Daddy’s Mistress.

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Adam is a 43 year old married man. He and his wife, Joanna, have been married for 18 years now and have three kids. A 18 year old son and twin 17 year old daughters. Adam stands 5’11”, with short brown hair and brown eyes, weighing about 230 lbs.

Sophie, was almost a spitting image of her mother, standing 5’5″ with mid-back length brown hair and blue eyes, weighing 110 lbs. soaking wet, and a firm B-cup chest. Kaitlyn stands 5’6″ with shoulder length blond hair and brown eyes. She weighs about 125 lbs., with a C-cup chest

Collin, their son, and Joanna were gone for a week on a trip to Washington DC for school. They had left early in the morning, taking a two day bus ride to get there. Adam asked his wife why they had to ride a bus, and she said it was because the school couldn’t afford plane tickets.

It was 5:30 on Friday evening when Adam came home from work. As he walked into the house he was greeted by his daughters. “Hey Dad,” Sophie said from the front room. “Hey sweetheart, how was your day?” He asked, walking up behind the couch they were sitting on. They both looked up at him, “oh you know, it was school,” Kaitlyn giggled.

Adam raised his head in understanding, “so do you have any plans for this weekend?” The girls look at each other, then up at their dad, “no not really,’ Kaitlyn answered. Adam smiled at her as he said, “I thought you girls would have some big plans, since we have the house all to ourselves.” Both of them shook their heads, “no, but maybe we could watch a movie later on?” Sophie smiled at him. Adam nodded in agreement, “sounds good, and go do some shopping tomorrow?” Both of their faces lit up with excitement, as they quickly nodded in agreement.

After dinner the girls were in their room, having showered and got dressed in their sleepwear. Adam had changed into more comfortable clothing, putting on a T-shirt and some loose fitting jean shorts. Adam hollered upstairs to the girls, “are you girls ready to watch a movie?” Sophie came skipping towards the stairs happily, she was wearing some green pajama pant and a matching tank top that clung tightly to her body. Adam had to swallow a knot in his throat as he watched his daughter’s firm tits bounce, and her pert nipples poking at her top. Kaitlyn was almost right behind her, walking, wearing some pink boy shorts, that hugged to her tightly, and a loose T-shirt. As Adam watched his daughters trot down the stairs, he felt his 8″ cock twinge inside of his shorts.

‘What is wrong with you,’ Adam thought to himself, ‘they’re your daughters.’ He tried to shake the thought out of his head as he followed them into the the front room, watching Kaitlyn’s hips sway with her steps. He sat down in the middle of the couch, as the girls looked through their DVD collection, trying to find a movie. They chose ‘The Spy Next Door’ and Sophie put it in the DVD player. Kaitlyn sat down next to her dad, and Sophie laid down on her stomach on the floor, as the movie started.

The three of them watched the movie intently, laughing at the funny scenes. Adam was able to get his mind off of the thoughts he had earlier. With about a half hour left of the movie he started to drift off to sleep, tired from his workday. As the movie ended, Sophie turned to look at her dad and sister on the couch, “Kaitlyn, dad fell asleep.” Kaitlyn looked at Adam, his head was back and he was beginning to snore lightly. Kaitlyn giggled, “guess the movie was to boring for him.”

Sophie got up and ejected the DVD and put it away. She turned towards Kaitlyn and asked, “should we wake him up?” Kaitlyn shrugged her shoulders as she stood up and turned to look at her sleeping father. Sophie walked up next to Kaitlyn as Kaitlyn said, “we probably should wake him up.” Sophie laughed a little, “or we could take advantage of him, and give him some pleasure like we saw on the internet.” Kaitlyn looked at her sister in shock, “Sophie, he’s our dad, that would be wrong.”

Sophie kept her eyes on her sleeping dad, “yeah why not. You have to admit you’ve wanted to try what we saw.” Kaitlyn shook her head, “yeah, but not with dad.” Sophie looked at Kaitlyn, “oh come on, what could it hurt?” Kaitlyn looked at her sister seriously, “it’s just wrong, its incest.” Sophie smiled, “that’s what makes it even naughtier.” Kaitlyn scoffed at that comment, “fine you can try it, but don’t expect me to help you, I will just watch.” Sophie tilted her head a bit at her sister, “fine then, be that way.”

“First we need something to tie his hands and feet with,” Sophie said, looking at Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn shook her head quickly, “we can’t do that, if he wakes up, we will be in big trouble.” Sophie giggled, “we’ll get in trouble even if we don’t tie him up. But if we tie him up, he can’t do anything about it at the time.” Kaitlyn shrugged her shoulders, “I guess you’re right, but remember this is all your idea.” Sophie nodded excitedly, as the girls ran up the stairs to search.

About 10 minutes later they trounced back down the stairs, carrying some tights and some of their mom’s nylons. Adam was still asleep on the couch, but had moved to his back, and was laying across the couch now. “Wow he made it easier for us now,” Sophie laughed, as she dropped the materials on the floor. She grabbed a pair of nylons and moved up by Adam’s head. She carefully tied her dad’s wrists together with one leg of the nylons, slowly pulling his arms over his head.

