Best Friends – Chapter 2

"Wife's best friend comes to visit"

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The next morning it took Cindy a minute to realize she was in Debby’s bed, and to remember why. She couldn’t believe what she had done. If she could have made herself disappear forever, she would have done so. She’d never been more embarrassed. The clock said ten A.M. She got up and went to the guest room to pee, brush her teeth and put on a robe. Al was pouring a cup of coffee in the kitchen, and seeing Cindy, he grabbed another cup.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” Al said, as he gave her a morning hug. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“Okay. Why do you ask?” Cindy said.

“I was wondering if your sunburn still hurt”.

“Oh, that. No, it’s okay. I’ll put on some more lotion before I get dressed”.

Cindy had been afraid he’d been asking about something else, but it appeared he was going to act as though nothing had happened. What would Debby have to say about her shameful behavior? She might as well find out. She had to sometime. Cindy joined Debby on the patio, where she was reading the paper.

“Good morning,” Debby said. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, how about you?”

“Oh, I guess I could have skipped a couple of those drinks yesterday. I felt a little rough when I got up, but I’m okay now. I’m going to get some juice. You want some?” Debby asked.

“Not now, thanks.”

So it appeared that last night wasn’t going to be talked about. That was fine with Cindy. She doubted she’d ever get over the embarrassment of her behavior last night, but it would have been unbearable if Debby had been angry or if Al teased her about it. When Debby got back outside, she asked Cindy if she was still up for the trip to the zoo. Cindy loved going to the San Diego zoo, and the weather was perfect for an outing. They decided to leave at eleven thirty and get lunch on the way. Al had jogged to DeeDee’s and retrieved his truck earlier.

By Monday morning, Cindy’s burn had turned into nice tan, and the girls had the house to themselves all week while Al worked. They lazed away Monday and Tuesday shopping, laying around the pool, reading and talking, though they did take Butch for a jog every morning. Wednesday was Cindy’s birthday, and Debby made an excuse to get out of the house for a couple of hours to shop for a present and pick up a birthday cake.

Cindy went straight for the computer, certain she’d be able to hear Debby’s car when she returned. She’d though of little else since Saturday night other than Al’s huge erection straining at his shorts while he rubbed her pussy to an orgasm, and she still felt pleasurable tingles in her crotch every time she thought of it. She went straight for one of her favorite videos, one she’d watched several times already.

Al was lying on his back and had a full erection, while Debby was on top, kissing him deeply. She rubbed her hands all over his body, intentionally neglecting his circumcised dick to tease him. She held his sac in her hand, gently playing with his balls. That caused his hard dick to twitch, which caused Cindy’s pussy to ache. Debby continued kissing and caressing Al’s beautiful body, while he tried to position his dick where her hand would touch it. She teased him playfully, pretending she would stop if he wasn’t patient.

Al tried to knead Debby’s tits and play with her nipples, or rub her butt and pussy, but Debby would allow him to do this only a couple of seconds at a time before playfully pushing his hand away in false modesty, saying, “You’re naughty. Don’t touch me there or I’ll have to leave”.

Though you could tell from Debby’s hardening nipples that she was enjoying herself, she showed no signs of quickening her pace or providing Al any relief. He softly moaned as her hand approached his dick, but invariably her hand veered off in another direction. She kept this up for almost ten minutes before she finally allowed her hand to “accidentally” brush against Al’s penis.

“Aaahhh,” Al gasped.

Debby immediately jerked her hands away from Al.

“Ooh, I’m sorry,” Debby playfully apologized. “Did I touch your pee-pee? It was an accident. I promise I won’t do that again”.

She was good at this teasing, and Al didn’t look like he would tire of it anytime soon. She resumed the stroking and caressing, but now she allowed her hand to brush against Al’s shaft every minute or so, which always elicited another grunt from Al. After ten minutes of this, the “accidental” contact began to occur more frequently. The look on Al’s face was almost a grimace. His dick was so hard that the head had turned almost purple. His sac, which had been large and flaccid, showing off large balls, had now contracted tightly against the base of his dick.

