But on the inside, we were a very normal, loving dysfunctional family, if such a thing exists.
I am the oldest of my mother’s four children. Paul’s name is on my birth certificate as my father, but Jack claims that he is actually the man who sired me. Before I was born, Mom juggled both men, so both men had realistic claims of paternity. But I had always accepted Paul as my dad and Jack as my mom’s kinda-sorta boyfriend. Shortly after I was born, Mom lost touch with Jack for many years. Because of this, there was never any doubt as to the paternity of my three younger siblings.
In Jack’s absence, Mom descended into Paul’s dangerous world of drugs, guns, and crazy living. All of this happened while I was growing up. I am thankful that both Mom and Paul had the decency to not involve myself or my two brothers in all that mess. Grandma Beth took me and my siblings and raised us.
Mom and Paul’s marriage hit rock bottom as the drugs and reckless living took their toll on it. Just before they would separate for good, however, they brought yet another child into this world: my little sister, Monica. Shortly after Monica was born, Paul was involved in a shooting incident and ended up in prison for six years.
Mom did not want to burden Grandma with a fourth child, so she decided to get clean and raise Monica on her own. With Paul in prison, she believed, this would be easy to do. But it was not to be. Mom lived out of her car and shuffled around the country staying in one trashy motel or another. Kicking the drugs wasn’t as easy as she hoped it would be.
Shortly after Paul was released from prison, Mom witnessed a Mafia hit in Las Vegas and was forced into witness protection. Fearing that she would be killed either by her drug habit or by retaliation from the Mafia, she executed a plan with the FBI to return Monica to Paul and make the whole thing look like a child abandonment. Paul then went on to raise Monica as a single dad.
As for myself and my two brothers, we watched our mother go constantly in and out of rehab. Grandma took good care of us , making sure we saw as little of our mother’s troubles as possible. And no matter what, the three of us had each other. We were inseparable and always had each others’ backs.
My little brother Shane was five years younger than me. He was a stereotypical jock: always playing football, baseball, basketball, you name it. And he definitely had a way with the girls. Every girl in the neighborhood wanted to fuck my brother.
Shane and I had a very close relationship. We spent many nights talking, playing video games, watching movies, even playing and wrestling. When I was about 21, this physical play became, how should I say, erotic. I felt sick to my stomach every time I fantasized about my little brother pounding my pussy. I would often enter the bathroom while he was showering just so that I could take a look at his amazing hard body. Shane didn’t seem to mind this, and often flirted with me in return, sneaking up behind me and grabbing my boobs.
But as flirtatious and physically affectionate as we were, we never had any kind of sexual relationship. That was a line I was never willing to cross with him. I have always considered myself to be a Christian with deeply-held beliefs. So, although nothing was ever said between Shane and I, it was very clear we were never going to “go there”.
My baby brother, Damian, was a different story. Unlike his more athletic and outgoing older brother, Damian was very studious and nerdy. He was a Star Trek geek to the core. He was turned down routinely by the girls. As much as I loved him, I never felt that we were particularly close. He was seven years my junior and I always thought of him as a baby, even into my adulthood.
To make matters worse, when Damian was about 16, he developed a sick crush on me. He made creepy comments about my body at very inappropriate times and places, such as the dinner table. He wrote desperate love poems about me and he used to say that if he’s ever elected to public office, he’ll legalize incest just so that he can marry me. Damian made no attempt to hide these feelings for me from Grandma and Shane.
And Grandma Beth, being the twisted dirty old lady she is, actually told me I should give him a go.
As for my own sex life, I have committed one of the worst sins a girl can commit: having a sexual relationship with my mother’s boyfriend while she’s in rehab. That’s right: while she was working hard on her drug abuse problem, Jack– a man who believed himself to be my father– was banging me.
He had come to visit the house where I lived with Grandma and the siblings, and we were in the middle of an intense fuck session. Jack had me bent over on the bed as he smacked my ass red.
“So who’s your real daddy?” Jack demanded, as he delivered a firm smack to my ass.
“Paul’s my daddy,” I said, teasing him.
He smacked my ass even harder.
