Patrick and I arrived at the marina a little after six in the morning and I was sleepy-eyed and tired. Travis was already there waiting for us. He told us he had stocked the boat the previous day and had done all the safety checks before we arrived. After we loaded our luggage on the thirty-five-foot sailboat, which I thought was very pretty and sleek looking and larger than I imagined; we went below deck to the cabin area.
Below deck was a kitchen, two sleeping cabins that were not very large and both had double beds in them. I was relieved the boat had two bathrooms, which the men called heads. One was attached to one of the bedrooms. I claimed the one in the sleeping cabin for my own. There was a small sink, a toilet, and a stand-alone shower. Off of the kitchen was a living area that on one side had a U-shaped couch with a table in front and on the other side had a small coach about the size of a love seat.
Travis asked us to sit down and he went over safety rules, which I was glad he took very seriously, and then unrolled some charts and explained where we would sail. I paid attention to the safety lecture and the route.
If we sailed straight through to Miami it would only take about a day, but we were going to take our time on the trip, sail around in the Gulf the first day, and then down to Naples where Patrick had reserved a spot at a marina there. We would go into Naples, see the area, eat dinner at a restaurant and then sleep on the boat. Next, we would do the same in the Keys and then Miami and then sail back to Tampa. Patrick and Travis had planned on spending five nights and six days on the boat.
After all was said, Patrick cooked us some breakfast. I don’t cook, not because I don’t like to cook but because I can’t cook worth a damn. After we ate I did clean the kitchen while Travis and Patrick went topside to prepare for us to start. I wanted to take a nap but the men told me it was time for me to learn about sailing and earn my place on the boat. We used the boat’s motor to leave the marina and once out on the Gulf we started to sail.
After forty-five minutes I was ready to tell them to take me back to Tampa and I would check into a five-star hotel and wait for them to return. It was awful. I didn’t get seas sick which was a plus, but that was the only good thing in the first forty-five minutes of the trip. They made me work!
I was corrected a million times on the correct lingo to use. When I called the front of the boat the front I was corrected it was called the stern, the back was the bow, facing the front of the boat (sorry the bow), the right side was starboard and the left stern. I learned what a forestay was, the difference between the mainsail and the jib or foresail, the boom, and other nautical terms. The worse was they had me using the damn crank to raise the sail. I kept turning and turning until my arm felt like it was going to fall off. After a little more than the mainsail being halfway up, Patrick chuckled at me and asked why I didn’t just use the electric crank. I could have thrown him overboard!
Once they had their fun hazing me the trip became much more enjoyable. Travis taught me how to steer the boat and showed me how to read the compass to set our course. I felt so cool steering the boat. I felt like a pirate. After a while of my steering, Travis set the autopilot (something I didn’t know the boat had) and I got to enjoy myself.
I walked along the deck, saw dolphins, and shark fins, and waved at other sailboats, motorboats, and catamarans. I was wearing just my pink bikini and over the bottoms, I was wearing a pair of denim shorts with an elastic waistband. As I walked along the boat, waved at others, and watched the sea creatures, I would pose my body to show off my ass and boobs for Travis. I saw him looking several times and Patrick would look at me and shake his head and give me a smirk. He knew what I was doing. I even asked Travis to let me steer the boat again and sat in his lap when at the helm as I flirted with him. As we continued our trip, I took off my shoes; I was advised not to go barefoot when I walked along the deck because I might slip and I had bought pair of slip-on-deck shoes that had a good grip on the soles. I then removed my shorts and laid out on the bow of the boat, and made sure Travis could see my body.
I lay in the sun for a while when Patrick, who was at the helm steering the boat, called out and suggested I put on some sunscreen (yes black people do get sunburned). He handed Travis the bottle of the lotion and Travis walked it to me.
“Could you put some on my back for me?” I asked Travis as I looked at Patrick and grinned. Patrick shook his head at my forwardness.
“Sure,” Travis told me.
I lay on my stomach on the towel and unhooked the back of my bikini top and spread my legs and stretched my arms above my head. Travis knelt between my legs and I giggled when the cold liquid hit my skin. I made subtle but exaggerated moans as Travis spread the sunscreen on my body. His hands were like Patrick’s, rough and callused and I liked the feeling of a man’s rough hands on my skin. Travis rubbed the lotion into my flesh like he was giving me a message and I was getting aroused.
“Umm, that feels good. I need some lower,” I told him. Travis started massaging my lower back and down close to my butt.
“Maybe my legs also, especially my thighs,” I suggested.
Travis chuckled, “Aren’t you the spoiled little girl.”
I turned my head and smiled at him, “I don’t think you would mind.”
“Not at all.” Travis squirted some of the sunscreen on the back of my thighs and again started to massage me.
His hand rubbed the lotion into my thighs. His hands ran down to my ankles and back up to my upper thighs.
