“What’s so damned funny?” I asked her.
“You’re taking this so seriously,” she pronounced.
“I just want it to be good. We said we could do it better. If we don’t have a good story, it will suck.”
We were leaning across the breakfast bar, drinking coffee. It was my favorite time of the day because I got to look at my gorgeous wife and drink my favorite non-alcoholic beverage at the same time.
“What’s the hang-up?” she asked.
“I’ve got about four or five different scenarios,” I told her. “Each one has various permutations, but I can’t decide which one to script.”
She chuckled. “All this for a home-made porn flick.” She shook her head.
“You agreed to do it,” I reminded her.
“Yes, I did. And I’m not backing out. I just think it’s funny that you’re getting so wrapped about it.”
“Do you have any ideas?” I challenged.
“I might have one or two. But, for now, if I were you, I’d write down the basic theme for each of yours. The next time the four of us get together, we can all decide.”
“That’s good!” I said quite cheerfully. “I shouldn’t be the one deciding everything. I’m just writing the script. When are we getting together again?”
“Friday,” she said, putting her coffee cup down, taking both my hands in hers and leaning forward for a short kiss. “So, you’ve got two days to collect your thoughts, develop the themes and be ready to present them to everybody.”
I smiled broadly at her. “I can do that. What about your ideas?”
“Oh, let’s see what you’ve come up with first. I’ll keep mine under wraps for the time being.”
“I wouldn’t mind including yours in the options,” I told her.
She smiled sweetly. “I know,” she said. “But, I don’t have them fully developed yet. Just some phantom thoughts. I’ll tell you when the time is right.”
I shrugged. “Don’t forget to write them down,” I said, “so you don’t forget.”
She nodded. “You go start working on yours,” she said. “I’ll make some notes, too. We’ll see what develops. We might even be able to integrate them into one of your scenarios.”
I picked up my coffee cup, refilled it from the pot and headed toward the computer. I did have a few scenarios for the porn flick we wanted to make. I really liked the idea of presenting them to Dave and Donna and hearing which one they preferred.
Friday was sort of our weekly get together. We usually had supper, chatted fairly extensively, and then watch a porn flick together. Most times we’d have a romping interlude of cross-marital sex afterwards.
We all agreed most of the porn flicks were kind of snarky. The acting was marginal. Donna was the one who nailed down our major complaint.
“I like the concepts behind some of them, like the wife who turns out to be a real fuck-bunny. But I’m never really convinced that the husband and wife are really married. I mean, they just look like they’re getting paid to act out the parts. They’d be better if they were believable.”
That’s when we decided we could put one together that would be more realistic, primarily because the husbands and wives really were married to each other. My job was to develop the script.
“What I’ve got,” I explained to Dave and Donna that Friday after dinner, “are a few scenarios to work around. There are a couple of elements in each one, but I’m flexible on those.” I handed a sheet of paper with the four scenarios in paragraph form to each of them and gave them a minute to look them over.
“Is the first one your favorite?” Donna asked.
“Not really,” I confessed. “I mixed them up so no personal preference of mine would influence our decision.”
She nodded and went back to reading.
Dave finished reading first and plopped the paper down. “They all look hot to me,” he said.
“We have to pick one, Dave,” I said. “So, look them over again and see which one you like the best.”
“Why don’t we rate them one through four?” Kayla suggested. “There are a couple of pens in that end table drawer.” Dave pulled open the drawer and took out two pens, tossing them on the coffee table.
“This one about the boss helping out his employee and her husband is okay,” Donna said, “but it would be my least favorite.”
“Mark it as a four, then,” Kayla said.
“What’s your favorite, Kayla?” Dave asked her.
“You’ll find out when we share scores,” my wife said.
“Okay,” Dave said, with a sigh. He picked up his sheet, a pen, and began to re-read them.
“I really like the one with the brother,” Donna told us. “Do you have a brother, Kevin?”
“Sean,” I told her. “But, he’s like twenty-four. I don’t think we could pull it off. Neither Dave or I look twenty-something.”
“Yeah,” Donna said. “But, how about an older brother?”
