Matilda and Myrtle made sure she got all the shitty jobs.
“Sweep the yard! Don’t miss any,” Myrtle would say.
“Don’t burn our grits. You gotta learn to make grits Georgia style!” boomed Matilda.
Grits! What the fuck were grits anyway. Why couldn’t they have semolina like normal people?!
Cindy’s parents said it would give her a better outlook if she saw the states. Broaden her horizons. So much for that. Stuck in the little scullery or chopping their hedge. She had become their skivvy and it wasn’t on! Just because she was pretty.
One day, the day before her 21st birthday, Cindy or Cinderella as she was often known was looking through her wardrobe.
“Bum! Even if I had a party I have nothing to wear!”
Her parents had sent her with a more practical set of clothes than anything and the twins weren’t paying her enough to buy any special clothes. She threw the pair of denim dungarees on her bed and rubbed her eyes, sniffling.
Suddenly, there was a puff of smoke and a rather hot-looking woman in her mid twenties appeared.
“Hey… What… where did you come from?”
As the smoke cleared, Cinders rubbed her eyes and looked in awe at the beautiful woman. She was tall with strawberry blonde hair. She was dressed in tight soccer shorts and a white t shirt that had ‘A’ emblazoned on the front. On her toned and shapely legs, she wore knee high white socks with little pink bows at the top.
“Hi, I’m Ashleigh your generic fantasy fairy sister,” said Ashleigh, between sucks of her red lollypop.
“Hey! I like the outfit.”
“Thank you Cindy. Anyway, I’m here to grant you one wish. “
“Yay! OK.”
Cindy thought for a moment and then was struck by an idea.
“Well, it’s my twenty first tomorrow. I want to have a big party and meet the man of my dreams.”
“Sure!” said Ashleigh.
“Also, I’ve kind of got nothing to wear.”
Ashleigh sucked on her lolly, a little provocatively, thought Cindy.
“I said one wish,” Ashleigh pointed out.
“Oh ummm, well it is one wish, but it’s in two parts.”
“OK smarty pants.”
With that Ashleigh waved her little confectionery, describing a figure of eight in the air and suddenly a beautiful pink dress appeared on the bed. It was low cut and rather short but Cindy held it against her, admiring herself in the mirror.
“Wow! It’s beautiful thanks.”
“OK, well a limousine will pull up outside tomorrow. There’s a ball organized in your honour.”
“A ball?” Asked Cindy, puzzled.
“Yes, a ball, a party, a knees up.”
“Oh, OK, thanks.”
“Yes, but please make sure you’re back here for midnight, or you’ll turn into a pumpkin.”
“Really. Shit! OK. Midnight, got it.”
“Good, well I’d love to chat but naughty spells don’t make themselves!”
Ashleigh the fairy disappeared whence she came and left Cinderella, feeling rather bemused.
That night she said nothing of the strange appearance of her fairy sister, choosing to play her cards close to her chest. She was particularly assiduous with her duties and her cousins were impressed, unaware of Cindy’s plans. She continued to bide her time the next day until the hour approached and Cindy put on her dress after taking a nice hot shower. The dress was of purest, fine silk and was rather revealing in the boob department. Likewise it was short enough to reveal Cindy’s sexy legs, while remaining on the right side of decency. She chose her moment, sneaking out when her cousins were watching Ugly Betty.
She climbed into the limo, which turned up right on cue. The windows were blacked out, but could see the chauffeur through the driver’s mirror. She was a smart thirty-something and spoke with a cultured Australian accent. She looked the part in her peaked black cap.
“G’day, Cindy. It’s only a five minute drive. See you’re back for midnight.”
“I will.”
“In fact, better make it five to, you’ll look like a right drongo, dressed like that, if you’re a pumpkin.”
“Yes, good thinking,” said Cindy.
Cindy was dropped off outside a huge posh mansion. There were beautiful white swans swimming around a little lake. The gardens that led up to the house were immaculately tendered with topiarian hedges, crafted into various birds and animals. A rather portly, man, dressed in red velvet jacket and trousers greeted her at the door.
“Welcome Cindy and Happy Birthday!”
“Thank you,” said Cindy, slipping past him with a smile.
Inside there were revolving glitter balls and loud music. They were playing Rihanna’s Only Girl in the World, which was Cindy’s favourite. Everyone was so kind, wishing her happy birthday and complimenting her on her amazing dress. Suddenly she was whisked off her feet by a strong, chisel-jawed man, who lifted her and spun her round. Cindy looked up to see a handsome guy in his twenties. He looked at Cindy and gulped.
“Wow! Where have you been all my life?” He said.
“Hee hee! So who are you, smooth talker?” asked Cindy.
“I’m Sir Bono of Atlanta.”
“Sir Bono! Wow!”
Cindy went a little gooey as she looked into his lovely eyes and felt herself mesmerized by his gaze. Sir Bono took her hand and they began to dance. As it was a slow one, he held her tiny waist but found himself hugging her bum cheeks after not many minutes.
Sir Bono had been knighted the previous year for his services to women. When the Queen had said ‘arise Sir Bono,’ he had taken it rather literally. That was one day the royal household didn’t forget in a hurry. Now, here he was holding in his arms the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. His days of philandering were over. This was the girl he wanted, wanted for keeps.