The image switched to a tight close-up of Al’s crotch whenever Debby’s hand got near it. Debby rubbed the now bumpy sac, much to Al’s delight, as Cindy fantasized about being able to run her hands over his balls and dick. Apparently tiring of laying on one side, Debby climbed over Al to the other side. As she was over Al with a leg on each side of him and her hands on his chest, she paused briefly, allowing her pussy to rest just out of reach of his dick.

As Al raised his hips to make contact, Debby continued over to the other side. The camera angle changed to the other side, as Debby lay on her right side, continuing her teasing. Now she brushed Al’s dick almost every she rubbed up or down his body. On one occasion, she gave it a little squeeze.

“UHHNNGGG,” Al grunted from the back of his throat.

“Oh, did you like that?” asked Debby. “I’ve been trying to avoid touching you there. I didn’t know you liked it. You should have told me, I would have done that ages ago.”

Now Debby began rubbing in smaller and smaller circles around Al’s crotch, and allowing him to play with her titties without stopping him. Taking a bottle of oil, she dribbled it onto his dick, making it twitch. She kept letting it dribble until it covered his dick, running down the shaft, over his balls, onto the towel he was lying on. Debby spread the oil all over his dick with her hand very gently, so gently he could hardly feel the contact.

She rubbed his sac, stopping at the base of his dick, then held the entire sac in her hand. Now she turned her attention to his dick. Squeezing hard, she pumped twice, causing Al to buck violently and let out a loud grunt. Then she squeezed hard at the base of his dick for half a minute, preventing ejaculation. When Al’s breathing approached normal, she did the same thing again. Two pumps, then a hard squeeze at the base of the shaft. The third time, a clear fluid began to dribble out of Al’s Dick, and Debby gave it one more pump. That opened the floodgates. A large glob of white semen ran out, then smaller sprays shot onto Al’s belly and chest as he groaned.

Cindy was breathing hard and her pussy ached to have Al finger her again. She closed the program and checked her email, then shut down the computer. Debby got back from the store a little later and they cleaned up the patio and kitchen a little before Al got home.

Al got off work early to celebrate Cindy’s birthday. He and Debby cooked one of Cindy’s favorite meals for her birthday, and Debby had picked up a gourmet birthday cake from an exclusive shop nearby. Everything was perfect. They had plenty of wine with their meal, and after dinner drinks. Out came the cake, candles lit, and they sang Happy Birthday.

Cindy opened her gifts. Debby had picked up a cool jacket that they had looked at Monday when they were shopping. Debby had talked Cindy out of buying it, then had apparently slipped back into the store and asked them to hold it for her.

Al, true to his form, had a humorous card and a gag gift; the card had an “over the hill” message, the gift was a vibrator in the shape of a dildo. He always got her inappropriate, embarrassing or politically incorrect gifts. This year he had done all three with the same gift. Cindy had never had a vibrator before. Although he may have meant it as a gag gift, she might have to keep it to reenact some of the scenes from the videos she’d watched, once she got home.

Cindy read the card aloud, “This card entitles the bearer to a custom massage, courtesy of Al.”

“Hmm, very interesting,” Cindy thought.

“Al’s really gotten good at giving massages,” Debby said. “Since he got that massage table a few years ago, he’s been getting better and better. It’s just as good as going to a day spa and paying big bucks. You’ll enjoy it.”

Debby thought, “yeah, I bet I will,” but she didn’t say anything.

After dinner, they all went into the hot tub. The drinks were flowing and everybody was feeling good. The girls took off their tops and were teasing Al, who had removed his trunks. After a half hour or so, they were ready for refills, and the water was getting too hot for them, so they put on their clothes and climbed out. Refreshing their drinks, Cindy announced she was ready to redeem her massage coupon. That left Debby on kitchen cleanup duty.

Al had discussed this gift with Debby ahead of time.

Debby had told him, “As long as you leave your dick in your shorts, you can give her a massage.”

Whenever Al gave Debby a massage, his dick never stayed in his shorts. He got more excited by giving them than Debby got by getting them. But he had gotten really good at massages with years of practice, so she agreed to let him give Cindy one, with that one condition.

Al set up the massage table in his bedroom, then lit a few scented candles, put on some soft music and got out his massage oils and gear.

“Take off or leave on whatever amount of clothing you’re most comfortable with, then lay on the table face down, and cover yourself with the towels,” Al said. “I’ll wait a few minutes and come in”.

