“I know,” Cindy said. “I’ve always loved you too. You know that, don’t you?”
“Yes. I want to talk to you about something. Come on outside after you get your coffee.” Al and Debby were sitting at the patio table when Cindy came outside in her PJs. It was another perfect day in southern California.
Al started, “Cindy, you know that you’re the most important person in our lives. You’re practically like family, and we love you very much. We were very appreciative of the help you provided Debby’s mom and dad when they needed it. Without you, we would have had to put them in an expensive nursing home. We can never repay you for that.”
Cindy was confused. She didn’t know where this was going.
“I didn’t do anything you guys wouldn’t have done for me.”
Al continued, “Nonetheless, it meant a lot to Debby’s parents and to us. Cindy, now that your parents have passed away, there’s absolutely no reason for you to stay in Pennsylvania. The weather is horrible, the job market is non-existent, and the people that you cared most about moved away years ago.”
So that’s where this was going. Debby had been nagging her for years about moving, but now Al had been recruited to gang up on her.
Al went on, “Cindy, Debby and I would like for you to move in with us. You can stay as long as you like, and you can move out whenever you like. Our house would be your house, you don’t have to feel like a guest. We’ll remodel one of the bedrooms and the spare bathroom exactly as you like it. I can help you find a job. What do you say?”
“It’s sweet of you guys to ask, but I can’t move in with you,” Cindy answered.
Debby started to say something, but Al put his hand on her arm and said, “Go on.”
“It’s too much of an imposition. You guys are my favorite people in the world, and I don’t want to crash your lives like that.”
Al replied, “Cindy, we want you to. Please say yes. You could give your notice to your company Monday, then start packing your personal things. In a couple of weeks, Cindy could fly up to help you over the long Easter weekend. I’ll call a company that will come out and pack everything else, load it on a truck, and Debby can ride back with you in your car.”
“I don’t know,” Cindy said.
“YES!” thought Debby to herself. “She’s softening.”
Al waited for Cindy to say more, giving her as much time as she needed to think. “What about my friends?” Cindy asked.
“Which friends are you closest to that still live there?” Al asked quietly.
Cindy thought about that for a few minutes, then said, “What about my job?”
“Cindy, three can live about as cheap as two. We’ll support you as long as it takes to find a job you like. There will be no money pressures while you live here. There are a lot of jobs in this area. If you want your own place, you can move out when you get your feet on the ground. We’d love to have you live with us forever, but you’re free to come or go as you wish. If it makes you feel better to help with the bills when you get a job, you can. If not, I don’t care. It’s up to you. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want while you’re here.”
Al was driving a hard bargain. Cindy’s mind was reeling, as she contemplated such a major change in her life.
“I’ll think about it,” she finally answered.
Debby got up and stood behind her, leaning over and hugging her from behind and kissing her.
“I love you,” she said.
“I love you too,” Cindy said with tears in her eyes.
Al got up and went inside, kissing both girls as he went.
“It’s time you lived near people who really love you,” Al said as he went inside.
That was the final shot. Cindy hadn’t realized how much she missed being around people who had that kind of love for her. And Al was right; very few of her friends that she cared about were left in her home town, and they were married with families of their own. She had nothing left in Pennsylvania. She began to warm to the idea of moving in with Al and Debby.
That night they all went to the movies and dinner. On the way home, Cindy announced that she was thinking that she might like living here, but she made them promise that they would tell her if she was in the way. After they changed into their PJs, Debby and Al called Cindy into their bedroom. They had a gift for her. Opening it up, she found a gag southern California survival kit, complete with string bikini (two sizes too small, of course), a valley girl dictionary, and more.
“Okay, now you have to model your new swimsuit,” Al announced.
Giggling, Cindy said, “Maybe some other time.”
They all lay on the bed talking and planning the move. Now that Cindy had decided to do it, she was beginning to get excited. Al was in the middle, with a girl cuddled up in each arm. Cindy was happier than she’d been in a long time, maybe ever. So were Debby and Al.
