The Snowstorm

"A truck driver helps a stranded motorist and ends up getting helped."

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The snow is starting to fall harder as I ease up over the mountain in my Kenworth, God I sure hope the worst of it holds off till I get parked. The only thing I hate worse than driving in a blizzard is sheet ice. I’ve been lucky so far this year, only one major storm has shut me down and that was only for a day. The life of a trucker is not what I had in mind when I was a young, but circumstance has lead me to it.

Who am I? Well once upon a time I was a career soldier, a Sergeant First Class, well on my way to making Master Sergeant with twelve years on active duty, a mere eight to go until I could retire and get a paycheck for the rest of my life. I guess you could say I went nuts when I got back from Iraq, not certifiable insane, just not willing to put up with the bullshit anymore. I was tired of knowing what was going on, and being forced to tell another story to fit the official version. It was suggested either I toe the line or get out. I chose to follow my heart and got out. While I miss the Army, I don’t miss the stress, not like my job now is stress free. My CB handle is Diogenes, and like him I search in vain for an honest man.

Out of the gloom I see a welcome blue sign, Rest Area 2 miles. Wanting to make it closer to Seattle today, but realizing that I am tired and the weather is getting bad faster than I had anticipated, I down shift and set my sights on the exit ramp ahead.

As I pull into the parking area I see that I am the only truck there, odd as there is usually someone taking a piss call before that long stretch of road across Montana. There are only two cars, a nice new BMW with an older couple getting ready to leave, and a beat to hell, old Chevy that looks as tired as I feel right now. I don’t see anyone in it and dismiss it from my mind as I fill out my paperwork. I then start the mental wind down from the six hundred plus miles I’ve driven today.

I head into the building to take a leak and wash my hands before fixing something to eat. I am really glad that I have enough food and water to last several days as this storm looks as if it might set some records. The parking lot that was visible just minutes before is now covered in a blanket of snow. As I come out of the building, I see the driver of the car, it is, I think, a woman; though hard to tell from the way she is bundled up in a parka and boots. She is standing there with the hood open looking down into the engine compartment. Being a nice guy, I slow as I walk by and ask if she needs help. She lets out a little squeal and jumps back as she did not know I was there.

“No, well yes, do you know anything about cars?” she asks.

“I know a little, what seems to be the problem?” I reply.

“I’m not really sure, the check engine light came on just as I was pulling in, then there was a lot of steam coming out from under the hood when I opened it.” “I knew enough not to do anything till it cooled off, so I’ve been sitting inside the building where it’s warmer than inside the car”

I look at the coolant reservoir and see its bone dry, open the radiator cap, it too, is empty. I start checking the hoses to see if one had a hole in it, but they all seem to be fine. That’s when I notice that an area on the block looks as though it has been steamed cleaned, not good, a rusted out freeze plug.

I turn to look at the lady and give her the bad news. “Miss, it looks as if the core plug has rusted out and all the coolant is gone, it’s definitely something a mechanic will have to replace.” “Do you have a cell phone so you can call around and see if a wrecker can come and get you?”

She sighs heavily, “I tried and I don’t have a signal out here. I don’t know what I’m going to do, I can’t afford a wrecker or expensive repairs.”

“No problem, I’m pretty sure mine works, we can at least let someone know your okay, can your family possible help you?”

“No,” she say,s “I’m pretty much all alone now.” She laughs, “It’s not like this car is worth fixing, it uses almost as much oil as gas.”

I have to chuckle, “Yes, it is a little old.” I agree. For the first time she smiles.

“All I have to do is get to Seattle and I have a job waiting on me there. I start next week at Boeing as an administrative assistant in the design department. I should have flown out, but I wanted to bring more clothes than I could afford to take on the plane,” She says. “Do you think I could get a junk yard to buy it, maybe then I would have enough to take the bus the rest of the way there?”

“Possibly,” I allow, “I’m not real sure.”

“We can call around and see if we can find someone willing to come look at it. Lets go over to my truck where it is warmer and look up some numbers.”

We walk over to my truck and it’s almost as cold inside as it is out, I had turned the old girl off as I had not planned on spending so much time away and fuel is not cheap. You can tell this lady has never been anywhere near a tractor trailer as she is trying to decide how to climb in the door I opened for her.

“Just grab the handhold to your right and left and climb up the steps,” I offer.

She gets in and sits down and I close the door and walk around to the drivers side and get in. I fire the old girl up and get the heater blasting.

I guess I should introduce myself she says. “I’m Jamie Baxter, thanks for stopping and helping me”

“Hi Jamie, I’m Chris Walker, it’s nice to meet you, though I wish it had been under better circumstances.”

