My Naughty Boy Part 3

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Even though I had just told him to leave my skirt alone, I could feel his hand push it a little higher. I heard him snicker to himself, as I felt his fingers start crawling up the inside of my thighs. Every touch of his fingers against my skin sent another little shiver running up my spine.

”Jake, if you don’t stop that right this second; I won’t let you lay your head in my lap.”

Rising up, he looked me straight in the eye. “Awww Natasha, you know you love it when I touch you that way. But I’ll try to be good, at least for a little while,” he said, winking at me.

“Well you had better,” I warned him, trying to sound as serious as I could, but I could tell from the grin he gave me, that he didn’t believe me for a second. “Besides, I need you to be watching where we are going so you can give me directions.”

“We have a little ways to go yet. There is a small store just ahead and I’d like to stop there.” As I parked in front of the store, he said, “You can wait here if you want. I’ll only be a minute.”

“This is a grocery store. Why do we need anything from here? We will only be at the beach for a few hours.”

“I thought maybe it would be nice to have a little picnic. Would you like that? And besides, we may not spend all our time at the beach,” he said, hurrying into the store before I could say anything else.

Sitting there waiting for him to return, I couldn’t help but wonder, what did he mean that we might not spend all the time at the beach? Thinking back to when I was packing my bag; he had hinted at something, but wouldn’t say what it was.

He interrupted my thoughts when he came out carrying a bag of groceries, placed it on the backseat, and then promptly climbed into the car.

“That should be enough, I guess.”

“I would think so. You bought enough to last us a week.” I said, pulling back out onto the highway. I saw him smile slightly, but he didn’t say anything. “I’m curious about something. What did you mean when you said that we might not spend all of our time at the beach?”

“Sorry, but I can’t tell you yet. You will just have to be patient and wait.”

“Do you mean that you can’t tell me or that you won’t tell me?”

“A little of both I suppose. Natasha, there is no use for you to question me, because I’m not going to tell you.”

“That’s not fair.”

“Maybe not, but it sure is fun,” he said, laughing at my frustration at not being able to get him to tell me what he had in mind.

I realized that there was no use in continuing to try to find out, because the harder I tried, the more determined he became to keep it a secret. I guess I’d have to do as he said, and wait to see what it was. As frustrating as that may be, I didn’t seem to have a choice. I changed the subject and for the remainder of the trip, we had a very nice conversation. He was very intelligent, and had good ideas on a variety of subjects.

After driving for more than an hour, we finally reached the beach. We had a little trouble finding a parking spot, but after taking a few turns here and there around the parking lot, I finally found a spot to park the car. As I was about to get out of the car, Jake grabbed my hand.

“Don’t you want to change your clothes?” he asked.

“I will, in the restroom,” I answered.

“Why don’t you change your clothes here?” he said, putting an innocent look on his face.

“In the car?”

” Yeah.” He smiled.

“And why…?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“Like you said in the house, if given the choice, I would like you to be naked all the time. I know it’s not possible, but at least I can see you naked for few seconds,” he replied, winking at me.

“Shut up!” I punched his shoulder.

” Pleeeeassseee,” he stretched the word until he finally managed to convince me.


I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and slowly lifted it up. The closer I came to exposing my breasts, the larger his eyes became. Pulling the blouse over my head, I looked at Jake. There was a wide smile on his face and his eyes weren’t moving at all. I took my time putting the blouse in the bag, and as I did that, every few seconds I’d shake my shoulders just enough to make my upper breasts quiver.

Each time, I noticed that the tent between his legs grew larger. Raising myself up off the seat to remove my skirt, he stopped me by asking if he could do that.

“Okay, if you want to, but remember, that’s all, no touching.”

Reaching around me, he pulled my skirt down below my knees. I had decided that morning that I would honor his request that I not wear panties. I should have known that he would try something, and before I could stop him, he dragged his hand back up my thighs, and deliberately ran a finger up between my pussy lips, pressing firmly on my clit as he did so. Grabbing his wrist, I jerked his hand away, but I was too late, he had already had his fun. He mocked me by sitting back in the seat and grinning at me.

