Who is the Boss?

"A trip with the bitch boss ends up with her on her knees."

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Dan stared absent-mindedly at his screen, the bright flicker of the device magnified what seemed ten times over as the office descended into darkness because of the motion sensor lighting. At 26 Dan was in his prime, his body toned from regular sport and gym sessions, his eyes a shimmery blue, like two sapphires in the sun. His features were perfectly aged to show his youth and virility but amplify his growing maturity. Why, then, did he feel that the light inside of him was quickly burning out? His life was descending rapidly on a steep decline that before long would be unstoppable. He knew why. It was that witch Natalie, the spawn of Satan who had been designated his boss on that God-awful day 3 years ago when he had arrived all fresh and eager from his graduate placement.

Natalie Davies was 5’9 (6ft in her heels) with strong legs and a shapely behind. She had curves that, in the right dress, made her look sensational; and in the right suit, made her look positively ominous. Unfortunately for Dan, it was the latter he encountered 99.9% of the year. Natalie was 43; she had dark brown hair past her shoulders, so dark it could almost pass for black, and dark green eyes magnified by her designer glasses. She had spent her entire career – no, whole life – competing with men for the top spot; more often than not losing due to some masculine, sexist bullshit decision which put her back another step, at least in her mind. Every time she was knocked back that extra step she came back harder. Unfortunately for every man in her life now and for the foreseeable future, she brought with her that bitter hatred for all of male kind – and unfortunately for Dan, this stage of his career set his path directly through Natalie.

Natalie made Dan’s life a misery: his drawings were never right, his hand calculations never took into account this that and the other, his attitude wasn’t there, his commitment was pathetic. However hard he worked, however many times he checked his work, and whatever he did to change Natalie’s perception … It was just never enough. When Dan had the ‘audacity’ to question her she would tell him how she ate little boys like him for breakfast, and that it was just another sign of his poor attitude about the work.

As Dan sat there contemplating his abundance of first-world problems, he managed to think how lucky he was not to have to engage with this woman outside of the 9-5 grind. That was when his world hit rock bottom, two e-mails simultaneously pushing him to breaking point. As the first one flashed up, a calendar invite, his face turned white as he saw the first part of the header, ‘Client visit, Manchester – Accompanying Ms Natalie Davies’. The second e-mail titled ‘Trip Details’ flashed before his eyes. He half wondered if deleting it would cause the trip to be cancelled but he knew better than that.

The following week flew by quicker than any week before, leading up to his impending doom with Natalie. Wednesday night came and he packed his bag. They were to travel separately in the morning with Dan traveling by car while Natalie went on ahead by train (first class, of course). She had told him she needed to work and he would be a mithering distraction. Around lunchtime, Dan trudged off to his car, dreading the four-hour drive to what seemed like oblivion.

As Dan checked into the grand old hotel in the city centre he could hear laughter coming from the vast hotel bar. It sounded like a flirtatious laughter, and he sighed as he realized he wouldn’t be sampling anything remotely fun on his visit. He dropped his bags up in his room, and descended back down to the bar to do some people watching.

Suddenly, he heard the flirtatious laughter again, but this time, with shock, saw that the girl it was attached to was none other than Natalie! She spotted him and waved him over; clearly drunk and more astonishingly, she was smiling. It was with trepidation that he approached her, expecting her to lambast him for not having the work ethic to get here earlier and re-read the reports. Instead, she said her goodbyes to her male companions and led him to a smaller table in the corner with two beers in hand.

Dan was all at sea. At least if she was her angry, man-hating self he had a mechanism to cope with the situation – but this was not just new, it was wholly unexpected! She began to ramble on and on about the visit the next day, but it was clear she was past drunk. She wasn’t making coherent sense and was just spouting random sentences. Before long she took a deep breath and confirmed what Dan had known for 20 minutes.

‘Dan…I’m fucking drunk! I think I need a helping to my room’. Dan hesitated before he got a tongue lashing, and she didn’t disappoint as she shrilly demanded, ‘Are you helping me or not?’

The rest of the bar looked up as Dan flushed red and put his arm underneath Natalie’s. The lift was an arduous time, silence only punctuated by the hum from the cables winching the lift upwards and the rustle of material as Natalie shifted about on the ride.

As the lift doors opened, Natalie stumbled towards the door directly opposite and managed to fumble the key card out of her purse before dropping it. As she leaned down to pick it up, he got a perfect eye full of her huge, heaving chest. He had only had two beers but immediately he was struck by how horny he was. He was snapped back to reality as Natalie opened her mouth once more.

