Her schedule at work had been crazy since they enlarged her territory and she was working longer hours. She started her day at 5:30 and usually got home around 2:30. By the time she finished placing all her orders on-line, it was usually around 4:00. They were long days with absolutely no time built in for personal errands or phone calls. So getting everything ready for the wedding seemed a monumental task. They had only planned a very simple affair, but Cindy was surprised at how many decisions and errands had to be done. Fortunately Ron tried to help as much as he could, but he worked long hours himself.
“Maybe we should just go back to Hawaii, quit our jobs and live at the Hyatt until our credit cards stop working,” Cindy joked one night as they snuggled on the couch after dinner.
“Not a bad idea. What do you think about going back to Hawaii for our honeymoon?” Ron asked.
Cindy perked up at that suggestion. “I think that’s a fabulous idea. Is it too late to get decent airfare?”
“I don’t know. I’ll check right now if you’re up for it.”
“I’d love to go back, that was the best trip I’ve ever taken,” Debby said.
So Ron went to check airfare. Meanwhile Cindy’s phone rang. It was Debby, so she turned down the TV and settled in to talk to her best friend in the world.
“Hi Debby. What have you and Al been up to?”
“Same old. How about you two?”
“We were just talking about our honeymoon. Ron’s checking airfare to see if we can go back to Hawaii. We really enjoyed our trip there.”
“That sounds great. How are the arrangements coming for the wedding?”
“Well, there aren’t that many arrangements, but it’s hard to get them done when I’m slammed at work all day every day. I don’t even have time to make any phone calls during the workday.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” asked Debby.
“Maybe. I’ll email or text you if I think of something that you could handle for me. I really appreciate that.”
They chatted for a while, then hung up. Ron had found some reasonable flights and put them on hold. They had a few hours to call back and confirm, and Cindy told him to go for it. Then she went to get ready for bed. They lay together in bed talking for a while, then Ron started snuggling against Cindy. He played with her tits under her nightie. Cindy could feel his hard cock against her. She reached down and held it as Ron placed his lips on her and kissed her deeply.
“Come on top of me, Cindy baby,” Ron said.
Female dominant was Ron’s favorite position. He loved Cindy’s large breasts, and watching them hanging down in front of his eyes while Cindy humped his dick made him delirious with pleasure. Cindy got a towel and a vibrator out of the nightstand and took off her panties. She raised her arms and let Ron remove her nightie as she straddled his torso.
“ummmyesss,” Ron moaned as Cindy gave his hard dick a couple of long pulls.
“Oooh, I guess I’d better catch up with you,” Cindy said, as she released his stiff rod.
She lifted her butt and put Ron’s dick against her opening, then eased herself onto him. The feeling of Ron’s hard staff sliding into her felt so good. It felt like she was completely filled up. She switched on her tiny little bullet style vibrator and put it against her clit. Her mind was instantly filled with a cloud of sexual pleasure.
Ron pulled and tugged on Cindy’s titties, while he pinched the nipples gently between his fingers. The rhythmic pulling of her titties and the pressure on her nipples made her intensely aroused. She supported herself with one arm on Ron’s chest as she held the vibrator in the other. Ron grunted and bucked wildly under Cindy. His balls were tingling and he felt the warm, pleasurable feeling on the channel along the underside of his penis when his sperm flowed through it, deep into Cindy’s pussy. When Ron finished squirting, Cindy rolled over on her side with him still inside her, filling her up. Ron continued to play with her tits. His dick was still fairly hard, so he continued to pump it rhythmically into Cindy. Now that she didn’t have to support her weight, she was able to concentrate on the sensations flooding her pussy as the vibrator found its mark. Ron locked his lips over one of her titties and flicked her nipple as fast as he could with his tongue.
Cindy’s orgasm surprised her; she didn’t feel it coming until it exploded and she involuntarily grunted loudly, “Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Ummm, Ummm.”
She turned off the vibrator and dropped it. Ron held her close to him for a few minutes. Then Cindy grabbed the towel and wiped them off.
Later that week, Cindy got a text from Al asking if they could meet somewhere to talk. Cindy texted back, “Working out of my apartment this PM, you can come by any time after 3.”
