Spanked by Auntie Beryl and her Friends

"I got caught spying on Auntie's friends and was punished by them all"

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For some reason my parents kept sending me to stay with Auntie Beryl. She wasn’t even my real Auntie she was just a friend of my mum’s who we called auntie. The last time I’d stayed here Auntie Beryl had caned me and caned Kate and two of her friends and then spanked my cock with a ruler in front of them all. So I had been completely taken aback when Auntie surprised me by coming up to my room before pulling back the bed covers and working on my rigid cock till I shot my load..

I was on my way to spend another five days there. I had just turned 18 and wondered if the standard punishment sessions at Auntie Beryl’s were a thing of the past. However as my Dad brought in my case the first thing Auntie asked – if I was still punished for being naughty – to which he replied that I certainly was and he said that as before Beryl should treat me as she did Kate in such matters. I started to protest but got the back of his hand across my backside and such a look from Auntie that I shut up.

In fact I was rather pleased to hear this as I was looking forward to being made to strip and to be spanked in front of other women.

Kate and I got on reasonably well for the remainder of Sunday afternoon and she even put her hand inside my trousers and stroked my cock but sadly refused to let me touch her.

“Not yet.” she whispered.

That evening Auntie told us that her book club friends were coming over the following day and turning to me said she did not want a repeat of my behaviour when her other friends had been here during an earlier stay. I grew aroused just thinking about it but promised Auntie I would be good.

Kate had something arranged with friends and left after breakfast so I was stuck in the house with Auntie. I was brought down and introduced to her friends when they arrived; there were three women, one was nearly Auntie’s age but the other two were much younger and certainly very hot.

I couldn’t take my eyes off Lisa. She was tall with shoulder length dark hair. She was very slim and wore a low cut, short summer dress which showed off her cleavage to perfection. She gave me a very warm smile.

Judy was tanned with long straight blond hair, she was slim, with smaller boobs than Lisa. She wore a tight T shirt top and a skirt that just covered her bum. She kissed me on the cheek and gave me a very naughty look.

Mary wasn’t bad looking with a pleasant rounded figure but I didn’t look at her twice with Lisa standing next to her. With the formalities over Auntie sent me to my room to allow them to discuss their current book.

I read for a while then listened to the radio but after a while I was feeling bored and began to think about Lisa and Judy. I imagined some scenario where I was able to watch them getting changed and could see them naked. I took off my own clothes and began playing with my erection then I crept out on to the landing and found I could look down on them all if I stood on a bedroom stool.

Judy’s short skirt had ridden up to the top of her leg as she made a point about the book. My cock stiffened as I stroked it while oggling her thighs and a flash of pink panties.

Lisa’s low cut top allowed me a great view of her breasts from up here and I stretched further out to improve my vantage. At that very moment Auntie stood to get them more tea and saw me out of the corner of her eye. I had never been more frightened.

She stormed up the stairs and caught me with a stinging slap as I tried to dive into my bedroom.

“Put on your shorts and T shirt and come down now.”

I knew better than to argue and quickly dressed as instructed.

“What exactly were you doing?” she shouted as I arrived at the bottom of the stairs.

My mind raced as I tried to think how to reply, “I, er…”

Auntie seemed to read my mind, “If you lie to us just once it will be worse for you.”

I explained “I was feeling excited and took my clothes off and ……..”

“Yes, yes, don’t take all day.” she admonished me.

I wanted the ground to open up “I began to play with my, er, penis and wanted to see…….”

Auntie was getting cross at my slow delivery. “Wait here.”

She returned a minute later with a tawse, a cane and a springy ruler. “Now hurry up and finish your story.”

“I came out of my room to see if I could see Lisa and Judy from the landing.” I glanced up at their faces to see if this was enough.

“And?!” Auntie almost bellowed.

“And…. I could see Judy’s thigh and Lisa’s cleavage so I just started to …. er… toss off when you saw me.” I finished lamely.

“Wait there. We’re going to decide how to punish you for spying on us all.” With that she lead them out into the kitchen.

They returned without Mary who apparently was uncomfortable with the plan and had opted to go home. Auntie stopped directly in front of me, flanked by Lisa and Judy.

“We are going to make you undress in front of us and then each of us will give you six strokes on your bare behind. Judy has chosen to use the tawse and Lisa & I will use the cane.”

I was about to say something but Auntie stopped me, “We have not finished yet. You told us you were ‘tossing off’ while looking at us so we will also spank your penis with this.” She held up the springy ruler.

“Get undressed,” ordered Auntie.

I noticed Lisa adjusting her underwear as I slowly removed the tight T shirt from my reasonably fit body. I slid down my shorts, keeping my hands strategically placed until Auntie aimed the tip of the cane across my bum. I released my rigid member and enjoyed the reaction it received.

“Bend over the coffee table.

Grip each end and spread your legs wide. I will start.”