“Umm that feels so nice,” I moaned out, this time it was not exaggerated. “You are very good at this.”
“It helps when I am doing it to a sexy girl like you,” he told me. “Your skin is so soft.” His hands went to my butt and stopped where my bikini started. “Your ass is amazing and so firm,” he commented.
“Thank you.” I looked over at Patrick who was still giving me a smirk that read, you are way too obvious. I giggled.
Travis massaged the exposed areas of my butt cheeks for a while and then ran his hands back down my legs. I gave a squealing shriek when he started to massage my feet and jerked my body to sit up, clutching my bikini top to my chest.
“Not there,” I told him. “I can’t stand to have my feet touched.”
That was true. I hated anyone touching my feet and I didn’t touch anyone else’s. It was just creepy to me. Even when I went to the nail salon and got my fingernails manicured and my wax treatments, the girls at the salon came to stop asking me if I wanted a pedicure because after several trips to the salon they knew I did not like my feet touched. I definitely did not have a foot fetish. Hell, I even hated washing the bottom of my own feet and between my toes in the shower. I did of course but cringed every time.
Travis laughed, “Okay.” He then gave me a charming, sexy smile. “I can do the front of you want?” he suggested.
I giggled, “I think I can handle that but thank you.”
Travis stood up and I could see his erection bulging in his tan shorts. He did not seem embarrassed by it and I was not either. If it would have been noticeable he would have seen that I was wet between my legs and not from the spray of the ocean.
I laid out for a while longer and then went below and took a nap. I lay on top of the bed covers and was still just wearing my bikini. I did grab a throw blanket to cover up with. Patrick came into the cabin about five minutes later.
“You are being so obvious,” he told me with a grin on his face.
I propped my head upon my hand with my elbow on the bed, “I play to win. I am going to win our bet.”
Patrick sat on the edge of the bed. “I did not know we had a bet. If it’s a bet we need to set the stakes.”
I smile mischievously, got up and kneeled behind Patrick, and started to run my hands over his back through his shirt. “Ok, what do you have in mind?” I asked and started kissing his neck. I was horny.
“If you win and Travis agrees to fuck you, and he has to actually fuck you because wanting to does not count. I know he wants to, then I will buy you anything you want in Naples, Key West, and Miami. Plus I will let him fuck you anytime you both want.”
“And if you win?” I asked and ran my hands to the front of his body and started to unbutton the short-sleeved shirt he had on.
“If I win then you have to agree to do anything we want, both Travis and I, want you to do on the trip.”
“What do you mean by anything?” I now had Patrick’s shirt unbuttoned and was running my hands over his hairy chest. “You need to be more clear.”
“Just as I said, anything at any time. You will be our whore for the rest of the trip. Whenever we want to fuck or any way we want to fuck you, you can’t say no. We want a blow job, you can’t say no. You have to do anything we say within reason of course. You know I won’t make you do anything out of the ordinary or something that would hurt you.”
“Not even a spanking for being a naughty girl?” I teased
“When are you not a naughty girl,” Parick replied. “I said anything you don’t like. You like getting that big, black ass spanked”
I started kissing his neck again as I ran my hands over his chest. “That makes no sense,” I whispered in his ear. “If I get Travis to fuck me then I win, but if I lose he gets to fuck me anyway?”
Patrick smiled, “The difference is that if you get Travis to fuck you without me telling him it’s okay then you win. If he won’t until I tell him I will allow it then I win.”
It still did not make sense to me, either way, I would be fucked by Travis, something I now really wanted. I agreed. I could not lose.
“OK, a bet.”
Patrick chucked, “Be careful what you wish for. Remember what I told you about a young sexy black girl alone on a boat with two horny older white men for six days. You may get more than you bargained for or can handle.”
I giggled, “I can handle it.” I thought for a moment. “Wait you didn’t bring any of those damn blue pills did you?”
The last time Patrick took viagra for recreation, and by recreation I mean so he can fuck my brains out almost all night long, my pussy and ass were sore for days. I asked him why he took it because he certainly did not need it. He just laughed and told me he was paying a lot for my black pussy and wanted to get his money’s worth. it was to get his money’s worth. If both he and Travis took one of the blue pills I would not get any rest at all.
“Maybe I did or maybe I didn’t. It’s too late now to welch on the bet. It was already made.”
I sighed and started kissing Patrick’s neck with more passion. I was still horny and wanted to get fucked. I ran my hands down to his crotch and started rubbing over his shorts to feel his hard cock. I moved to my side and Patrick lay back on the bed. I then straddled him and started kissing him as he untied my bikini top.
“Fuck me,” I whispered into his ear as he started fondling my breasts and nipples and I ground my hips into him.
“No,” he told me and gently pushed me off of him. “We need your pussy nice and fresh just in case. But you can suck my dick.”