“C U then,” Al texted back.
Al gave her a big bear hug and a kiss on the lips when Cindy let him in.
“How have you been, Cindy?” Al asked.
“I’ve been O.K.,” Cindy said. “What about you?” she said, leading him to the couch.
It wasn’t like Al to take off during the day, and he looked upset.
“Things have been kind of tough at home lately. Debby’s really upset, and I don’t know what I’ve done or how to fix it. I was hoping that maybe she might have told you something.”
“I haven’t talked to her in a week, but last time I did she mentioned that there’s been some issues. She didn’t tell me anything specific. What do you think is going on?”
“I don’t know. She started sleeping in your room. She wouldn’t even talk to me about it, so I have no idea what’s wrong. Sunday night she kicked me out of the house. I’m going out of my fucking mind, Cindy.”
Al looked like he was going to start crying.
“I’m so sorry, Al. I know how much Debby means to you. I can tell you that she still loves you. For some reason, she thinks you don’t care for her anymore.”
“That’s crazy. How can I convince her otherwise when she barely talks to me?”
“I don’t know. What can I do to help?”
“I don’t know,” Al said. “Last night she talked about divorce for the first time since we married.”
“She can’t mean that,” Cindy said.
“I don’t know. Maybe you can talk sense into her.”
“Where have you been staying?”
“The Dublin Inn by the office.”
As they got up to leave, Al grabbed Cindy and hugged her, saying, “Thanks for being there for me, Cindy, I appreciate it.”
He hugged her and buried his face in her hair.
“God, I miss you,” he said.
Cindy felt weak in the knees as Al wrapped his muscular arms around her.
“I miss you too,” she said. “I’ll talk to Debby.”
“Don’t say anything to Ron. Debby and I agree that we’ll be in your wedding as planned. We don’t want to put a damper on the ceremony.”
Cindy had never felt so depressed. Al and Debby had always been her role models. Their marriage seemed invincible and she loved them more than anyone in the world. Al and Debby had always had the best marriage she knew of, and now they were struggling.
Cindy called Debby to talk, but she didn’t let her know that Al had talked to her. Debby confirmed that Al was gone.
“How are you holding up, Debby?” Cindy asked.
“I’m OK. But I’m not looking forward to my first weekend alone in the house, I can tell you.”
“Why don’t you let Al move back in while you talk things through?”
“There’s nothing to talk about. Nothing’s going to change.”
“What can I do to help?”
“Can you stay with me this weekend, Cindy? I don’t want to be alone this weekend. Would it be too much of an inconvenience? I don’t want to mess things up with Ron.”
“Not at all, I’d be happy to. I’ll come over Friday after work. Hang in there, and call me if you need to.”
Ron wasn’t very understanding, and Cindy had promised not to tell Ron that Al and Debby had separated.
“I don’t understand why I can be with you this weekend,” he complained when Cindy told him.
“My best friend wants to spend some time with me. It’s just for one weekend. I’ll give you a call Monday.”
Ron grumbled about it, but finally said, “Okay. Goodnight. I love you,” and hung up the phone.
Cindy called Al and told him the weekend plans.
“I’ll have plenty of time to talk to Debby this weekend. If you want, I’ll come by your hotel when I leave Sunday night, and let you know what I find out. I don’t want to see you guys break up, that would be a horrible mistake.”
“I know it would be. Maybe you can convince Debby of that.”
“Okay, I’ll see you Sunday night. Bye, Al. I love you.”
“Goodbye, Cindy. Thank you so much.”
Debby seemed to be very happy to see Cindy.
“You can’t imagine how much it means to me to have you here. I’m so sorry that everything’s imploding at the time when everything should be about you and Ron. I know it’s unfair. You finally have a chance to have everything you want, and Al’s gotta screw it up.”
“Tell me when these problems started and why,” Cindy said. “I want you to tell me everything.”
“I don’t know, Cindy, it just seems like I’m just here for him when he wants to screw and that’s it.”
“You know, when I lived here I didn’t see any problems in your relationship. Did things change?”
