I’m just going to write everything down in this email because I want to record it, but at the same time I had to share with someone just how amazing last night was.
I think part of the reason why it was so amazing was due to the fact that it was so spontaneous. We were just sitting there talking and then it all just…happened.
Last night we invited Sean over for dinner. I don’t think you’ve met Sean before. He is that neighbor who is a floor down from us. He moved to New York a few years ago and he is trying to get into the financial industry. I think he moved here from Kansas or something like that. I don’t really remember.
Sean is a big guy. He is taller than Adam by an inch or two and has really wide shoulders. Once we asked him to help move some furniture upstairs and he grabbed it like it was a toy and carried it up. It is like he is a sophisticated farm boy. Strong, muscular, intelligent, and getting into banking. He has brown hair and eyes. He doesn’t have the looks of a model or anything, but he is attractive.
We’ve had Sean over before. Adam started a conversation with Sean in the lobby one morning. It turns out they both like football and since Sean is fairly new in town, Adam invited him over to watch the game that weekend. Sean is very, very sweet, kind, generous and intelligent and the three of us get along very well. I see why Sean and Adam get along so well as they are two peas from the same pod.
It is too bad that you are married to Mr. Boring or I would TOTALLY set you up with Sean. He is actually your type.
Speaking of sweet, Adam has been extra attentive this week. As you know, it was our anniversary on Monday and Adam declared the entire week was my “Anniversary week” and he has been spoiling me rotten.
So Sean comes over and he is dressed casual like we were. Everyone was wearing jeans and I had on that cute blue blouse. I think you bought the same one in white? Adam and Sean were wearing button down shirts. Adam’s was also blue because he said he wanted to match what I was wearing, but Sean’s shirt was kind of…ugly. Oh well, we will let it slide since he is single.
Anyway, Sean arrived and then we received the call that the food was ready so Adam went downstairs to pick up the food. We ordered from my favorite little restaurant that is around the corner. Do you remember the place that we went to last time you were in town? I suppose it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that while we waited for Adam, I offered Sean a glass of red wine. He said he normally didn’t drink wine and he usually has beer, but he would give it a try. I offered to have Adam pick up some beer but after a sip of the wine, Sean politely declined, saying he enjoyed the wine more than he expected.
We had a few glasses as talked about New York and all the things we were both trying to accomplish.
– OH! I got a promotion! I’ll tell you about that later. It is far more boring than what happened last night and I don’t want to forget any details so I’ll tell you about that in another email –
Sean said he was slowly working his way up the ladder but he didn’t know if New York was for him, yada, yada, yada.
Adam came back with the food and I was grateful because I hadn’t eaten much all day and I was already started to feel a little buzz from the wine. I think Sean was also feeling a little more relaxed because he jokingly kissed Adam on the cheek when he returned with the food.
My sexy husband just smiled and laughed it off, just like he always does when one of his friends does something that makes him uncomfortable.
Well, my favorite restaurant let me down. They forgot one of our orders so we only had food for two instead of three. Sean was very sweet and he offered to go grab something so we could enjoy my favorite meal but we insisted he stay and we just split up the food between the three of us. It was enough food to satisfy our hunger but it wasn’t a huge portion. I only point it out because we were still drinking and I think the lack of food sent us all over the edge a little faster than it normally would have.
So we are sitting there at the table after dinner, talking and enjoying wine and Adam gets up and lights the candles that were on the table and turns off the lights. He then lit a few more candles around the room and said it was his wife’s anniversary week and he wanted to make the room look romantic for me.
I had no idea that everything was going to change once the candles were lit.
We sat there enjoying our wine and everyone was getting tipsy. No one really cared since Sean only had to walk a few flights downstairs to get to his apartment.
Once the lights went out, the talk started to get more sexual. Adam picked up the banana that was on the table, and while he was being silly, he jokingly said he wanted to use it on me later that night. We were laughing and giggling about how silly it would be to have sex with fruit. I then said, “Everyone knows, vegetables make MUCH better lovers!” and we all laughed so, so hard.
Sean then suggested we play a game to get to know each other better. The game was that you could ask anyone at the table one question and they had to answer it. Once the question was answered, the person that answered would now became the questioner. They could then ask the other two any question that they desired.
It started off innocently enough. How old were you when you were first kissed? How many brothers and sisters do you have? Do you like your boss? What is the craziest prank you ever pulled? We were asking questions and answering and laughing hysterically at the silly stories we all had to tell.
And then, Sean looked across the table at me. His look told me the questions were about to change.
Sean asked if I had ever kissed a woman. I admitted that I had and that I enjoyed it. (I didn’t tell them it was you.)
I then asked Sean if he had ever kissed another man. He said, “No way!”