The two weeks after she got back were difficult. Moving day couldn’t arrive soon enough. The people at Cindy’s company had seemed supportive when she gave her two week’s notice, but they seemed so helpless to take over her tasks. She had decided not to worry about it, but it seemed to her they were just trying to make her feel guilty about being able to leave that God-forsaken town.
She began the task of organizing her stuff, and deciding what to get rid of. Her friends were sad she was leaving, but happy for her. They promised to stay in touch. Once Debby arrived, she was excited again. She’d completed her last day of work and left a little early to pick up Debby at the airport in Philly. She sure wouldn’t miss having to fly in and out of an airport so far from home. The girls were excited and talked non-stop all night about their plans and how great it would be to live in the same town again.
The next morning, the packers arrived bright and early and began knocking down her furniture and packing her stuff. She had decided not to keep any of her dishes, glasses, silverware, etc. She knew that she’d need it when she got her own place, but had no desire to pack it, move it and store it in the meantime. With the prices of apartments in San Diego, she didn’t see how she could ever afford to move out anyway, but Debby had told her that she’d be able to make a lot more money than she had here. So she was just going to trust her and play it by ear.
Soon after the stuff was packed, the truck showed up and the men began loading everything. Debby helped Cindy clean the now empty house that Cindy had grown up in. It was late in the evening when they were finished, and they drove to a friend’s house to spend the night. The next morning was Easter Sunday, a perfect day for a new beginning. They went to the sunrise service at their old church, then got on the road.
Cindy’s car was crammed with all her personal stuff that she didn’t trust to the movers. Debby and Cindy got an early start, and took turns driving until they were too worn out to continue. It would be four days of really hard driving to make the twenty nine hundred mile trip. The girls decided to make it easier on themselves and stretch it out to five days. As it happened, they didn’t arrive until Friday, exhausted from the trip, but with the weekend to rest up before Debby had to go back to work. Al had paid the lady at the florist shop nearby to decorate the house for their return, and they’d gone way over the top, with balloons, banners, signs and flowers everywhere, and a gift basket for each girl on the kitchen table.
Both girls ran into Al’s arms and he alternated kissing and hugging on them. Al had been alone for a week, and he was ready for companionship. Debby begged off the first night, she was so tired, and Al gave her a pass. Somebody was going to get it the next night, though. They stayed up for a while, talking about their trip, and about their plans for the upcoming weeks. Cindy wanted to get right to work looking for a job. Al tried to talk her into taking some time off to get settled in, but Cindy had already had two weeks off in the last month, and didn’t want to wait. Al had made some inquiries for her, so she had a game plan.
The girls slept in on Saturday and Al had an early tee time, so they were on their own when they woke up. Admiring all the fresh flowers and balloons, Cindy said, “Al is the sweetest man I’ve ever known, and the funniest to be around. He’s always cheerful and nice, and really funny and cute. I love him. You done good, Debby.”
“Yes, I have to admit the old fart is a good hubby. Maybe between the two of us, we can keep the old billy goat satisfied. Lord knows, it’s a tall order for just one lady,” responded Debby.
“Doesn’t it bother you to share him?” asked Cindy.
There. She’d done it. This was the subject that she had wanted to bring up, but she hadn’t been able to bring herself to discuss.
“I don’t think so with you, at least not so far. We talked about that. I could never have imagined doing so. But watching you two really turns me on. I’m not into girls, but watching steamy sex is hot. I have to say, it’s about time you had a decent man in your life, even if it is mine,” she laughed.
“I never enjoyed sex before. Al’s really thoughtful about a girl’s needs, huh?”
“Yeah, he is.”
“I wish there was something special we could do for him. He’s always doing thoughtful stuff for us,” said Cindy.
“There is,” Debby answered.
“What? What does he like? Golf?” asked Cindy.
“No, silly. Three words. S. E. X.”
“Huh?” Cindy replied.
“He likes sex. He lives for sex. We could have sex six days in a row and he’d bitch about not getting it the seventh. We could screw all day, and he’d dream about it at night. If you want to do something special for Al, you tease him, then relieve him. Repeat if necessary”
“Hmmm. That sounds fun,” said Cindy.