“I could do that,” I nodded.
“What about the emotions of letting your brother screw your wife?” Donna asked. “Would that be a problem?”
“I don’t know,” I said, turning to my wife. “Would you screw Sean?”
Kayla’s look could be defined as frigid. “The road-side rescue is my least favorite,” she said. “That would be like screwing a complete stranger. I’m not doing that.”
“I like the older brother,” Donna pressed. “Put a little grey on the temples of my guy. Could he pass as Kevin’s older brother?”
“I don’t see why not,” I offered.
“Thing is, Kayla, could you pull off being sexually drawn to Dave like that?” Donna asked her.
“There has to be a palpable, visual attraction between the two of them for that one to work,” I volunteered. “I can write some actions into the script that contributes to that perception, but it really is up to Kayla and Dave to be able to make it believable.”
“So the road-side stranger couple is out,” I said, marking my own sheet.
“Yeah,” Donna said. “That’s a little overmuch.”
“Okay. What about the Army buddy and his wife?” I asked.
“I like that one,” Donna said. “That would be my second choice.”
“Okay,” I said. “Any objections there?”
Everybody seemed to agree.
“And the employee and her husband?” I asked them all.
“It smacks of sexual harassment,” Dave said. “The boss helps her out in return for a piece of ass?”
“Actually, the boss helps them out so the husband does the boss’s wife,” I explained.
“Nah,” Donna said. “Third choice at best.”
“Kayla?” I turned to my wife.
“You want me to fuck your brother?” she said.
“That’s not the way I read it,” Donna interjected. “The way it looks, there’s an alluring chemistry between you and the brother. He sweeps you off your feet and you can’t help yourself. At the same time, he’s enchanted with you, too. I like it.”
“I like it, too,” Dave said. “I like the thought of being irresistible.”
“And take that part about the Army buddy’s wife and put it on the sister-in-law,” Donna said. “That would make it fun for me, too.”
“The three styles of dress?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Donna said. “I think I can do that wardrobe.”
“All right,” I said, scribbling a note on my sheet. “I’ll start working on the script first thing next week.”
“How are you planning to start it?” Dave asked.
“With a nooner,” I answered, grinning at him. “First thing on screen will be me doing my own wife. Call it screenwriter’s prerogative.”
Donna laughed. “It is porn, right? Nothing beats getting right down to it.”
“Actually,” I told them, “it works for character establishment.”
“Damn!” Dave said. “There’s a lot of work going into this.”
“Yeah,” I agreed. “But it will also be fun. If you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life.”
Dave turned out to be a pretty good cinematographer. The first time we watched what we called the dailies, the shots taken during our shooting session it became obvious that he liked what he was doing.
That first scene, as I envisioned it, would be a fade-in to a cock, my cock, plowing into my wife’s pussy. Without the fade-in, it just popped on the screen. Placing the microphone next to the bed had been a stroke of genius. I could hear my wife moaning and warbling.
“Oh, baby, I just love it when you come home for lunch,” she said, right according to the script.
“You just like coming for lunch,” I was heard to say.
“I do, oh, yeah! It’ll be happening soon, too!”
The scene switched with some uncontrolled tilts, pans, and zooms that we would edit out, to Kayla’s face. Her eyes were half closed and her mouth made an alluring “O”.
“You like my cock in you at lunchtime?” I was heard to ask.
“Yes,” Kayla answered. “Yes, yes, yes!”
“I think you just like cock in you,” came the line.
“I do, but yours is the best,” Kayla said, her eyes focusing on my face.
“That’s why you married me, isn’t it?”
She nodded. We all smiled at the way the big hoop earrings she wore moved when she moved her head.
As the camera focused on her face, Kayla’s eyes seemed to glaze and her mouth formed into a smaller “O”.
“I’m coming, baby,” she said. “Oooo, yeah! Make me come on your hard cock.”
“You want me to come, too?” I could be heard to ask.
“Yes, yes,” Kayla said. “Oh, fuck me, baby! I love how you fuck me!”
Dave held the shot on Kayla’s face as her eyes got wide and she bellowed out her orgasm.
