I bring up my computer, deciding to email instead of call. I don’t have to answer any questions right away or talk to you. I type out a short message thanking you for the ride home last night, and that I had fun. I hit send and not two minutes later I have an email. “Shit, that was fast,” I say to myself. You must have email linked right to your phone, just my luck. I open the email and it only says the words “Call Me”.
My eyes get wide and I fumble to find my phone. Why does he want me to call him? Can’t he just email me plans for next week? I grab the piece of paper you gave me last night, type in your number and hit send. It barely rings and I hear your voice on the other end, deep and calm.
“Hello, little girl,” you answer.
“Hello, Sir.” My voice cracks and wavers. I try to control it but have a hard time.
“How are you this morning? Are you feeling better?”
“Yes, Sir, thank you.”
“I had a great time last night, I would like to do that more often. Not just at those parties, what are your thoughts on that?”
I pause for a moment, not sure how to answer your question. I mean I want it, but I don’t want to admit it to you. I love everything you do to me, how you make me feel. Everything. But admitting it to you would be embarrassing.
“Are you still there?” you ask.
“Oh, um yes sorry,” I say being pulled from thought. I forgot I was still on the phone for a second there. “I am not sure what to think about that to be honest, I just don’t want to move too fast is all,” I tell you, trying to partly avoid the question, but still answer it enough as to not make you push the question farther.
“Move too fast?” you say with a questioning tone. “We have been through a lot, and I do not think this would be pushing the limits to much. But it’s only if you feel comfortable. I don’t want you to do something you don’t want to do, even though it is something I want.”
Shit, you push it anyways, and you had to word it in such a nice way. You want me to feel comfortable, you don’t want me to do something I don’t want to do. But I do. I really do want to go further, and do things outside of the parties and such. Something where it is just the two of us, no one else watching or influencing what is happening.
“I am not saying I don’t like what we do, because I do. I am just afraid is all,” I say in a low voice, finally giving in and telling you the truth.
“Afraid of what? Me?!”
“No! I am not afraid of you! I trust you with everything. I am just afraid of the change, the taking it to the next step I should say. I am comfortable where I am, and with what we are doing, I just don’t want anything to change the way I feel about things right now.”
“I promise, things will be like they always are. But with just the two of us, no one else there. A little privacy, to maybe try something new or to just do whatever. I am not trying to push you into anything, I just figured you would like it better if we were by ourselves without everyone watching. Unless you like it better with an audience.”
“I would like it better with just the two of us, yes. I am not really into the whole audience thing, but was getting used to it because it meant I could be with you.” I bite my tongue and blush, even though I know you can’t see me I still react as if you can. I can’t believe I just said that.
“So, you do like being with me.”
“Yes, Sir, I do.”
“How about I pick you up tonight and we can hang out at my place for a while, get to know each other in private a little. How does that sound?”
“That sounds good.” I’m barely able to squeak the words out.
“Good, I will be there at seven to pick you up, be ready and waiting!” The phone goes dead and you are gone.
What have I done? I want this, but I don’t. I am nervous, but excited at the same time. I don’t know what to feel. Your place? I barely know you. Well, I know you, but not in that way. I wonder what types of toys and such you have. I try to stop my mind from racing. I need to get myself ready. What am I going to wear? Shit, you never told me what you wanted me to wear!
I rip apart my closet to find the perfect outfit. I am not sure if you want me to be casual, slutty, dressy, girly. So I will pick one that is a little of all. Simple, but it will do the job. A body-forming sundress that is black with blue and purple flowers. It is mid thigh length so it can be taken as sexy and slutty at the same time. It’s right on that line of being short, but just right. It is not so tight I look like a hooker working, but instead it hangs perfectly on my hips and forms to me. I don’t wear any panties either, but wear a thin black laced bra that is easy to take off. Just in case.
I look at the clock and it is already 6:45, how did time fly that fast? I do a quick look in the mirror, fluff my hair and head to the door. I get out there ten minutes early, I do not want to upset you on our first night alone together. It was a good thing I got down there early, you are already here and waiting for me. I take a deep breath, walk to your car and get inside.
“Hello, little girl,” you say to me.
“Hello, Sir,” I say blushing and putting my head down to look at my lap.
You grab my chin and bring my face up to look at you. You smile at me and pull me in for a kiss, pushing my head hard into you and taking control right away. I shudder, and melt with just a kiss. You grab a fist of my hair and tilt my head so I am looking up at the ceiling, and bite my neck. That’s all it takes to get me wet and ready for you. I don’t know how you do it, but it doesn’t take much and I am wanting you.
