The Lifeguard

"A young woman experiences many of her wildest hentai fantasies"

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Rosita meandered around inside her bedroom for most of the evening. There was a fair amount of multitasking as she streamed media while web surfing, playing PC games, texting and gaming on her phone, and playing games on her PS4. All the while, she had her earbuds in as she listened to music.

She was nineteen years old, a geek, a nerd, and a gamer girl. She enjoyed all of the previously mentioned things as well as the standard comic book stuff, all kinds of sci-fi, and anything in the fantasy genre, but most of all she loved Asian animation and all sorts of caricatures.

As she settled into her bed for the night, she decided to scan her favorite sites for new hentai. She found a new artist that she liked and thoroughly perused his entire library. While there was a variety of content, his work seemed more focused on featuring hunky male characters.

Rosita found herself sexually attracted to men, women, and many of those that fell in between the lines. Her previous sexual experiences included both men and women as well as a male who liked to present himself as a woman behind closed doors.

That was probably why she was so attracted to the Asian style of animation. The wide variety of human, and sometimes other, sexuality that was on display intrigued her. Whether it was a male, female, or something other, sometimes she wanted to be with them and sometimes she wanted to be them.

She started to drift asleep as she swiped through images. Her pace and attention slowly waned as she shuffled with her left hand while her right was buried deep inside her panties.

The next thing that she knew, she was treading water in the most pristine blue ocean that she had ever seen. While she could still see the shore, it was evident that she had somehow found herself out too far into the depths.

As she kicked and paddled, the waves rocked her body from behind, threatening to disrupt her fragile balance. She attempted to slowly work her way toward the shore but became distracted as she noticed that her arms looked strange.

Her skin was a pale shade of white, and as Rosita continued to inspect her body, she found a lot of other changes.

Her breasts were unnaturally large and very round in shape. She was wearing the smallest, spaghetti-strap bikini that she had ever seen. There was only the tiniest patch of fabric over her breasts that just seemed to cover her areola’s while it left a well-defined circular pattern that revealed the outline of her pronounced nipples. It was at that moment that she realized that she looked just like the sexy, hentai girls that she was infatuated with.

She started to explore her body as much as she could while staying afloat. Her body was incredibly curvy in some places but very slender in others. A wave struck her hard from behind, exposing that she had a long mane of turquoise blue hair. Rosita wished that she could better see what she looked like.

Something brushed against her right foot. She did her best to convince herself that she had imagined it, but not long thereafter she felt something brushing against her right leg as well.

Rosita started to panic.

When she was a young girl, there was an accident at a public swimming pool. A group of older boys challenged her to join them in jumping off of the diving board. Although she was much smaller than them, she refused to back down. Unfortunately, she started her jump too far back on the board and the back of her head struck the edge of the diving board. It knocked her unconscious and she had to be rescued and revived by the lifeguard.

While she didn’t remember most of the incident, it did manage to establish an intrinsic fear of drowning in Rosita. She was still able to swim and enjoy the water, but she was known to panic if anything went awry.

She wondered what could possibly be down there. None of the possibilities comforted her in the least. After a brief respite, the creature resumed contact with her as Rosita felt something slither around her left leg.

“Don’t be a snake! Don’t be a snake!” she screamed inside her head.

The creature seemed to stop moving briefly, but soon thereafter she felt something wrapping itself around her right leg as well. Rosita was paralyzed with fear and her breathing became erratic.

“Please don’t pull me under the water!” she thought while she was frozen with panic.

Rosita shivered and trembled in fear as the creature slowly crept up each of her legs. It crawled past her knees and around her thighs, finally stopping just short of her hips.

After what seemed like an eternity, Rosita gathered herself. It seemed like the creature had stopped its assault on her. She gathered the strength to cry out for help.

As soon as she called out, a tentacle jutted out from the water. It pointed around, seemingly trying to identify the source of the noise. Then it lunged at Rosita’s mouth, forcing itself down her throat and effectively silencing her.