“What I thought we could do,” Dave’s voice said, is cut in a couple of those shots of your cock plowing her. Then we’ll catch her face as she comes.”
“We can do that,” I agreed.
“Watch this,” Dave said, indicating the screen. The shot had shifted back down to my cock. It was only partially inserted into Kayla, but it was obviously pumping a load of come into my wife. You could see the flesh pulse with each spurt of the ejaculation.
I chuckled. “Donna taught me that.”
“Yes, I did,” Donna said with a tone of triumph.
“So,” Dave asked, “what do we think of our first attempts a shooting?”
“It’s clear, in focus, and embarrassing,” Kayla said.
“Don’t be embarrassed, baby,” Donna said. “Soon enough it’ll be my cunt on camera. I can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s edited.”
“Have we established the fact that we’re married?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Dave said, “I think so.”
“I agree,” Donna added. “Sure doesn’t look like you’re getting paid to fuck her.”
“Okay,” I said. “Dave, can we get together tomorrow and do the editing?”
“Sure. Around five?”
“I want to be there to make sure you do it right,” Donna said.
“How’s the music search coming?” I asked Kayla.
“Okay, I guess,” she said. “It’s hard to guesstimate without knowing how long each of the segments are going to be.”
“Just find something that fits aesthetically,” I suggested. “We can always edit it to fit.”
Kayla and I ushered Dave and Donna from the house.
“You did good,” I said to Kayla, kissing her on the forehead.
“I just lay there, got laid, and said the words you wrote for me. Not exactly hard to do. Truth is, though, after watching those shots, I’m horny as hell. Wanna come screw me?”
“Always,” I laughed. “That’s why we look so good on the video.”
It took nearly six weeks for us to shoot, edit, score, and complete our video. With just the four of us working on it, we had weekends and evenings, and had to work around various interruptions and challenges. Reviewing our dailies was always fun. Sometimes, however, we were disappointed in what we saw or heard, necessitating a reshoot. Dave and I managed to perform some editing management that provided pretty cool transition shots avoiding the use of the standard doors and vehicles.
I was really pleased with the scripting. Sometimes the audio was a little rough. We eventually developed the capability of placing a microphone strategically, sending the signal to a computer. From there we could overdub the subpar sound picked up by the camera. It actually sounded pretty professional when we finished.
“Should we do credits?” Dave asked as the last shots were edited into the whole.
“It’s just for us, remember?” I told him. “We know who did what.”
“We should have a title, though,” he insisted.
“I’m thinking we better have the girls’ input on that,” I laughed. “But I kind of like ‘Irresistible’. What do you think?”
“Let’s watch the whole thing together,” Dave said, “and then make the decision. But, yeah, I like that. It doesn’t say who’s irresistible. Hell, it could be anybody.”
We set the next Friday night for viewing. Dave had the big flat screen LCD TV so we’d watch it at their place.
Kayla and I arrived just after six. Donna was dressed in one of my favorite outfits she’d worn in the film. The part she wanted put in about wardrobe was when Dave, who played my older brother, said Donna had three looks during the summer; elegant, bikini, and naked. The elegant outfit Donna chose was a tight, sleeveless black top, spangled earrings and four inch heels under flaring black pants that clung to her butt and looked spectacular. Her dark blue eyes were sparkling when Kayla and I rang the bell with a bottle of wine and the DVD in hand.
“Did we do good?” she asked me after Kayla preceded me through the door.
“I think so,” I said, grinning broadly.
“God, I can’t wait to see it all put together,” she whispered.
“Tonight’s the night,” I responded.
“Then we’re going to want to fuck, aren’t we?”
“That was sort of the whole idea.”
Dave approached and held out his hand for the DVD. “I’ll just load it up so it’s ready,” he said.
“No cheating,” his wife told him. “You wait for the rest of us.”
“We’ve all seen it,” he argued.
“Just in bits and pieces,” she snapped at him. “Load it up and come into the kitchen.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, with a nod of the head.
Donna led me to the kitchen where Kayla had seated herself on one of the stools.
“You okay?” Donna asked her.