I pouted in frustration but got on my knees on the floor in front of him and helped him pull off his shorts and underwear. Giving him a blow job was better than nothing.
After Patrick orgasmed in my mouth he stood up and pulled up his underwear and shorts and buttoned up his shirt. I got back in bed to take a nap. I was sleepy. Getting up so early after staying up so late with Patrick fucking me the night before and the sun draining my body of energy I was tired. I was also incredibly horny. Having Travis massage the sunscreen into my body, seeing how it turned him, and then sucking Patrick’s dick had left me aroused. Another thing that added to my arousal was being on the sailboat. I found it sexy and being there alone with two men, one I was fucking and the other who I wanted to fuck me, was even hotter. I would take care of myself when Patrick left and before I took a nap.
As Patrick was leaving the room and opened the door he looked over his shoulder. “Oh and by the way, no diddling yourself when I leave or the bet is canceled, and not only will you not be able to fuck Travis if you can get him to, but you won’t have me fucking you either and no presents on the trip.”
I shrieked and threw a pillow at his head, “You are so mean!” I screamed at him. The pillow missed.
Patrick laughed as he left the cabin. Even though I was sexually frustrated I was still able to take a nap because I was that tired.
Patrick woke me up after about a two-hour nap and told me we were getting close to Naples. We would dock at the Marina and then go enjoy what the Florida city had to offer. I took a shower and got dressed. I dressed casually. I wore a pair of white denim cut-offs and a blue tank top that came down just past my breasts and left my stomach bare. I made myself a sandwich because I was hungry and slept when Patrick and Travis ate their lunch.
Naples was very beautiful and I liked the coconut trees. I had never seen coconut trees before. They were nothing special, but for some reason seeing a real coconut tree impressed me. We walked almost everywhere we went, but it was not a lot of walking. We walked the downtown area, which was right off the marina, explored the charming shops and boutiques, and went into the art galleries that featured local artists. Patrick bought me a few souvenirs that I pointed out I liked. The architecture of the buildings was beautiful, styled like something you would see on the Mediterranean in Italy.
“I thought you were not going to buy me anything unless you won our bet,” I asked Patrick as we walked the downtown street.
We were walking on the downtown streets and I had my arm looped around Patrick’s as Travis walked a few paces in front of us.
“Those are for the blow job you gave me this afternoon,” he told me with a grin.
“God, what can’t you ever be romantic and say something like you bought them for me because I am such a lovely young woman and you don’t deserve me being at your side and if you don’t buy me nice things I deserve you are afraid I may leave you.”
Patrick laughed, “Because I paid too much money to have you at my side, and with what I pay you I don’t have to be romantic or worry about you leaving me. I have not met another man yet who can afford you or one who has offered to buy you from me.”
I rolled my eyes, “Yes, sir masser, I be a good girl for masser. Please don’t sell me masser.”
Patrick laughed again. The truth was even though he did tease me a lot about our arrangement, Patrick could be very romantic and we had a lot of romantic evenings together. We had intimate and passionate sex more often than we had just hard fucking or playing our fun game of black slave girl and white master. As our relationship progressed and we developed more feelings for one another, the romance in our relationship increased. There would be times when we would have such passionate, intense, intimate lovemaking that I would be in tears after an orgasm.
It was not just with sex. As our relationship grew and as we grew into it, our arrangement was a first for both of us, I came to rely on Patrick for comfort and emotional support and he was always there to comfort me when I needed it and I was always there for him emotionally as well the rare times he needed it. I decided not to write about those times because most readers want to hear about the times I was his whore and he treated me like one.
Yes, he teased me about how he paid me to be with him but I also gave as good as I got and teased him a lot about our arrangement.
We took a trolley-style bus to Pelican Bay where there was a shopping area that hosted over fifty luxury retailers including a Sak’s Fifth Avenue. The stores included Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Ralph Lauren, Tory, Burch, Tiffany & Co., Gucci, Brooks Brothers, and many others. I guess my blow job only got me so far with gifts because Patrick did not buy me anything in any of those stores.
I was surprised by how upscale and expensive Naples was. Travis told me Naples was where the rich of Florida come to relax and play. When we ate dinner at a local, upscale, seafood restraint I felt out of place by the way I was dressed until I saw other patrons. Some were dressed casually as I was and others were semi-casual and some men wearing ties and jackets and women wearing expensive dresses.
When I was looking at the menu for a sweet iced tea all they had were the flavored teas; mango, peach, and other flavors. I did not like flavored teas much but settled on peach. When I commented that paying ten dollars for a glass of tea was ridiculous our waitress overheard me.
“This is Naples after all,” she said in a superior tone and looked at me with disapproval.
“Yes, I am sorry,” I told her. The waitress gave me a sincere smile and nodded her head.