The interaction took Rosita a moment to process, but she felt incredibly relieved. She felt silly for not realizing it was a tentacle monster. If she was a hentai girl, that should have been her first thought of what the creature was.

Rosita was no stranger to tentacle porn. In fact, she considered it to be one of her many sexual fetishes. Whether they were demonic, mechanical, or sea monsters as it seemed to be in this case, she had a genuine affection for tentacle sex.

The monster seemed to sense her acceptance of the scenario. It slowly withdrew the tentacle from her mouth, only for Rosita to give it a playful lick as it hovered in front of her face. Suddenly, several additional tentacles poked their heads from the water. Two of them wrapped around each of her arms. Now unable to sustain any sort of self-propulsion in the water, Rosita was at the mercy of the sea creature to keep her head above water. Even though she was confident that the creature meant no harm, her fears about drowning lingered in the background.

The monster untied her bikini top, and tentacles quickly wrapped around her breasts. They squeezed her breasts tightly, while the tips teased and tickled her nipples. She watched as her bikini top floated away with the current.

More tentacles wrapped around her waist, covering her body from her hips to her chest. It felt like the monster was consuming her.

Rosita felt a rush of cold water between her legs. She immediately knew that the creature had removed her bikini bottoms. The tiny patch of fabric floated to the surface and drifted away much as her top had previously. Now she was left completely exposed, not just for the creature, but for anything or anybody else who would wander upon her.

Not surprisingly, she soon felt a tentacle poke at her labia. It made its way inside her without much resistance, but it was clearly getting thicker in diameter as it gained depth. With the creature once again inside of her in some fashion, it seemed to be able to sense what she was feeling as well.

The tentacles tightened and relaxed on her body, giving her the best all-over body massage that she had ever experienced. Meanwhile, that naughty tentacle probed deeper between her legs. The one tentacle continued to hover in front of her face, occasionally plunging itself into her mouth, only to retract so that she could catch her breath.

Rosita could feel the tentacle between her legs begin to slowly retract. It continued until it had almost completely withdrawn. She felt another tentacle present itself in between her legs. The two tentacles aligned themselves and started to push inside of her.

She groaned in pleasure. The two tentacles pushed Rosita to her sexual limits very quickly. The creature was not satisfied with the level of sexual stimulation it had inflicted on Rosita quite yet. She felt another tentacle prod at her ass for a bit, before it made its way inside.

Just as the hovering tentacle re-entered her mouth, making it four in total penetrating her, she heard a voice cry out, “Don’t worry, I’ll save you!”

As she glanced toward the shore, she saw the sexy, male lifeguard character that she recognized from the night before. He was paddling toward her at record speed.

She briefly thought about how exposed she was at the moment, being naked and getting sexually ravaged by this monster. Her thoughts stopped abruptly when she realized how close to orgasm she was. Her body was shaking profusely as the monster continued to give her exactly what she wanted.

As the lifeguard neared, it was obvious that he was disproportionately large.

He arrived at her just as she was about to cum. Rosita wished that he had arrived about a minute later. The muscular lifeguard was able to quickly subdue the sea creature and managed to pull Rosita free. Cold seawater plunged into her orifices as the tentacles were extracted.

The lifeguard grabbed onto Rosita and he swam her to shore. Once they reached shallow water, he scooped her up and carried her in his arms.

Rosita couldn’t understand why she was so small compared to the lifeguard. She was clearly a fully developed woman. She thought that perhaps this was some sort of crossover episode.

Still highly sexually aroused, Rosita started to rub her hands across the sexy lifeguard’s chest and arms. He felt like he had been chiseled from stone.

As they reached the shore, he checked on her to make sure that she was alright. When it seemed apparent that she did not require any medical assistance, the lifeguard lowered her to her feet.

Once she was standing next to him, the size difference between the two was even more evident. She found herself staring directly at the lifeguard’s navel. Rosita gave herself a quick scan to take in her own curvy, oversexualized nature. There was even a small tuft of turquoise blue pubic hair adorning her little slit.