“Yeah, especially teasing him. He gets so horny, he gets goofy. It’s kind of fun playing with him like that.”
“He likes being teased?” Cindy asked.
“He loves it. I’ve kept him going for two days before, and he sticks to me like glue until we have sex. We’ll have to think up something devious for tonight, especially since he’s gone without for a whole week.”
They strategized for a few minutes, then Cindy said, “Oooh, you’re mean. Count me in.”
The girls looked at the plan that Debby and Al had gotten from a remodeling company. It involved taking the two spare rooms and bathroom at the end of the house opposite the master bedroom, and turning it into another master suite. Until now, they had just served as overflow closets. One had a queen bed and little else, the other had a treadmill that would be moved outside under the covered patio. The closets and bathroom cabinets were full of stuff. The workers would begin Monday, so Debby and Cindy needed to empty out everything from those rooms.
Al called, and said he’d be home in an hour and would be hungry, so the girls cleaned up and put their plan into motion. They fired up the grill to make hamburgers, and began cutting up the lettuce and tomatoes. They were wearing their tanning bikinis for starters. Before the day was out, Al would be given a show, as the girls intended to model several outfits for his viewing pleasure. For now, though, the bikinis would be perfect.
As Al sped home, he was thinking of the girls. A week had gone by since he’d last had sex, and he was more than ready.
“Man, this arrangement could be really sweet if I don’t screw it up,” he thought. “Two great looking babes in the house.”
He had mentally undressed both of them repeatedly these last few days, and couldn’t decide which was sexier. Of course, that was a question he would never answer to the girls. That could only lead to trouble.
There were a few things that Al knew could mess up this great arrangement, he had to be very careful not to do any of them. First, he needed to tread carefully when it came to Cindy; he didn’t yet know how that was going to play out.
Secondly, he knew better than to ever say a word to anyone. Not that he would have, but that would be the quickest way to screw up things. And third, he needed to watch the teasing. Al was a big teaser, but he needed to be careful not to tease Cindy about this. Debby was very protective of her best friend.
When he got home, he saw the girls in their swimsuits on the patio, and went into his room to put on his swim trunks. He came outside just as they were putting the hamburgers on the grill.
“Hello sweetie,” Debby said, rubbing up against Al and giving him a big kiss.
“Hi, Al,” Cindy said as she came up on his other side and hugged him.
“Wow, a guy could get used to this,” Al said. “Grilled hamburgers with everything, including sexy babes in bikinis. I think I’d like this for lunch every day.”
After lunch, the girls untied the back of their bikini tops and lay out, chatting while Al floated in his pool lounger and watched the girls sunbathe. Every time the girls moved to put on lotion or change positions, Al got a view of the side or bottom of their breasts. Occasionally a nipple would flash momentarily. Their bottoms had less fabric than panties, and Al could watch their butts all day long.
When the girls got too hot, they got into the pool and lay on their floats, not bothering to tie their tops. That gave Al a great view of both of them several times as they maneuvered to get on the floats and center themselves for balance. When they turned over on their backs, Al got off his pool lounger and came up between them, pulling their floats over to him.
“I sure have been missing you guys,” he said. “This house has been pretty lonely the last week. It’s good to have you home.”
“You’re sweet,” Debby said, as the girls went back to chatting.
“Can you get me the lotion please, Al?” Cindy asked him. “I think I need some more on my legs.”
Al walked over to the side of the pool and grabbed the tube, then came back and started spreading it on Cindy’s legs. Cindy turned over and allowed him to put it on the back of her legs. Al got a little carried away and started putting it in between her legs.
“I think I’m good there, Al, but thank you. Does my back look okay?”
Cindy was resting her head on her arms, exposing the sides of her nice tits. Al began rubbing the lotion on her back and sides, brushing up against her tits.
Cindy said, “Thank you Al, that’s good.”
“Do you need some, Debs?” Al asked.
“Thanks. I could use some on my back and shoulders.”
