Night Shadows 3: the Breaking Light

"Shadowy creatures of darkness have possessed the living, disforming them into a shadoy horror bent on eating the world. Can she, alone, keep them at bay and drive them back."

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Through an ignorant sex ritual, attempting a new thrill, we had unwittingly opened the gate, allowing entities of shadowy darkness to gain a foothold in our realm. Of the seven of us, only I remained, my friends consumed and possessed by the vile, evil monstrosities of nightmare. Somehow unaffected by the demonic horrors that consumed them, eating their souls, I watched, paralyzed, as the thing that was once my friends fiendishly slouched towards me.

Jagged lightning speared across the abysmal night sky, casting brief, sickly glows about the thing that approached. Six mouths, six bodies, and six sets of limbs had oozed and melted into a malformed, lumbering giant. Kiera’s body, ashen with wretchedness, contorted and rolled into an obscene tangle of body, face, and limbs forming its head, her beautiful, frightful face in the dead center. The others melded into the body of the horrible thing before my eyes.

It was a bulbous, forbidden mutated thing, comprised of their six bodies, tangled together into a vaguely humanoid creature of darkness. Shadows, negative lightning, bound it together like exposed sinew on a rotting corpse; all six faces, embedded into the creature in the most horrifying of places, spat bile and spurted foul cum. The rotting stench of decay emanated from the nightmare of nude flesh before me. Throughout its sickly pulsating body, still-erect cocks could be seen, some of them pumping in and out of gaping, open, bloody wounds. In the center of the thing’s chest, a bloodied and raw female orifice opened and wagged, an obscene, snake-like tendril flicking out of the dripping hole like a demonic tongue in the throes of death spasms.

All the mouths shrieked at me, their spiteful, shrill voices sounding otherworldly, cresting like gusty wind.

“You be our key,” the thing cried to me. “Eating your fuck-flesh, drinking your cum will make us solid, make us one.”

I screamed in terror, in agony. My voice finally found substance in inescapable nightmare, drowning out their insane, tittering laughter.

”For we are legion,” the shadow-enshrouded creature spat. “When we feast upon your soul, our darkness shall eat the world. None can stand, as we are your darkness, your dreams. Give us your flesh.”

Finally finding the will to move, my terror gave my retreat extra haste. Screaming, with horrified tears blurring my vision, I sped from the firelight, away from the vile behemoth, as quickly as I could. When my panicked feet carried me outside the fire’s aura, the world had been splintered by nightmares and become a destitute misery of unholy chaos. The color of life had been drained from everything; oppressive clouds obscured the night sky. The leaves of the flora glistened in razor-sharp, silvery blackness, the branches morphed into ethereal, skeletal, fingers.

While living things shunned the blackened pit of despair the world had become, leaving no sounds to be heard, my maddened footfalls thudded hollowly on the ground, sounding distant. My gasping lungs and terrified screams took on the timbre of the netherworld as if every sound was heard through a rattling drum filled with diseased blood. If the creature-thing sought to consume me, being their key to true existence in this world, I would have to reverse the ritual, close the gate that gave them access, sending them back through the void.

In a frenzied, terrorized, panic, as dark, indescribable things manifested from the shadows and converged upon me, I sought Kiera’s Latin spell book, grabbing her candles and dagger. Hastily inscribing a circle in the musty earth, lighting candles, and thrusting her dagger into the center, I stripped nude.

If sex brought them forth, then it shall also send them back to the eternal void. Plunging my cunt over the dagger’s handle, fucking it like a hard cock, I bounced and writhed on the weapon, seeing the lumbering, nightmarish hulk of evil desecration approaching. I found a spell titled, “Discute Daemones,” and read from that as I forced my petrified, terrified self to near orgasm.

“Retro ad tenebras foedas;
Redeo ad inferos unde venisti.
Deleo te in eternum et nunc.
Animadverto creaturas vitae.
Desine nos in desperatione tua.
Redi unde venisti.”

The abominable, mutated thing that was once my friends howled in anguish as I chanted and fucked the cold, hard steel. It neared the circle, stopping at the perimeter, screaming in fury as it pounded against an unseen barrier.

Grabbing a candle, I threw the tome to the ground, plunging my dripping cunt on the hilt until it bled, rubbing the candle hard on my clit until a terrified, nightmarish orgasm ripped through my body. It did not banish them.

“Now we feast,” the thing screamed with its six blackened caverns of mouths.

Its limbs, multiple sexual organs, and entire body wavered, undulated, and began spewing wretched, sticky cum, bile, and puss. Horrified that my ritual was ineffectual, I was transfixed in place, the dagger still buried inside my pussy, as the mutated creature of darkness split into three vile things before me. They breached my circle.

One was humanoid, having the demonic death mask of Kiera as its face, a disembodied cock fucking it as it moaned in malicious passion and approached. Another thing, covered in sexual ooze and writhing on the ground, was a cocoon of rotted flesh, its limbs melded to its abhorrent flesh, both faces melting into each other, inching its way towards me, slinking on its boil-ridden belly. The third was beyond description, all horror, pestilence, and death, skeletal shadow-things skittering from its gaping wounds.

“We shall be whole,” the things cried, still of one harrowing, shrill, malicious voice.

With the world conquered by nightmares, the realm of the damned upon us, I did the only thing I could to deny them their absolute passage. Unthinking, consumed by horrific insanity, I pulled the dagger from the dank soil, vile maggots clinging to the blade, and plunged it into my pounding heart.

My blood ran red, the first saturated color I had seen in a long while. All horror and terror fled from me as I died. The things before me were pulled together by some unseen, unnatural force, becoming the mutated thing once more, before mixing and melding as it screamed. A brilliant globe of light exploded about me, blinding me, momentarily, the familiar, mundane world returning in its wake.

My dying thought was that I had beat it, beat them. The thing that was sculpted from the shadows of nightmare was being torn asunder, disintegrating. The light of my dying soul had vanquished them. Then I felt nothing except blessed, sweet oblivion.

Feeling haggard, I awoke, nude and confused, in the middle of the circle with my chest badly bruised, but with a still-beating heart. My six friends were arrayed about me, along the perimeter of my circle, slowly regaining consciousness.

“I had the worst, most terrifying nightmares,” Kiera said as Sylva nodded in solidarity.

The color, light, and chatter of living, growing things had returned to the world. I, however, fled from the medieval cosplayer camp, my friends, and the life I had led. I now live in solitude, keeping neither friends nor companions, only venturing forth in the sunlight. They are still out there, clawing at the thin veil between worlds. If by blood, flesh, and sex, they gain entry once more, they shall seek me out.

The darkness holds many terrors. The shadows of the night beckon. I shall guard the gate, never allowing myself, the key, to unlock it. My life is all light, light from every corner, casting no shadows.  There is substance and there is shadow; of this I am certain.


The end

Published 3 years ago

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