As his arms brushed against his face, Adam stirred a bit, causing Sophie to pause and hold her breath. She watched as he rubbed his face against his bicep, but didn’t wake. Sophie let out her breath in relief, as she pulled the nylons tight and tied the other end to the back leg of the couch.

Neither one of the girls had any idea of what they were doing. Sophie was doing what came naturally, and what her and Kaitlyn had seen on the internet. Since they had reached puberty, they have been looking at porn on the internet, and had watched a video of a woman playing and teasing a man’s cock. The guy was tied to a table, and seemed to enjoy what the woman was doing to him.

Sophie didn’t bother tying his legs down, since the guy in the video was able to move his. She knelt down next to the couch, right next to Adam’s hips. She clumsily fumbled with his short’s button and zipper, slowly opening his shorts, revealing his blue boxers. Kaitlyn stood behind her sister, watching intently, “Sophie, stop,” she exclaimed nervously, as Sophie started tugging Adam’s shorts and boxers down. Sophie paused, looking at Kaitlyn, “why?”

Kaitlyn shrugged her shoulders, “I’m having second thoughts, what if he wakes up?” Sophie smiled, “then maybe he’ll enjoy himself, like that guy in the video, plus he’ll be our slave then.” Kaitlyn gasped, “I don’t believe this, I can’t believe you’re going through with this.” Sophie scoffed, “whatever, quit being a chicken and shut up.”

Sophie turned back to what she was doing, tugging her dad’s shorts and boxers down his legs. As his boxers uncovered his manhood, Sophie gasped at the sight of her father’s limp dick. She pulled his shorts and boxers down to his knees, not taking her eyes from her dad’s dick. It was laying limply on his fat ball sack, surrounded by thick, black pubic hair.

His dick was about 5″ long, and 1 1/2″ diameter, at this state. Kaitlyn and Sophie both stared at the first cock they had ever seen up close, mesmerized by it. Sophie slowly put her finger against the middle of his shaft, and poked it. Adam’s dick fell limply onto his thigh, as she poked it, causing her to giggle. Kaitlyn moved closer behind Sophie, watching.

Sophie made a ring with her thumb and forefinger around, just below the head, her dad’s dick, picking it up. Sophie studied the dick as she held it in the air, carefully. Looking at the pink head and veiny shaft, turning the tip so his piss hole was looking at her. Kaitlyn nervously swayed behind her sister, as she studied it as well.

Sophie felt her body getting hotter, as stared at her dad’s dick. She looked up at Kaitlyn and whispered, “it’s so different seeing one in person.” Kaitlyn nodded quickly in agreement, licking her lips, “but it’s soft, not hard like that guy’s in the video.” Sophie shrugged her shoulders, turning her attention back to Adam’s dick, giving it a light squeeze.

“Try moving your fingers up and down it, like that girl did to that guy,” Kaitlyn whispered lustily, her own body getting hotter, like it did when watching the video. Sophie nodded as she slowly slid her fingers down his limp shaft, putting her palm against his abdomen as she reached the base. She slowly began to move back up his dick, cooing as it seemed to grow slightly.

Kaitlyn felt her pussy begin to tingle, her boy shorts beginning to become moist as she watched Sophie. Sophie slowly moved her fingers back down her dad’s slowly growing cock, then back up without pausing. Sophie felt her panties getting wetter as she moved her fingers up and down his dick, in a slow and steady rhythm, watching it grow longer and thicker. She kept moving her fingers up and down, feeling it start to throb, and their dad groaning, but not waking up. “Oh my god, that thing is huge,” Kaitlyn whispered, staring at the fully hard cock.

Sophie nodded in agreement as she moved her face over the dick. Kaitlyn knelt down next to Sophie, so she could watch her sister. Sophie opened her mouth as far as she could, her hair falling down and blocking Kaitlyn’s view. Sophie stopped moving her fingers at the base of her dad’s 8″ cock, and lowered her head down, taking his 2 1/2″ diameter cock into her mouth. As her mouth engulfed the head of his dick, Adam groaned, beginning to stir.

Sophie moaned on the head of his dick, as she felt it throb in her hand. “I can’t see,” Kaitlyn said, a little louder than she should of. Adam’s legs moved, causing the girls to jump. Sophie lifted her head up and looked up at her dad.

Adam was looking at them, just staring, with a look of confusion. Sophie still held onto his dick, staring back at her dad. “Wh… what’s going on?” Adam muttered, still half asleep. Sophie looked at Kaitlyn, then back at him and slowly said, “umm taking advantage of you.” He looked more confused as he tried to lift his arms up, but they were tied tightly, “Sophie, why are my arms tied down?” He asked sternly.