“I don’t think so. I guess the cracks were there, but when you were here we were all so happy it covered them up. “
“So Al’s behavior hasn’t changed since I moved out?”
“No, not really.”
“Were you unhappy together before I moved in? Did you ever have marital problems then?”
“Not really. I guess it’s just something that’s built up over time.”
“Has anything changed in your life, Debby? At work? Your health? Is there any change in your behavior?”
“No, other than my marriage everything else is good.”
“Well, let’s forget all that for tonight and have some fun. I’m ready to forget everything myself. We’ll go to Dee Dee’s and have a nice meal. Then after a good night’s sleep, we can talk about it tomorrow.”
“What do you mean, you’re ready to forget everything yourself?” Debby asked. “Trouble in paradise?”
“No, it’s just that I’m looking forward to relaxing this weekend in your beautiful house with no demands of any kind. That’s almost like a vacation.”
“Is Ron too demanding?”
“Ron’s very needy. He’s insecure and needs to have me with him all the time or he worries. And when I’m with him, he hovers over me. You know what I mean?”
“No, I wouldn’t know a thing about that,” Debby said. “That wouldn’t describe Al at all. He could leave me alone forever, except when he wants sex.”
“Well, constant attention isn’t much fun either,” Cindy said. “Maybe we should switch for a while. I guess both of us would find out there’s no such thing as perfect, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
After dinner, the girls went back home and soaked in the hot tub for a while, sipping a glass of wine.
“I forgot how beautiful your house is, Debby.”
“Yeah, I’ll miss it, but I don’t see how I can keep it,” Debby said.
“Please don’t talk that way, Debby. It makes me very sad. You and Al are going to get through this, you aren’t going to sell the house. Okay?”
“Okay,” Debby said. “You’re a great friend. I’ve been missing you so much since you moved out. Any ideas where you and Ron are going to live?”
“I don’t know. Short term, we’ll finish out the lease on my apartment. Ron only has two months left on his lease, so he won’t lose much money there. My apartment is too small for us long term, so we’ll figure out something when my lease runs out.”
After they got out, they started getting ready for bed. Cindy always went to bed early, even on weekends. Her body clock ran early because she had to get up so early for work on weekdays.
“Will you spend the night with me in my room tonight, Cindy,” Debby asked.
“Sure I will,” she answered.
There was plenty of room for both of them in the luxurious king size bed.
The next morning they lounged around out by the pool in their PJ’s, drinking coffee and talking until mid-morning. The lawn crew arrived to do the yard, so they decided to get cleaned up and ready for the day. They went down to La Jolla for lunch and took a long stroll along the beaches and through the shops. By the time they got home it was mid afternoon. Debby made a pitcher of margaritas and they sat outside by the pool, sipping margaritas and talking.
“This is sure nice of you to give up your weekend to keep me company,” Debby said.
“This is absolute paradise,” Cindy said, sipping her margarita and relaxing in Debby’s beautiful back yard. “No demands, no pressures, no men.”
“Here’s to ‘no men’,” Debby said, raising her glass.
“No men,” Cindy said.
“What about Ron?” Debby asked.
“Who?” Cindy said jokingly.
After they’d had a couple of margaritas each, Debby made another small batch. By the time they finished them, Debby got up to go in and pee.
“You’re a little wobbly,” Cindy said. “You OK?”
“Never felt better. But I guess we’d better think about getting something to eat soon, or we’re going to get sloshed.”
It was already 6:00 and they hadn’t even thought about what to have for dinner.
“Why don’t we just order some Chinese delivery and not have to deal with cooking or cleaning,” Cindy said.
“Excellent idea.”
The food came around 7:00, by which time the girls had already had a couple of glasses of wine. After they ate, they decided to go into the hot tub. There was a little chill to the air as the sun started to go down. They dropped their bathrobes and eased into the hot water with nothing on. They had long since gotten used to soaking nude in front of each other.
“This is when it would be nice to have Al around,” Cindy said.
“No men,” Debby said, raising her wine glass. “Okay?”
“No men,” Cindy said, raising her glass.
But she wasn’t as enthusiastic about it as Debby.