Debby turned over, accidentally exposing her entire chest in the process. Al began rubbing the lotion on her. He was fully erect now, and he could think of nothing other than ramming his dick in both of these girls. However, they seemed content to lie in the sun, so it appeared he’d have to wait. He got out of the pool, wiped off his hands, and sat at the table, reading a magazine and watching the girls.
The girls continued teasing Al for another hour before announcing they’d had enough sun and were ready to tackle the closets in the guest room. They changed while Al put away the floats and started on the dishes.
Coming into the kitchen, Debby announced, “I’ll finish up in here. We’ll need your help with the bed and treadmill.”
Al went to shower while Debby finished the kitchen. When he went into the spare bedroom, the girls had already started emptying the closets. They were both wearing short terrycloth shorts that clung to their butts. Debby was wearing one of Al’s favorite outfits, one she only wore around the house when they were alone; an oversized, loose sleeveless T-shirt that totally exposed her little tits if she wasn’t careful when she turned or bent over. She wasn’t very careful.
Cindy was wearing a Hooters crop top t-shirt that she had been given as a gag gift. She’d kept it to re-gift it if the right occasion arose, but decided it would be perfect for today’s show. Whenever she reached up, Al could see the bottoms of her tits, and when she bent over he could see most of them, if he was in the right position. Cindy made sure she bent over or reached up often, and Al made sure he was in the right position often.
While Al broke down the bed, the girls went through the stuff in the closet, creating a pile for donation, a pile of stuff that Debby wanted to keep, and a pile for disposal. When Al took the bed to the garage he brought back trash bags that the girls used to bundle up the donation pile and get rid of the trash pile.
Then they moved into the other room, and the girls helped Al move the treadmill onto the patio. “Okay, we can get the rest done alone if you’ve something else to do,” Debby told Al.
“That’s okay, I’ll help, I’m not doing anything,” Al answered.
Cindy smiled inwardly, knowing that the scheme Debby had hatched was working to perfection. She had never intentionally teased a man before. It was a lot more fun than she’d expected. She exaggerated her motions to give Al longer and better views up her crop top, such as bending over at the waist very slowly to pick up things, or raising her arms high and leaning to each side, as though she needed to stretch.
Finally, they went into the spare bathroom and cleaned out the cabinets. Working in very close quarters now, Al could smell the girls strongly, as they had worked up quite a sweat lying in the sun and working on the closets. It was intoxicating this close up.
After finishing, Cindy said, “I need to get my car washed, it’s filthy from the trip. I can’t stand to drive it like that.”
Debby said, “Mine needs it too. Why don’t we just do it ourselves in the driveway?”
Al moved the long hose around, and got out the buckets, sponges and towels for the girls. Because of their side-entry garage, the part of the driveway they used to wash cars was well back of the street, so the girls wouldn’t be putting on a provocative a show for the neighbors. Once they were set up, Al got a folding chair out of the garage and a bottle of water and sat in the shade with his sunglasses on, watching the girls. If the show in the spare rooms had been nice, this one was going to be fantastic, as the girls had to bend, reach and stretch a lot to get their cars washed.
They started with Cindy’s car, hosing it down, then soaping it with the sponges. While Cindy worked on the top of the car, Al could see the bottoms of her tits jiggling under the crop top. Cindy accidentally sprayed Debby as she was rinsing off the car, and that started a water fight that left both of them wet. That just added to Al’s fun, as the thin material of the clothes they were wearing became see through.
Once they finished putting up the cars, they put away the gear and threw the towels in the laundry room.
“Al, I’m really sore from five days of driving. Would you mind giving me one of your special massages?” Debby asked.
“Oooh, me too, me too,” said Cindy.
“Oh, all right,” Al said with feigned reluctance. “You girls are a lot of work, you know.”
“We’ll have to shower first, we’re too sweaty right now,” Debby said.
Cindy was the first one out of the shower, and she came into Al’s room wearing nothing but a towel. Al had already set up the table and was waiting for her. She unabashedly dropped the towel and lay face down on the table. Al warmed some oil in his palms, then began working it into her back in long, smooth motions. His thumbs ran down either side of her spine, then swept out to her sides and back up to her shoulders. His pressure was gentle, and he repeated this many times as he gradually stepped up the pressure. He could see the sides of her titties as they were flattened onto the towel she was lying on. When he lifted an arm to begin working on it, he got an even better view. Debby had finished her shower and was lying on their bed watching the massage, wrapped in a bath towel.