Kayla smiled wanly. “Yeah, fine.”
“She’s nervous about her premier as a porn star,” I joked. I got a slap on the arm for my effort.
“Well, I’m excited,” Donna said. “So, dinner is quick and easy. Help yourself. It’s all laid out on the breakfast bar.”
There was a macaroni salad of some kind, sliced ham and turkey, and a variety of cheeses. Everything was on paper plates with plastic silverware.
“It’s like an indoor picnic,” I commented.
“I don’t want to fuck around doing dishes,” Donna said. “I want to watch our work of art.”
“Hardly that,” I said.
“You wrote a good script,” Kayla told me. “And I thought you did a good job of directing all of us.”
“He did, didn’t he?” Donna said. “I know he made us keep repeating our parts until he got what he wanted. That’s why it’s really going to be good.”
“All I wanted was for it to be natural,” I told them. “I wanted to avoid stilted delivery, and for the attraction to come out.”
“Oh, it came out,” Donna said. “The way you made Dave and her interact almost had me jealous. It really looked like there were sparks flying between them.”
Dave walked into the kitchen with a big grin. “What did you do?” Donna asked.
“Nothing,” he said. “I just cued it up to the beginning. It looks awesome on the big screen.”
“Grab a plate,” she ordered him. “We want to get this show on the road.”
Dave forked some meat and cheese on his plate and looked around. “Where’s the bread?” he asked.
“Just eat the damned thing with your fingers, David,” Donna ordered. “Wrap the cheese in the meat like this.” She demonstrated, making a roll-up out of a slice of ham and cheddar. “And hurry it up. The rest of us are waiting to see our masterpiece.”
Within ten minutes we had finished eating and charged our wine glasses. Donna directed us to dump our refuse in the trash receptacle by the door on our way to the den.
We settled on the couch, with Kayla on my left, Donna on my right, and Dave to the right of Donna.
“Are we ready?” he asked.
“Wait a sec,” Donna said. “A toast. To our first effort at making quality porn,” she said raising her glass.
“Here, here!” I seconded.
Everybody took a sip, and Dave said, “Here we go.”
The room filled with music, and then the fade in started. The image of my cock plowing into Kayla was huge. It made me chuckle. Kayla grabbed my arm. The music faded and the sounds of Kayla’s moans and gasps came through. The first words of dialogue sounded clear and close.
“Oh, God,” Donna said. “I know I’ve seen this dozens of times, but honestly, it is so hot!”
“Shush,” her husband whispered.
We watched in awe as Kayla’s face appeared in the throes of sexual ecstasy. There was no doubt that the orgasm she experienced was a real one. Dave’s inserts and expert editing was smooth and professional. My cock pumped Kayla full of come. Then the crossfade to Kayla and me in our kitchen was accomplished over the dialogue that revealed my older brother was moving to town. He’d be coming first and his wife would follow in a few days. I said I hope she wouldn’t mind them staying with us until they found a place to live.
“No, darling,” Kayla responded, with a loving touch that was obviously authentic.
Dave and I shook hands as he exited the baggage claim at the airport. I leaned to my right and congratulated Donna on her handling of the camera. The shot was steady, thanks to the tripod, and the slow zoom and pan to the two of us climbing into my Mercury Marquis was perfect.
I’d scripted the next segment so that Dave did most of the talking. We accomplished that by setting the camera by my right knee. We shot the three instances of my dialogue later and interspersed them with his shots. He explained that he had been transferred by upper management to bring the local production facility into line. They would be here for at least three years and that Donna was not exactly enthused about having to leave the life they’d established for themselves in Atlanta. When I mentioned the weather wouldn’t be as oppressive here during the summer as it was in Atlanta is when Dave explained Donna’s wardrobe as elegant, a bikini, and completely naked.
The door shot that came next was my least favorite, but we couldn’t figure out how to get us out of the car and into the house without using it. Once again, Donna had manned the camera as the car rolled up the drive. We switched to a static shot of Dave and I exiting the car, and cut to Kayla greeting us at the front door.
“I still hate that sequence,” I mumbled, and Donna gave me a shot to the leg.