Cindy went to the guest bathroom, removed her swimsuit and dried off. She put on a pair of PJs and went into the master bedroom, but then removed them, lay on the massage table, and covered herself with two towels, one for her lower body and one for her upper. She was completely nude, and began re-running in her mind the video of Al giving Debby an erotic massage. She doubted Al would do that for her, but she could fantasize. And anyway, just having him touch her was erotic enough.

When Al came in, it took a moment for his eyes to become accustomed to the low lighting. Then he could make out Cindy’s panties and PJ’s on the bed, and knew that she was completely naked under the towels.

Warming up some oil on his hands, he started on her neck and shoulders, then worked his way down her spine and circled back out to her sides and up to her neck again. He started out very gently, and took his time. Refreshing the oil occasionally, he was beginning to find tight muscles in Cindy’s shoulders and upper back, and work on them until they relaxed. He could see the sides of Cindy’s generous tits, smashed against the table, but not her nipples. He was already hard as a rock. He always got hard when he rubbed on Debby, and rubbing on Cindy had the same effect.

He replaced the towel over Cindy’s back and went to her arms, working his way down to the hands. Cindy couldn’t believe how good this felt, she had never had a real massage. Sometimes people might rub her neck, but not a full massage like this. Twenty five minutes had passed, and Al had worked up a good sweat, even though the night was cool and he was wearing only his long boxers and t-shirt.

He now switched to Cindy’s lower body, starting at the feet and working his way up. Cindy’s calves were really tight, and Al spent quite a bit of time on them. His hands were large and strong, allowing him to use his palms rather than his fingers. This meant he could work deep into her muscles without pinching or hurting. As the tightness in her muscles melted away, she blissfully replayed the images of Al rubbing oil all over Debby’s nude body, much as he was doing hers, then licking her over and over again.

She longed to have her pussy caressed and licked. Nobody had ever done that to her before. As Al worked his way higher up her legs, she began to part her legs ever so slightly, without even being fully aware she was doing it. Al began kneading the large muscles in her buttocks, the backs of her thighs and her hips. Now Cindy was lifting her butt in the air and separating her legs, giving Al better access to her thighs (and a better view). It was obvious what Cindy wanted, but Al covered her back up and patted her on the butt, ending the massage session.

Grabbing a hand towel, he wiped the oil off his hands and the sweat off his forehead. He bent over and gave Cindy a kiss on the head, and left her in the room alone. Cindy was totally relaxed, except for the longing in her pussy. After a while, she got up, wrapped the towel around her, grabbed her clothes and went to the guest room. She took a shower, put on her PJs and robe, and rejoined Debby and Al.

“Wow, that was great, Al. Thanks. Great birthday present. You guys are the best.”

She gave them both a big hug and kiss, and said her goodnights.

As Al and Debby were getting ready for bed, Al decided to broach a subject he’d been thinking about.

“Debs, have you been bugging Cindy about moving out here again?”

“No, why?”

“Because you do every time she visits.”

“Well, I mentioned it once, but she didn’t say anything, so I dropped it.”

Debby always pestered Cindy to no end about moving to California. While Al really liked Cindy, and would love to have her move, he didn’t like bugging her about it. However, during this stay he was starting to change his mind.

He said, “I usually try to get you to back off of her, but I’m starting to think that living in that miserable town is bad for her. She needs to make a change, and I’m willing to talk to her. But I want you to think long and hard about it first. I want you to consider how it will affect us and consider carefully if you’re okay with that.”

“Like what?” Debby asked.

“We don’t know how long she’ll stay with us. She can get a job making more money, but it’s a lot more expensive to live here. So there’s a chance she’ll stay with us for a year or more, maybe much more.”

“So? I love having her stay with us. There’s plenty of room and it won’t cost much more for three to live than two. You work all the time, it’ll be nice having her around,” Debby answered.

“Yeah, I’ll love having her too, but it will involve sacrifices.

And I just want to make sure that it doesn’t impact our marriage.”

“Why would it affect our marriage?”

“First off, you’re reluctant to have sex when she stays with us, and that’s not going to fly if she lives with us. You’re going to have to change, or I’m going to be unhappy. Secondly, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but she’s a very horny little girl. She’s never been like this before, so I assume it has to do with those videos of us she’s been watching.”

