Terri and I Make It To Las Vegas

"Terri and I made it to Vegas, but not before she had some fun on the plane."

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Wednesday morning, Terri and I finished packing and were getting dressed to go to the airport and head to Las Vegas. I told Terri I was going to wear shorts during the day because it gets rather warm in Vegas in the summer.

She said, “Shorts are fine during the day but you will dress nicer when we go out at night.”

Terri had always been the fashion police in our family; she often accused me of being colorblind.

When she had gone shopping on Monday, she bought me several pairs of shorts that were a lot nicer than the ones I usually wore; most of which came from Wal-Mart.

They were shorter and even had a seam down the middle. While I was looking at them she said, “I hate going to Vegas and seeing people dressed like slobs so don’t pack any of those old ones you have.”

I had showered and was about to get dressed and Terri said, “I laid you out something to wear on the plane, it’s on the bed.”

It was a pair of my new shorts, a pink polo shirt and a pair of pink thong panties, a white garter belt and some very sheer lace top stockings.

I said, “Terri, I can’t wear this on the plane.”

She said, “You can and you will wear that outfit. The stockings are sheer, no one will even notice them.”

I put my panties on and had to get her to help me with the garter belt and stockings. After I put my shorts and topsiders on, she was right, you couldn’t tell I was wearing stockings.

I watched as she got dressed. She was wearing a pair of red thong panties and a very short, tight, white, strapless mini dress that had a zipper all the way down the front and red heels.

It was clear to me she planned on looking available.

I called for a cab, because we live close to the airport and it’s cheaper than parking your car for several days.

As we got in the back of the cab, Terri held up a book and said, “I bought this at the lingerie store where I bought your panties, I thought I would read it on the plane.”

The title of the book was “How to Cuckold Your Husband.”

We checked in and got our seat assignments. We never sat together on the plane because I didn’t like to fly and Terri said she got tired of hearing me complain.

She was sitting in a seat about three rows behind and I just said, “I will see you when we land.”

As soon as the fasten belt sign went off, I had to get up and go to the bathroom. As I came back to my seat I saw Terri and she motioned for me to come to her.

She was sitting in the window seat and there was a young man in the aisle seat but the middle seat was empty. It was empty except for the book she had bought and it was lying in the seat, title side up.

Terri said, “Bob, I want you to meet someone. This is Carl; he is meeting some friends in Vegas for a bachelor party. Carl, this is my husband Bob.”

Carl said, “Terri has been telling me a lot about you.”

I said, “Oh really, she has huh?”

“Why don’t you sit here and visit a few minutes, no one has the seat,” Terri said.

I started to move to the middle seat and Carl said, “Never mind I will move over.”

Terri picked up her book and Carl moved to the middle seat. I took the aisle seat.

We started talking and I found him to be a nice young man, 22 years old, just graduated from college in May and had a job as a computer programmer in Dallas.

After a few minutes of small talk, Carl said, “Terri tells me the two of you are trying some new things in your marriage.”

I responded, “I suppose you could say that.”

Terri said, “Bob, would you be a dear and see if there is a blanket in the overhead compartment? I am cold.”

I said, “Sure no problem I will see if I can find one.”

I stood up and opened the compartment, and had to reach to the back for the blanket.

When I sat down Terri and Carl were laughing along with some other people sitting around them.

I asked, “What’s everyone laughing about?”

“Sweetie, when you reached for the blanket your shorts rode up and exposed the lace tops on your stockings,” Terri said.

She continued, “Don’t worry about it you will never see these people again, my little slut.”

Terri took the blanket and covered herself and Carl said, “Damn, I am cold, too. Was there another blanket up there, Bob?”

“No problem, this one is big enough for both of us, Carl,” Terri said as she pulled the blanket over his lap.


In a matter of minutes they had turned toward each other in their seats and were whispering and kissing each other. I also noticed their hands were under the blanket.

I heard the sound of a zipper and then Terri said, “Bob would you be a dear and put these in your pocket,” as she handed me her red panties.

