I tentatively open the package. First, I noticed a letter.
“You have been selected for the position of probationary executive secretary for Demand Enterprises and Advertising Consultants. You are to report promptly at 8:30 am. Professional attire is required. Underneath your suit you are to wear the enclosed items. You are to remove all body hair with the exception of your well trimmed facial hair. Welcome aboard!”
As I rummaged through the package I found a black lace garter belt, a cute red and black lace thong, and black stockings with red Cuban heels, a red back seam, and red upper thigh tops.
I am not sure how many times I read the letter or examined the contents. When I glanced at the clock, I was shocked that hours had passed. My thoughts were filled with happiness. I also had an erection. I have reflected on this moment many times. Of course I was extremely happy that I had a new job, that I could keep my condo, and that I was back toward rebuilding my career. There was also something else that pulsed through me and went straight to my hardened cock. Devilish excitement, nervous anticipation, and the unsure path that I was about to embark on filled my every sense of reality and shot straight to my throbbing cock.
I spent my weekend feverishly and meticulously preparing for my first day at work. Though I prefer showers, I decided to take a long luxurious bath before removing my body hair. First, I slowly shaved my legs, arms, and chest. I saved my penis for last. I soon realized that my penis was easier to shave when it was hard. Actually this wasn’t much of a problem because the thought of my new job kept me in a constant state of arousal.
When I stepped out of the bath, my smooth skin and erect cock was a sight to behold. In front of my full length mirror, I slowly inspected my new look. I quickly found the original red thong that Domme Demand had given me. I wrapped my cock in the fabric and began stroking my dick and caressing my balls. Rapid passionate movement took over as I erupted in a flow of lava. I erupting over and over again all over my mirror. I fell to my knees. My splattered cum rolled down the mirror’s surface. Without direction or understanding, I leaned forward and licked my cum off the mirror. It was if she was watching and commanding this performance. My God it was only Saturday!
After regaining my composure, I tried on the garter belt. I practiced adjusting the garters, and then I slowly rolled the stockings up my smooth calves, knees, and thighs. The silky fabric against my skin was nirvana. After fumbling and bumbling, I was able to attach the garters to the stockings and also get the back seams straight. I loved the way the tension of the garter strap felt against my white thigh. I loved the look of the black garter against the red stocking top, the red Cuban heel, and the red back seam. Lastly, I slipped on the thong. Obviously the flimsy front was not made to hold my dick and balls, but I thought it looked hot. My balls sticking out of the sides. My dick pressed against the fabric. My God it was only Saturday!
I looked through my collection of business suits. I held each one up next to my lingerie, eventually choosing a black pin striped double breasted suit. Next I examined my extensive tie selection, eventually choosing a black and red striped power-tie. My God it was only Saturday!
Next I slipped on my slacks and began posing and walking in front of my wardrobe mirror. I was curious if the outline of the garters were visible when I walked. If the garters were not too noticeable, I could definitely get away with this in public. My God it was only Saturday!
I slowly disrobed paying close attention to my stockings. What consequences would I pay if I was to get runs in my stockings? I carefully removed my lingerie and placed it neatly in my dresser drawer. I carefully hung my suit and made sure that I had enough laundered and starched white shirts. I also checked to see if my shoes were properly shined. My God it was only Saturday!
I awoke at 5:00 am Monday morning. I had spent half the night glancing at the alarm every few minutes. Nervously, I showered and tried to eat a light breakfast. As I sipped my coffee, I tried to compose myself.
“Andrew what is the worst that could happen. You could be sent home rejected. Maybe I should not show up. Maybe I should just go for a jog, sell my condo, and go back to my parent’s house.”
My hand slipped off the handle of my cup and brushed against a rock hard cock. They say men think with their dicks. Well if this was true, I knew that I had better head to my new job.
Demand Enterprise was located in the John Hancock Building on Michigan Avenue. Michigan Avenue is often called Chicago’s Miracle Mile. Aptly named for exclusive shops and its proximity to downtown and the lake front. The Hancock building is Chicago’s second tallest building with panoramic views in all directions.
From my condo to the Hancock building is approximately a thirty minute commute by train. Chicago’s rapid transit system is a combination subway and elevated train, fondly referred to as the El. During morning and evening rush hour, train are packed. Commuters are like sardines in a can, except we are a variety of fish that are crushed, juggled, pushed, bounced, and bunched together in a loud rhythmic dance.