If we had already eaten and she said something like that to me with that attitude, I would have replied with something bitchy. I didn’t because when I worked as a maid for the resort in the Ozarks I was friendly with the kitchen staff. I had seen and heard stories of what they did to people’s food that were obnoxious and rude to the wait staff. I was not going to take that chance.
The food was incredible I had to give them that and while ten dollars was too much to pay for a glass of peach-flavored tea, the rest of the meal was worth the money.
When we made our way back to the marina, there was a music festival on one of the streets downtown and we stayed a while to enjoy it. By the time we got back to the boat, it was after ten. We went below deck into the cabin.
“Tired?” Travis asked me when he saw me yawn.
“No, not really,” I replied. I was a little tired even though I took a nap earlier but Patrick and I had a bet and I wanted to win it. “It’s not that late. I am sure we can all do something before we go to bed.”
I wanted to win it for several reasons. To win it just to win, to win it for the stakes of the bet, to win it for my ego and to show Patrick I could get Travis to fuck me regardless of what he said, and to win it because of my sexual desire to have Travis fuck me.
“We have some board games or we can see if we can pick up something on the TV,” Patrick suggested.
“We can play cards,” I told them.
“Sure we have a deck. What should we play?” Travis asked.
I sat down next to Patrick, who was sitting on the U-shaped couch behind the table, snuggled up to him, and placed my hand on his thigh. I started to twist one of my long braids and looked like I was thinking of what we could play.
“How about poker?” I suggested after some thought. I already knew what I wanted to play.
Travis laughed, “Sure but we have to set a pot limit. I can’t match what Patrick and you can.”
“Like I have the money he has,” I replied and giggled.
“Yeah but all you have to do is bat those bedroom, almond-shaped eyes and I will give you what you need,” Patrick told us. That made me laugh but it was mostly true.
“Ok how about strip poker then.” I smiled at both men.
“Oh fuck yes, I am in if I can get a chance to see your incredible tits,” Travis told me and looked at Patrick.
Patrick nodded his head to Travis, “Sure why not.” Patrick then looked at me and shook his head. He knew what I was doing. “It’s not like thousands of guys have not seen Felicia’s tits already.”
I stuck my tongue out at Patrick as Travis laughed and got a deck of cards from a cabinet. I knew how to play poker, but I sucked at it. I was not a very good poker player at all. I did get confused and had to be reminded of what hand beats another hand, especially when it came to a flush or straight. After several hands, my lack of poker skills was exposed.
All three of us were sitting on the U-shaped couch behind the table. I was sitting in the middle with Patrick sitting on my right at the curve of the U and Travis sitting on my left at the curve of the U on the other side. I had lost my shoes, socks, top, and bra and sat there with my breasts bare.
The only thing I did to hide my bare breasts was to flick my long braids over them. My breasts and large dark nipples were partially exposed between the gaps of the braids. I was not embarrassed for them to be seen. Patrick was right about his earlier comment. A lot of people have seen my breasts. Either men or women I had sex with, my clients when I was an escort, and no counting how many people saw them on my online ads advertising my services when I was an escort. I did notice how Travis kept glancing at my exposed boobs and their erect nipples.
Travis fared better and was wearing just one sock and his shorts and I assumed underwear, but he was shirtless. Damn, he had a great body. Travis had well-defined muscles, not like a bodybuilder physique but that of an athletic swimmer. His chest was covered with black hair but he was not as hairy as Patrick was. Travis had the cliché six-pack abs and his chest hair ran down to his stomach and under his shorts in a single line. Fuck, he was so hot. Just as he would steal glances at my breasts; I would glance at his chest often.
Patrick was clearly doing better at poker than we were. He was still fully dressed. I was once told that a key to poker was being able to have a great poker face. I certainly did not have one and Travis’s outgoing and flamboyant personality prevented his from being much better, but Patrick had a great poker face. Patrick had a good personality and sense of humor, but he could be very stoic at times and did not let his emotions show often. I sometimes teased him about being so robotic when it came to his emotions.
I was also very aroused. Seeing Travis’s chest, me sitting there half-naked with my breasts exposed to them, and alone on the boat playing strip poker with two men had made me extremely horny.
“Well, I need a break,” Patrick announced after the latest hand which he won. “I am going up topside for some fresh air.”
Patrick stood up and gave me a grin. I knew what he was doing. He was playing our game fair and going to give me a chance to win the bet.
“Let me get another beer and I will join you,” Travis told his friend.
As Travis went to stand I placed my hand on his knee, “Stay. Let’s figure out a way for us to team up and beat him.” I gave Travis a cute but seductive smile.
I heard Patrick laugh. “Team up? Felicia, we have you half-naked and I doubt Travis will give up the chance to see your naked ass and even more. I plan on having you stripped down to nothing in the next few hands.”
I stuck my tongue out at Patrick and looked back at Travis, “See, he is so arrogant. We have to humble him.”