‘Are you going to be able to set your alarm or do you want Mummy to come and do it for you?’ Unsure whether it was the beer or just the years of pent up frustration (or both) Dan lunged at Natalie, pushing her through the open door.

They landed square on the bed with him on top, he hadn’t particularly thought this through, but with her beneath him he pinned her arms back. His stress and anger of the three years past just poured out there and then.

‘You’ve always been the world’s biggest bitch. I don’t know what has happened in your previous life but it’s about time you learned some manners, and my guess is you’re just missing a strong fucking.’

Natalie squirmed and squealed below him, but he had come too far and his inner Lion had taken over in a way he never thought possible. Holding both her hands above her head he reached down for his zip.

‘Quit squealing, slut! I know full well you are gagging for this release and it’s only fair on everyone who comes into contact with you that I get rid of that pent up anger.’

As he pulled out his cock, he inched higher up Natalie’s body. ‘Now,’ he straddled her waist he asked her one final time, ’Are you ready to learn some manners, you ungrateful slut?’

Natalie had stopped squirming; she was paralyzed by the site in front of her. Dan’s cock was half erect and stood at an imposing 9 inches already, goodness only knows how thick. She realized she had begun nodding her head and could only murmur a quiet agreement.

‘What did you say, whore?’ Dan fired back at her. ‘I can’t hear you, tell me you want to learn some fucking manners and become an obedient girl for me’.

Dan was really growing into the role by now, he had a whole new side he had never thought about. Whether that was down to this situation, or it came naturally from within him would have to wait for another time. Right now, he was in command and he didn’t wish to waste opportunity. He released her hands.

‘Show me you want to make it up. Show me you want to learn your manners. and some common courtesy’.

‘Ye-ye..yesss, Dan. So..sorry, Dan.’ Natalie stammered as she tried to sit up as Dan had relinquished his position on top of her. He began dragging her off the bed, shoving her to the floor, and into a kneeling position.

‘Hands behind your back, slut, and you will call me Master from now on, do you hear me?’

‘Yes Master’, she replied meekly.

Dan began ruffling through Natalie’s bags and fished a pair of stockings from her suitcase. As he turned back, her eyes were on him, nervous but excited, he could tell she was relishing her new role as much as he was. He intended to maximise this chance while he had it.

‘Look at the floor when I address you, slut, do you hear me? I will tell you when you have earned the right to look at me.’

‘Yes Master’ was her immediate reply, polished, as if rehearsed.

‘Good slut, you are learning fast. There may be hope for you yet.’ Dan began to bind Natalie’s wrists with the stockings behind her back. All the while her head was bowed in a state of submission.

‘It appears you have learned to obey; Let’s see just how eager you are to please, slut.’ Dan lifted her chin and guided his thick semi-hard prick to her lips, she tried to turn her head to one side in avoidance and immediately Dan dragged her to her feet.

‘Hmmm, it seems like you aren’t as quick learning as I had hoped, slut. It is time we understood the consequences of our failures! Now, bend over like the submissive whore you are.’ Dan thrust her roughly over the desk and slid off his already unbuckled belt.

Natalie couldn’t see what was going on but the noise could only be one thing, and when he folded the belt in two she knew her fate was sealed. Dan gave her a firm swat on the backside and couldn’t help a wry smile as Natalie’s initial whelp turned to a moan, he knew she was enjoying every minute of this role reversal. Two more hard swats and Dan pushed her roughly to her knees once more.

‘Do we need to go through that again, slut?’ Natalie shook her head meekly.

‘I can’t hear you, slut! Do we need to go through that again?’

‘No Master, I shouldn’t have to be told twice Master.’

‘Good slut, that’s what I like to hear. The thing is I care for you, and I don’t want to punish you, but because I do care, I have to punish you. Obey me, and I will give you everything you need.’ The words flowed from him. 

Now, shall we try again?’

Dan lifted Natalie’s head once more as he wanked his hardening shaft to its full length of an intimidating 11 inches. Natalie timidly opened her mouth, her inside thigh positively soaked from the sight of his engorged tool. She had never had more than 7 inches in the past, and her sex life since University had been all but non-existent in her pursuit of a successful career. It was terrifying, yet mesmerizing.

She had managed to alienate nearly every man she had ever met with her defense mechanisms, and only now, on her knees, submitting to this man and his monster cock did she realize what she had missed out on. All she wanted to do in that moment was suck on that massive prick, to submit and please her Master in the hope that she would receive that huge organ in her soaking pussy one day.

She had become a submissive slut, a slave, and there was no going back now. The thought played through her as she moved further down his rod until she choked. As spit dribbled out the sides of her mouth, she allowed herself a mental smile, trying to imagine what this night would lead to.

Published 12 years ago

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