Al could never give a massage to Debby without getting aroused, and it was clear that giving one to Cindy turned him on just as much. Not that he needed much stimulation today; he hadn’t had sex in a week and he’d been teased for hours by the girls. His cock was as hard as it could get and strained against his shorts.
As Al worked on Cindy’s upper arm, supporting it at the elbow, her lower arm swung free with her hand near his shorts. She reached over and gave his dick a little squeeze, which made Al’s knees buckle. Al removed his shorts, hoping for more contact without any material in the way. He continued kneading Cindy’s arms, but Cindy didn’t seem interested in his cock anymore. Moving to the other side of the table, he began working on the other arm. Cindy put her hand on the head of Al’s dick and ran her hand down the upper side of it. She didn’t want to touch the sensitive underside of his dick, as she wasn’t ready for him to cum yet.
Al now began working on Cindy’s feet and legs. This was what was sorest from sitting in the car so long and Cindy really enjoyed the feeling of Al kneading her feet, calves, thighs and buttocks.
“Umm, that feels so good. I didn’t realize how sore I was,” said Cindy.
Al continued kneading her lower body for a full fifteen minutes. Cindy felt so relaxed she could have gone to sleep and allow Al to continue forever. Finally he turned her on her back. Lifting a leg at the hip and holding it under the knee into his torso with one arm, he began kneading the area where the hamstring connects with the butt. The stretching and the kneading felt so delicious. Al moved to the other side to work the other leg, his stiff dick bouncing as he walked.
Debby was lying on her side, her head on one hand while she absently played with herself with the other. She rubbed her outer lips and pulled at the few short blond hairs she had. Al was working up a sweat and his nude body glistened. Occasionally he wiped his brow with a hand towel. Cindy’s body was glistening from all the oil that Al had used on her. As he continued to work her buttocks and hamstrings, Cindy continued to moan and tell him how good it felt. Al was working very near her pussy. Whenever he brushed up against it, she said, “Mmmm.” He began brushing against it more often, and she didn’t indicate any disapproval.
Al pulled her by the waist to the edge of the table, raised her butt onto a cushion, and spread her legs. He dived in to her muff, licking the entire length of her slit. Then he took a vibrator, oiled it up and slowly worked it into her pussy. He turned it on and began licking her clitoris. As he licked, it began to rise from the protective hood.
Cindy was in heaven as Al flicked his tongue over her clit while the vibrator filled her pussy. It was hard to believe that she had rarely had an orgasm before this last trip to California, and now she didn’t feel she could live without regular ones. After going without an orgasm for over a week, and spending the last few hours in skimpy clothes teasing Al, she was more than ready. After only a few minutes of the tongue treatment she exploded in orgasm. The orgasm, on top of the wonderful massage left her a limp noodle. Al picked her up from the table and Debby took her place.
Debby lay on her front, arms beside her, expecting the same soothing massage that Al had given Cindy. And she was ready for a happy ending. She had gotten very turned on watching Cindy have her orgasm. But Al had only started on her back when he snapped. He’d had enough and could stand no more. He pulled Debby’s butt off the edge of the table. Her feet touched the floor. Al spread oil on his dick and put it between Debby’s legs, working it into her pussy.
“Hey, what about my massage?” Debby asked.
Al just grunted.
Debby raised her hips, pulling her pussy off of Al’s dick.
Al shuddered as his dick popped out and he grunted, trying frantically to reengage. Teasing Al was a lot of fun, but Debby realized he’d gone over the edge. Feeling sorry for him, she allowed him to put his dick back in her. After he’d worked it all the way in, he violently pumped in and out no more than four times before his body tensed, then convulsed into orgasm. He growled loudly as he spewed thick cum into her. Debby would have to get her massage another day. Cindy had never seen anything so incredible in her life as this display of animal lust. She knew she was going to love living in California.