Travis grinned and sat back down, “Ok, I have never beaten him in poker and it’s about time I do.”
“Good luck,” Patrick said as we went up on deck. I knew his wish of good luck was meant for me and did not have anything to do with poker.
“He does have a point,” Travis told me after Patrick was topside. “Why should I help you win if there is a chance for me to see you fully naked?”
I took my hair braids in both my hands and moved them behind my back to fully expose my breasts. Travis’s eyes focused on my chest.
“If we help each other I will still show you my ass,” I told him and moved closer to him. “I will show you more than just my ass.” I positioned myself so that the front of my body was turned toward him and placed a hand on his thigh.
“Fuck, your tits are amazing. Your dark nipples are so huge. They are incredible.” Travis kept staring at my breasts.
“They are all-natural,” I teased and leaned closer. “You can touch them to find out for yourself if you want to.”
Travis chuckled, “Baby, I have seen many fake tits in my life and I don’t need to touch them to see that they are real.”
I pouted and ran my hand on his thigh, “You don’t want to touch them? They feel so nice. Firm but soft and my nipples are so hard like diamonds.” I turned my pout into a smile. “If you touch them I will touch something on you in a way that will make you feel so good. I am very talented at touching there,” I teased.
Travis swallowed hard and cleared his throat. He looked me in the eyes, “Trust me, Felicia, if you were not Patrick’s girlfriend I would have been all over you the first night we met. I thought about fucking you, trust me, but I can’t.”
I scooted closer to him until our legs touched and ran my hand more up his thigh until it was close to his crotch. I leaned in and my bare breasts were pressed against his biceps.
“I think it has been said and established that I am not Patrick’s girlfriend,” I told the man as I moved my chest slightly to rub my breasts against his arm. “We both know what I am to him and he allows me my, ummm, little dalliances with other men.”
Travis gently moved my hand off his thigh and moved away from me slightly. “So what were you expecting? We just go into my cabin and fuck with Patrick right up there topside? Then what? We still have five more days and four other nights of all three of us being on this boat together. It’s not like we can sneak away someplace more private.”
Travis reached over and grabbed his tee-shirt from the pile of the poker winnings and put it on. “I can’t say that I am not tempted because I am, fuck what man would not be, but unlike you, I am not going to betray Patrick or his trust. He and I are too close and seen too much shit together and I won’t do that to my friend.” Travis gave me a cold look with those gorgeous blue eyes, “I would not fuck you even if Patrick was a thousand miles away because I won’t do that to him of all people.”
I quickly stood up and picked up my tank top and put it on and walked to the other side of the cabin area and sat down on the love seat on the opposite side of the room. I curled my feet under my butt and turned my body away from Travis. I crossed my arms on the armchair of the love seat and buried my head between my arms. I felt like I wanted to cry.
“Don’t worry, I am not going to mention this to Patrick,” Travis told me. He assumed that was what I was upset about.
I did not feel sad because I had been rejected. This was not the first time I had been rejected by a man, even one that I blatantly threw myself at. I could handle rejection. I wanted to cry because I felt embarrassed and I felt ashamed of myself and the bet Patrick and I had that, unknown to Travis, included him. Travis obviously wanted to fuck me, but he was so loyal to Patrick that he was not going to let his desire come between the two of them. Patrick had been right, their bond and loyalty to one another were so deep that Travis would not even have had sex with me if Patrick never would have found out.
The next several seconds of silence felt like an eternity. I did not know what to say or if there was anything to say. I was relieved when I heard Patrick walking down the ladder into the cabin. It was actually stairs but I learned that stairs on a boat are referred to as ladders. I was glad he came below deck.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. He could sense the tension in the room.
“Nothing,” Travis said. He walked into the kitchen area and got another beer out of the refrigerator.
“Don’t bullshit me, something is wrong.” He commented and sat down at the opposite end of the love seat.
As soon as he sat down I threw myself against him, buried my head into his chest, and started to cry. Patrick put his arm around me. Even though we had only been together for a short period in our relationship and I had yet to develop the feelings toward Patrick that I would later have, he was always a great comfort to me. It was like he was my own, special Teddy Bear when I needed comfort.
“I want to go home now,” I told him.
I flinched when I heard Travis put the beer bottle on the counter that divided the kitchen from the rest of the cabin. He did not slam it down and it was not loud, but the tension in the room made it deafening.
I felt Patrick’s chest rise and he let out a long sigh, “I get it now. She tried to seduce you and you said no.” He said to Travis.
“Don’t be mad at her, Patrick. It just happened and I am sure she did not mean it,” Travis defended me. “We had been flirting ever since we met and playing the strip poker and taking our clothes off, Felicia’s breasts hanging out; all of it just added up. It’s my fault really. I shouldn’t have been flirting with her as I did.”
