as his shaft continue to plow deep in my hole.

“Fuck daddy I can’t… I can’t take it… I’m about to cum,” I moaned out as my body shivered hard and his finger pushed in deeper into my ass.

My toes curled tight as I exploded hard all over his pumping mass. His hips continued to pump for a few more thrusts then he pulled out and began to stroke his cock and groaning. His cock shivered hard in his hand as he moved closer to me, my legs spread wide and my body spent laid out on his bed.

He moaned loud as his cum began to spurt all over my body, coating my face, down to my breasts and all over my stomach. He collapsed over onto his back panting with his cock still in his hand as I leaned up looking down at my cum covered body.

I giggled a little licking my lips as a few drops landed near my mouth swallowing them down. As I sat up his cum began to roll down my body and drip from my breasts onto the floor. I bit down on my bottom lip collecting my gown from the floor and turning to look at him.

“You still want your food? It’s getting cold,” he chuckled and looked up at me before he sat up.

“Yes babygirl let me have it,” I giggled and grab the plate handing it to him and turning to leave feeling a hard smack rush across my ass.

I gasped hard whimpering looking back at him as he winked at me. I giggled and shook my head as I walked out of his room closing his door and holding my gown against my body. That was the best fuck I had ever experienced I grinned thinking to myself. I turned down the hall and went off to the bathroom feeling my cunt sore from daddy’s cock.

Published 12 years ago

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