Whore of the Horde – Rachel

"The horde show a Japanese teen how much of a whore she really is."

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“My name is Rachel Takahashi. I’m an 18 year old student from Cincinnati, Ohio. Twenty eight days ago, life was normal. Twenty eight days later, the world has gone to shit.”

I closed the video camera, as my eyes began to water. I was the last person that seemed to be alive in the entire city. We all knew this day was going to happen, we just didn’t realise how soon it was going to happen. There were reports on the news about cannibalistic attacks in the southern states, but nobody prepared. That was just the beginning of the zombie apocalypse.

It’s hard to comprehend how fast this thing escalated. It was on the news one day, then the next it was in the streets outside. The disease spread like wildfire in a dry shrub land. Everyone I once knew were now those horrible things outside the door of my shelter. Thankfully though, they didn’t know I was in here. But then again I don’t think living people would know I was in here. People usually go to shopping malls, churches, taverns in search of refuge. Not me however, I’ve watched too many movies to know those places don’t work. I had found refuge in a small cosy slum off the main roads. However I was running out of food and quick as well as needing some fresh clothes.

Up to this point I hadn’t ventured outside, I just stayed in the safety of the slum. To keep me sane, I would usually record videos of myself as well as thinking of home, which seemed to be so distant now. I would then think about Hokkaido, where my parents were from before moving to the States. I had only been there once as a child, but I knew that is where I belonged. I would then come back to this shithole that was reality. This was my home now.

Sunlight began to creep in through the cracks between the boards.

“Another night bites the dust,” I whispered to myself.

Today would be the first day that I would go outside, with those things. I crawled over to the staircase, a slight draft blowing up my black mini skirt as I passed the bathroom door. Feeling the cold air against my ass cheeks and thighs was quite a shock. However I began to climb the stairs to look out of the landing window. As I sat looking out of the window, I adjusted my black lace thong. It seemed clear but then again they could easily be hidden by all the dumpsters in the back. No zombie in sight was good enough for me anyway.

I crawled back down the stairs. I grabbed my baseball bat from the corner and tiptoed over to the door. I opened the door slowly and peeked my head out. It was clear but I could hear groaning and grunting nearby. With a deep breath, I set foot outside the door, quietly shutting it behind me. I began to tiptoe to the corner of the building, stepping lightly so that my heels didn’t make a noise. I peeped around the corner to see a group of zombies knelt down feasting. I quickly pulled my head back and covered my mouth. I felt like screaming.

I began to move away from the corner, thankfully there was another way to the mall. I toddled over to the other alley, this one was clear. The main road was going to be a dangerous walk though. With another deep breath I took to the street. I swiftly walked down the sidewalk trying to avoid any attention from the nearby groups. I knew if I got compromised, I’d have a difficult time outrunning them in my heels. I carried on walking, readying my bat in case one of them realised I wasn’t one of them. I could see the mall in front of me, but there were a ton of zombies in front of me.

I watched each and every one of them as I strolled past, clenching the bat tightly. It wasn’t long before I was spotted. A group of them began to growl before starting to shuffle towards me. My stroll turned into a steady jog, as I jogged towards the mall, the crowd of zombies behind me increased vastly. Closer and closer the mall got to me, but this was only half of the challenge. I had to find a way inside first.

I reached the parking lot with an army of flesh eating freaks tailing me. I had to lose them somehow, but how could I lose them in a wide open parking lot? I noticed a loading dock to the side of the complex. The question now was is the door going to be open. If it was, this would mean I wouldn’t have to ditch them instead just let them bang on the security door, which would be far easier than trying to enter through the main glass entrance. I quickly shifted directions to the dock. Luckily I had enough distance between me and the horde in case the door was locked.

I began turning the door knob. It must have been the adrenaline that made me shocked when the door swung open. In a panic, I tripped whilst entering the building, leaving the door open. I started screaming as the bloodthirsty horde came shuffling to the door. I reached for the door knob but it was out of reach. I stretched ever so slightly as the horde came closer. I felt the steel knob in my hand, I had reached it. Quickly I slammed the door as I heard the undead crash into the other side. I sat against the wall of the loading bay, thinking how lucky I was to be alive and not a human happy meal. I then laughed as I got back to my feet.

