Stranger in a Nightclub, Part 1

"The story of my night with a guy I met in a nightclub when I was 18. A true tale."

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My two girl friends and I were sitting on three bar stools, in a packed club, in the emptiest area we could find. They thought it was hilarious to try and ‘wingwoman’ me, by getting creepy old guys to come over and talk to me, but obviously I wasn’t interested.

I didn’t exactly need to anyone to help me out, I could get male attention on my own if I wanted, especially in the outfit I was wearing tonight. I had on a black knee length dress, which was tight at the top and flared at the bottom. The top was a very deep V neck and had four cutouts, one on each side of my waist and the others at my stomach and back. Due to my large boobs and the fact that the dress was made for girls with smaller boobs, my black lace bra had no option but to show out of the dress. I wasn’t stick thin, that’s for sure. I had long honey brown sort of colored hair that was wavy, green eyes and pale skin, and was little over eighteen.

As we were sitting on the stools, my friend grabbed some poor random guy, just to irritate me, and said, “Have you met my friends?”

She clearly fancied him herself, as he was the first good looking guy she had pulled over to us. He was about six foot, blonde, blue eyes and the handsomest face I’d seen walk past all night. He was a bit shocked and said, politely, “No hello, I am David, nice to meet you all.”

His English wasn’t great and he told us he was on holiday from Switzerland. I was blushing furiously at this moment and was embarrassed, which I don’t normally get!

“I’m really sorry, just ignore her, you don’t have to stay,” and because I had been drinking, I added, “But my friend here wants you to dance with her”.

He looked at my friends and then back at me and said, “why are you so shy, you don’t like me? I’d rather stay here with you than dance, I am not very good.”

He sat down on one of the stools that my friend vacated and his own friend sat down too. All five of us were talking, and gradually David’s stool had found it’s way closer to mine so that our knees were touching and and our hands occasionally found a way of accidentally touching. I was still feeling a little awkward because of the circumstances under which we met, and it was probably quite clear, so I finished my drink.

My two friends left me and the two Swiss guys alone. His friend, unfortunately unattractive, obviously wasn’t of interest to my friends, stayed with us. I tried to involve him in the conversation but it was evident that he felt a little too old to be there. He was twenty-six and everyone around him was significantly younger, even his best friend David, who was twenty-two.

David and I continued to get closer and closer, and while it was in a bit of an awkward position, in front of his friend and sitting down on chairs that weren’t quite close enough to make it comfortable, David leaned in towards me and gave me a short, slow kiss. I felt too awkward to get too into it with his friend all by himself. But five minutes later after what must have been unbearable sexual tension between David and I, for onlookers even, his friend left to go home, leaving David in a foreign country all on his own. My friends were nowhere to be seen either.

As his friend left, David took my hand and played with my fingers and we were talking for around ten minutes, until he slid his hand up my leg and pulled me out of the seat to come over to him. Due to his height, it was hard to be at eye contact level while we were both seated, so I sat him down and stood up in between his legs to make things easier. He leaned in once again and gently kissed me, and slid his hands through the cut out in my back and rubbed it gently, the other hand tangled in my hair. Every so often, he slid his tongue into my mouth and vice versa, but at this stage he wasn’t one of those people who just shove their tongues in your mouth and wiggle it about. He did it with thoughtful timing and coupled it with a light touch on my thigh or bum, driving me crazy.

I’m usually a pretty sexual person when it comes to making out, so for me, this was a bit tamer than I was used to. There was much less focus on touching my body than there was on him touching my face, hair, back etc. After around ten minutes my friends came back, so I stopped kissing David to talk to them, and they just couldn’t stop laughing at me.

One of them, a Christian girl with way too many morals, jokingly called me a slut as it had taken little over twenty minutes of meeting David to making out with him. My best friend, seemed slightly jealous and wanting some attention, asked me to leave David and wingwoman her. I told her to pick someone she liked the look of and I would, but she didn’t. She just left with my other friend.

So David and I continued our flirting and kissing for the longest time I ever have before. After about an hour of doing this back and forth and my friends coming over and interrupting and saying stupid stuff, I told him I had to go but he refused to let me, “My friend has left me so I could be here with you and now you’re going to leave me alone?”

I obviously didn’t want to leave him, this gorgeous Swiss man, but my friends were getting angry. “No, I have to go. I’m really sorry, my friends will be upset with me otherwise” I said, putting my hands on his chest to stop him from getting me to stay with a kiss.

“But they have each other, I have no one now, maybe I will be upset with you,” and he pulled a puppy dog sad face.

I, no sexually frustrated, told my friends it was their own fault for wingmanning me when I didn’t ask to be, and now I couldn’t leave him. They went off to dance and David grabbed me and pulled me back into the position we had been in before. We tried sitting and standing and every other position but it was impossible to get comfortable with his height so I just continued to stand between his legs. I was starting to get frustrated with his lack of roughness, as I preferred it this way.

I was also confused as to why he was still content with just kissing, as usually guys after a while got bored and wanted to touch more, but he seemed more than happy.