Sean then looked at Adam and said, “May I give your wife a kiss, to celebrate your anniversary? I mean, it’s really not fair that she has sitting across from me looking gorgeous all night and I don’t get one little kiss.” I couldn’t believe it! While Sean is very attractive, I had never imagined me kissing him! At the same time I know Adam is not a jealous person but how often does a man ask your husband to kiss you?!?
Adam sat there for a moment, took a sip of his wine, looked at me, smiled slyly and said, “Yes.”
I was shocked!
Sean walked over to me and gave me a kiss! On the lips! In front of my husband! He has soft lips and it was a very sensual kiss. Kissing another man in front of my husband made me blush! I looked at Adam after and he just sat there, smiling. I was afraid he was going to be mad, but it actually looked like he was enjoying it!
It was Adam’s turn to ask a question. He put his arms on the table, leaned forwarding and asked me, “Have you ever licked a woman’s pussy?”
He knows that I’ve been intimate with a woman, so I think he just wanted me to tell the story in front of Sean. I again admitted that I had (I didn’t say it was you!) and then I told them that I enjoyed it very much and I hoped one day that I would be able to do it again. (Which reminds me, when are you coming back to New York?)
Now it was my turn to ask a question. I was still hot and blushing from that kiss so I was trying to think of a question that would get Adam back. I decided to test the waters a little.
“Can Sean touch my breasts, over my shirt?” If he wanted to play the game, I figured, let’s play. I was fully expecting him to say, “NO!” Instead, he just stared me in the eyes, smiled, and said, “Yes.”
He called my bluff.
Sean had this look on his face like he had just won the lottery or something. He got up from the table, walked around behind me and softly and tenderly massaged my breasts.
My nipples were rock hard before he even touched me. His hands were warm and strong and they massaged my 36 C’s wonderfully. It was so fucking sexy to have another man touch my breasts while my husband watched and looked me in the eyes.
I took a quick look down and I have to admit, my cleavage looked gorgeous as he massaged my breasts together. I’m sure Sean was looking down and enjoying the awesome view. Eventually, Sean stopped and went back to his chair and sat down. “I really, really love this game,” he said softly. Adam laughed and patted him roughly on the shoulder. I crossed my legs, trying to hide how wet I already was.
I said to Adam in a flirty tone, “It’s your turn to ask a question.”
The game was between us and Sean was quickly becoming our pawn.
He looked down for a moment and thought, and then he slowly nodded his head.
He sat back in his chair, and put his right foot on his knee and kinda leaned back the way he does when he is about to watch a game or a movie.
“Will you suck on Sean’s cock for three minutes while I watch?”
OH. MY. GOD!!!
I don’t know whose eyes went wider, mine or Sean’s. Sean and I looked at each other and I then we looked at Adam. Adam sat there confidently, waiting for my answer…and for the show to begin.
I know my husband has always had these ideas about me being with another man. We’ve talked about it before but they were always fantasies. I never expected anything to come of it. Adam adores me and I know it wouldn’t change our relationship, but now that it was happening and I didn’t know if I should be freaked out or if I should just enjoy it. Well, the wine answered for me.
I slowly uncrossed my legs and stood up from my seat. My heart was pounding in my ears and I could feel my soaked panties as I slowly walked over to Sean.
Adam slid his chair toward Sean to get a better view.
Slowly, I got down on my knees in between Sean’s legs, and watched as he unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped them. He then leaned back and shifted his hips toward me. Even drunk he knew that it was best for the woman to take the next step. I pulled the waistband to his boxers and reached in. My soft fingertips quickly found his hot, soft flesh. I grabbed his semi-erect cock with my hand and I pulled it out.
I looked over at Adam as I slowly started to stroke another man’s cock. Adam smiled, nodded, and with his eyes told me it would be OK. He raised his wrist. “The three minutes doesn’t start until you put it in your mouth,” he said as he looked at his watch.
First, I looked up at Sean and he just watched me and waited. With all eyes on me, I leaned forward.
Softly, I kissed the tip of Sean’s cock several times. I could feel it quickly growing in my hand and I wanted to feel it growing in my mouth instead, so I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around his cock. I sucked on him with long, slow strokes, just like I do to my husband. Within seconds, I could feel him growing in my mouth until he was rock hard.
Sean let out a moan and I could feel his ass tighten as he gave a small thrust, wanting to be as deep as possible into my hot, wet mouth.
I shifted to my right just a little, and then while I continued to suck on Sean, I looked over at my husband. I stared him in the eye as another man’s cock slid back and forth over my tongue.
My clit was throbbing. I was aching to be touched.
As Adam watched he grabbed his own cock and softly massaged himself over his jeans. The bulge in his pants was huge. It was so fucking hot to see how turned on my husband was as he watched me, his wife, suck on another man’s cock.
I turned toward Sean and really started to suck hard and fast. I wanted to give Adam the best show I could.
“Time’s up,” Adam said softly. I quickly turned to my left and whimpered. I wanted more. He was smiling and pointing at his watch. I don’t know who was more frustrated at that moment, me or Sean.