“Shall we go?” you ask with a grin, knowing I want you.
“Yes,” is all I can say, excitement taking over me.
We drive a short distance, not saying much. My mind, on the other hand, does not stop, it’s going a million miles a minute. Going over what might happen, what I would like to happen, should I be doing this, why didn’t I think of this before? Everything. You shut the car off, that breaks my thoughts, just in time. I think the gears in my head were starting to smoke, that is how nervous and excited I am.
You walk around, open my door and help me out of the car. You put your hand on the small of my back and gently lead me to the door, guiding me inside. I stand still and quiet, waiting for instruction. You hang your coat up, taking my purse and coat as well and putting them off to the side. You step back and take a good look at me, circling me.
“You look nice. Go and kneel by my chair, I will be there in a few minutes,” you say, pointing in the direction of your chair in the other room.
I slowly make my way to your chair, surveying my surroundings on the way. I kneel in front of your chair, facing it. You walk in a couple of minutes later with two glasses of wine. You sit down, getting comfortable.
“Something to relax you a little bit,” you say handing me the glass of wine, smiling down at me.
“Thank you, Sir.” Blushing, I take the glass of wine and take a few sips.
“So, what are your thoughts so far? Are you feeling okay with everything?”
“Yes, Sir, I am fine. Just a little nervous is all.”
“Drink up and relax, I just want to get to know you a little better. Without the pressure of pleasing the crowd and putting on a show.”
I look up and smile at you, finishing my glass of wine. You tip back yours and put both glasses on the table beside you.
“Come a little closer to me.”
I scoot toward you, my knees touching your chair between your legs now. You caress my cheek with your hand and brush my hair back out of my face. Just looking at me and smiling.
“Undo my pants and take out my cock,” you say in a calm deep voice.
I quickly reach up and undo your belt, button and zipper. I reach in and grab your cock, hesitating a little.
“I want you to suck my cock.”
“Yes, Sir,” I say quickly and immediately take you in my mouth. I slowly make my way down your shaft, barely able to take all of you. I gag slightly when I feel you reach my throat and pull back, but you push my head back down making me gag more and then release me.
“We will save the rest of that for later. Don’t want to move things to fast to soon, we have the whole night ahead of us.”
You stand up still holding onto my hair and lead me crawling down the hall and to a door. The door leads down to the basement. My heart quickens, and I get nervous again. I trust you with everything and know you would never hurt me though. You let me stand, and walk down the stairs normally. When I get to the bottom my eyes are wide with shock. You have everything down there! You have everything that is at the parties and then some.
“What are you thinking?” you ask with a smile.
“You have everything, I have never seen so many toys and instruments like this before in one place.”
“Are you afraid?”
“No, just in shock at how much you have. Looking at your house, you would never believe that this is down here. You would never know.”
“That’s the point,” you say with a chuckle.
“Go over to the bed, strip and lay face down with your arms and legs spread wide.”
I hurry over and do as you ask, climbing onto the bed and getting into position. You are right behind me with a few pieces of rope. You start with my right wrist, then my left. You then go to my ankles and finish securing me to the bed. You walk over to what looks like a toy chest and pull a few items out of it and return to the bed.
You run your hand from the back of my neck down to my ass and make small circles around it. You slap it a few times playfully and rub it again. I start to moan and grind into the bed, you know I am ready now and relaxed. ’Smack’ You slap my ass harder this time, and it catches my attention.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes, I think so,” I say, not sure what you have planned for me tonight.
‘Smack’ goes the paddle on my ass. I jump in surprise, the binds the only thing keeping me in place or I am sure I would have been on the ceiling like a cat. You chuckle and smack my ass again, but harder this time. I yell out and shake my head from side to side in protest. I was hating it and loving it all at one time. I want you to stop, but to keep going. My body is confused, excited, in pain, pleasure. ‘Smack’ again goes the paddle. Again, and again it comes down on my already on fire bottom. I guess I am being too loud because the next thing I know you are shoving a gag into my mouth to quieten me.
“There, that should do the trick,” you say as you finish clasping the gag behind head.
You put the paddle down and begin to rub my ass in soft circles again. It is warm, red and glowing. But I know we are just getting started. You pick up a whip and trail it down my body, then up, and then back down again, letting it rest between the crack of my ass. Only for a moment, and then quick as lightning it come down on my ass with a swoosh. ‘Crack’ I yell into the gag, my head flies up and my back arches. ’Crack’ you aim for my upper thighs. ’Crack’ my upper ass this time. ’Crack’ again and again. My body is out of control, tears are running down my face.