Auntie stroked her hand across my bum and down the inside of my left leg. Swish, swish, swish, swish. After each stroke I moaned but the forth one made me yell out.

“Be quiet”, instructed Auntie examining her handiwork.

Swish, swish, the last two strokes caught me in that sensitive bit at the join of my bum and thighs.

Judy moved in and examined me side on. I glanced and found her eyes locked on to my throbbing cock. She move round behind carrying the tawse and ran her fingers over my bum and down between my legs and along my cock before stepping back in preparation to spank me.

Thwack, thwack. The tawse flicked across each cheek in turn stinging as it fell. Judy adjusted her position, thwack, thwack and I leapt up rubbing my bum and balls. The second stroke had caught the top of my thigh and flicked in across my balls.

“Get back in place” Judy instructed, parting my legs more. “You’ll get an extra stroke for getting up.”

Thwack, thwack, thwack, three more strokes criss crossed my taut bum cheeks and she stepped back to admire her handiwork.

I noticed that Lisa was impatient and had picked up the cane before Judy even finished so I was feeling nervous as she moved in to punish me. She put her hand on the inside of my right thigh to force them even further apart and let her hand follow up my thigh till she found my aching cock. She slid her hand along to the helmet then gave it a slap making it swing from side to side.

She stepped into position and swish, a stinger right across both cheeks. I cried out but stayed still as she brought the cane back again. Swish, swish, two little less fierce strokes across my thighs. She stroked her finger along the tramlines, then swish, swish, swish, three criss crossed my bum, again making me cry out but I stayed still.

“Rub your cheeks” Auntie ordered and I could see they all enjoyed watching as my cock flew about in reaction.

“Now it’s his turn,” she said tapping my cock with the ruler.

Lisa had picked up the tawse and for some reason I really wanted her to use that on my hard cock. “You can’t let her use that strap thing on my penis.” I said to Auntie.

“We will decide what instrument to use for your punishment, not you. I will use the tawse. Stand up straight and put your hands behind your head.”

Auntie tested the tawse across her fingers and winced but I was ready. She stood at my side and my cock hardened in readiness. Flick, flick, flick the first three strokes hit target. But instead of bringing it down hard she had flicked down across the shaft, then up on the next stroke and down again. It stung but did no damage. Flick, flick, flick she used the same technique on the head pleasing them all as I cried out when it stung.

Judy said she would use the ruler. She came up and stood in front of me, lifting my cock up to examine Auntie’s work. Then without a word she placed the end of the ruler against my pubes and read off 7 inches to much giggling.

Still standing in front of me she reminded me to keep my hands behind my head or I would be getting more strokes. She deftly pushed back the foreskin and had obviously decided to follow Auntie’s technique with a difference. Thwack, thwack, thwack, she brought the ruler down along the full length of shaft and head, then the same on the underside and again along the top of the shaft. I felt an exquisite stinging sensation which ran along the shaft to the head making me want to come and I moaned aloud.

“I think he’s enjoying this.” said Auntie

“We’ll try something a little different then.” said Judy moving to my side.

Thwack, thwack, two strokes of the ruler on the helmet made me bring my hands down with an involuntary cry of pain and pleasure.

“Oh dear, now you’ll get an extra stroke.” grinned Auntie

I put my hands back and waited. Thwack, thwack two strokes struck my rigid cock on the tip and brought another cry from me.

“What are you going to use, Lisa?” asked Auntie

“Oh definitely the tawse,” she smiled seductively, “but I think he can lie down along the sofa for his final punishment. Lie on your back, just there.” she pointed.

She lay the tawse across my stomach and knelt down so her face was close to my cock. She stroked round my balls and then up and down my cock till it was so hard it hurt.

“I think that’s ready to be spanked now.” she said, pulling the foreskin back to expose the helmet.

She stood over me and swung the tawse so it slapped the full length of my erection, then back the other way along the underside of my cock. Then flick, flick she struck the head sending exquisite shock waves down the shaft. I didn’t want it to stop so I cried out and put my hands over my cock.

“Put your hands back or you’ll keep getting more punishment,” advised Lisa.

She pulled the foreskin taut and began again, flick, flick, either side of the helmet then one last sharp flick across the tip. I was in heaven and almost came. Again I cried out and brought down my hands to cover my cock.

“Hold his hands Judy,” Auntie instructed.

Judy moved round and gripped my hands together tightly. I felt incredibly aroused being restrained by this slim, attractive woman while being beaten by another. My cock stiffened even more as I realised that Judy was standing astride my head and I could see her slit behind the damp patch in her knickers.

Lisa moved in, flick, one more across the helmet and thwack one last harder stroke across the tip and I erupted, uncontrollably, all over Auntie’s sofa. Lisa was horrified but Auntie said “Don’t worry Lisa, it’s not your fault. Jim, you will clear it up and you will be punished again later for making such a mess.”

Published 12 years ago

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