I lifted my head, wiped my eyes, smiled at Travis for taking the blame, and then looked up at Patrick. “Tell him.” I could not let Travis feel bad about himself after he had been so honorable.
“No it’s not her fault or yours,” Patrick told his friend. “If it’s anyone’s fault it’s mine. I proposed a bet with her..”
Travis picked up his beer and walked from behind the counter and sat down on the U-shaped couch. “What kind of bet?”
I sat up as Patrick explained to Travis our bet. He also told Travis everything. Patrick told his friend how I kept saying over and over how attractive I found him and even how I said I would not only let Travis fuck me but I wanted Travis to fuck me. There was nothing withheld about the conversations Patrick and I had about Travis. The entire time Patrick was telling all that to Travis, I was holding Patrick’s hand and I kept my eyes on the other man’s face. I wanted to see his reaction. I never did see anger, which I was glad, and saw amusement and curiosity.
“Ok, so let me understand this,” Travis said after Patrick finished. “The bet was Felicia would try and seduce me and if she succeeded she won and if she did not you won.” Patrick nodded and Travis continued. “Well. That was unfair of you, wasn’t it? You knew I would never do that.”
“Yes and I told her, but she insisted she could,” Patrick said. “Felicia has a huge ego when it comes to her tits and pussy and ass.” Both men chuckled and I blushed.
“I know what you told me about the two of your relationship and it’s basically based on a financial agreement, but, Patrick and I say this because I love you like a brother, hell I have two brothers I am close to and don’t love them as much as I love you. We have been past the gates of Hell and back more than once, so I feel I can tell you this.”
Patrick nodded his head for his friend to continue.
“Is it right to treat her like that? Like a whore. Look at her, man. Felicia has a great small body with amazing tits and an ass that is a work of art. Not only that but she is sweet, charming, and has a great sense of humor. Any man would kill to have her.”
“Or pay for her if they can afford her,” Patrick added.
“Hey!” I playfully punched Patrick in the arm and looked at Travis. “Thank you,” I told the other man.
Patrick looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, “Oh come on, you have to admit that you can be very expensive.”
“I don’t hear you complaining about money when I suck your dick,” I retorted back but was smiling.
“So you pay for her,” Travis continued after mine and Patrick’s playful banter. “But still you shouldn’t treat her like a whore and offer her up for sex because of a bet.”
“That’s what I said. Next, he will have me working on a street corner selling my fine black ass for pocket change,” I teased. The tension in the room was gone after everything came out so I was feeling better.
Patrick shook his head, “Please. You tell him or I will.” He told me.
I took a deep breath. “He doesn’t make me do anything I don’t want to, Travis. I am the one who asked Patrick to add as part of our arrangement that if I met some other men I found attractive and I wanted to have sex with then he would let me.” I looked at Patrick and smiled, “He even said I could have a boyfriend or a casual sex buddy as long as I knew he came first.” I looked back at the other man, “Patrick and I even agreed he could watch me and or join in with another man provided everyone consented. We have never done that and I have only fucked one other guy since Patrick and I started our relationship and I told Patrick about it.”
Travis gave both Patrick and me a weird look but recovered quickly. “What were the stakes of the bet?”
Patrick explained the stakes.
Travis looked at me and raised an eyebrow, “So either win or lose you will be fucked by two men the entire trip? Something you want anyway. So how do you lose?”
“I don’t get expensive presents like that Louis Vuitton purse I wanted today.” I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.
“That thing was like what? Two K?” Travis said.
“No just a little over forty-five hundred,” I answered.
Travis gave a long whistle. “I can get you a knock-off in Tampa from a CI for like fifty bucks that he would charge anyone but a cop about two-fifty for.”
I wrinkled my nose at the words “knock off”.
“Yes, and you also wanted that Gucci dress that was around eight thousand and the shoes that were over eight hundred,” Patrick added to the conversation.
“But the dress was so cute on me. It really hugged my body and of course, I needed matching shoes. What am I, a hobo?” I said in the defense of my materialistic nature.
“But still either way you get fucked by two men, one that is fucking you anyway and another you want to fuck. I don’t see how you lose besides missing out on some new clothes and knowing Patrick as well as I do and the type of man he is he will end up buying that stuff for you later after the trip.” Travis told us.
“But if she lost it was not just us fucking her but she has to be our whore while on the trip. She has to do whatever we tell her to do and she can’t ever refuse us,” Patrick explained.
“What if it’s something she really does not want to do or would never consent to otherwise?” Travis asked his friend, “Like anal sex or something really out there?”
Patrick chuckled, “Well first, Felicia likes a dick up her ass a great deal and second she knows she can trust me and I would never do anything to her she did not get off on, and third I know you and trust you and know you would never do anything to hurt her or do anything she would not consent to.”