“Wrong answer,” Jack said, “Who’s your daddy?”
“Paul’s my daddy,” I answered again.
“This is gonna keep going until you get it right,” Jack said, once again giving a hard smack to my ass.
“Now who’s your daddy?” He demanded.
By now, it really started to hurt. I love a good spanking as much as the next girl, but this was wearing me out.
“You’re my daddy, Jack,” I said, “Now fuck me!”
“That’s my girl,” Jack said. “Now turn around and suck your daddy’s cock.”
I did as he ordered and took his huge cock into my mouth. I gingerly teased his main vein with my tongue, squeezing out the clear salty ooze from the end of his dick, which I then swallowed. I continued to stick my tongue down his pee hole, while fonding his balls.
“Oh, my girl gives such good head,” Jack said as he pulled my hair.
I began to tease Jack’s dick head with my teeth. He always loved it when I did this. Then I worked my way down his shaft before taking his balls into my mouth and sucking on them.
Jack started to come, and I held my mouth open as he shot his pearly white juice on to my face and tongue.
With his cum clean from my mouth and lips, I took hold of his cock once more to suck the cum that was left in his dick.
“Oh Jesus!” he exclaimed, in response to the tenderness in his cock that I had violated.
When I finished sucking the last drops of cum out of him, he pulled his cock out of my mouth and began to go soft.
He walked over to put his pants back on.
“You know something,” Jack said, “this is the very same room where I fucked your mother for the first time.”
Needless to say, Jack certainly knew how to kill the moment.
“I know, you’ve only told me that a million times,” I said, wiping the remainder of the cum from my cheeks. “And you say you used to be gay.”
He didn’t like that comment very much, and turned around to give me a dirty look.
“Well, get your clothes on,” he said. “Time to go pick your mother up from rehab.”
A while later, Jack and I arrived back home with Mom. Grandma and Shane had cooked a nice welcome-home dinner for her.
The six of us sat down to dinner and I said grace, something we always did before meals. I couldn’t help but think what God would say if he knew of my activity just hours before. It killed me seeing Jack and Mom sitting next to each other, holding hands and being affectionate with one another. I knew I deserved better, but fucking Jack was so nasty, so raunchy, and oh so wrong. That was why I found it irresistible.
“Damian,” I said, “pass me the salt.”
“What’s the magic word, gorgeous?” he asked.
“Damian!” I shouted.
He smiled at me and handed me the salt.
“I swear to God,” I said. “One night I’m going to sneak into your room while you’re sleeping and beat you to death.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Damian said.
“Damian, that’s rude!” Grandma scolded. “Apologize to your sister!”
“Sorry, Sis,” Damian said.
Shane glared at his younger brother for a moment.
“I swear,” Shane said. “No wonder there’s not a girl alive who would sleep you if you were the last guy on earth.”
“So this is what I get to come home to,” Mom said.
After dinner, Jack kissed Mom goodbye and went home.
I went to my room a short while later and wrapped my welcome-home gift for Mom. I knew this had been just one of many countless homecomings from rehab, but I really wanted to give her encouragement to stay clean. A small heart-shaped picture of myself and my brothers, I thought, should help provide that.
I walked down the hall to Mom’s room to hand her the gift. I knocked on the door, but there was no response.
“Mom!” I yelled as I knocked again.
“Go away!” I heard her yell from the other side.
“Are you okay, Mom?” I asked.
“Yes,” Mom said. “Just go away!”
I was scared. She only acted this way when she was using and I didn’t want to have to take her to the hospital again when she overdosed.
“Mom, I’m coming in!” I yelled, before opening the door.
And you can imagine my surprise.
Mom was bent over on the bed and Shane was fucking her doggy style! I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to die. Shane stopped and turned around, his hard cock hanging from his crotch.
“Sorry, Sis,” Shane said. “I guess the secret’s out now.”
I had no words. I simply placed the gift down on the dresser, turned around, walked out, and closed the door.
I walked down the hall and went to the only person I could turn to– I hated myself for this– Damian.
I knocked on Damian’s door.
He answered, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and smiled at me.
“This is a surprise,” he said.