“No, you did great,” I said in protest. “I just don’t like the sequence.”
“Shush, will you?” Donna said.
The scene switched to our foyer, where Kayla gave Dave a chaste kiss on the cheek. The key element to that little scene was the way she hiked up her leg and leaned into him as she did it. The dialogue was multilayered, with Kayla welcoming Dave, me introducing him, and Dave thanking us both for putting them up.
“See?” Donna said, “that’s so normal.”
It also seemed normal when I suggested Kayla show Dave to the guest bedroom. I’d shot the scene of them entering and Kayla suddenly seeming nervous. We shot that one about six times before I got what I wanted. Kayla needed to touch her hair, lick her lips, and keep moving about the room nervously to convey the anxiety. Her genius kicked in when she did all those things while backing away from Dave until she sort of fell backward to sit on the bed. She looked at him for a second and then sprang back up, pointing down the hall to the guest bathroom.
“The anticipation scenes go on too long,” I commented. “I want to see some sex!”
“I think it’s fine,” Donna said. “You can see the mutual attraction building. And, I love that scene when he comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her. Look how sexy it looks when he nuzzles into her hair.”
“Yeah,” Dave said. “And you can see her nipples jutting through that thin top. It’s hot.”
“I just can’t, Dave,” Kayla’s voice said, coming through the speakers.
“But you want to, don’t you?” Dave mumbled.
Kayla turned to him and held his face in her hands, her eyes darting around his face. “I do, Dave,” she whispered. “But I can’t do that to Kevin.” Then she pulled him to her and gave him a luscious kiss on the lips. The kiss ended with Kayla licking across his lips.
“Donna gets in this afternoon,” Dave told her. “That will change everything.”
“What do you mean?” she asked him, her eyes sparkling.
“She’ll convince Kevin. Just let her work her magic and I promise we’ll be able to enjoy one another.”
“We’ll see,” Kayla told him sounding less than convinced.
The crossfade to Donna’s arrival in her elegant attire worked well. For a shot with all of us clothed, Dave managed to capture the heightened sexuality of the greeting Donna gave me. She placed both hands on my chest and moved close to me. She gave me a nearly sisterly kiss on each cheek, then a soft kiss right on the mouth. It lasted only milliseconds longer than it should, but made it obvious that Donna was sexually charged and had an ulterior motive in mind.
Dave zoomed slowly out until he had just the bare shoulder and the back of the right side of Kayla in the shot when Donna turned to her, not moving back from me. “We’re going to have to talk,” she said. “Can we do it by the pool?”
The next shot, taken by Kayla, showed Dave struggling into the house with Donna’s two bags.
“You’re room or mine?” he asked me.
“Let’s start with ours,” Donna said. “I’ll let you know later if they need to be moved.”
At the poolside, Donna lounged in her black, nearly-nothing bikini on one of the loungers, holding a Marguerite glass in one hand. Her eyes were hidden behind large sunglasses. Kayla was next to her in another lounger, dressed in her own bikini with orange and white stripes.
“How much have you and Dave done?” she asked Kayla.
My wife grinned ruefully. “Nothing, really,” she responded.
Donna nodded. “But you would, except for…” she nodded off camera. An insert showed Dave and me relaxing across the pool.”
“And you,” Kayla said.
“Oh, the hell with that,” Donna said forcefully. “Listen. If you don’t mind me taking up with your man, then you should go for it.”
“Really?” she said.
“Honey,” Donna told her, “I can see the sparks flying between you and Dave. That’s fine. Just get him back to me undamaged. Both of you need this.”
“But Kevin,” Kayla started.
“You leave him to me, darling,” she said. “Dave and I have done this before. I’ve got practice. I’ll keep him so distracted that he’ll be fine with whatever you’re doing.”
“You’re sure?” Kayla asked.
“Honey, you want to fuck my husband. I can see it. He damned sure wants to fuck you. Now, all we have to do is get Kevin to want me the same way. I think I can make that happen.”
“How are we going to do that?” Kayla asked her.
“Just leave it to me. I promise you, by tonight, you and my husband will either be in your bed or in ours,” Donna told her.