She went on to say“This should make it easier Carl.”

When I heard Carl say, “Damn it is smooth.”

I knew he had his hand on her pussy.

Terri began squirming in the seat, looked up at me and said, “Oh Carl you have found the spot.”

In about five minutes, Terri had a huge grin on her face as she had obviously had an orgasm.

I then heard her say, “Damn you are hard.”

I could tell by the movement of the blanket that she was returning the favor to Carl.

It wasn’t long until Carl rose up out of his seat slightly and said, “Oh yeah sweetheart that is it.”

Terri pulled her hand out from under the blanket, reached it toward me and said, “Here is something for you Bob.”

I licked Carl’s cum off of her hand and was then told I could go back to my seat.

After we landed in Las Vegas we got our bags and were in a long line for a cab. Even though we weren’t all staying in the same hotel Terri and I decided to share a cab with Carl.

When we got in the cab, Terri said to the driver, “This young man is going to a different hotel than my husband and I am is it OK if we share the cab?”

He said that would be fine.

After telling the driver I was her husband, Terri made a point that we all saw her rub Carl’s cock through his pants. He appeared to be enjoying it.

We came to Carl’s hotel first and he got out of the cab and said, “I sure enjoyed the flight, I hope you guys came make it tomorrow night.”

After we left Carl’s hotel I asked Terri what he meant about tomorrow night.

Terri said, “Oh he told me that he and his friends are going to this dance club tomorrow and he invited us to come along, I think it would be a blast.”

She went on to say, “I don’t think the club even opens until like 11:00 or midnight, he has my cell number and will let me know what the plans are.”

I said, “It’s up to you, you know I am not much on dancing but it might be fun, I’ll have to take a nap if I am going to stay up that late though!”

We were staying at a really upscale hotel, staff was very accommodating and when we got to our room it was very nice.

It was about 6:00PM and I asked Terri what she wanted to do for dinner.

She said, “I am going to shower, why don’t we just get room service and go down to the casino for a while.”

I said, “That sounds great to me you get in the shower and I will order, what do you want?”

Terri had finished showering when the guy got there with our meal.

He was a really nice young Hispanic guy who was very friendly and accommodating.

While he was in the process of setting everything up, Terri walked out of the shower naked and exclaimed, “Oh my gosh I am sorry I didn’t know you were here yet.”

I knew she had to have heard us; she just wanted to do a bit of teasing. She went back in the bathroom wrapped a towel around herself and came back out.

The young man said, “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

Terri said, “Would you mind getting us some ice.”

“I will be right back with it,” he answered as he grabbed the ice bucket and left.

Before he left he picked up the pad by the telephone, wrote something on it, and said, “If you folks need anything else tonight just call this extension and ask for Hector. I will be working until midnight.”

I said, “Thanks Hector, we will probably be OK we are going to the casino after we eat.”

I gave him a generous tip and he left.

We finished dinner and got dressed to go downstairs, Terri put on a black mini dress and a pair of black thong panties. She made me wear the stockings and panties I had worn on the plane; however, I did wear pants.

We sat together at the slots and played for a bit, it wasn’t very crowded so the drink service was great. Terri does not hold her liquor well and I could tell she was getting a bit tipsy.

She stood up and said, “I think I am going to go play the penny slots.”

Those things drive me nuts so I said, “You go ahead I think I am going to just walk around and check everything out; call my cell phone if you need me.”

I played a few more slots and went to the craps tables and watched. I used to play craps but hadn’t done so in years.

It had been over an hour so I called Terri’s cell to check on her and she said she was at the bar playing video poker.

I found the bar where she was and walked up to her and could tell she had drank a good bit.

There wasn’t a vacant seat at the bar so Terri got up and we walked around the casino and sat at two slot machines and played for a little longer.

It was around 11:30 and I suggested we go on up to the room and turn in for the night and she agreed.