I started looking around for an entrance into the mall from here, which wasn’t very difficult. In fact I found it almost instantly. I used my standard precautions, check to see if the coast was clear, and then move. The mall was empty. It was actually a relief to see this. Nothing but the casual music and the echo of my heels on the marble floor could be heard. First of all, I headed to the clothes store as it was on the way to the food court anyway. I kept a close eye on my surroundings for any movement. I didn’t want to have come this far to be let down by not been vigilant.

It was really strange walking through a deserted mall. If the world was still normal, it would have been packed. My eyes began to water once more, remembering what life was like before this happened. However I remained focus on my goals. I was here for clothes and food, the sobbing was for home. I had reached my first destination, the clothes store. I quickly entered and began making sure it was clear, I felt like some sort of soldier, making sure the entire vicinity was safe for me to get some fresh clothes. After clearing the store, I returned to the entrance to lower the shutters, just in case one of the friendly neighbourhood police officers came for me.

The cage slammed against the floor, I was safe to browse the clothes. I immediately went over to the miniskirts. I didn’t want anything big to wear, it was summer after all. I began to strip down. I pulled my skirt down, before rudely been interrupted by a monstrous growl at the shutter. It was one of the security guards that worked here before. Realising that I was safe from him, I shrugged my shoulders and began removing my lace thong.

“You like that little Asian pussy?” I teased.

I moved closer to the shutter, making him more and more vicious.

“Too bad, you aren’t getting it,” I said as I rubbed it slightly.

I blew him a kiss before returning to the skirts. When I got there I began to giggle at what I had just done. This gave me more of an idea. I began to pull my pink tank top up, revealing a matching black bra to go with the thong. I then unclipped the bra letting it fall harmlessly to the pile of my clothes. The lights shone on my small, brown nipples as they hardened. I walked out of sight of the zombie to get a bench from the shoe section. I pushed the bench towards the shutter leaving it close enough that I was comfortable. I then went back to the pile of my clothes and slipped my heels back on. He was going ape shit at the shutter.

“Calm down buddy, Rachel is going to make it all better,” I said seductively.

I laid back on the bench and opened my legs as wide as I could. My hand slivered down my petite body to the strip of black hair on my mound. I playfully tapped on my skin before continuing. I started making circular motions with my hand on my clitoris. I rubbed it frantically, making myself moan and squirm all over the bench in front of him. I sucked on two of the fingers of my free hand before moving them down to aid in my masturbation. My fingers began to slide into my soft velvet-like interior.

“Oh fuck.” I yelled, “You like that huh?”

He grunted and snarled as I continued to finger my tight little pussy. I pumped my fingers in harder and faster, making short work of myself. I felt a huge orgasm building up within me. Shivers began to run through my spine and my moaning got louder. An orgasm ripped through my body, making me feel lightheaded and like jello. I laid there with a little cheeky smile on my face, I hadn’t masturbated since the outbreak and it felt good to get it out of my system.

“Time for my clothes now, I’ll be back for you later.” I said mockingly as I sat up.

I arrogantly strolled to where my pile of clothes were, picking a backpack up on my way to place my old clothes in. I could always wash my old clothes in the sink back at the slum. I stuffed them into the backpack before moving to the underwear section. I picked out a cute bra and panties set. I had always wanted these but never bothered to buy them. They were white with a couple of little red hearts on. I clipped the bra on and was pleased to see in the mirror that it complimented my average bust size. I then began to slide the panties up my legs, jiggling my hips as I pulled them up.

I moved back to the skirts picking out a navy blue, camouflage pattern skirt.

“Do you like this one?” I asked the zombie, laughing as I did.

I then pulled out a woodland camouflage skirt.

“Or this one?” I continued.

I stuffed the woodland camouflage skirt into the backpack before pulling on the navy blue skirt. I then moved over to the tank tops, they were all pretty bland. I picked out a white and black one, stuffing the black top into the bag. I pulled the white top on as fast as I could. I grabbed the baseball bat and bag, and then moved towards the shutters.

“There, I’m done here,” I said to him.