“I am sorry we used you in our bet, Travis,” I added. “I…we didn’t mean to hurt you or make you mad. I think it was very noble of you to turn me down. A lot of guys would not have that loyalty to a friend that you and Patrick have. I find it very endearing.”
Travis smiled at me, “I am not mad or upset but glad you explained it. I was really upset earlier and felt like shit I hurt your feelings and embarrassed you.” He looked at Patrick and then back at me and gave me a larger grin. “But I do have one more question.”
“Ok, ask.”
“You lost the best right?”
I gave Travis a confused look and then looked at Patrick, “Yeah I guess. Did I?” I asked Patrick, “I mean did we cancel the bet? I thought after everything we called it off.”
Patrick looked at me and grinned and then nodded to Travis and gave Travis a look that to me looked like he could read his friend’s mind.
Patrick looked back and me, “I don’t remember calling it off and you did lose.”
“Yes she did,” Travis confirmed.
Travis got up and walked over to the love seat and sat down next to me. The love seat was small and I was sitting close to both men and my body touched theirs. Travis turned his body to mine, reached over and grabbed the bottom of my shirt, and lifted it over my head. I was so confused that I did not resist him and even lifted my arms to help him slide the top of me. I seriously thought the bet was over and was glad we all were getting along again.
“If I remember there was an earlier offer about letting me touch your tits and you would touch something of mine to make me feel good,” Travis reminded me.
I just bit my lower lip and nodded. Travis reached over and started fondling my breasts with both hands. He ran his fingers over them, tickling my skin, and brushed the tips of his fingers over my nipples that grew taunt from his touch. I leaned back on the love seat and moaned as my eyes followed what his hands were doing. As Travis played with my breasts and nipples, I turned my head to Patrick and he leaned in and we started kissing. After we kissed for several moments I turned my head and started kissing Travis. I then felt four hands on my body, teasing my nipples and breasts, running over my stomach, and caressing my inner thighs. I started whimpering and moaning into Travis’s mouth and Patrick turned my head and I started kissing him again as Travis’s mouth went to my breasts and he started to suck my nipples.
“Ohhh, God. Please…Patrick, please let me suck his cock, please,” I pleaded.
It was not lost on me or them that I was begging for Patrick’s permission when it was already implied I had it by what the three of us were doing. I knew whose whore I was and I felt I still needed his permission to be with Travis.
Patrick nodded and Travis stopped sucking my nipples and leaned back on the love seat.
“I have been imagining those big lips around my cock since I first met her,” Travis told his friend.
I have an oral fetish and loved sucking cock and sucking Travis’s penis was something I had been looking forward to doing. I giggled and got off the love seat and kneeled between Travis’s legs. I helped him pull his shorts down to his ankles and then his underwear. Travis had a darker skin complexion than Patrick did and the untanned part of his body was much more prominent. I thought it was sexy. His erect penis sprang free and I took it in my right hand and leaned in to get a closer look at it.
I did so for two reasons, one was a habit I had yet to break. When I was a prostitute, I would always examine a man’s penis before I did anything with him. I checked for any visible signs of an STD. Yes, I practiced safe sex when it came to intercourse but I did offer bareback blow jobs as an additional service for an additional fee. I did not think Travis had an STD, but as I said, it had just become a habit.
The other reason was I liked looking at a man’s cock. Some girls I knew or have chatted with online who were straight have told me that while they enjoyed a man inside of them they were not too fond of the way a man’s penis looked. Not me! I thought a man’s cock was sexy. Big, average, small, flaccid, erect, circumcised, uncircumcised, black, or white I did not care. They were all sexy.
Like what I thought of his body, I thought Travis had a very sexy penis. It was not as big as Patrick’s, average in size at about seven inches. But the shape of it was pretty, yes pretty; I thought some cocks could be pretty. It was smooth, no veins visible, and the head of his penis was perfect and not a large mushroom shape like Patrick’s big bulbous head. I had come to enjoy Patrick’s big mushroom head that was wider than even his thick shaft, but I preferred the cock head like Travis had.
The average size compared to Patrick’s nine and a half long, meaty shafted cock did not bother me at all. I was not a size queen and had been incredibly sexually satisfied with an even smaller than average size penis.
I looked up at Patrick and smiled and then at Travis. Patrick took a swallow of his beer and nodded and Travis was staring at me with intense desire in his blue eyes. My smile turned into a grin, I took my hands and pulled my braided hair behind my back so he could see my face, and I lowered my head.
I guess if I seriously thought about how I gave a blow job, I had a routine provided the man was not just fucking my mouth or forcing me to take his cock down my throat. When my nose got close to Travis’s balls and cock I inhaled deeply to smell his masculine scent. After I enjoyed his smell for a moment, I ran my tongue up his white shaft until it reached the tip of his cock. I circled my tongue around it like I was licking an ice cream cone. Travis moaned out and I smiled as I looked up at him the entire time I was licking his cock. I liked hearing a man’s moans and grunts of pleasure and looking at his face when I teased his cock with my mouth and tongue. After I licked his penis several times I took him in my mouth. Just the head of his cock at first and ran my tongue over it, circling his tip.