“When are we going to start working on that?” Kayla grinned at her.
“Right now,” Donna said. “Just play along with me.” She hollered at me. “Kevin!” she yelled. “Need you to come over here sometime in the next twenty seconds!”
In a low voice she told Kayla, “Just remember. When he fucks me, we’re just opening the door for you and Dave to get turned loose.”
Dave shot the view of me walking around the end of the pool and cutting to a medium shot of me standing next to Donna.
“Your wife said I could borrow you to spread some of that lovely tanning oil on me so I don’t burn,” Donna told him.
“Really?” I asked, casting my gaze between the two women.
“That’s right,” Kayla confirmed. “She’s our guest. Give her what she needs.”
I picked up the oil, pouring it into my palm, rubbing them together. “Where would you like me to start?” I asked.
“Shoulders first,” Donna said, “and work your way down.”
I remember Dave shooting this and telling me to work faster. He kept urging me to speed up the action. It made me chuckle as I watched my hands work across Donna’s shoulders, down her arms, then onto her chest. Donna untied the neck band of her bikini exposing her breasts. I smeared the oil over them and then worked down her belly. When I reached the top of her bikini bottoms, she instructed me to reposition to her feet and work up. The oil oozed between my fingers as I coated one foot and then the other. I smoothed the oil up her shins and onto her thighs. This time, as my hands approached the bikini bottoms, Donna untied the little bows at each side and removed the garment. She lay naked in front of me.
“Keep going,” she urged.
It didn’t take any acting talent for my cock to get fully hard with this process. As I worked the oil across her mons, Donna sat up, spreading her legs on both sides of the lounger.
“My turn,” she said, reaching forward and grabbing my bathing suit on each side. She looked at Kayla and grinned evilly. She tugged down my suit until my cock popped out, fully rigid and bouncing obscenely in front of her. Donna grabbed it and looked up at me.
“If you’ve got any oil left on your hands, “she said, “you’d better put it on your ass. We don’t want you to burn there.”
You could see my hands rub my butt in the side view of Donna taking my cock and sliding her lips around it. The groan I made came through loud and clear.
Donna licked and sucked at my meat, slobbering a generous amount of saliva on it, especially around the tip. She eventually turned around and knelt on the lounger, turning her head to face my wife.
“I want your husband to fuck me, darling,” she said, her voice sounding husky. “You don’t mind, do you, dear?”
“As long as you don’t mind yours fucking me later,” Kayla told her. “You don’t mind that, do you, Kevin?”
The shot showed my cock, dripping and bobbing close to Donna’s sex. “No, please,” I was heard to say. “Go ahead.”
“Then put it inside her, Kevin. Don’t make her wait any longer,” Kayla could be heard to say.
My cock moved forward and split Donna’s engorged labia, slowly disappearing into her flesh.
“Now that’s some fine fucking,” Dave laughed, freezing the screen with my cock just entering his wife’s body.
“Let it run,” Kayla said. “We want to see your editing magic.”
The four of us knew that we had shot the scenes of Dave and Kayla after those of Donna and me. Dave managed to clip and edit them in, though, so it appeared to be happening at the same time.
In the shot, Dave walked over to Kayla. “This is a little bit of a surprise,” he said.
“Not really,” she replied, temptingly pulling at the string of her own bikini. “More like paving the road,” she said, pulling the small fabric piece off her body. “Does it give you any ideas?”
Dave chuckled and dropped his shorts to the deck. Kayla reached up for him.
“You remember those stolen kisses?” she asked him.
“I do,” Dave said.
“They’re freely granted now,” she said, “and available anywhere on this body that you would like.”
“Let’s start here,” he said, kneeling beside her and tenderly kissing the distended nipple of her right breast.
“Nice,” she said.
The shot switched back to Donna, primarily to her face as she grunted with the exertion as I plunged into her. “Oh, fuck, yeah,” Donna said. “Gotta love hard cock.”
The scene switched back to Kayla, raising her hips as Dave slipped her bikini bottoms down her thighs and exposing her neatly shaved pussy. His hand slipped between her legs.
