The Halls moved into my neighborhood when I was entering my senior year in high school. Typical Midwestern town, typlcal high school, and I had the typical Catholic upbringing, which meant I was still a frustrated virgin. I had spent most of my upbringing helping out with chores on the family farm, and was therefore outdoors a lot; the result was I was tanned, blondish brown hair that I wore a bit too long, and a body that was filling out from all the farm work. I was the shy kid in my class, and I liked to read a lot, mostly science ficton, although of late my reading tended toward Penthouse letters.
I was as horny as the day is long and then some.
The Halls were notable in the neighborhood because they had twins; Judy and Willy were born minutes apart and although they weren’t identical, the similarity between them was striking, especially in the face. They both had delicate, well-defined features, and both were accurately described as “pretty”. They were both blessed with warm brown eyes and naturally long eyelashes that accented their eyes. They each had the same wry smile; they could light up a room just by smiling. They were a year younger than I was, and Judy’s flirtatiousness contrasted with Willy’s shyness. Both of them were short and thin, but Judy had a surprisingly round “bubble butt” and the nicest little tits I had ever seen. We all rode on the same school bus together and Judy had me at hello. She had no problem sitting next to me right off the bat and I thought lewd thoughts about her every time she would rise out of the seat and walk ahead of me to the bus door. That butt of hers had a sway to it that never failed to get a stir out of my loins. I was already in the habit of carrying my spiral notebooks in front of my tented pants for fear of discovery and humiliation, and Judy seemed to know instinctively why I would walk into school with my crotch strategically covered. The upturned smile and twinkle in her eye told me that my secret wasn’t so secret any more.
School had only been in session a little over a week when Willy waved at me one morning as I approached the school bus stop. He seemed excited about something and when I approached them he said, “I’ve got to talk to you Teddie, can we sit together today?” I shot Judy a look, but she was yacking (and flirting) with another boy from the neighborhood and didn’t notice me. I said, “Sure, Willy, no problem.”
The bus came and Willy sort of grabbed my arm and pulled me onto it, heading for the back seats. I thought it odd that he wasn’t letting go of my sleeve, but he was clearly excited about something, so I let him take the lead. He jumped excitedly into the window seat and drew me down next to him. He searched through his schoolbag looking for something while talking me in a whisper.
“I know this seems weird, but I’m in a new play the drama club is putting on and we’re having a hard time finding someone for a big part. I thought you would be perfect for it, really. You ever thought of trying out for plays?”
I hadn’t been in any organized activities in school, as I was always needed on the farm, and I was about to give him the brush-off, using my shyness as an excuse, when I noticed the look in his eyes. He seemed to be eagerly anticipating a positive response, and he was really hoping that I would say yes. For a reason I still can’t quite identify, I saw that look in his eyes and I hesitated. A butterfly or two launched themselves in my belly. A moment’s hesitation was all he needed, he quickly went into his sales pitch; it wasn’t a huge part, so I wouldn’t have to memorize a lot, practice was after school, so we could ride home together with his mom afterwards, the girl in the part opposite me was gorgeous (“Sandy Thompson, you know her? What a babe…”), and on and on. There was something about his eagerness that won me over, and before we arrived at school, I told him I would check it out. His face got a happy glow on it and he said he would tell the drama coach that morning.
The play was “Our Town”, and the part was for the George Gibbs character, if you’re familiar with the play. Sandy Thompson was playing George Gibb’s girl, Emily, and Willy was the play’s on-stage narrator. The practices had already started, and the drama coach, Mr. Stephens, welcomed me with open arms. He was betting on Willy’s recommendation of me, I think. I also sensed some desperation that he didn’t have a key role in his production filled as of yet.
We practiced four nights a week for five weeks and the play ran for four nights, ending on a Saturday night in early October. We had good crowds, and the part was sort of fun to do, particularly as my “interpretation” of George’s character was that he was a lot like me in real life. I was encouraged nightly by Willy, whose attention seemed to zero in on me whenever I was on stage. I have to say that I rather liked it, although Willy was a much better actor and his role really held the play together. The other kids in the production were all experienced members of the drama club, and most of the guys seemed to be gay, a fact that didn’t bother me too much. My parents were Catholic but had raised my sister and I to be tolerant of others. Willy became fast friends with everyone, and my shyness held me back a little. I noticed that Judy stopped sitting next to me on the bus, and Willy took her spot gladly, talking about this or that aspect of the production or gossiping about the other players.