“We can get the hand held wand, if you want. That’s more reliable than a man.”
“It doesn’t feel as good when I don’t have a man inside me,” Cindy said. “It’s only second best.”
Even though Cindy had come a long way in opening up sexually, she still didn’t masturbate much when she was alone. She preferred the feeling of being filled up with a cock while she masturbated her clit to orgasm.
After about thirty minutes, the girls had to get out to pee. They dried off and put their bathrobes back on, then went in the house. Debby turned off the hot tub from the remote control inside. They opened another bottle of wine and poured themselves a glass, then started the gas fireplace inside. They sat together in front of the fire in their bathrobes, drinking wine and watching the fire.
“Wanta watch a movie?” Cindy asked.
“Sure. What did you have in mind?”
“I haven’t watched any of our videos since I moved. I’d like to watch them for a while, if that’s OK.”
“I guess so,” Debby said. “I haven’t watched them in a while either.”
Cindy knew where Debby kept them hidden, so she grabbed one and put it in the DVD player.
“When was the last time you had sex,” Cindy asked.
“Probably about a month or so,” Debby said.
Al had only been gone about a week, so that must have been a pretty tough three weeks for both of them before he moved out.
Cindy sat back down next to Debby as they watched the videos, skipping through the slow parts to get to the good parts. They giggled and critiqued their “performance” on the videos, as well as Al’s body parts and his funny noises when he climaxed. Cindy got up to get the wine bottle and refill their glasses. Since they had skipped through to the “good parts” on the videos, it was already over, and Cindy started to put on another one.
“I think I wanta lie down”, Debby slurred.
“Are you feeling OK?’ Cindy asked.
“Yeah, but I don’t think I’d better not drink anymore.” She giggled and said, “I mean I think I don’t better drink anymore. Uh. Well, you know what I mean.”
Cindy turned off the TV and took the DVD into Debby’s bedroom. Debby took off her bathrobe and got into bed while Cindy turned on the TV and loaded the DVD. Then she took off her bathrobe and climbed into the bed. The sheets hadn’t warmed up yet, so she moved over next to Debby.
The girls piled pillows behind them and sat up watching the videos. They let them play full length, not bothering to skip around on them.
“Better?” Cindy asked.
“Yeah. I’m okay.” Debby said.
On the screen, Al was lying on his back while Cindy squatted on top of him. Al pulled her breasts into his mouth as Cindy humped his dick long and slow. When it appeared that Al was nearing orgasm, Cindy brought their crotches all the way together and just sat there for a minute until his urgency dissipated, then she started stroking his cock again with her pussy. She did that several times, bringing Al to the edge, then backing off. His face grimaced each time and he moaned. Finally she took him too close to the edge, and even though she stopped pumping up and down on his dick, it was too late. With a loud grunt, he began bucking and spilled his load in her. As soon as Cindy realized he was going to cum, she resumed her stroking, milking every last drop from him.
The next video was an oldie but a goodie. It was one of the first that Cindy had ever watched when she accidentally stumbled onto Al’s movie making software on his computer. It was a video of Al giving Debby an erotic massage.
“This is one of the first videos I ever saw of you two, when I accidentally found them on your computer in the guest room,” Cindy told Debby. “It’s always been one of my favorites. I think it’s very erotic.”
“Yeah, it’s a good one,” Debby agreed.
As the girls watched and got more aroused, they snuggled closer together. Debby had her hand in her crotch, covering her mound.
As Al pulled Debby toward the end of the massage table and put her in position to begin giving her oral sex, Cindy said, “Yum, this is my favorite part. Watching Al lick you over and over again, and watching the expressions on your face, until you finally cum.”
They were both dripping wet by now. Debby reached into the drawer and pulled out two vibrators.
“You want one?” she asked. “I’ve gotta have one, I hope you aren’t embarrassed. It’s been a long time.”
“Yeah, I’ll take one too. I wish I had a big dick inside me, though.”
Debby reached back into the drawer and took out a dildo.
“Here, this might help,” she said, handing it to Cindy.
“Wow, life size,” Debby laughed.