He continued, “She’s thirty five years old, and she probably hasn’t had sex ten times in the last ten years. Even then, it’s been with total losers. Not to mention the one serious boyfriend she’s ever had, Tony, who was a big dickhead and probably didn’t do anything to satisfy her. Those videos have shown her that sex can be fun, and she wants to have fun. She wants sex, and she wants to have it with me. You saw her the other night. That was probably the first time a man ever pleasured her. Tonight, when I gave her a massage, she made it clear she was wanting the same. How do you feel about that?”

“I don’t know,” Debby acknowledged.

“Well, you’d better think about it before pestering her to move here.”

“How do you propose to deal with all that?” Debby asked.

“Well, I’d love to have sex with both of you, but not if it comes between you and me, or between you and Cindy. I’d rather not have her move if that’s what happens.”

“Maybe you could just do what you did the other night every once in a while,” Debby suggested.

“Maybe we could try, but you know as well as I do that a horny naked woman in my bed is eventually going to get more than a handjob. We need to decide now how we’re going to deal with it. Either we’ll have to keep her out of our bed, or you’re going to have to be okay with sharing me. And I’m not positive that just keeping her out of our bedroom is enough. There’s always the hot tub or the pool. You know how turned on I get when you two tease me all the time. How would you feel about me screwing your friend?”

“Wow, I’d have to think about that. The other night, when you made her cum, I was so turned on I couldn’t stand it. It was kind of like when I watch the videos of us having sex. I don’t think I’d like it if you had sex with her when I wasn’t around, but if I was there it might be okay,” Debby said.

“Do you want to try while she’s here on this trip, before we mention her moving in?” Al asked.

“I guess so,” said Debby.

“You’d better be certain. Don’t guess,” Al warned.

“What makes you so certain that she even wants to? You think you’re some sort of sex magnet that women can’t resist?”

“Debby! I’m not claiming to be Brad Pitt, but I’m not blind either.”

“Okay, okay, we’ll try.”

Friday night after work, everyone at Al’s company and their spouses were invited to happy hour at a local country club. It was hosted by a vendor that did business with Al’s company, as their VP of sales was in town. Debby had tried to convince Cindy to come, but she begged off.

“You’re sweet to worry about me, but I’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll stay here with Butch and eat ice cream and watch TV. You kids have fun,” Cindy told them.

As Debby walked out the door in her little black dress, she said, “It’s just drinks and hors d’oeuvres, so we should be home around eight or eight thiry. There are plenty of leftovers in the fridge, help yourself. Bye.”

“I’ll be fine. Have fun,” Cindy replied.

After Debby pulled off, Cindy went to the computer and began watching videos. She had just had her first orgasm in a long time last Saturday, but it seemed her needs were more urgent, not less so. She had gotten so turned on lying nude on the massage table in front of Al while he ran his hands all over her body. She pulled up the video of Al giving the erotic massage to Debby and watched it, replaying Debby’s happy ending several times. She also played some that she hadn’t seen yet. Debby had an orgasm in almost every single video. Cindy was jealous. She had never had an enjoyable sexual experience with a man, unless you could count last Saturday night in Al and Debby’s bed.

As badly as she wanted something to fill her, and as much as she needed relief, she still didn’t play with herself. It just seemed weird to her. Her perception of sex and of her body had been distorted by her sad choices of boys, and it would take some doing to change that. So she drove herself to distraction watching the videos, her pussy aching with desire as she imagined Al using her over and over.

Al and Debby arrived around eight o’clock.

“Hello, sweetie,” Al said, giving her a hug and a kiss on the lips. “Did you get something to eat?”

“Yeah, I’m okay. I ate those leftovers from last night.”

“Okay, then you girls get your clothes off and let’s hit the hot tub,” Al ordered.

Al turned on the hot tub from the remote control, and everybody went to change. While they were waiting for the tub to heat up, they poured the remaining half of a bottle of chilled wine into three plastic cups that could go out by the pool. Debby opened another bottle and put it in a bucket of ice to take with them. When the water temp hit 85 degrees on it’s way up to 102, they slid into the tub. Al took off his trunks and positioned himself over his favorite jet, which pounded his lower back. Rising up and back down, he could massage his entire lower back.