As I walked to my elevated station, I paid close attention to my fellow commuters. I wondered if anyone noticed my naughty secret hidden beneath my slacks. I soon realized that no one had the time. The more I walked the more comfortable I became with the thought that my required work wear would go unnoticed. Anyway, that is what I thought.
At my elevated station stop, I was pushed forward into my sardine can. As we jostled to our individual destinations, I was pushed against an attractive woman. With one hand she held onto the bar above her allowing her other hand to balance herself. Occasionally her free hand would inadvertently brush against my slacks. Anyway, that is what I thought.
As the commute continued, it seemed as if her free hand was finding my garters more often. It no longer became random. When we entered the subway section, the transit car lights would occasionally flicker off. It was during these times that her hand definitely showed purpose. I froze and stared forward. Her hand became bolder as she would trace her fingers along my garter strap to the top of my stockings. When we arrived at her stop, she shimmied behind me and placed a playful tap on my ass. After exiting, she stopped momentarily to blow me a kiss. I’m sure no one noticed, but I felt as if everyone in the car could feel me blushing.
I was a short five minute walk to the Hancock building. I had seen this building many times, but today there was reason to pause. I was 8:20 am. I froze. Why was my original job application at a different building? There was really no time to consider anything but being on time for my first day.
Demand Enterprises was located on the 64th floor. The elevator door opened to an expansive office entrance. Sitting behind a curved bar height desk was the same secretary that met me at the application office and at Domme Demand’s personal residence.
“Andrew! Welcome! My name is Scarlett. We are so glad that you accepted the position. Lady Charlotte is waiting for you. Please follow me.”
This was the third time we met. Previously her appearance seemed muted, almost hidden from view, but as she walked from behind her desk, I was stunned by her perfect body, her cascading natural red hair, her magical blue eyes, and her long legs. She was wearing a very short rusted red leather skirt, black thigh high nylons, a cute cream colored top, and a tightly fitted silver necklace that appeared to me more like a collar than a necklace.
I followed her down a very long hallway.
As I entered Domme Demand’s office, I gasped. Her office must have been over 1,000 square feet. Wall to ceiling glass windows revealed downtown to my left, Oak Street beach and the north shore of Lake Michigan to my right, and behind her was an expansive view of high rise apartments, department stores, and the city’s west side. Scarlett motioned me to sit in a plush leather sofa about 10 feet in front of her huge mahogany desk. She was busy talking on here speaker phone.
We had only met once. She had traded her red and black corset for a fitted black business suit. Her magnificent black hair was no longer tied back, but flowed like strands of silk that draped to her shoulders. Confidence, power, and strength permeated from her every movement, from her appearance, and from her addictive brown eyes.
“Brian have we ever let you down. Don’t worry. I just hired Andrew Donaldson. Perhaps you know him. He had that cute little Internet company downtown. Yes, that’s him. Oh, you invested. Lost a bit…did you? Well, I guess I’ll have to work that sweet boy twice as hard. Anyway dear, don’t worry. I’ll get Andrew on it right away. Ciao…Ciao!”
She smiled at me. I melted.
“Andrew welcome to Demand Enterprises. At my office you will refer to me as Lady Charlotte. Ma’am also works fine. I see you have met Scarlett, my Irish compatriot! How long have we been partners in crime?”
“It has been three years and six months now, Lady Charlotte.”
“My times does fly when your having fun!”
“Andrew please stand and hand your jacket to Scarlett. I want you to pretend that you’re on a runway. I want you to slowly walk to the front of my desk. Then do a little pirouette and stand with your back toward me.”
She gave a little clap which I assumed was my signal to begin. I tried to pretend that I was a male fashion model as I slowly walked toward her desk. I instinctively kept my eyes submissively down as I tried a spin. I almost fell but regained my balance before stopping with my back toward her. I placed my hand on my hips and tried a flirtatious hip movement. She laughed.
“Scarlett, make an appointment with Geoffery. His pants have to be tailored, I want to be able to see those garters pressing against his slacks when he walks. Also have him make Andrew two additional suits. Oh, tell Geoffery that I’ll stop by later to select the fabrics.”
She paused and looked at me.
“Andrew, I am also going to have Scarlett stop by your condo today to inventory your wardrobe, and to take the remainder of your business pants to Geoffery. Also, I need her to inventory shirts, ties, etc. Is that acceptable?”
Handing Scarlett my keys, I replied, “Yes ma’am.”
“Andrew turn around and do a seductive strip for me. I need a closer look at what I’m hiring. It has been almost three weeks, and we are a very health conscious enterprise.”