The dildo was shaped exactly like a dick, with the veins and everything. It was made of a soft gel like material, but firm. So just like a real dick, it was soft and hard at the same time.
“It even feels like a dick.”
The girls were warming up quickly now, and kicked off the covers. Debby turned on her vibrator and slowly moved it up and down her slit. As she worked herself into a state of arousal, her pussy lips became engorged with blood, opening them up to her ministrations with the vibrator.
Cindy leaned over Debby and started gently working the dildo into her pussy. Debby spread her legs further, giving Cindy better access. Cindy gently moved it in and out, getting a little deeper each time.
“Turn it on,” Debby said.
Cindy turned the base on the bottom of the dildo and it started vibrating inside Debby. Cindy lay down next to Debby and snuggled against her, holding the dildo in place in her pussy as she nuzzled one of her titties with her mouth. She gently nibbled on the nipple and flicked it with her tongue. Debby started moaning softly.
“Umm, ummm, ummm.”
Debby pulled Cindy’s head toward her with her free hand. They locked lips and kissed deeply while Cindy held the vibrating dildo deep inside her and Debby tickled her clit with the other vibrator. Debby was getting close. Her hips were bucking and her body was shaking. She didn’t release Cindy’s kiss. Their tongues explored each other’s mouths. Cindy put her free arm under Debby’s body and pulled her closer to her. She cupped her small breast and tweaked the nipple, which was long and hard.
Debby’s body shivered as she had an intense orgasm. Cindy kept her lips locked onto Debby’s, muffling her cries.
“Mmff, Mmmff, mmm, mmm, mmm.”
Finally Cindy released her lips from Debby and turned off the vibrator. She left it hanging in her pussy. She snuggled up behind Debby and held her tightly, cupping both breasts with her hands. She nuzzled the nape of her neck and gently nibbled on her ear.
“You sweet, precious thing,” Cindy said. “I’m so sorry you’re hurting. I love you.”
Debby started crying softly. “You’re everything to me, Cindy. You’re all I’ve got anymore.”
“That’s not true. Al loves you as much as he ever has. Things will work out for both of you,” Cindy said.
“That was incredible,” Debby said. “But it was different somehow than it’s ever been. I don’t know if it was because it was with you, but something felt weird, almost like my insides fluttered.”
Cindy laughed and said, “My insides always flutter.”
“No, it was different this time somehow.”
The video had changed to a new one. Al had a girl on each side of him, and before the video was over, each girl was going to be mounted by Al while the other girl used a vibrator to bring themselves to an orgasm. This was another of Cindy’s favorites.
“Hell, they’re all hot,” she thought.
Debby turned over and snuggled face to face with Cindy, kissing her on the lips. She ran her hand down the side of Cindy’s body, caressing her. She stroked her buttocks, then brought her hand around and cupped Cindy’s pussy, giving it a little squeeze. She brought her hand back up her side and rubbed her breast.
She snuggled against Cindy as Cindy lay on her back, and Debby turned on the dildo and started gently working it into Cindy as she watched the video. Cindy took the other vibrator and began using it on her clit. Debby sucked one of Cindy’s tits into her mouth, flicking the nipple over and over again. Cindy’s mind was flooded with pleasure from all over her body. Her sensitive nipples were being teased, sucked and licked, while her pussy was filled to capacity. Vibrations were emanating from inside and outside her pussy.
She was already fully aroused by the videos and by the incredible sight of Debby writhing in orgasm, and now she was being assaulted by a flood of sensations on her pussy and her nipples. The sensations seemed to cover her entire body. They had only just started working on Cindy, but she already knew that she was near her limit. In less than two minutes she shuddered in orgasm.
“Ummm, UMMM, UNNGGG,” she moaned loudly, clutching Debby’s hair as she was pushing the dildo in and out of her pussy and licking Cindy’s nipple.
When Cindy had regained her normal breathing, they lay in each other’s arms silently, occasionally kissing or nuzzling each other’s face. They had no inclination to get dressed or break their embrace. Nor for that matter did they wish to talk. It was like they were reluctant to break the spell of their lovemaking. They lay together for a long time caressing and hugging, then went to sleep nude.