Adam held out his hand to help me to stand up. I did so slowly and then walked back to my seat, somewhat dizzy. Sean didn’t even bother to put his erect dick away. As I sat down his hard shaft was just there, fully erect, taunting me, begging for me to return and finish the job.
“It’s your turn to ask a question,” Adam said softly as he stared at me.
I wiped off my mouth and pushed my hair out of my face and then looked at him.
“I want you to kiss Sean, just like you would kiss me.”
It wasn’t really a question, it was more of a demand. I wasn’t trying to be aggressive, but I really wanted it to happen.
Again, Sean’s eyes went wide.
“For how long?” Adam asked.
“Four minutes.”
Adam looked and Sean and gave him a look as if to say, “Will you?”
Sean reached for his glass of wine, and chugged the last half. He set the glass down on the cable and said, “I’m as straight as they come, but this is fucking hot. I’ll try it for her,” he said as he pointed at me, “After all, it is her anniversary week.” His cock still glistened with my saliva.
Adam chugged the last of his wine as well. “Put your dick away. No sword play.”
Sean put his cock back in his pants and they both stood up. They were very awkward as I could tell they didn’t really want to do it, which made it hotter for me knowing that they were only doing it for me.
Sean finally closed his eyes and said, “Do it when you’re ready.”
I unbuttoned my pants and slid my hand down my pants and softly started to rub my clit over my panties. This was the hottest thing I had ever seen and I couldn’t help myself. I had to touch myself.
Adam closed his eyes and leaned forward and their lips touched. Neither one really moved. It was almost as if they were waiting for the other to take the lead. Then, at the same time, they kissed each other softly.
You have to get your husband to do this. No, never mind. You’re husband isn’t sexy enough. (Sorry.) You have to come over and watch my husband do this.
Watching your husband kiss another man is so, so hot. It’s dirty and taboo and sexy and I’m so, so wet even as I write this as I think of Adam kissing another man’s lips. I can barely think, much less type.
The two of them embraced each other and they started to kiss a little more, trying to feel each other out. And then I saw it. I saw them kiss with their tongues. I nearly came.
I slide my hand into my panties and I started to massage my aching clit as my husband’s tongue slid over Sean’s. When I saw my husbands moaned, I slid a finger into my pussy. I watched the two of them kiss slowly, tenderly, and passionately.
When Adam put his hand behind Sean’s head, I let out a moan. I was aching to be fucked hard and fast after watching all of this. I let out another moan when I looked down and saw both of their cocks were bulging in their pants.
Then, the two of them stepped back and Sean exhaled and said, “That was about four minutes, don’t you think?” I think they were both embarrassed that they liked it.
They both looked over at me and I could stop fingering myself.
Adam said, “It’s my turn to ask a question,” and he walked over to me and walked around to my right. He grabbed my hand and softly pulled it out of my pants and held my hand in the air. “Sean, will you suck my wife’s pussy juice off of her fingers?”
Sean walked over to my left, softly grabbed my hand and placed my fingers in his mouth. His tongue slid over and around each finger and he sensually sucked on each one. He moaned as the taste of me caressed his taste buds.
I turned to my right to face my husband and we kissed sensually. I could taste Sean’s wine on Adam’s tongue and I thought I was going to cum instantly. While Adam’s tongue slid over my tongue, Sean’s tongue slid over my fingers.
Sean stopped and said, “It’s my turn to ask a question. Can I lick your wife’s sweet pussy as she sucks on your big, hard cock?”
Adam didn’t answer. He just walked over to the table and with his arm, swiped everything that was on the table onto the floor with a huge crash! He then walked behind me and grabbed me under my arms, and Sean grabbed my legs. The two of them lifted me up onto the table and placed me down and then they paused and looked at me, panting. My legs were bent and spread with my heels on the edge of the table. I arched my back, whimpered, and started to pull at my clothes. My two sexy men pounced on me and started to undress me furiously. I loved having four hands grab and pull on me all at once. Adam ripped open my blouse and the buttons went flying everywhere. Sean unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and pulled down my jeans and panties off together and I saw them fly them across the room. Adam didn’t unclasp my bra, he just pulled it up and over my head and that went flying too. Within three seconds I was completely nude, laying on the kitchen table with my legs spread, writhing and waiting to be touched more.
It only took another three seconds for both of them to be nude too. I watched Sean’s face come between my legs and then Adam turned my face toward him.
Sean’s lips kissed my pussy lips at the same time my lips wrapped around Adam’s hot cock. And the;l;saKLFN/ ;aks;falsdnf;a,mds,./‘
I just had a very, very intense orgasm as I was typing this. I wasn’t even touching my pussy! Holy shit, I’m so dizzy and I can only hear a ringing in my ears.
SHIT! I’m an hour late for work! Do you want me to finish this in another email?