“Fuck that feels good,” Travis said. I didn’t know if he was telling me or Patrick and I didn’t care. “Those thick lips are so sexy around my cock.”
After I was done teasing Travis I started to suck his cock. I started slow and took him all the way down my throat; his size made him much easier to deep throat than Patrick’s, and then pulled back up until his cock head was just inside my mouth and back down again. As I repeated the process, I let my saliva run out of my mouth and on his shaft. I like giving messy blow jobs. I picked up my rhythm and soon my head was bobbing up and down at an even pace.
Travis sat up on the edge of the love seat and grabbed a handful of my hair that had fallen over my face and held my hair up. He did not pull my hair and allowed a lot of slack in my long braids. I started using my hands on his now slick shaft.
“Spit on your tits,” Travis told me.
I took my mouth off his cock, brought my hands to my breasts and pushed them together, and drooled a mouth full of saliva on them.
“More,” the man ordered me.
I drooled what I could and then spit on my breasts. Travis let go of my hair and leaned back again.
“Use your big tits on my cock,” he told me.
I smiled at him and placed his penis between my now slick breasts, pushed them together, and started to move my breasts and chest in unison over his cock. Guys like to fuck my breasts, maybe because I have such nice large breasts; I did not get anything out of it, but if they enjoyed it then why not? I pressed my breast tighter and harder to make a tighter fit around his cock and dribble more of my spit over them.
I looked over at Patrick because he had been silent the entire time. Although we have talked about situations like this and both agreed we would be open to it, we had never done it yet. I was worried about how he would actually take it. I didn’t know him as well at that time in our relationship.
“It’s fine, Felicia, you can keep going. I am enjoying watching you,” Patrick told me as if he read my mind. I grinned and went back to using my breasts on Travis’s cock.
“Suck the tip as you titty fuck me,” Travis told me.
I moved got higher up on my knees and moved my head down and took the tip of the man’s white cock into my mouth. I sucked and licked it like I was trying to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop as I moved my breast ups and down over his shaft and allowed more saliva to drool out of my mouth.
“Fuck, she is good. I’m going to cum soon. Put it down your throat again.” He sat up on the edge of the love seat again.
I let go of my breasts and started deep throating his cock again. Travis once more held my hair up so he could watch me. When he came in my mouth, Travis pushed my head down and made short, quick jerking motions with his hip. He gave a series of grunts and I felt his warm, sticky cum shoot down my throat. I made gulping sounds as I swallowed his thick abundant fluid. He came a lot but I managed to swallow all of it. After he was finished he gently pushed my head back and I licked his penis several times and then wiped my mouth and chin. My breasts were glistening from my saliva.
“As good as you imagined?” I teased Travis.
He laughed. “Much better,” he told me.
I looked over at Patrick and tilted my head and gave him a mischievous look.
He smiled, “Sure, why not.”
I giggled and clapped my hands and squealed like a young girl getting a pony for her birthday as Patrick stood up and pulled down his shorts and underwear. He was not lying when he said he was enjoying watching me suck his friend’s cock. Patrick’s penis was fully erect and jutting out between his legs. When he sat down I moved over to kneel between his legs and smiled up at him as I took his large cock in my hand.
Patrick looked at Travis as the other man was still chuckling from my reaction of Patrick wanting me to suck his dick as well.
Patrick shrugged his shoulders. “What can I say, the girl likes sucking cock,” He told his friend.
I stuck my tongue out at Patrick and then started using that tongue and my mouth on Patrick’s penis.
After Patrick had cum in my mouth, I licked him clean and leaned back on my heels and my eyes darted back and forth between the two men.
“I think we should return the favor,” Patrick said.
“Aye, Gunny, we should,” Travis said and grinned at me. “But I have got to see that marvelous ass of hers naked first.”
I grinned, stood up, turned my back to them, and slowly removed my white cutoffs. I pushed them down to my ankles, purposely bending so far down I could have touched my toes. I then stood up and did the same as I removed my white thongs.
“Fuck that is what you call great black ass,” Travis commented as I was bent over; exposing myself to him. “You can see her fat pussy between her legs.”
“I bet it’s wet also,” Patrick added. “Come here, Felicia, and let’s find out.”
I stood up and turned around and sat between the men on the love seat. Patrick grabbed my left leg and draped it over his leg and Travis did the same with my right leg and put it over his leg. My naked body was not completely exposed to the two men. I put one arm around Travis’s shoulder and my other arm around Patrick’s. The two men then went to work on my body to repay me for sucking their cocks.