Sophie giggled, “I just told you dad, I can’t tease you and have my way with you if you’re free.” Adam lifted his head up, a little more awake now, he gasped at the sight of her hand wrapped around the base of his erect cock, “Sophie!” Both girls jumped at his exclamation, “what you’re doing is wrong,” he continued. Sophie held her head down, as if in shame, but a devilish grin on her face.

Adam continued trying to free himself, but it was no use, so he moved his hips around, trying get her hand off of his dick. Sophie giggled at her dad moving around, “if you keep it up, we’ll just have to tie your legs down too.” Adam groaned in anger, “Sophie untie me now.” Sophie shook her head quickly, “not until we’re finished.” Kaitlyn leaned over his legs, “yeah dad just enjoy yourself.”

Adam stared at his daughter’s in awe. He realized he was looking at them earlier, getting a little excited, but he didn’t want to act on it. Now his daughter’s had his arms tied down, and Sophie was holding his dick. The same dick that conceived her and Kaitlyn. He knew this was wrong in so many ways, but he was powerless to stop it, and in a way it excited him. “Where did you girls learn about this?” He asked, looking Sophie in the eyes. Her eyes lit up as she answered, “we seen it on the internet.”

Adam shook his head in disbelief, “you were looking at porn on the internet?” Sophie nodded vigorously, lying, “yeah, I was doing research for a report for biology, and clicked on the advertisement link.” Again he shook his head, and said, “and you didn’t close it when saw what it…” Kaitlyn cut him off, “enough talking, don’t let him stall anymore.” Sophie looked back at Kaitlyn in shock, not expecting that. Kaitlyn looked at her sister, “what?”

Sophie chuckled, “wow someone’s in a hurry. And changed their mind in a hurry.” Kaitlyn blushed a little, “sorry, but my body was feeling hot and tingling, but now that went away with all of this talking, and it was feeling good. I want that feeling back.” Sophie nodded and looked at Adam, “well you heard her, no more talking.”

Adam shook his head, not wanting this to go any further. Sophie looked back at his cock, that was somewhat soft now. She started stroking his dick again, trying to wake it back up, as she looked at Adam, “by the way daddy, you’re our slave now, and have to do what we want.” Adam shook his head vigorously, ‘this can’t be happening, its just a dream, and he would wake up soon,’ he thought to himself, as his dick began to harden again.

Sophie squeezed the shaft of his dick, as hard as she could, with her tiny hand, “did you hear me daddy?” Adam winced in slight pain, it hurt, but not bad, “yes baby.” Sophie squeezed harder, “don’t call me that, its mistress.” Adam was stunned by his daughter’s request, but answered slowly, “yes mistress.” Sophie smiled, relaxing her grip slightly, “that’s a good boy, the same goes for mistress Kaitlyn here.” Adam nodded in understanding, “ok mistresses,” he said almost laughing.

“Does daddy like being our slave,” Sophie lustily said, moving her hand faster on his hardened dick. Adam only groaned as he watched his daughter’s hand move up and down his shaft. Kaitlyn moved her hand between his legs, cupping his plump ball sack, lightly fondling it with her fingers, as she rubbed her other hand against her covered slit. Sophie moved her head over his crotch again, and opened her mouth wide. Adam watched her slowly lower her head towards his cock, he gasped, wanting to yell out, as he felt her hot breath against his sensitive head. Sophie continued, wrapping her lips around the head of his dick, sucking on it lightly.

“Oh my fucking god,” Adam groaned loudly. Sophie moaned as his dick throbbed in her mouth, sending vibrations through his dick. He lifted his hips up, trying to shove more into her mouth, but she moved her head back with him. He begged her to go further, “oh yes baby, take more of my cock in your mouth.”

Sophie abruptly pulled her mouth off of his dick, “what did you say?” Adam looked at her in lust, “what?” Sophie squeezed his dick hard again, “its mistress, not baby,” she angrily said. “I… I’m sorry mistress,” he said, “please don’t stop mistress.” Adam knew his lust had taken over now, begging his own daughter to continue. His dick was begging for release now, raging hard and throbbing.

Sophie chuckled and looked at Kaitlyn, “mistress Kaitlyn, take off your panties and sit on his face, like we saw, so he can’t talk.” They had seen another video, where a woman was sitting on a guys face, grinding her pussy against his mouth.

Kaitlyn nodded excitedly as she stood up, putting her thumbs in the waistline of her boy shorts. Adam wanted to protest, “wait,” watching as she quickly pushed her panties down. As she stood back up, his eyes fixed on his daughter’s virgin slit. There was a small patch of blond pubic hair on her mound, her pussy lips were tightly together, but slightly swollen and glistening, showing her arousal. He didn’t move his eyes from her crotch as she walked towards his head.

Adam couldn’t say a word as Kaitlyn slowly climbed onto the couch, straddling his chest, her back facing Sophie. She moved up until her pussy hovered over his mouth, Adam could smell her arousal permeating from her snatch. Without warning she clumsily slammed her pussy against his face. Adam was taken by surprise by her actions, not having time to react. Her pussy smashed against his closed mouth, his nose brushing against her clit,…

Published 12 years ago

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