Staring directly at the lifeguard’s tightly packed Speedo, she could clearly see that his cock was tucked downward. It seemed to part his large, round testicles, sending them bulging to the sides. The outline of the head of his cock didn’t seem to be visible. It appeared that it was quite long and that it was tucked down low.

Unable to control herself, Rosita reached out and started to rub the front pouch of the lifeguard’s Speedo. It responded at her very first touch. His cock was growing increasingly thicker, and it was bending as the front of his swimsuit bulged outward. It seemed like his cock was snagged on something, perhaps the seam at the base of his Speedo. She continued rubbing until the lifeguard let out an anguished groan.

Rosita pulled her hand away just as the lifeguard’s cock tore itself free. His cock sprung upward with incredible force, not stopping until it crashed into his rock-hard abs with a crisp slap.

She gazed at the hunky lifeguard, amused at the variety of skin tones. While most of his body was richly tanned, the now-exposed skin that was previously beneath his Speedo was a very pale shade of white. In addition, his erect cock was quite pinkish in color, other than the head which was a much deeper shade of pink.

She couldn’t believe the size of the lifeguard’s cock. It extended far past his belly button, not stopping until it reached the bottom edge of his ribcage. In comparison to Rosita. It was almost the length of her entire torso, and roughly half as wide.

She stared dreamily at the lifeguard. The front of his Speedo was torn completely open. It looked like a pair of those lace-up undergarments, only with the laces missing. His plump, juicy balls dangled from the torn swimsuit, taunting her with his undeniable virility.

Rosita greedily pulled his cock down toward her mouth, only to find that she couldn’t begin to fit her mouth around its mammoth head. Frustrated that she was unable to fit it inside her mouth, she started to kiss and lick it frenziedly. Undeterred, she tried to stroke it with both hands, only to find that even both of them would not fit around the lifeguard’s massive rod.

It was a level of arousal and sexual frustration that Rosita had never previously felt before. She found herself squirming while she attempted to find a way to accommodate her giant friend.

The lifeguard stopped her and pointed toward the ground. As Rosita looked down, she found that her pussy was dripping with excitement. This, however, was not the normal amount of female sexual excitement. Instead, she was dripping like a badly leaking faucet. In fact, a small pool of liquid had already collected in the sand beneath her.

Rosita’s face felt like it was on fire. She felt this overwhelming sense of shame as her uncontrollable sexual desire was on full and indisputable display. The lifeguard could clearly see what a filthy, needy slut she was.

The lifeguard licked his lips enthusiastically. Suddenly, he grabbed Rosita and pulled her upward. He placed her legs around his shoulders as he buried his face in between them. He lapped up Rosita’s sexual excitement hungrily as he groaned in satisfaction. He pointed the tip of his tongue and slid it inside of her. Its size and warmth sent shivers down her spine, making her want him even more than before.

As he pulled her away, it was obvious that Rosita’s pussy would not be so easily satisfied as it seemed to be dripping even more profusely than before. The lifeguard smiled enthusiastically at her as he grabbed ahold of her hips and guided her over the head of his penis. As she looked down, Rosita could see that his cock was quickly getting coated with her excitement.

Rosita couldn’t help but think that she should have been frightened about the prospects of what would certainly happen next. In the real world, this clearly wouldn’t be physically possible, at least not without some broken bones and severe physical injury to herself. This clearly wasn’t the real world, though, and Rosita wanted it to happen as much as the lifeguard did, if not more.

The lifeguard lowered her down so that she rested on his cock. As she looked downward, all that she could think was that it was never going to fit. At that moment, the lifeguard let go of Rosita’s body weight. Within seconds, the head of the lifeguard’s cock popped inside of her.

Rosita let out a loud gasp. She expected to feel incredible pain, but strangely there was no pain to be found. There was only intense pleasure and sexual satisfaction.

