“I don’t know,” replied Jacob, sitting next to the door of the bomb shelter.
He raised his head and faced his little sister, but he couldn’t see anything. It had been about two months since they ran out of fuel for the generator, leaving them in total darkness. Since then they were left with nothing to do but eat, sleep, and talk. Lately, however, there wasn’t much left to say to each other. Most of their conversations were about memories before the war started, which only left them depressed afterwards.
Jacob ran his hand through his black hair, which had now grown somewhat long. He thought about how he must have turned twenty one sometime while they were down there, his birthday being in September. He never could have imagined spending his birthday locked away in a bomb shelter with no one but his little sister.
The attacks began three months ago in the middle of August. Jacob and Jess were the only ones home when the TV channels switched, broadcasting emergency messages that warned of the impending nuclear attacks. Jacob didn’t waste any time, grabbing his little sister and leading her out into the bomb shelter as quickly as possible. Within minutes they could hear and feel the explosions, shaking the ground beneath them. Since then it had just been the two of them.
They had been careful about using the water and food that was in the shelter. Jacob limited how much they could consume, making sure it would last. Jess was quite disappointed about this because she wanted to wash her body. Although they couldn’t see each other, the smell of the room clearly revealed that they both needed a shower badly. However, they were lucky enough that the bomb shelter had a separate storage room. At least they were able to keep the less pleasant odors trapped in there.
A week after the generator failed, they had decided to use their clothing to wipe away some of the grime from their bodies. However, this caused their clothing to hold a horrible odor which they locked away in the storage room also. They were completely naked, and even though neither of them could see each other, they were very embarrassed for a few weeks.
Jacob sat there silently, questions constantly popping up in his head. He wondered when they should leave the shelter. Was it too soon? Would they get sick from radiation if they left now? What would they do after leaving?
“Are you awake?” whispered Jess. No reply came.
“Jacob,” she tried again. There was still no answer.
Jacob had heard her clearly, but pretended he couldn’t. He wasn’t really up for talking at the moment. Jacob continued his thoughts in silence, until he heard an unusual noise. It sounded like drops of water splashing against the floor. Jacob was about to call out to Jess and ask if she heard it too, until another sound came. A short, soft moan shot out through the darkness. Jacob recognized it as his sister’s voice.
Jacob decided to not speak, suddenly realizing what was happening. Jess was fingering herself, believing her older brother to be asleep. However, Jacob wasn’t sleeping but instead listening to his little sister as she continued moaning. He felt quite awkward, wondering if he should say something to let her know he could hear her. If he did say something though, she would know that he was aware and she would be completely embarrassed, so he decided not to. Besides, he understood that Jess needed self-pleasure just as he did.
In fact, it had been a while since Jacob had pleasured himself. It was hard for him lately. There was nothing to use as a visual aide, and when he tried to imagine girls from his past, the thought of them being dead now made it uncomfortable. Furthermore, his memory of the people he knew had faded a little. The only person he could visualize in detail was his sister.
Jacob remembered her straight, black hair that flowed down to the top of her chest. Her blue eyes lit up her sweet face. Although she was only sixteen, Jess had developed quite fast. Jacob didn’t know exactly how big her breasts were but he assumed they were at least a D cup. The rest of her body was quite fit and attractive and if she had not been his sister, Jacob would have loved to explore her body.
Jess continued her pleasure, thinking that Jacob was fast asleep. She had her back against the floor, her legs spread wide as two of her fingers steadily delved in and out of her wet pussy. Her heart started beating faster from both her own actions and the fact that at any moment her brother might wake and catch her. The thought of being caught only excited her more. Jess let a few more moans escape from her sweet lips, slightly louder than the previous ones.
Jacob couldn’t get the image of his little sister out of his head. In his mind he had stripped her clothes from her, envisioning her as he knew she was, laying entirely naked only maybe ten feet away from him. His cock stirred as he continued listening to her moans. He couldn’t resist anymore, reaching down with his right hand and grabbing his dick. He figured he might as well enjoy himself as well.
