Sky blue hues flutter with joy,
Eyes that see beyond that unspoken line.
Bodies entwined, seeking unknown heat.
You are mine, as I belong to you.
Thoughts that thrive within a naked mind,
We shall see how the path unfolds…
Hands reach, lips touch, the connection is unique,
Hearts that beat to the rhythm of desire,
Passion glides between our trust.
It plays a wicked game, to win or not?
A promise that screams within our hearts,
A kiss that implores much more,
An embrace that fills the deepest yearn,
Lust, greed, desire and need, a ray of light,
As we together in silence say it loud…
Listen to my words, these are yours:
Never has one touched my core as you,
It lives within the color of your smile…
Life as I know it has changed.
Now and forever…..