She smiles, “Me too, but life brings us to the crossroads it wants, not those we desire.”

This gets me to thinking that I’m in the presence of an extremely intelligent young lady. Not just a beautiful face, well, not really beautiful, but a nice looking woman. When she smiles it lights up her face and then she is beautiful, her eyes sparkle and the stress disappears from her face.

“Lets look and see if we can find someone to get you out of here before it gets dark.” I climb into the sleeper and grab my laptop, and fire it up.

Jamie is looking around the truck, interest in her eyes. “Wow, you have all the comforts of home here. A sort of a mini home.”

“Yes, I have a small refrigerator, microwave, TV, DVD player and of course a bed, actually two beds and there is one folded up against the back wall. All it’s missing is a shower.”

I start looking for wrecker/salvage yards close to us and can only find one. I get the number and punch it into the phone and hand it to her. “Good luck,” I say.

A very short conversation later, her part is pretty much ‘Okay’, and ‘I understand’ I can see the hope of getting out of here die in her eyes as she listens.

“Okay,” she says, “I’ll call you back in a few minutes and let you know.”

She takes the phone away from her head, sighs heavily, pushes the end button and says, “That was some guy named ‘Red’ he said ‘I might be interested in your car, but, the roads are closed and can’t get there till maybe tomorrow’ Now what the hell am I to do?”

She starts to cry, Christ, I think to myself, what do I do now. I don’t know this girl, do I take her in my arms and comfort her, tell her it’s going to be okay, we will figure something out. Torn by indecision I do the safe thing, nothing.

Almost as quick as it starts, she stops, looks embarrassed, and says. “This is silly of me, crying is not going to get me out of this. I have to keep it together. Okay, I have a broken junk car, no money, and a thousand miles to go. What am I going to do?”

“May I jump in here for a minute?” I ask.

“Sure, go ahead,” she responds, “Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated right now as I have no idea what to do.”

“First thing, I think you need to do is stop worrying. Are you hungry, or thirsty?” I ask?

She giggles, “Yes, I am. Do you have a steak or two in your kitchen?”

I chuckle, “Nope, sorry, no steaks. I do have a pot roast I have been cooking all day in the crock pot.”

“I knew it smelled good in here, I was thinking I smelled it when I got in, but figured it was just wishful thinking as I am really hungry.”

“Dinner coming up,” I say as I go into the sleeper.

“While I am doing this, why don’t you call good ol’ Red back and ask him if he is willing to come out first thing when the roads open and get the car. Neither of us is going anywhere on these roads till they do, unless of course you have a sleigh and reindeer in your trunk. I’m in no rush to deliver this load as I have the excuse now of the roads being closed and I can reschedule it easily. I won’t just take off and leave you to fend for yourself here in the middle of nowhere,” I reassure her.

She’s still chuckling as she hits redial on the phone, by the time she is done, I have dinner ready. The next couple of hours is spent eating and talking about who we are and how we got to where we were now. Like me she has a past, parts of it were rough, but has made the best of it. We carry the plates into the building to clean them and clean up ourselves for bed. When we get back in the truck I ask if she wants to watch a movie or go to sleep.

“Chris, I am really tired and if you don’t mind I would really like to get some sleep.”

“No problem,” I respond, “I had a long day myself and sleep sounds good right now.”

I fold down the top bunk and make the bed up for her. She stopped by the car and grabbed an overnight bag with I guess what ever she needed to sleep in. I step up into the front part of the cab and close the curtains separating the sleeper from the front part and tell her to let me know when she has changed and in the bunk. She calls out to me that’s she’s in bed and I can come back now. I open the curtains and set the heater so it will stay warm. Pull off my jeans and shirt and crawl in the rack.

“Let me know if it gets to warm up there and I’ll turn the heat down,” I say as I’m crawling in my bunk.

“I think I’ll be fine,” She tells me.

As I lay there thinking about the situation I’ve gotten myself into, I reflect on how sexy Jamie is, as I have said earlier she is not drop dead gorgeous but she is a nice looking woman, maybe 5’4 or 5’5″, a hundred ten soaking wet, long light brown hair with blond streaks running through it, Grey eyes, and small firm breasts, a 34C possibly a 36B not overly large, but not a member of the itty bitty titty committee either, she is 24 going on 35. A mature and sensible woman.

Me, well, I don’t scare dogs or little children when they see me, but I’ll never be on the pages of GQ either. I’m 5’7″, 143, salt and pepper hair, blue eyes, unless I am mad then they turn Grey, and 40 years old. Way to old to be thinking lewd and carnal thought about the girl I have made myself responsible for. I lay there wishing I was fifteen years younger and in a different line of work when I hear her call my name.

