Just promise you’ll love me too
I’m tearing myself from the cage of depression,
But, in the light of that, I have a question;
Why can’t I be happy without you?
I could scream all I want, till I was blue,
But still I can’t get over this feeling
Don’t be scared, I know my scars are unappealing
Can I hold you in my arms, and never let go?
Can I protect you from every blow?
Can I hug you tight and tell you I love you?
Trust me, all this is long-overdue.
I don’t ever want to lose you,
You know what you’re heading into
I’m a mess, a complete fuck up,
Yet I never want to have a breakup
Let embrace you forever,
This is such an endeavor
Trust me, it’ll all be worth it,
Look—our broken hearts fit
We complete each other, can’t you see?
I love you, don’t you agree?