He sat there in the corner, listening as Jess continued. The sound of her fingers sliding against the juices of her wet pussy grew louder. Jacob began stroking his dick in sync with the sound of his sister’s fingers. His dick was growing, almost to full size now, precum beginning to form at the head.
Jess stopped for a moment to let another finger join in. When she stopped, she suddenly noticed a sound coming from Jacob’s direction. She paused for a moment, worried he had woken. Silence filled the room once again. She waited for some time to make sure he was still asleep.
Her fingers returned, satisfying the craving she had put off. As the three fingers slipped between the lips of her pussy, a loud moan shot out from her. Jess quickly drew her left hand up to her face, covering her mouth. She didn’t stop, however, continuing the motions in and out. Sweat rolled down her cheek, her body now on fire as her heart pounded louder.
Jacob was stroking his dick even faster now. It was completely hard, reaching towards the ceiling. He could slightly hear the sound of his own strokes but assumed there was no way Jess could hear him over the sounds of her own moans. The two of them approached their orgasms, both feeling as if their hearts were going to beat through their chests.
Jess moved her hand from her mouth, not caring about the noise anymore. She placed it on her left breast instead, pinching her nipple and running it between her fingers as she shoved the three fingers even deeper inside. The muscles in her leg started tightening, followed by the rest of her body. She arched her back in ecstasy, her fingers ramming inside even harder as juices flowed out over them. One very loud moan, almost a scream, shot out from her.
After Jacob hearing his sweet little sister scream, Jacob stroked his hard dick even faster, pushing himself to orgasm. A moan unexpectedly shot out from him as well, which we quickly stopped. However, he couldn’t stop the cum shooting out from his dick in an explosion, in the direction of his sister. He quickly stopped, afraid she had heard him, but there was only silence.
Jess laid there on the floor, her heart racing as she breathed heavily. She removed her fingers slowly from her soaked pussy, moving her arms to her sides. As Jess put her right hand on the metal floor, she felt something wet touch her hand. It was a warm liquid, slightly stick to the touch.
Jess was exhausted, lying there trying to calm down from her excitement. She felt so good but also so dirty. Jess rolled to her side, running through the pleasure again in her mind. She thought for a moment, realizing she may never be able to experience anything with a guy now. What if it was just her and her older brother left alive, she wondered. There would be no guy left for her to experience. Well, there as her brother, but Jess knew he would never do that and would probably even think she was crazy for the very thought of it.
Jacob sat there in the dark, silent room. He couldn’t believe he just got off to his own sister’s moans. It was absurd to imagine that he could be attracted to her. However, Jacob’s mind wandered, wondering what it might be like to explore Jess’s body. He imagined kissing his sweet sister’s lips, his hands running over her naked body. It was such a nice thought.
The two of them lay in opposite corners, their bodies tired as they each slipped slowly to sleep. As they lay there drifting off, they each thought about the other. They knew they were crazy thinking about one another like that, but it was a thought they couldn’t resist. The idea made them feel somewhat comforting in the horrible events that had taken place. Jacob and Jess started breathing slower as they fell asleep.
Jacob’s eyes slowly opened, or at least he thought they had. He wasn’t exactly sure since he was still half asleep and the room was completely dark. His stomach suddenly ached in hunger. He slowly stood up, now remembering what happened before he fell asleep. Jacob returned his thoughts to his sister as he slowly made his way over to the shelves where their food was, sliding his hands along the wall to locate where he was.
The edge of the wooden shelves met his hand. Jacob reached around the top shelf searching for a can. His hand kept moving around, but there was nothing there. He continued sliding his hand all over each shelf in search of something, only to find nothing. Jacob’s heart skipped a beat as he panicked. There was nothing left, he thought.
“Jess!” he shouted in alarm.
“What!?” she replied, quite startled by his sudden outburst.
“It’s all gone…” he said, terrified.
“What’s gone?” she asked, confused about what he meant.
“The food… there’s nothing left,” he answered, lacking any life in his voice.