Every time I stopped he just pulled me back again and gently bit my lip, inviting me closer in. He teased me with his tongue but we were interrupted by a disgusting drunk girl vomiting in the chair next to us. Perfect. He jumped up and we moved towards the bar, him holding my hand tight in case he thought I was going to run away. Which was ridiculous, as I had originally thought he was out of my league.

We went to the bar to get a drink and sat down somewhere, but I didn’t like it there so we got up again. I found my friends, and went to talk to them while he texted his friend who left him earlier. As I was talking to one friend I noticed an attractive guy pointing to me and asking his friend, “what about her” and he did one of those cheesy dance moves where you pretend to be fishing and I was apparently the fish.

I just looked at him, not sure how to react, since I was already sort of ‘hooked’ by David. He didn’t seem to notice and I am not one for commitments, so as the guy came over to talk to me, David just grabbed my hand and shoved me against the wall to prove a point to these other guys, and gave me the sort of kiss I’d been waiting for and encouraging all night.

The guy apologized and walked away. While I felt bad for my friend who had been left alone by my other friend, after she’d found a guy in a last desperate attempt before the club closed, I was too turned on by David’s change in attitude and his display of possessiveness. I let him lead me over to a corner seated area, where my other friend was kissing some mediocre looking guy. He pushed me against the wall and began by sitting down with his knees up against the wall, to keep me trapped within the confines of his body. He pulled on my hair and slid his hand up the back of my skirt, making me squirm with ticklishness. This was what I had been waiting for.

I pulled his crotch closer into mine and felt his hard-on poking through his jeans and he teased me, going to kiss me but just keeping his lips hover against mine as he rubbed the lower half of his body onto mine, until I couldn’t bare it and grabbed his lower lip between my teeth, starting off the kiss. He was more possessive and aggressive this time, stroking my tongue with his and biting it as we swirled them in unison. His hand moved down to my throbbing pussy, pushing against the material of my pants hard and fast, without making any contact. He could probably feel the wetness soaking through my knickers, and carried on.

I buckled under the pleasure and he smirked and said something weird like “do something bold” in his Swiss accent so it didn’t make much sense to me. Our kisses got even more desperate and dirty, as he pushed the chair he was sitting on away in favour of pushing me harder against the wall, gently thrusting his cock against me through layers of fabric. His hand was still playing with my hair and the other with my covered clit, until I started rubbing his dick through his jeans. He groaned into my mouth and grabbed my hand to push it against his growing hard on, making me stop to double check no one could see what we were doing.

I felt the length of it, and having only ever felt one other penis (I was still a virgin in all respects) in comparison, it was much thicker and longer than I thought it would be. He stroked my chest and busied himself up there as there was no space for two hands between our bodies due to the closeness. I stood on my tiptoes to get a better angle, and pushed my pelvis forward as he did the same, his hard cock pushing in between my legs despite the confines of his jeans.

As he kissed my neck, he unbuckled his belt and grabbed my hand to slide it down his jeans but above the boxers. He moved his fingers back down to my growingly hot pelvis, my knickers now soaking and with every movement of his fingers it got worse. I slid my hand up and down the shaft of his covered penis and felt what I assumed was pre cum soaking the fabric around the tip. I squeezed his cock between my fingers and lightly stroked it, while he panted into my ear.

We carried on kissing, his lips hard against mine and tongue exciting me further. His perfect teeth bit and sucked my own lips and tongue, as I continued to stroke his thick member. My pussy was tingling with anticipation, just as my friend came over. We slyly stopped touching each other and made it look innocent. She went away again after warning us that we had ten minutes before they closed. He unzipped his jeans again and I slid my hand through the small gap, grabbing him. His knees buckled a little but that didn’t stop him from forcing my mouth open again and pulling on the back of my hair to allow him access to my chest. He kissed down my neck and down to my boobs, kissing their exposed flesh and biting gently, before moving back up to my lips. The lights switched on and we had to stop as they were kicking everyone out.

“How about we go to my hotel room and carry on?” He said, his face glowing with what must have been horniness. I couldn’t believe this was happening, a beautiful male model from Switzerland wanted to take me to his hotel, the only problem was that I was a straight up virgin. 

“I can’t, my friends would never forgive me,” I told him.

“Okay, well as long as you show me the way for me to go, I will be happy.”

We held hands as we walked out of the club, my two grumpy friends trailing behind, as we talked about his work and university and everything else. He took my number and asked me one last time if I didn’t want to come with him. 

“You know I would love to come with you, but I honestly can’t.”

He whispered in my ear to keep my phone on and he had a plan. My friends and I got on the nightbus. Before the driver closed the doors he jumped on and held his hand between the doors to keep them from closing. He kissed me heatedly, for what I assumed would be one last time. 

“There’ll be more where that came from later,” and he jumped off the bus. My legs were shaking and my pussy was throbbing, but I walked up the bus stairs and continued home with my friends.

Published 12 years ago

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