I wasn’t aware that it is traditional in the theater to have a cast party on the night a play closes, so the invitation to Mr. Stephens’ house surprised me when I got it in the mail. I guess I should mention that I had learned by now that the drama coach lived with a “companion”, a flamboyantly gay cross dresser who came to practice sometimes.
Like I said earlier, the gay vibe didn’t really bother me, my philosophy was “live and let live”. I was even beginning to think that Willy might be gay, not out of anything overt that he would do or say, just little looks and smiles I thought I noticed when we were around each other. Willy told me he would be borrowing his mom’s car the night of the cast party and he casually asked if I wanted a ride home from the party with him, and of course I said sure. Frankly, I was hoping to have a few drinks and a good time and I was relieved I wouldn’t have to worry about driving home.
Saturday came, and the production Saturday night was the best performance that the troupe gave all week. All the nervousness was gone, and our audience was packed to the rafters with family and friends. It was one of those magical nights in theater where the audience and the actors were completely in synch, and everything seemed fresh and golden. The audience laughed heartily and in the right spots. It was a great feeling when we took six curtain calls to a standing ovation from the crowd.
After the last curtain call, bedlam of sorts broke out backstage. There were hugs and whoops and a lot of rushing about, breaking down the set and putting away props. I lost track of Willy and got a ride to the cast party with a couple other cast members. The house was one of those old Victorian “painted ladies” that was being refurbished in striking colors. It smelled of fresh paint and lavender from several scented candles. There was one table set with a nice buffet of food and a keg on ice on the back porch. I headed for the keg with several others. I wasn’t a big drinker as of yet, but I did like the taste and the buzz I got from beer, and I wasn’t driving that night so I cut loose.
The party picked up steam as the night wore on and soon inhibitions were collapsing all around me. A couple began making out on the living room couch, a fact made more noticeable because they were two male cast members who had previously not been linked together, romantically. A few people were manning the high end stereo system in the living room, spinning out dance tune after dance tune and urging people to “boogie all night long”.
My beer consumption was approaching heroic levels and I was wandering from room to room enjoying the party and the great mood that had settled on everyone now that the play was officially over.
I was going upstairs to check out the scene in the bedrooms when a striking young girl appeared at the top of the stairs that I had not noticed before. Wearing a bright red wig that framed her pretty face, the girl came carefully down the stairs toward me, her short pleated skirt showcasing her shapely legs and a pair of high heeled black-strapped shoes. She wore a white blouse with a blue denim vest. She had a nice figure and a dazzling smile as she approached. Something about her smile seemed to be familiar to me, and as she got closer it suddenly occured me that this striking young girl was really Willy! My feelings got mixed up between attraction and guilt, and I felt myself blushing fiercely as Willy drew next to me on the stairs, that same mischievous smile still on “her” face.
“Why, look at you!” she whispered to me, “You’re blushing up a storm, Teddie.”
She laid her hand on my arm and pulled me down to sit on the stairs next to her. Her arm rested inside my arm as she made herself comfortable. A very large portion of her legs were uncovered by the tiny skirt she wore; I noted how clean-shaven they looked, and how shapely they were. Her make-up was perfect; she had highlighted her high cheek bones with just the amount of blush, and her lips were bright red, offsetting nicely the color of the page boy wig she wore. Her brown eyes were nicely highlighted and her long eyelashes drew me into her twinkling eyes. I felt my stomach churn as I realized that my cock was fully erect at the sight of this beautiful girl who happened to be a boy that I rode the schoolbus with every morning!
Both of us were looking at each other lovingly and with longing and I was unsure what to say or do next. As if sensing my confusion, Willy reached out and tenderly caressed my cheek, looking me in the eyes with reassurance.
“It’s all right, Teddie, it’s ok,” he whispered.
I smiled back at him and then I surprised myself by lowering my face closer to Willy, as if preparing to kiss him.
And then we were kissing. Our mouths met and he opened his mouth for my tongue to explore, and we were kissing and it was sweet and my cock jumped in my pants. I no longer cared if anyone saw us, I just wanted to keep kissing this beautiful girl who was enjoying kissing me back.
“Let’s go upstairs,” she said, between kisses. Then she took my hand and led me up the stairs, my cock tenting out the front of my pants.
End Part I