I began opening the shutters with my bat ready. He began shuffling towards me. I swung the bat against his head, knocking him to the ground.

I strolled through the mall, checking each corner to make sure there weren’t any of the man’s friends lurking. I had reached the food court without seeing or hearing anyone. I went towards the vending machines as this was my only option for food now. Potato chips, candy bars and soda was going to be my diet until I could find a better alternative. I unzipped my bag, stuffing as much of the snacks as I could into it. Zipping it back up, I heard more groaning behind me. This security guard was about five times bigger than me and very slow.

I chuckled at him before simply walking away. It was time to go home. I walked as quickly as possible to the main entrance of the mall as it was made of glass and I would easily spot if there were any threats. Just as I made it to the entrance my eyes opened wide, there were tons of the bastards. I grasped the bat as tight as I could and took a deep breath. I kicked the door open and immediately began to run in the direction of home. The sounds of growling and groaning hot on my trail. I didn’t realise how fast the zombies could actually motor when they wanted something badly.

I ran up the alley, forgetting completely about the group that I saw earlier. My back hit the wall when I heard the deafening growls. They began to rise, without any hesitation I began running back to the slum, to safety. I had reached the slum with no zombie in sight. I quickly opened the door and jolted inside. Hoping that they wouldn’t find me, I closed the door as quickly and quietly as I could and began locking it. I heard the groaning getting closer. I don’t think they knew I was in here. It was confirmed when the groaning began to get fainter. They must have thought I kept running, but not that I cared, I was finally back safe and sound.

I emptied my bag onto the floor. I took my new clothes and placed them in the corner of the room. I began to run some water into the sink for my old clothes to soak in. I popped a bag of chips. It had been so long since I had tasted anything other than beans. I welcomed the new taste with delight as I sat watching the sunset. The way it looked dipping over the skyline was just so peaceful, you could almost forget what was happening in the world outside. Outside the lights began to come on. I had positioned the boards downstairs carefully to give myself light for the night so I wouldn’t be detected by turning the lights on within the slum.

With one final glimpse of the sun, I made my way downstairs to begin waiting the night out. I grabbed the video camera, as I did every night to talk about my day. As I began talking about my adventure to the mall today, there was a bang on the door, followed by a loud groan.

“Shit,” I whispered to myself.

I slowly began moving upstairs with the video camera, as the banging continued. I peeped over the windowsill to see a huge horde outside the slum. I wondered to myself how they found me. I moved into the bedroom, quietly shutting the door behind me. I carried on speaking about my day in a soft voice as I heard the front door been broken down. They were in the slum. I moved to the other side of the bed as they began searching the place for me. I heard multiple steps coming up the stairs as I kept on talking to the camera. I spoke about every little detail on my mind as they began braying at the bedroom door. There was no way I was getting out of this.

As they broke down the door, I began sobbing and saying my final prayers. The video camera was ripped from my hands. I was corned by a series of loud groans, before hearing a groan louder than any of the others. The horde stopped in their tracks, letting the zombie through. My jaw dropped as I saw the security guard from the mall coming towards me. He stood their wildly grunting at me. A bulge began to form in his tattered trousers. I gulped as he began to grunt at me. His hands began to slip the rags down, revealing his penis. My pussy began to get wet and my nipples started to harden as his cock sprang to life in front of me.

He began moving closer to me, his cock edging closer to my mouth. His cock pushed against my lips which were reluctant at first to let him enter. He started to growl a little bit at my reluctance as his cock continued to push against my lips. I finally complied, letting his cock enter my mouth. It really wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. I began moving my hand to the base of his length as I sucked him. My hand grasped the base of his cock, jerking him into my mouth.

I felt my skirt and panties been ripped away from my body as another male zombie dressed in what seemed to be a waiter’s outfit, began to come in, kneeling over the camera which was still recording. It had a clear shot of my pussy and me giving head in the background. I felt the tip of an erect cock slip into my moist vagina, giving the camera a full shot of the penetration. I closed my eyes whilst I sucked his cock and my hips were violently pulled onto the other cock. The security guards hands began to move to the back of my head. Grasping my black hair, he began to push his cock deeper into my mouth, whilst the other cock went balls deep in my pussy.