Jess was frozen in shock. She couldn’t believe what he just said. They couldn’t have eaten all the food already. She quickly rose to her feet and made her way over to her brother. In her panic, she failed to follow the way, quickly walking over to Jacob. Jess suddenly knocked into him, both of them dropping down to the floor.
Jacob’s back was against the floor with his little sister on top of him. His attention was on the pain that shot through the back of his head which had hit the floor rather hard. However, he soon realized the situation. Jess’s breasts were pressed up against his stomach, her head in his chest. He froze for a moment in embarrassment with nothing to say.
“Are you okay!?” she asked, “I’m so sorry!”
Jess then noticed something pressed up against her stomach. It was Jacob’s dick, still somewhat hard from when he woke. She paused for a moment, not sure what to do. Jess placed her hands against the ground, slowly lifting herself up, while moving slightly forward, feeling Jacob’s dick graze against her traveling down a little further. She finally pushed herself up off of him, backing away a few steps.
Jacob climbed to his feet as well, holding his head where he had hit it against the floor. He didn’t say anything for a moment, wondering what was going through his sister’s mind. Jacob wondered if she felt his dick against her.
“The food,” he said suddenly, returning his thoughts to their problem, “it’s all gone.”
“What are we going to do?” asked Jess, still embarrassed but more worried.
“Well…” began Jacob, analyzing the situation. He knew there was really only one thing they could do.
“We will have to leave,” he answered, not wanting to believe the words he was saying.
“Is it safe?” asked Jess, frightened at the thought of having to leave their shelter and take their chances with radiation or other problems on the surface.
“I don’t know,” replied Jacob, “but we don’t have any other choice.”
He didn’t want to leave either, but he knew they had to. If they didn’t leave soon, they would become weak from not eating, which would make it even harder for them to search for food once they climbed outside. Jacob quickly made his way over to their water, grabbing jugs and slowly handing some to his sister. He grabbed a few as well, and then reached out to his sister.
His hand fell upon her side, slightly grabbing her hip bone. He paused for a moment, not exactly wanting to remove it just yet. Jess’s hand fell over his, grabbing his hand. He let go and clasped his hand with hers, now making his way over to the corner where the door was.
Jacob grabbed the valve that locked the door. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever might happen. It had been three months since the bombs, but he wasn’t sure if it was safe yet. He drew up the courage to finally turn the valve and open the door. They made their way into the next room, approaching another similar metal door. He slowly opened the second door, light spilling in as it cracked open.
Jacob embraced himself for the worst. He imagined they might suddenly have problems breathing and die. A moment passed but nothing happened. Jacob swung the door open the rest of the way, turning back to look at his sister.
As he turned, his eyes fell upon her. All the time in the darkness made him forget that they were still naked. Jess stood in front of her brother, her body completely revealed. His eyes stopped on her large breasts. His dick stirred again as he stared at Jess’s body.
“Are you ready?” she asked softly, embarrassed by his gaze.
Jacob looked at his sweet sister, noticing that she was slightly blushing. However, she didn’t attempt to cover herself. Instead she stood there for him to see everything. Jess knew it was wrong, but she actually wanted Jacob to be pleased with what he saw. She watched as his eyes ran over her again.
Jacob was ready to kiss his sister right there and take her. He wanted to explore every inch of his sister and hear the moans again that she had made the night before. However, Jacob finally managed to turn away from his sister, quite reluctantly.
“Yeah, lets go,” he answered, still holding her hand. They started making their way up the steps, out into the sunlight. He knew they had to find food, water, and a place to stay. Somewhere they could return their lives back to normal.
But, maybe not everything had to return to normal. Jacob looked back at his sister and smiled. He leaned in towards her slowly, looking down at her. His head moved in, his lips gently meeting Jess’s. They kissed, but it wasn’t the usual kiss on the cheek or peck on the lips. It was long and slow, their lips locked together.
Their minds raced, unsure of how to react. They knew what they were doing was wrong and taboo, but it felt so right. After a moment, their lips parted and they slowly continued climbing the steps, thinking about what was to come. They didn’t know what they would do or where they would go, but they each hoped their kiss wasn’t the end of it…
To be continued…