Rosita lost all control of her body. Her torso seemed to lock up, while her head rocked backward, and her arms curled up into the fetal position. The lifeguard steadied her as he once again released her body weight. Rosita slowly slid down his cock until she finally rested at the base. Somehow, illogically, she had managed to take his cock in its entirety.

The lifeguard grabbed Rosita around her chest with both hands. His massive hands fit almost all the way around her torso. He started to lift her halfway up his cock, only to lower her back down. It quickly became obvious that he had decided to fuck her like a human fleshlight.

He started out slowly and mostly in half-strokes. Rosita quickly discovered that she made a strange moaning sound each time he drove her down onto his cock.

It was a quick, abrupt little grunt that was high-pitched and kind of squeaky. It came in sharp and then cut out entirely, only to return with a bit of a warble. Rosita recognized the sound. She had heard some Japanese girls make a similar sound in pornographic movies. She wondered if she was Japanese or of some sort of Asian background.

The lifeguard started to increase both the depth and pace of his thrusts. Their interaction would have looked quite mechanical and possibly oppressive from the outside, but given the size difference between the two, normal sex clearly wasn’t possible. As they continued, Rosita could only think of one word to describe the way that she felt: fulfilled.

His pumping was becoming increasingly aggressive until he finally stopped with Rosita impaled fully onto his cock. A powerful jet of cum was unloaded inside of her. It felt like a high-powered showerhead going full-force for one second. Her body spasmed in unison with the giant cock inside of her over and over until the lifeguard loosened his grip on her.

His cock went flaccid very quickly and returned to a more proportional size. As his softening cock broke free, a flood of cum poured out of her pussy. Then her labia closed up, looking none of the worse for wear.

Rosita gazed at her hunky lifeguard; their eyes met for the first time in their encounter. He started to pull her toward himself slowly. She closed her eyes and puckered her lips in anticipation. Just as they would have met, she heard the beeping of her alarm clock.

As she awoke, Rosita was drenched in sweat. She was positioned face-down on her bed with her face mashed into the mattress. Her left hand was extended forward and gripped tightly onto one of the bars of her wrought-iron headboard, while her left hand was pinned underneath herself and between her legs.

She freed both arms and took a wild swing at her alarm clock, eventually managing to bump the snooze button after several attempts. She was in a state of delirious confusion for several minutes as she tried to figure out what was going on. Elements of her dream came back in bits, and she struggled to rationalize what had happened and the way that she reacted to it.

Rosita rolled over onto her back. She found that her panties were soaking wet and that she had poked them partially inside of herself in her sleep, either from rubbing or penetrating herself. She removed her panties and placed them at her side.

It didn’t take long for her to realize how sexually excited she still was, though. As she remembered bits of her dream, her excitement quickly became more than she could control.

Rosita kicked her bed covers away, exposing her young, mocha-colored body. She attempted to replicate some of the sensations from her dream by aggressively groping different areas of her body. Her efforts weren’t very successful, as she struggled to fit her hands around her thick thighs and her plump, full C-cup breasts.

Rosita started to rub her clit with her right hand, while she sought out her own damp panties from before. She placed them up to her nose and mouth, imagining that they belonged to somebody else. Her sexual frustration was increasing rapidly, causing her to seek out something more than just a standard release.

She quickly reached her left hand between her legs. She continued to rub her clit while three fingers easily found their way inside her wet pussy. Not satisfied with just three fingers, Rosita soon added a fourth and fifth finger to the mix.

Rosita worked herself over aggressively for several minutes until her back started to arch and her legs began to shake. Although she tried to force her hand deeper inside herself, she couldn’t seem to get past her knuckles. Her torso bridged up as her masturbation got increasingly frenzied.

She cried out in pleasure as her orgasm arrived. As she pulled her hand away, a shot of clear liquid rocketed from between her legs and straight up into the air. It landed like rain all over her bed. Her body slumped to the bed, her tummy and thighs still aquiver.

Rosita curled up into a ball in her bed, feeling happy, sad, confused, and satisfied all at the same time.

Published 2 years ago

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