“Maybe we could go somewhere a little more private,” said Sir Bono.”
Cindy felt the bulge of his biceps and washboard stomach, licking her lips.
“OK, lead the way Mr.”
It was a hot summer’s evening and the dashing knight took her onto the patio, their sparkling goblets in hand. Sir Bono held Cindy and kissed her on the lips. Cindy began to swoon, her whole body tingling with passion. Sir Bono’s hands began to drift across her body, cupping her breasts lightly and following every contour of her delicious figure. Cindy became aware of his hardness pressing into her sexy mound and her panties were soon sticky from her arousal. Cindy wasn’t quite as pure as snow, but her moments had been few and far between. However, with this man she was prepared to give herself, to give her pussy up for him.
Sir Bono planted little kisses on her neck, making her shiver. His hand crept up her leg, lifting her skirt at the same time. Her legs were perfect, soft and silky. In the middle of the patio was a large rectangle of polished quartz. He lifted her and lay her on the cool surface, which was such a contrasts to the warm night air. His hands were now stretching the waist of her panties, easing them down. He could feel the warmth of her pussy against his hand. It sent a wave of erogenous excitement to his loins. His cock was growing and his breathing deepening as his fingers dabbled her swollen pussy lips.
Cindy closed her eyes, taking a lungful of his expensive aftershave. Their lips met in the heat of passion, his cock pounding and her pussy melting. He slipped her panties completely off, catching them briefly on the tip of her shoes. She lay back, resting her head on the marble and opened her legs. Sir Bono took a deep breath, his lungs full of the Georgia night air and the scent of her pudenda. His cock entered, gently to begin with, easing apart her labia. Cindy bit her lip, a shudder running through her body, spasm-like as she felt him fill her pussy. Sir Bono’s erection was a beautiful organ. It was his pride and joy and had won the hearts of many a girl. Not until now though, not until this moment of sublime fulfillment had he found a pussy, which it fit so snugly.
He held her arms until his fingers had turned her pale pink arms white with the impressions. She abandoned herself to the feelings as her pussy enrobed his cock. Her pussy was like a fire, burning his cock lovingly, drawing his love like a candle gradually releasing its wax.
“Oh Sir Bono!”
“Oh Cindy!”
The sensations were so good, the lovers panting and moaning in unison on the patio. Cindy held him tightly, her fingers raking his hair and her breath hot against his ear. She was drifting into a wondrous climax, a nowhere land of sex, love and lust. He could feel her body tense and then relax as her enjoyment came in little waves.
He held her head, supporting her as he drove harder and faster, pounding her with every drop of his ego and inflamed desire. Her body was becoming a cradle of pre-orgasm, her belly rippling and her pussy a mass of tingles. She could feel the spasms increasing and her body yielding to his huge phallus. Cindy looked up, just as a shooting star crossed the night sky and Sir Bono growled and released wave after wave of cum into her pussy. The starry sky seemed to fall inwards, bathing Cindy in a firmament of love.
Cindy looked at her watch as they were cuddling and jumped up suddenly.
“Oh frick, it’s gone ten two, I’ll have to go!”
“What’s the matter?” asked sir Bono, perplexed.
“I’ve got to go, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Cindy wiped a tear from her eyes and rushed across the lawns to her waiting limo and the Aussie driver. She got back just in time, crossing the threshold of the house just as the clock struck midnight. At the same time, her beautiful dress disappeared into thin air, leaving Cindy naked.
She awoke the next morning, assuming her birthday party had been a dream. She resumed her chores, dressing in her usual, rather drab, grey frock.
“You were rather late in last night!” said Myrtle, sternly.
“Was I? Sorry.”
“Well, as it was your birthday, we will over-look it, but don’t make a habit of it,” said the puffy-eyed cousin.
“OK, will do,” said Cindy, forlornly.
Just then there was a screech of rubber on tarmac and a posh Ferrari sports car pulled up outside the twins’ house.
Cindy looked at the figure who appeared from the car and a sharp sense of recognition jolted her subconscious.
“It can’t be,” she said to herself.
The man was tall and muscular and had the looks of a man who made women turn to jelly.
“I’m looking for the owner of these panties,” he said, holding up the skimpiest pair of knickers anyone ever saw.
Myrtle and Matilda stepped forward, hoping that somehow the man would be convinced that they might own the sexy lingerie.
“You gotta be kidding!” He said and turned to Cindy, who was at the back, holding her broom dutifully. In her rough clothes and bedraggled hair, she was a shadow of the previous night. Yet, somehow the man saw through the superficiality of her circumstances to the beauty within.
“My dear?”
Cindy lifted her skirt, revealing her neatly shaven pussy and stepped into the little panties.
“It is you! It’s me Cindy, Sir Bono!”
“So, it wasn’t a dream?!” Cindy exclaimed.
“Course not. Your carriage awaits your beautifulness. I have a house in the hills. Swimming pool and Jacuzzi and fresh water melons for breakfast.”
“Wow! Sounds lovely.”
Cindy took Sir Bono’s arm and once in his Ferrari, clipped on her seat belt. The twins watched them leave with a low purr of the engine and the two lovers zoomed off, to enjoy their new life together.