“I knew you wanted me,” he smiled at her.
“If you’ll bring that rod up here I’ll show you how much,” she said in sultry invitation.
“You want to suck my cock?” Dave asked her.
“Yeah, baby,” Donna could be heard saying. “Suck his cock. Make him hard to fuck you.”
Kayla smiled up at Dave as he stood up beside her. She grasped his meat, tenderly kissing the tip. Then she licked all around the helmet before sliding it between her lips. Her cheeks sucked in and Dave’s dick slid between her lips until it disappeared from view.
“Whew,” I said as I sat watching my wife on the screen. “You look so damned hot doing that.”
“She is hot doing that,” Donna said. “That’s why we did this, remember?”
The scene shifted back to Donna and me. Dave had moved the camera in for a close-up of my own cock sliding between his wife’s thighs. Donna was ad-libbing a bunch of obscenities as I plowed into her.
“That’s not acting,” Donna said to the room. “I really liked getting plowed like that.”
After about ten or twelve plunges, Dave edited back to the scene of Kayla and him. I actually shot those scenes and remembered reminding Kayla to look at Dave’s face as she sucked on him. It wasn’t just sucking, though. Kayla sucked, plunging her head on his meat, and then went back to licking him up and down his length. It was really sexy watching her look at him while her mouth was full of his cock.
“God,” Donna said, “I got to tell you. I’m soaking!”
“That’s funny,” Kayla said. “The back of my throat is tingling.”
“I think we’ve done it,” I commented to Dave. “We’ve turned the girls on.”
He reached over to high-five my hand. “Right on, man!” he exclaimed. “Now, watch this next scene. You did great!”
The next scene showed Dave backing away from Kayla. “I want that pussy,” he said in a low voice. He dropped to one knee, grabbed Kayla’s right leg, twisted her in the seat and put her knee over his left shoulder. He started kissing her left leg as he lifted it, moving slowly up her thigh. When he finally reached the apex, Kayla let out a gasp as his tongue invaded her. I zoomed in to capture Dave’s pink tongue lapping at Kayla’s inner labia and his lips pulling at her clit. Kayla’s voice could be heard in an ecstatic warble.
This time, when the scene shifted, Donna was demanding, “Lie down here, Kevin. Let me ride you.” Dave zoomed out as Donna and I shifted positions. My hard cock pointed straight up as I lay on the lounger. Donna straddled the lounger and my hips, grabbed my dick, and slid it around her slit until she had it in position. She slid down on it slowly, until I was completely buried in her. She sat there for a few seconds. Dave moved around to shoot her face on as she began to move on my cock. She discarded her sunglasses and her eyes were smoky with sexual desire.
“I want you to come inside me,” Donna was saying as she hitched her hips on mine. “I want to feel your hot come inside me.”
“Soon,” I told her. “I hope you’re getting ready.”
“I’m ready,” she gasped. “Fuck! Can’t you feel me coming around you?”
“I can feel it,” I said, “and it’s making me want to shoot my load in you.”
“Do it, then,” she demanded. “Fuck, yes! Fuck me while my husband eats your wife’s pussy. Shoot your come in me while he eats her.”
“Cut!” Dave hollered into the room, pressing the pause button on the DVD.
“What are you doing?” Kayla asked him.
“Got to shift the camera,” he said.
“Are you nuts?” Donna nearly screamed at him.
“Oh, wait,” I laughed. “I get it. Remember, when we were shooting? We had to stop to change shots?”
“Oh, God!” Kayla groaned. “That’s right. I just get going and somebody would holler, ‘Cut!’ And I would think, ‘What the hell? You want me to stop now?’”
“Next time, we’re going to have two cameras,” Donna said.
“Next time?” I asked. “Are we going to make another one?”
“Hey,” she said. “If we can make something this hot with one camera, imagine what we can do with two?”
I looked at Kayla. “Next time?” I said to her.
She shrugged.
Donna said, “I don’t remember us having to cut here, though.”
“We didn’t,” Dave said, “but it seemed reminiscent of the times we had to.”
