After the Hurricane

"Reuniting after the Hurricane"

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It was not until days after the storm, when things started to get back to a slight normalcy that he returned. I collapsed into a heap of sobs the second he came through the door and I cried and shook in his arms for a very long time until I was too weak to even hiccup. We fell asleep for a while. I woke up to him booting up his laptop. My eyes heavy but my voice was back. I told him to check for the email I sent him while I was waiting for his return.

Hi sweetheart:

I know you do not have access to email but I had to try to “talk” to you. Yesterday the office and entire city were buzzing about the hurricane, which is at the moment barreling up the east coast, leaving many dead in the Caribbean. I have been searching hourly, for updates on your flights, waiting to see when you will be in the air, on your way back safely to me. I am trying hard to mollify the panic that is seizing me, so I am going to tell you about the plans for when you come back to me.

Many years ago when we were in the Caribbean together, you must remember that private house on the beach when we were bird watching, and spying, with our binoculars. Of course, leave it to you to spot that nude girl on the beach. I think you moaned while looking her over. I remember your instant erection and then I found what you were looking at. I thought she was barely eighteen, probably some college coed on break. She had perky little tits with pacifier nipples. But it was her totally bare, hairless pussy that got to you. Do you remember how I told you to keep watching her when I pulled your shorts off and swallowed you into my mouth? Do you remember the fantasies you articulated, as you watched that little pixie, and fucked my mouth? Do you remember what we did after our appetites were fully whetted? Yes, that is what I want when you get back.

I will be waiting, naked under a robe, prop up with pillows under my ass, legs spread and draping over the arms of the recliner. You will groom me; prepare me just the way you want me for when you are finally ready to take your pleasure. You will massage some of the lemon oil onto me to soften the demure curls hiding my pussy. You will start telling me about your trip. After a while, you will lather up shaving cream on top of the oil. I will tell you how much I missed you. Then you will start shaving me. I got you a present, a straight razor blade, a very, very sharp, carbon steel blade. You will shave me until my pussy pleases your eyes and arouses your desire. My cunt will exude my longing for you. Then we will dispense with all caution. What would it be like for you to fuck me like that? I am desperately waiting for your return.

I love you, Jenna

“My God, sweetheart, my God,” he said.

He went to retrieve his present after he told me to get naked like I described, but put on the little ankle socks and my Mary Janes. I stripped and draped on the thick white robe before reclining back on the chair, my ass elevated high on a couple of pillows, my legs spread and hung over the arms, my feet dangled with little ankle socks and Mary Janes. He kneeled before me, kissed my thighs while he laid out the straight edge shaving blade, lemon oil, alum pen, and shaving cream.

I started breathing a little harder as I felt his kisses and his fingers on my legs.

“Did you fuck anyone while I was away,” he asked, just before he started sucking my inner thighs.

“You need to be fucked HARD, really HARD.”

Then he sank his teeth into the flesh of my upper thigh. I was moaning as he massaged the lemon oil onto my pubic hair. I wanted his finger inside me but he refrained from my opened invitation. His fingers kneaded and whirled on me while my flesh and need swelled.

“I’m sorry I got to have some fun while you were suffering through all this alone,” then he lathered up the shaving cream over me.

“I was okay until I lost you on the map and the apartment started shaking; I started getting scared,” I said as I watched him turn and set his laptop for my view.

“I was recording the storm when the waves started crashing over the seawall on the beach.”

Then he took the blade into his hand and started shaving me while I watched the drenching downpour. The blade was first quite cool against my skin, scraping. I jerked and as with anticipation, he held the blade steadily away as the screams from his laptop filled the room. My heart was pounding and I held my breath when he pressed the blade against me again. My hands gripped the armchair. And I was gripped with terror watching the incredible surge crashing over the fifteen feet seawall and the camera was clearly shaking from the wind, the force, and perhaps the ground rumbling. Her screams made my blood run cold. I heard him shushing her.

I felt his fingers spread me apart.

“Hold still, sweetheart.”

I was breaking out in a fevered sweat and trembling. My heart pounded harder and raced faster.

“Hold very still,” he said again to me, and simultaneously I heard his duplicative voice, “Calm down, CALM DOWN, FOCUS. Yes, that’s it. Let me fuck your ass.”

And I watched shaking video recording the killer surges while the blade shaved my pussy lips. I flinched as she screamed again and I felt the nick. I felt myself gush with creamy lust, heavily laced with terror. He pressed the alum pen against the cut, then after a considerable pause, pushed the alum phallus into my slippery cunt. I arched slightly and swallowed hard.

I whispered, “I was insane horny with you away with her. I missed you so much. And then, I didn’t know where you were.”

It was my turn to be shushed while he ran the sharp blade along my folds and made my cunt completely bare. I could feel the soft, new smoothness as he felt me with his fingers. I let out a long breath when he finally set the blade down, only to let out a scream of my own in response to another chilling scream from the video.

He pulled the alum pen from my pussy, and pushed my knees up to my chest. Then he was on me, trying to push his cock into me. I was suddenly, astonishingly tight. It felt like the brute force of the storm, the power that it took for him to push into me. I cried out as if it was my first fuck. The background horrific screams became erotic screams before the sudden silence. We were knotted together like that, and time stood still as we stared into each other’s eyes. Then we fucked hard for a long time. Birthday suit bare cunt, shocking tightness, longing from absence, panic from not knowing, the terror of Mother Nature, culminated our most intense coupling.

Published 12 years ago

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