“Chris,” she softly calls from the top bunk, “Are you awake?”

“Yes,” I respond.

“I have to go inside.”

I laugh. “Okay, hang on a second and I’ll get you a pair of coveralls that will keep you warm.” I open the closet and grab my winter coveralls and hand them up to her. “Give me a second to pull on my jeans and boots and I’ll walk you in.”

As I am getting dressed and she climbs down already dressed and puts on her parka. We walk inside, I figure might as well go since I’m up.

When we get back to the truck she says, “You know it’s really warm up there, but cold down here.”

I say, “Yes it is, the heat rises and I’m more or less in a three sided box with the top bunk down as it is now.”

She turns to face me, looks searchingly into my eyes then leans in and gives me a tentative kiss, as I reach for her she comes into my arms and we embrace and begin to explore each others mouth with our tongues. I push her away so I can look into her eyes.

“Are you sure you want this?” “You owe me nothing.” “I did not offer to help you to get you to sleep with me.”

In answer she pushes me into a sitting position on the bunk straddles me and begins in earnest to let me know exactly what she wants. She unfastens the front of the coveralls and pulls her nightie over her head exposing her beautiful breasts to me, I lean in a take a soft pink nipple in my mouth sucking it, as I tease with my tongue, the nipple hardens and lengthens in my mouth.

As I start to move my mouth to her other breast she climbs off me, wiggling from side to side in a sort of bump and grind as she peels the coverall off her body. As she steps out of it she turns around bending forward and peeling her panties down her exquisite ass.

I reach up and pull her into my face inhaling her warm musky scent, sliding my tongue through her lips all the way back to her puckered starfish. A shudder goes through her body as I tease her firm apple bottom with my tongue, and she grinds it into my face urging me to slip my tongue into her damp pussy. I push her away and pick her up and lay her on the edge of the bed. I kneel down on the floor and start by sucking on her toes, they are so nice, perfectly formed and smooth. I have this thing for sexy feet and Jamie has magnificent ones. I take my time enjoying both of them. Ten perfectly formed toes, painstakingly manicured, this is pure pleasure for me as I seldom see feet that are as exquisite as hers are. Slowly, I work my way up her firmly muscled calves to her thighs. Spreading her legs apart and lowering my head between her legs. I lick my way up her thigh and gently across her swollen labia and down her other thigh teasing her. Her breathing is growing faster and shallower, telling me my ministrations are having the desired effect on her.

Softly I blow on her engorged lips and feel the shudder going through her body as the air warms her body. I lick lightly up her slit and as I am coming back down I spread them apart with just the tip of my tongue,her juices starting to flow. The taste is that of the finest wine a woman can produce, she slides forward trying to impale herself on my protruding tongue. I pull back slightly trying to keep the teasing at my time, As I do this she reaches down and pushes my head into her, forcing me forward as she moves to meet me.

To this point she has not made a sound, now she is making a deep almost inaudible moan deep in her throat. “Please,” she moans, “Please eat my pussy, make me come, make me come on your face.”

Hearing this, I knew it was time to stop playing and give this desirable woman what she wanted and needed. I slide my hands up her thighs and part her lips licking the sensitive inner folds of her pussy, flicking my tongue across her exposed clit, delving into her pussy as deep as I can get my tongue into her. It does not take long until she is making nothing more than incoherent sounds, her muscles tensing as the pent up desire builds to levels that would soon push her over the edge into an orgasm.

“Ahhh, ahh, ahhhh,” she moans as she pulls my face into her vagina, her back arches, the pressure on my head releasing as my face is flooded with her vaginal juices, she drops back to the bed. I look up to her face I see her eyes closed, laying there limp and spent. I get up, I move her all the way onto the bed, crawl up next to her and see she has passed out. I curl up next to her, waiting for my lovely beauty to rejoin me.

“I’m sorry” she says.

I just smile at her and say, “It was my pleasure. I enjoy when I am able to make a woman come that intensely.”

Jamie looks up at me and says, “Its been almost a year since I have been with a man. I left my boyfriend when I got tired of being his punching bag. Until today I have had a fear of being alone with men. I just did not believe I could trust one again. I am not real sure why I feel I can trust you, but I do. There is something different about the way you are, and I know I can trust you not to hurt me.”

I pull her close to me, “You can dear lady, you can. Go to sleep and dream happy thoughts.”

Continued in part 2 of the Snowstorm.

(This story is based on a situation I found myself in a decade or so ago. The names have been changed to protect the guilty. Any resemblance to people actually involved is happenstance.)

Published 12 years ago

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