There I laid, having my mouth and pussy fucked by two male zombies, all in front of a video camera. What a better use for that video camera, I thought as I turned my head, letting him fuck each and every inch of my mouth. I felt the waiter’s torso come into contact with mine as his cock pummelled my pussy quickly, his balls slapping against my ass. The camera was in perfect position to see my tight, little Japanese pussy being stretched by his undead cock.

The security guards hands gradually released my head, allowing me to continue sucking him at my own pace. I felt the other cock retreating from my pussy, as I looked over at him, another one, who worked at the campus, with his cock out obscured my view. I felt his huge cock enter me. My eyes began to roll back as he stretched me even more. I released the cock from my mouth to let out one huge moan of pleasure as he began to pound me. I scrunched my legs up to my chest before resting them on his shoulders and pulling the other cock back into my mouth. My pretty little asshole was now visible on the camera as well as the stretching of my tight little pink.

With my free hand, I began to rub my clitoris as his monster cock pumped my pussy. I could feel my orgasm building up due to immense delight of my pussy been stretched. He continued to fuck me as I felt my climax coming closer. I held the security guards cock in my mouth as my pussy began to erupt with cum. The zombie fucking my pussy began to snarl as he felt my warm pussy juice coating his cock. He pulled out of my soaking wet pussy, and began coming towards the security guard. With no hesitation I pulled my head off of the security guards cock and moved onto the cock that had just been coated in my juice.

I moaned as I tasted myself on his cock. The taste of his precum and my juice was amazing. I couldn’t believe how much I was enjoying this. I stopped sucking him and began to make a move to my feet slowly. I placed my hands on the security guard’s chest, guiding him to the bed before gently instructing him to lay down with my hands. I then grabbed the camera which had been recording every moment, and placed it between his knees. I pulled my tank top off, and unclipped my bra, leaving myself fully nude. I then began to suck on his cock once again before climbing on the bed and onto him. I unbuttoned his shirt and rest my tits against his chest, reaching behind and guiding his cock into my sweet honey pot.

“Oh yeah, this cock feels so good,” I screamed.

I could only imagine how good it looked on the camera, seeing my bright complexion on top of his dull complexion. I looked down into his eyes as I rode him.

“You like this little Asian pussy now?” I asked rhetorically.

As I looked up and away from him, a cock started moving in. I opened my mouth letting it glide in. I began sucking the cock as best as I could whilst riding my new best friend. I then felt hands clasp my ass cheeks and another cock, belonging to a construction worker, begin pressing against my asshole. I continued riding the security guards cock as the other cock pushed into my ass. I let out a huge moan onto the cock bulging in my cheek.

I reached back between all the legs and began to adjust the camera so that it recorded the double penetration. Once I had adjusted I began riding slowly again whilst the zombie in my ass thrust. I was now airtight with three zombie cocks plugging all of my naughty Japanese holes. I was stuffed like a turkey and I was loving every second of it. The two zombies which I had been fucked by earlier, began to come back for some more as they came in at each side of me, pulling my hands onto their members. I began tugging them as my ass got rammed and I slurped on the cock in my mouth.

The zombie behind me continued to slam his cock into my ass, causing amazing pleasure as his length was buried in me. It was starting to get the better of me as another orgasm began to build. This one felt a lot bigger than the last one. He continued sliding his cock in and out of my ass, making the orgasm stronger. Without warning my whole body flopped onto the security guard as I came on his cock. With my body still twitching from the orgasm that had just occurred, the security guard grabbed my hips and began thrusting his cock up into my pussy whilst the other thrust his cock into my ass. I couldn’t help but spit the cock out of my mouth to moan as they double teamed me.

“Oh yeah, fuck me like a dirty slut for the camera,” I moaned.

With a few more thrusts they began to slow down. The cock in my ass began to pull out, leaving just the cock in my pussy and cocks in my hands. The security guard began to sit up with his cock still inside of me, making me lose grip of the other cocks. I grabbed the camera as he laid me on my back. I pointed it down at my crotch as he began thrusting once more. I started gobbling on the cock that I had spit out again as the other cock fucked my pussy hard.