“Aaahhh”, he purred. “Debby, why don’t you be a good girl and grab that hand held?”

“Why don’t you get it?” Debby asked.

“It’s nice and warm in here. You don’t want me to have to go out there where it’s cool, do you? That wouldn’t be very considerate,” Al said. “Besides, I might embarrass our guest in my current state of undress.”

“Oh, okay. You owe me,” Debby replied, getting out of the tub and grabbing a flexible hose out of a storage bin full of pool supplies.

Al pushed a button on the poolside controller, and the jets stopped blowing. He unscrewed one of the jets, and replaced it with the hand held jet, then he turned the jets back on. Now he had a jet on a flexible length of hose that could reach even the hardest to reach parts of his body, and he used it to massage his feet and legs. By turning the head, he could adjust the power of the jet by controlling the amount of air mixed with the water.

“My turn,” Debby said. “After all, I’m the one that got it.”

“Not so fast,” Al said. “First you gotta take off your top.”

“That’s not a rule, you just made that up,” Debby complained.

“True, but I’m the one that’s got what you want. So you gotta show me what I want,” Al joked.

Debby slid off her bikini top and threw it on the wall between the hot tub and pool.

“Okay, give it to me”.

“Oh, like this?” Al said as he sprayed her stomach and tits with the jet.

“No, give it to me, turd.”

“That’s no way to talk in front of company,” Al said, handing over the jet. “I know what you want to use it for, you naughty little girl.”

“Hah, Hah, very funny,” Debby said, though she had used it for the purpose he was suggesting more than once, usually with Al deep inside her.

She lay back and stretched out her legs, resting them on the pool wall as she ran the jet up and down her legs and all over her body.

Giving it back to Al, she said, “Do the bottoms of my feet.”

Al worked on her feet for a while, then gave it back to her. He picked her up and set her on his lap, poking her in the back with his hard cock as he fondled her titties. Debby pushed his hands away because Cindy was watching.

“Ah, you’re no fun,” Al said. “Come here, Cindy, we don’t need that grumpy old Debby anyway, do we?” Grabbing Cindy around the waist and putting her up on his lap, he asked, “Enjoying yourself?”

“This is paradise,” Cindy answered. “Better than being at a resort.”

“You want a turn with the flex-jet?” Al asked her.


“If we can get it away from Debby, I’ll show you what it can do. But first, you know the rules,” Al said. “You gotta take off your top. Something about the material interferes with the jet,” Al joked.

Cindy slid off her top under cover of the bubbles and took the jet, experimenting with the different pressures to see what felt best. She let Al take it and work on her feet and calves, which felt really good. Al put his hands on her waist and lifted her back onto his lap.

“You want me to show you some new tricks with it?” he asked.

“Can I trust you?” Cindy asked.

“Of course, I’m a perfect gentleman.”

“Okay,” Cindy said.

“Alright, take off your bottoms,” Al said.

“I thought you said I could trust you,” Cindy said.

“Oh, you can trust me okay,” Al said as he started tugging on her bottoms. Once she got them off, Al said, “Lay back against me and stretch out your legs and rest your feet on the pool wall.”

As Cindy lay back against Al, she could feel the head of his erect dick in the small of her back. Al turned down the pressure on the jet and positioned it at the opening of Cindy’s pussy.

“Let me know what pressure feels best,” he said, as he slowly began increasing the pressure.

The second the water hit her pussy, Cindy stiffened and jumped a bit, startled. As Al moved the jet up and down, occasionally the jet hit a place that felt extra nice.

“Here, you hold it,” Al said. “You know what feels best”.

Cindy took the jet and held it to her pussy, blasting water inside. She tried varying the pressure and using it directly on her clit. Al began playing with her tits and toying with her stiff nipples. Cindy’s legs weren’t quite long enough to comfortably reach the opposite wall, so her feet kept slipping and she would slide down Al’s chest, getting her face wet. Debby moved into the position directly across from Cindy and allowed Cindy to rest her legs on Debby’s lap, which was more comfortable.