“Shut up, Dave,” Donna said, “and let it run. Stop screwing around.”
“Yeah,” Kayla said. “I love the look on her face when she was coming.”
Dave relented. “Okay,” he said. “Here we go.”
The scene resumed with a close up of Donna’s face, and my voice in the background. “I’m coming!” I hollered. “Oh, fuck, yeah!”
Donna’s face got really tight. The muscles along her jawline made ridges as she approached her own orgasm. Then she made an “O” shape and began a rhythmical moaning as the climax swept over her.
“That’s when the cut happened,” I commented softly.
“Yeah,” Dave said. “I remember.”
The shot cut to a view of Donna’s backside, and my cock lodged inside her. As she rocked forward to release me, you could see a drizzle of my come easing out of her and dripping down onto me. The shot held there for a few seconds before switching back to the view of Dave and Kayla.
My wife had propped her elbows under her and she was looking down on Dave as he licked at her pussy. It panned slowly to her face as she panted, licking her lips to keep them moist.
“Please, baby,” Kayla said finally, “I want to feel your cock inside me. Fuck me, baby. Give me what I’ve needed for the past two days.”
The shot cut to a view of Dave’s face, shining with the mixture of Kayla’s juices and his own saliva. He wiped the back of his hand across it, and grinned.
“I knew you wanted to fuck me,” he said. “I’m glad you’re ready to feel my cock inside you.”
He knelt upright at the side of the lounger and pulled my wife’s hips to the edge. She reached between them and grabbed his hard rod, pulling it toward her waiting opening. The camera showed the slow penetration as Dave’s rigid meat pierced her labia and disappeared into her flesh.
“There was one of those cuts,” Kayla said.
“Yeah,” I agreed. “I wanted to show your face as you felt that strange cock slide into you the first time.”
On the screen, Kayla’s eyes rolled up and her face got slack. She exhaled in a soft, “Whew!” sound. Then she looked at Dave and said, “Oh, baby! That feels so good!”
“You know what I think?” Donna said to the room of the viewers.
“What, darlin’?” I asked, winking at Kayla.
“I think we accomplished what we set out to do. That is one hot flick. And the difference is that we all look like we’re really enjoying what we’re doing,” she said.
“Did you?” Dave asked her.
“Fuck, yeah!” Donna said. “Didn’t you?”
“I did,” Dave said. “How about you, Kayla?”
She smiled. “Sure did.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that,” I told her. “I thought you were backing away from the whole thing.”
“Really?” Donna said. “What part of ‘Come fuck me from behind, Dave. I love the feel of your cock inside me,’ indicates your wife is backing out?”
“I wrote the line,” I grinned at her.
“Yeah, but she delivered it,” Donna said. “I thought it was very convincing.”
“Thank you,” Kayla said, laughing.
“So, are we going to watch the rest?” I asked.
“Later,” Donna replied. “Right now, I need to get laid.”
“Really?” Dave asked.
“Really,” Donna told him. “I told you that thing was hot.” She waved indiscriminately at the screen where the frozen image showed Dave’s cock lodged in my wife’s pussy. “Tell me you don’t have a woody.”
“Well,” he grinned at her, nodding at the screen, “that does give me a couple of ideas.”
“Kayla,” Donna said, “would you mind if I borrowed your husband for a quick bang?”
“I promise you a good pussy-eating if you let her,” Dave said to Kayla.
“Go ahead,” Kayla said. “After all this, it’s like we’re all married to each other, anyway.”
That gave me an idea. “Oh, wow!” I interjected. “Next title: ‘Polyamory on Baxter Avenue.’”
Donna stood up and extended a hand to me. “Come on,” she said. “You can tell me all about it while I ride your cock to several well-deserved orgasms.”
I arose from my seat and took Donna’s hand as Kayla stood and began to shuck her shorts.
“And I’ve never been one to turn down a good pussy-licking,” she told Dave.
“Do good,” I told Dave, “and she’ll let you have a piece of tail, too, I’d wager.”
Kayla grinned. “You know me too well,” she said to me.
“Why Baxter Avenue?” Donna asked as she dragged me toward the bedroom.