I moved the camera lower, getting a close up of the undead penis entering my vagina. I began to deepthroat the cock in my mouth as it wasn’t too big and I could easily fit it all in my mouth. It wasn’t long until he began filling my mouth with cum. I continued sucking his cock, milking it as much as possible. He pulled his cock from my mouth as I swallowed his cum. The waiter’s cock now entered my mouth. I began sucking him with such determination. I wanted to taste his cum as much as the others.

I gasped as the cock pulled out of my pussy. I saw the construction worker who had been double teaming me move up to me with his cock in hand. I felt the tip rub against my asshole before slipping back in. I moved the camera down more, showing his full length disappearing into my ass. With the camera in my hand, I felt like a pornstar. The waiter’s cock began to twitch in my mouth as I sucked it. I felt precum dripping off his cock into my mouth. I put my hand on his cock and began tugging it into my mouth. His cock began to twitch more as he came closer to cumming, until eventually he couldn’t last any longer. He gave me my second batch of zombie cum in my mouth. I sucked the head once more before he pulled it out of my mouth. I closed my mouth whilst I swallowed his seed. Opening my mouth to him to show I swallowed the whole load.

It was now the campus worker’s time. I beckoned him with my finger. He kneeled over my chest, guiding his cock into my pretty little mouth. I looked up at him as I sucked his big cock. I screamed onto his cock as the construction worker’s cock started battering my ass with his balls making a deafening slapping sound against the cheeks. I could barely keep the camera straight on the action as he pounded my tight asshole. I spat the cock out of my mouth as I screamed in delight.

“Fuck that tight ass baby,” I screamed.

He did exactly what I said and kept on fucking it. I moved the cock back into my mouth. Sucking it ecstatically, I wanted as much cum as possible, I was the whore of the horde and I couldn’t care less. The cock continued pumping my ass, making me squirm before he unloaded his balls in my tight little ass. He pulled out of my cumfilled asshole and moved away.

This just left the big cock in my mouth and the security guard to cum. The security guard clambered back onto the bed, pushing the campus man off of me. He laid next to me and grunted. I didn’t understand what he wanted, but I could only guess that he wanted me on top of him again. I sat up cautiously as the horde’s eyes were all on me. I placed the camera at the foot of the bed, and began to lower myself onto his cock with my back to him. I buried my head in the other’s crotch, sucking his cock once more as I rode reverse cowgirl.

I began to feel hundreds of hands caressing my legs and belly as I fucked these two zombies with my mouth and pussy. The cock in my mouth began to stiffen as I gobbled on it. I could tell he was cumming, I looked up at him waiting for my present. Instantly his cum began flooding into my mouth as I carried on working his shaft. My mouth began to overflow with cum. It began to trickle down my chin and onto my tits and belly. It was amazing how much cum came out of his cock. Like each of the others, he retreated leaving the ring leader with me.

The guard’s arm reached around my neck and pulled me down onto him. His cock still probing my pussy. His arm moved down my body onto my boobs. I pulled his other arm onto them, moving his hands to them and directing him to grab them. He did as I showed and began thrusting his cock up into my pussy hard.

“Fuck my little Japanese pussy, just like that baby,” I moaned.

He carried on plowing into the roof of my pussy, his balls smacking against my clitoris. The horde began to surround the bed, watching me get fucked by their leader. His hands began to loosen off my tits and his thrusting began to slow down. I carried on from where he left off. I began ramming my hips down on his cock. I desired his cum. I wanted it so bad. But he wasn’t letting up just yet. I started spinning my hips in a circular motion whilst riding him.

At long last his balls began to clench together and his hot, sticky cum began to shoot up into me. I laid back on him giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“I knew you liked that little Asian pussy,” I said as he kept on squirting his load into me.

With one last squirt, he was done. I laid there with his softening cock still inside of me, enjoying the feeling of all this cum inside my body. I grabbed the camera to record the excess cum dribbling out of my hole as his flaccid penis popped out.

Just as I climbed off him, I heard the sound of a hundred footsteps coming upstairs. I looked over at the door to see another horde. I pointed the camera at my face and gave a seductive smile.

Published 12 years ago

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