You are again running the whip slowly up and down my body, making small circles around each ass cheek before making another trail up my back. I feel you untie my arms and legs, but you tell me we are not done yet and to just roll over. You tie me the same way, but on my back this time.
I am panting and sweaty, I want you, I need you. But I know I can’t have you yet. I know you are not done playing. I must hold out, I don’t know if I can wait.. You begin trailing the whip around my breasts, down to my pussy, and then down my legs to my feet, and then back up again. Ever so slowly, pausing when you make it to my slit. You pull it over my clit, teasing me. I buck my hips up to meet it, but it didn’t help.
‘Crack’ across my clit goes the whip. My eyes almost come out of my head, and I about levitate off the bed. ’Crack’ again across my clit, you have wonderful aim and never missed. I am screaming behind the gag, drooling and spitting and tears a rolling down my face as my head is shaking back and forth again. I try to talk through the gag, but fail. Oh how much I need you, want you in me. I swear you can read my mind, because as soon as I think that you are putting the whip down.
“Do you want me, little girl?” you ask in a playful tone.
“MmMmph,” is all that I could manage through the gag. But I know you understand..
“What? I don’t quite understand you. Do you want me to continue to whip you, is that it?”
I jump up and down in protest and shake my hips at you as best I could. You just laugh at me.
“Oh you do want me, see for a second there I wasn’t sure,” you say with a laugh and a grin on your face.
I just roll my eyes and mumble through the gag. I would be getting more spankings if I didn’t have it on. You crawl up the bed and kneel in front of my face and remove the gag. Your cock is inches from my face, I can smell your arousal.
I open my mouth and you shove your cock in and down my throat. I move my tongue up and down slow, then faster. Increasing the pressure with my lips as you move in and out of my mouth. You grab my head and grind into my mouth, gagging me each time you ram down my throat. I can feel your cock twitching as you are getting close. Your body stiffens, you thrust and hold my head in place as your cum shoots down my throat.
“Good girl.”
You move down my body, kissing and biting all the way down to my mound. You stop just short of my clit, teasing me.
I gasp and moan, grinding up to try and meet your face.
“Please.. Sir.. I.. Need… You…” I say in short gasps, I am so excited I can barely talk, barely think, all I know is I need you and I need to cum. “Please… I… Need to.. CUM! Please.”
“Well since you asked so nicely.. But do not cum until I say! Do you understand me?”
“MMhhmmm, YES! I understand.” I about yell in frustration.
You flick your tongue on my clit, down to my soaking we pussy. Grabbing my ass you pull my hips up and shove your face hard into me. I am moaning, bucking, grinding. My head is going wild back and forth, and my eyes could see out the back of my head if there were holes back there for them. I was in ecstasy. But it was all I could to hold back from orgasm. I had to keep my mind on something else, but I was enjoying this way to much.
“Please, Sir, I need to cum. I am so close.”
You grip your nails into my ass, as in to tell me not yet. You are biting, licking, sucking, teasing. Oh I need to cum so bad.. I don’t think I am going to make it.. Shit..
“Please, Sir, please. I am not going to make it. Please let me cum, please!” I beg, in one last attempt to get you to let me cum. I don’t want to make you mad..
“Wait. I know you can make it.”
I moan and cry out, trying to plead with you. My body is tensing and I am trying so hard to hold back. You then bite my clit and twist my nipple.
“CUM NOW! Cum for me!”
My body shudders and I let out a cry or release. My back is arched up and my neck is back and pushing into the pillow. I have hold of the ropes the bind me. I start to come down and am able to breathe again, short breaths. I am covered in a glisten of sweat, my hair is a mess, knotted and half sticking to my face. I am exhausted.
You release me and lay next to me with your arms around me, holding me to you. My head is at your chest, I can hear your heart beat and the air moving in and out of your lungs. I am happy, sated, and relaxed.
“You did very well tonight, I am very proud of you. I hope to be able to do this more often, but that is up to you if you want to do this again in the future.”
“I did enjoy myself,” I say in a soft voice, tired. But to say I enjoyed myself was an understatement. I would do this again in a heartbeat. I want to tell you all of this, but I need time to think it over. I need to know I am making the right choice, I don’t want to jump to fast. We are great together, we have a great connection. But I need to know it will last.
“Just rest little one, we can talk about this tomorrow.”
I doze off listening the air move in and out of your lungs, and the gentle thumping of your heart. Yes this is where I want to be, but I will tell you that later..