Another little clap produced my submissive compliance. This time I became a little bolder as I occasionally glanced into her addictive brown eyes. Slowly I removed my tie and handed it to Scarlett. I unbuttoned my shirt. Before totally removing it, I rubbed my shaved chest and gave each of my nipples a naughty pinch. Next I let my shirt fall from my shoulders. I slipped out of my shoes and unclipped the buckle on my belt. I let my belt hang for a bit,. I looked directly into her eyes. She had a slight smile of amusement. Finally I undid my zipper and let gravity take over. Stepping out of my slacks, I stood there in the garter belt, the stockings, and the thong that she had selected for me. I placed my hands behind my back. I could feel her intensely studying my body. She glanced back toward Scarlett.
“Scarlett I want you to make an appointment with my personal trainer, Emily. There is work to be down here, especially with his abdominal and pectoral muscles. Also after our meeting we will send him off to the Nike store for some workout gear that he can keep in his office. Now off with you girl! Oh Scarlett, I do not want to be disturbed.”
As I stood there, she just stared. Not saying a word, she got up from her desk, and sat on her desk right in front of me. She was wearing a short pencil skirt that matched her jacket. On her feet were the most beautiful six inch heels that I have ever seen. Later I would learn that only Christian Louboutin graced her feet. As she crossed her legs her skirt inched up revealing a garter attached to her stockings. She tangled her shoes in a taunting and teasing motion. Finally, she spoke.
“Andrew or is it Andrea now, do you like my shoes?”
“Yes Mistress”, I replied.
“I prefer Lady Charlotte, my dear boy! I just think Mistress is so over used. Andrea when I left my limo this morning, my poor heels got dirty walking on those city sidewalks. Do you think you could be a good boy and help your Lady?
Tapping her pointed toe into the front of my crotch was her new signal. I fell to my knees and began kissing and cleaning her shoe with my lips and tongue. After a few minutes, she changed position to offer her other shoe for adoration. I heard a commanding sigh of approval when I sucked on her six inch heel. While sucking like a slut with a new toy in my mouth, she directed me further.
“My dear pet, my feet are so tired. Be a dear and remove my shoes. Do you like my silk nylons? They are very expensive. They are made especially for me in Paris. Take them off me, but be extremely careful!”
Kneeling before her, I removed her shoes. As I moved gently up her right leg, she took her left foot, and she began massaging my pantie enclosed cock. When I reached her garter, I realized that she was wearing an eight strap leather garter belt. I slowly and carefully unfastened her four garters and slowly unrolled her silk stockings off her athletic leg. As I repeated my adoration to her other stocking, she pressed her naked foot against my crotch. Then she presented her foot to my face.
“Lick…lick…suck…suck! Do you like the red polish that I chose for you? It matches my lips. It matches your pantie. Lick…lick..sweet boy!”
I was in heaven. I sucked each toe like it was a tiny penis that desired my mouth. Without direction, all my movements seemed choreographed by her. She subtly directed not through words but movement. As I reached her upper thigh she spread her legs causing her short shirt to inch past her ass cheeks.
“Darling take your tongue and lick me like a dog, slowly from the bottom of my pussy to my clit. Now back with the bottom of your tongue. Again my pet…again…again. That’s it back and forth. Now stick it out and fuck your Lady’s pussy with your hard tongue!
As I fucked her with my tongue, she inserted two fingers and begin playing with her clit. Without making a sound, she reached forward and grabbed the back of my head and pushed me deep into her. Then she came.
I felt that I was in a dream. Her fragrance enhanced my senses to a level that I had never been. She gently pushed my head back.
“Lick up my juice, my pet. Clean my pussy. Then put my stockings back on. Be careful. Then put on my shoes.”
It was an honor to complete those tasks. I performed each task with detailed precision. I think she was especially impressed with how proficiently I attached the garters to her silk stockings. After I finished, she returned to her desk chair. She gestured with her hand, and I stood.
It was not until then that I realized that I was limp, and that a load of cum was deposited in my pantie. I think it was the first time in my life that I didn’t recollect cumming. Later in my employ, I would learn that this was my first baby step toward true submission, that is, the realization that this is not about my desires and my needs. My trance was then broken by her voice.
“Andrew, now get dressed!”
I couldn’t believe it but it was now 10:45 am. She got on her speaker phone to summon Scarlett,
“Scarlett, please come to my office. I need you to show Andrew his office and to get him organized.”
…to be continued in A New Job/ Part 3 My Office