Debby began massaging her feet and legs, while Al massaged her breasts and the jet massaged her pussy. Al began kissing the back of her neck, her ears and the side of her face. Turning her head toward Al, Cindy kissed him deeply on the lips while her pussy was being bombarded by the jet. She couldn’t remember anything that ever felt so exquisite. Cindy had four hands rubbing her body, but it felt like a hundred. She could barely tell where the pleasure was coming from, her entire body felt like it was being caressed. Soon she could feel the waves of pleasure mounting toward an orgasm, and when it came it exploded, washing her body in wave after wave of pleasure. She went limp, and Al took the jet from her hand and set her down next to him.

“Your turn,” he said to Debby.

Debby wasn’t sure she would be able to cum with a spectator, but Al had convinced her she mustn’t be shy if she wanted to convince Cindy that it would be okay to share their house. Hopping onto Al’s lap, she put her feet on the opposite wall and took the jet. Debby knew from experience exactly what pressure felt best and where to direct it. Al played with her titties and her hard nipples.

Al loved her little tits and her responsive nipples and never tired of playing with them. He began kissing her all over. Debby reached around and held his dick. After only a few minutes of this, Debby realized that she wasn’t going to have any problem having an orgasm in front of her friend. Turning around to put her lips on Al’s, she kissed him deeply as she had a huge orgasm. She moaned loudly as Al continued kissing her and holding her tight. As he felt her body relax, he let go.

Turning off the hot tub, he said, “Well, it looks like almost everybody is satisfied. It’s time to take this party inside.”

Al got out of the hot tub, not bothering to put on his trunks first. He began drying off, his large, stiff penis bobbing up and down as he moved. The girls got out nude as well, dried off and wrapped a towel around themselves. Al herded them all into his bedroom, then lay Cindy down next to him. He reached into the nightstand and pulled out a hand towel.

He pulled Cindy to him and began kissing her and rubbing his hands all over her body. She was shaking in anticipation of Al entering her. She could hardly believe it, though she’d thought of little else the last week. He began rubbing up and down the length of Cindy’s slit. Gradually he worked his way past her outer lips, then her inner lips, and finally worked two fingers into her pussy, as he began sucking and licking her tits and nipples.

“Debby, why don’t you pull out that toy of yours?” Al said.

Debby had just been watching, and she now reached into her nightstand for her vibrator and lay next to Cindy. Al turned Cindy on her side, facing away from him, as he began working his cock into her very aroused pussy. As he slowly worked himself in, Cindy began to feel like her whole body was filled in a way she’d never remembered feeling. Debby put a little lubricant on the vibrator and began toying Cindy’s clit with it..

Cindy had just had an orgasm thirty minutes ago, but it didn’t take long for her to realize she was going to have another. This would be the first time in her life she’d had two orgasms in a month, let alone in a single day. Cindy had never seen a vibrator until she watched Al’s videos, and this was the first time one had been used on her.

Al wrapped his arms around her tightly with his hands on her breasts and his mouth locked on hers, and pushed deeply into her from behind. When Al began to cum, he moaned deeply and bucked hard into her. He was as deep as he could go but still pushed harder, trying to get more penetration. The vibrator was unrelenting on Cindy’s pussy, and she was about to lose it.

“uhh, uhh, uhh, uhh,” Cindy moaned as she climaxed with her second orgasm of the night.

Her pussy contracted over and over as the waves washed over her again and again. As she began to still, and her breathing return to normal, she just lay in Al’s arms motionless as he caressed her and kissed her. Debby lay against her on the other side, leaning over her to kiss Al. They all just lay there for at least ten minutes. Cindy had never been so satisfied in her life. For the first time, she knew what being a woman was supposed to feel like.

Al grabbed the towel and pulled out of Cindy, replacing his dick with the towel and using a corner of it to wipe himself off. They all got up and took a shower together in the master shower, then lay together in the bed watching TV. When it got late, Cindy went to the guest room to go to sleep.

“Well?” Al said.

“I’m okay,” said Debby. “That was actually really beautiful. I enjoyed watching it a lot”

“Yeah, it was pretty nice from where I stood as well,” laughed Al.

“Um-hmm, I bet you did enjoy it, you big pervert. Now that you’ve got two of us to satisfy, I’m going to teach Cindy how to nag you properly.”

“That’s okay,” Al grinned.

Published 12 years ago

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