I walked in and sat down on his bed. He had three computers on, each doing a different task, all game-related. He had some crazy science-fiction movie playing on his television and his room was littered with trash and laundry that hadn’t been done in weeks.
“Sorry you caught me like this,” he said. “I’m just finishing up a term paper.”
“A term paper?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he said, “Some dude is paying me 300 bucks to do it for him.”
Damian’s mind was always working on ways to make money. He aspired to be the next Donald Trump and eventually wanted to be president of the United States. He had big dreams for his 16 years and a lifetime to achieve them. But he was so damn creepy. I wanted to get to the point and leave.
“I just caught Shane and Mom having sex,” I said.
“No way!” Damian said.
“Would I make something like that up?” I asked.
“You know,” Damian said, “Grandma told me that sort of thing runs in this family.”
I was starting to get irritated with him.
“Damian,” I said, “that’s pretty fucked up.”
“It’s true,” he said. “If Shane and Mom can do their thing, maybe we can do our thing.”
“I’m outta here,” I said.
I got up and went back to my room. I reached for my cell phone and started to call Jack, when suddenly there was a knock at the door.
Damian didn’t even give me time to answer before he opened my door.
“Amy, whether you want to believe it or not,” he said, “someday, I’m going to marry you. Because I love you that much.”
I threw a pillow at him.
“Go to bed, Damian!” I yelled.
After that, I decided to move out. At 23 years old, it was probably time to do so anyway.
Jack and Shane helped me move my things into my new apartment. It was a very tense afternoon, all of us knowing that Jack had been fucking me, Shane had been fucking Mom, and Shane and I were attracted to each other, but not one of us wanting to mention any of that.
When we finished loading the last truck load of my stuff, Shane gave me a hug.
“Good luck, Amy,” he said. “You are so ready for this.”
“I know,” I said.
With that, he left. It was just me and Jack. Alone.
“Not a bad little place you got here,” Jack said.
“No, not at all,” I agreed.
We were silent for a few minutes, not sure what to say.
“Jack,” I said. “What would you say if I told you I caught Mom sleeping with another man?”
“I guess I would say good for her,” he answered. “Your mother and I aren’t married.”
I walked over to him and began to play with his crotch.
“Wouldn’t you like to get married someday?” I asked.
I felt his cock begin to grow hard.
“Never know,” he said. “If I find the right woman.”
He groaned as he slowly became aroused.
I pulled out his cock and dropped to my knees. Then, I took it in my mouth and began to work it.
“You’re so good at sucking Daddy’s cock,” Jack said.
I never really believed he was my dad. That was something he thought to be true. Nevertheless, I humored him.
“I love Daddy’s cock!” I said.
I continued to suck his cock until he pulled away, lifting me up and laying me down on my sofa. He then took my clothes off before undressing himself.
He took my legs and rested them on my shoulder as he put his cock into me.
Then, he fucked my pussy until he came.
But instead of laying with me and cuddling, he abruptly reached for his pants to put them back on.
“Well I suppose I should get going,” Jack said.
I was angry.
“Jack, I feel like a whore,” I said. “Can’t you just stay with me for a while?”
“No,” he said flatly. “I’ve gotta go.”
“To who?” I asked. “Mom?”
I could tell he was starting to get irritated with me.
“Listen, Amy,” he said, “We’re not married. We will never be married. We’re just a dad and his daughter who like to play a little. It’s just a thing.”
I was so angry I began to cry.
“Maybe for you!” I screamed. “Now why don’t you get the fuck out of here and go back to sucking dick!”
With that, Jack left.
A short while later, I heard another truck pull up. This was followed by the sound of footsteps and finally, a knock at the door. It was Damian.
“Damian,” I said, “I’ve had a long day and I’m not really in the mood for company.”
He could tell I was very upset.
“What’s the matter, Sis?” he asked.
“Come on in,” I said, finally giving in.
I sat down and began to cry.
“Damian,” I began, “I have something really awful to tell you.”
Without hesitation, my baby brother grabbed me and gave me a comforting hug and kissed me on the forehead.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Jack and I have been having an affair,” I confessed.
“Does Mom know?” he asked.