“Sorry,” he said with not an ounce of sincerity in his voice. “It was the devil that made me do that.”

“You are the only devil around here.”

I knew from the grin he flashed me, that given half a chance, he would do it again, devil or no devil. Reaching around behind me, I unclasped the bra. His eyes never left me. Carefully working my arms out of the shoulder straps, I cupped my breasts in my hands to keep the bra from falling off. Holding the bra cups, I slowly pulled them off my breasts, gradually exposing more flesh to his bulging eyes. Finally having my feminine mounds totally exposed to his gaze, I let go of them and allowed them fall to my chest. They bounced a couple of times, and then lay quietly, as if waiting to see what would happen next.

I heard him take in a sudden gasp of air, once again confirming his fascination with my large mounds. To make it fun, I threw my bra towards Jake. He quickly grabbed it like a baseball player catching a ball and immediately brought it to his face. Burying his nose, he smelled the two cups that had only seconds before cradled my warm soft breasts, shielding them and keeping them from view.

I took the bikini out of my purse and laid the two parts on the seat between us. I picked up my bikini bottom from the seat, deciding to put it on first. Since he loved my breasts so much, I thought I’d let him admire them for a few moments longer.

As I put on the bikini bottom, Jake stared at the string that was between my pussy lips and the small piece of cloth just large enough to cover my front. After tying the string that held the front and back together, I reached over and lightly tapped him on his nose with my finger.

“And you young man, are not to undo those knots, you hear me?”

His only reply was sort of a grunt, which was okay, because I knew that the first chance I gave him, he would have those two knots untied in a flash.

Then I picked up the small triangular top and tied the string around my neck.

“Will you tie the knot for me?” I asked as I turned my back towards him.

As he started tying the knot, I adjusted the cups to hold my boobs. The normal suggestion is that only girls with small breasts should wear triangle tops, but I had worn this bikini for photo shoots. The tiny tops barely covered my nipples, areola and not much else, but he had begged me to wear this bikini.

Turning back to face him, I asked, “How do I look? Do I look good enough for you to be seen with me?”

“Oh, honey. You look absolutely fantastic! You have no idea how beautiful you are. I’m proud to be seen with you.”

“Thank you. You are such a sweetheart.” I winked as I felt my face start to blush. Then I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. “Now it’s your turn.”

“Uh!….wh….” he stuttered as he kept looking at me, taking heavy breaths in between words.

“Now it’s time you to take your clothes off,” I repeated. “I don’t think people wear normal clothes whenever they go to beach.”


He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it up over his head. Then he unhooked the button on his shorts and pulled it down over his legs. His dick sprung free as soon as he grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled it down.

“Oooooh!” I cooed.

Jake’s cheeks turned red as I stared at his cock standing straight up like a light pole. He picked up black v-shaped underwear from his bag and struggled to get it on in the confining space of the front seat. He seemed a little embarrassed, as he tried to adjust his bulge inside the swimsuit. I guess that it didn’t help any that I kept staring at him, but I couldn’t help it. I loved the sight of his cock, and hated to see it covered. When he was about to put his shorts back on, I snatched them from his hands and threw them on the backseat.

“I think you look sexy in this outfit,” I commented.

“Thank you!” he replied, giving me a big wide smile.

His eyes widened as I leaned towards him, placed my hand on his bulge, and gave it a little squeeze. I did this a few more times until it was hard as a rock.

“Stop doing that, Natasha. If you don’t, I’m not going to be able to get out of the car for a while.”

“Why not? Now you’re looking sexier than ever.” I gasped, grinning at his discomfort.

I got out of the car and he followed a few seconds later. Handing me the towels to carry, he picked up the bag of groceries then, stepping up beside me, he took my hand in his. When he did this, my heart about burst for joy. He was showing me that he really was proud of me and wanted everyone to know it. That was the nicest compliment that he could give me.

Patting his arm and looking up at him, I softly whispered, “Thank you.”

“What for?” he asked in a puzzled voice.

“Oh nothing. Just for being you.”