Terri had undressed and was just wearing her sheer black robe she had bought and said, “I meant to call housekeeping and get some more towels.”

She picked up the phone and I saw her look at the piece of paper Hector had left us, she dialed and I heard her ask for Hector.

After he apparently took the phone Terri said, “Hector this is the couple in 901you met earlier could you please get someone to bring us some more towels and another pillow.”

“Oh great thanks,” I heard her say after Hector had apparently answered her.

I a few minutes there was a knock at our door and Terri said “I will get it.”

I said, “Terri you don’t have much on.”

She replied, “You want to answer the door in your pink thong panties?”

I had started getting ready for bed and just had my panties on.

She opened the door and it was Hector with the towels and pillow.

Terri said, “Hector I didn’t know you were going to bring these.”

Hector responded, “Yes Ma’am I am on my way home so I decided to take care of it, is there anything else I can do for you folks before I leave?”

“You could be a dear and get us some ice.”

“I will do that.” Hector said as he picked up the ice bucket and left the room.

When Hector left Terri took off her robe so that when he came back into the room she was standing facing the door wearing nothing but a pair of heels.

He froze and Terri said, “Just set the ice bucket on the counter.”

He did as she said and then Hector looked up and said, “Is there anything else I can do.”

Terri walked over to him and using her index finger, she started tracing the outline of Hector’s cock on his pants.

She looked at him and said, “There might be one more thing you could do Hector if you don’t mind.”

Hector turned and looked at me with this puzzled look on his face and Terri said, “Oh don’t worry about my husband he enjoys watching me have sex with other men.”

Hector still didn’t say anything but he made no effort to stop Terri.

Very slowly and seductively Terri unzipped his pants, reached inside and pulled his cock out.

Wide eyed, Terri said, “Oh my God what a beautiful brown cock.”

She dropped to her knees and took the full length of it down her throat.

Hector’s cock was not as long as Greg’s; however, it was thicker than his. It was as big around as a beer can.

Hector undid his belt and pants and let them drop to the floor so Terri now had access to his balls as well which she was massaging with one hand while she sucked his cock down her throat.

While she had given me blowjobs, she never would let me cum in her mouth and would even get pissed if I got some on her lips. This was not the case with Hector. I could tell in a few minutes he was shooting his seed down her throat and she was loving it.

He finally pulled it out and Terri took her tongue and run it around the head of his cock to get the last drop.

She looked up at him and said, “You think I could get it hard again and have you fuck me?”

He replied, “I believe we can make that happen.”

Terri started licking, kissing, and sucking on his big balls and then did something I couldn’t believe. She moved underneath him and started tonguing his ass. From the reaction of his cock, it was something Hector was thoroughly enjoying.

It didn’t take long for him to get another erection and Terri stood up, grabbed him by his cock and led him to the bed.

As she lay down, she said, “Bob come over I want you to watch, but open the curtains first.”

I walked over to the side of the bed, Terri looked up at me and said, “Drop your panties I want Hector to see that pitiful little cock of yours.”

I did as she said and Hector started fucking her aggressively, at one point he turned her over and started fucking her doggy style, slapping her ass as he did.

Terri was screaming out in pleasure and I was thinking what a sight we were; my wife being fucked by a young Hispanic man while I stood there with my pink panties at my feet and my little cock hanging limp.

After what seemed like forever Hector shouted out, “Here it comes bitch, where you want it?”

Terri yelled out, “Where the hell you think, in my pussy.”

Hector drained his cock in her pussy tunnel and when he pulled out, Terri turned to me and said, ”Get over here panty boy and eat this man’s cum out of my pussy.”

While I was eating her pussy, Hector wrote his cell number on a card, handed it to Terri and said “If you can’t reach me at the extension I gave you call my cell.”

Terri said, “Wait we didn’t tip you for bringing up the towels and pillow.”

She continued, “Take care of that Bob.”

I handed Hector a $100 bill and he left the room.

I wondered what would happen next.

Published 12 years ago

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