I knew that he didn’t have a clue what I was talking about; modest guys like him don’t realize the power that they wield. How that quiet, unassuming, self-confidence they have is so appealing to some women.

Hand in hand, we started walking towards the beach. I felt his hand tighten slightly on mine as we climbed down a steep flight of stairs. This gave me such a wonderful sense of security. Reaching the bottom of the steps, we turned and then continued down a dirt trail carved into the wall of the cliff. Huge boulders and giant rock formations littered the sand. There were a few people here and there and some families on the beach as I looked around.

“So what do you think?”

“It’s so beautiful Jake.” I smiled at him as I stood there enjoying the beautiful view.“The sand, the sun shining on the clear sparkling water with those clouds just hanging up there. These huge cliffs around the edge; they are like a frame surrounding a pretty picture. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything prettier.”

“I have! You!” he said, as he placed his hand on my waist and pulled me towards him.

As his lips touched mine, I felt his tongue gently caressing them. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I opened my mouth slightly to give him easy access. His tongue slowly slid inside, exploring my mouth as it entered. Our tongues played with each other, each giving, each taking as we kissed. Holding me tight, he gently mauled my ass cheeks with his right hand, as our kiss became more intense.

A middle-aged couple walked past us just as our lips parted company. Neither of them said anything, but the woman did smile as she looked at me. As they passed, she winked. I felt my face turn crimson as I smiled back at her. Did she have what I had, or was she envious of me?

“Let me take you to my favorite spot. I hope you like it.”

Once again, he took my hand in his as we started walking towards the west side of the beach. As we walked between the people, the men stared at me. Some of the women threw angry looks my way. I saw one girl poke the guy she was with, trying to regain his attention. Everyone must have seen us kissing, because I heard several people making comments.

“What a hot girl, man!” One young man gave Jake the thumbs up.

“Yes, she sure is,” was Jake’s reply as he looked at me with a smile on his face.

“Lucky boy,” came from another admirer. Pausing for a moment, Jake glanced in the direction of the man that said that.

“Don’t I know it? I’m the luckiest guy in the whole world.”

I had never felt so loved in all my life when he said that. I hugged his arm against me as I laid my head on his shoulder.

“Wish I had a girl like her,” I heard one man mutter as he lay on a towel by himself.

As we continued walking towards the west, I noticed that in some places, the cliffs reached almost to the water’s edge. This created several small semi-secluded beaches. I wondered why Jake didn’t seem interested in staying in the area where all the people were, because it wasn’t very crowded. It wasn’t long until I realized that his destination seemed to be one of those smaller sections of beach. I was sure he must have his reasons, so I didn’t question him.

Entering the first small section of beach that was set apart from where all the people were, I was sure this was where he was going, but to my surprise, his pace didn’t slow. As we crossed this narrow strip of beach, I couldn’t wait to spread my beach towel out and relax on the warm sand. We almost had to wade through the water to get around a huge rock formation that jutted out from the cliff wall. As we passed that rock, he stopped and let me look around for a moment. The beauty of what lay before me was almost out of this world.

It was as if we had landed on another planet; the almost white sand lay spread out before us, smooth as glass. I guess the last tide had washed it clean. Not a footprint could be seen anywhere.

Off to my left, I saw where untold eons of time and the relentless tides crashing against the sandstone rock had carved a cave in the sheer vertical cliff.

As my eyes moved on further down the cliff wall, I became aware for the first time of the calmness, the almost complete silence of the place. The distance, and that last outcropping of rock, silenced the excited cries of joy from the children playing on that section of beach we had passed through. The only sounds we could hear were the dying murmurs of the little wavelets as each tried to go further up the beach than the previous one, before receding back into the briny depths.

“I can see you are feeling the same thing that my Mom and I felt, the first time we saw this section. Totally awe inspiring, isn’t it? Another nice thing is that hardly anyone ever comes this far, so it is like having your very own private beach.”

“Oh, yes, it most certainly is. It’s stunning. ”

“I think the best place to spread out our towels is over by that outcropping of rock,” he said, as he started towards a huge rock that stuck up out of the sand, almost…

Published 12 years ago

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