Fuck Doll – Chapter Eight

"Fuck Doll Plays Nice With A Few"

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Being back home everything goes back to the same, work as usual. I’ve been home for two days, and took yesterday off as a ‘me day’. I cleaned the house, and catch up with my bills, nothing exciting. When I was going through the e-mails, I noticed one by Ethan; he wants to set up another date. I wrote him back, and we’re set up to speak today.

I’ve yet to tell AJ about the situation, I’m sure he’d tell me to stop talking to him, because it could lead to a mess. Somehow though, I want to talk to him. When three comes around I sign online, and wait for him. I know I’m safe though, he doesn’t want to cam again today, just voice. When I see his name flicker on, I feel a bit excited.

“Good afternoon, Doll, sorry I’m late.”

“It’s not a problem, haven’t been on long myself.”

“How was your holiday? I saw you took some time off.”

“It was wonderful, but glad to be back. Are you ready to go on call?”

“I am, let’s do it.”

I hit call, and he picks up quickly. He tells me he’s in the mood for me to suck his cock, and to make it as real as possible. I grab one of my toys, and begin to suck on it softly. I don’t even need to describe how I’m doing it, the soft sounds and moans I offer him is enough for him to enjoy. I can hear him stroking his cock, he is moving at the same pace as I am with the toy.

My own fingers move down to play lightly with my clit. I grind myself onto the chair, feeling the building need for a cock inside me. My moans increase, sucking deeper on my vibrator as I listen to Ethan jerk on his cock, his own moans matching mine. The wetness I feel forming turns me on more. I take another toy, and slide it inside my pussy; slowly I fuck myself with it, as I suck on the other.

Whispering his name into a moan, as I suck further on his cock, makes Ethan gasp. His hand moves quicker, I can hear the speed of his need, and I match it with my own toy. I fuck my pussy thinking of him deep inside me, taking what we both want. I turn the vibrations on, tickling deep inside me; it makes me come so hard. I erupt with pleasure, moaning out his name once again. Its then I hear him follow suit, he grunts and comes hard as his hand never slows.

His moans and growls make me squirm into myself, listening to him as our orgasms slow. I so want to be truly fucked right now, it nearly hurts. I stir as I start talking to Ethan, before having to let him go. I’m grateful the following day I have a real date, maybe I can survive that long without sex. The need for a cock buried deep inside me hurts!

After a half hour I let go Ethan go, and go in search of food. I’m avoiding calling AJ, who I know will come take care of this need. I depend on him so much for everything, I can’t do this. But god, do I want his cock, or any cock for that matter! I eat, and go back to the computer. I have two more dates for the night and looking forward to them.

The dates are almost sad; both new people, and come far too fast. That’s not a bad thing for my income, but not for the fact that I still want and need to be fucked. I end up going to bed early mostly to masturbate myself stupid, in hopes to get some relief but to no avail, I squirm all night. When I do wake up, after giving up the idea of sleep, I take a long shower. I want to be ready for the date this afternoon.

Cory is in his late thirties, and has a wife who stopped fucking him after they had their two kids. All she wanted was the kids, and had no desires to do her wifely duties. She is a great wife in every sense but the bedroom, so Cory seeks it elsewhere. He mostly comes to me. He’s rather vanilla, but he’s still good at what he does.

When I show up at the hotel, he’s already here. It’s been about two months since we’ve seen each other, and I can tell there will be no talking beforehand. I strip down for him, as I climb onto the bed; he comes and pulls me to the edge of it, as he kneels on the floor. His tongue moves quickly between my folds and sucks hard on my clit. His jaw rolls slightly, tugging on it, my own body rolling slightly. The tip of his tongue darts against my clit, making me whimpers out for more.

He gives me more, and I grip his hair and grind harder for it. He takes his middle finger, and begins to fuck me slowly, teasingly, though his mouth is still rough with me. The sensations wrapping around me pull me in. I almost can’t hear the sound of the car horn outside beeping, or the vacuum in the hallway. It’s all so faint, it doesn’t seem real. The only thing I can grasp is what he’s doing to me.

The finger turns to two fingers, as he pushes deep inside me, gliding along my walls. I can feel myself grip him tightly, knowing I’m going to release in moments. I think he can sense it, because he doesn’t give up. I shudder out his name, begging him not to stop. His tongue twirls my clit, sucking it between his teeth again, and letting go. He does this again, and I buck my hips towards him, the orgasm is floods hard as I let go. I grip the sheets, and feel as though my whole body locks before releasing, trying to inhale enough air to breath.

I lean down, pulling him from me wanting to kiss him, to taste his lips of my juices. His tongue lashes into my mouth, owning it as we kiss. I grind upwards offering myself to him, and he takes it. He lowers himself down enough to fill me with his cock. Each inch stretches me fully, clinging to his thickness. The both of us groaning in delight as we move together, taking each other to another level.

I watch as he grinds down into me, my hips rising up into him. Each time he bottoms out, he goes a little faster, to bring me to a new want. I feel so wanton it is undeniable, I love feeling this way. It’s exactly what I needed and wanted, I run my nails down his back, gripping into his arse, and holding him there as I grind into him. He’s so deep inside me; I squeeze myself around him, grinding hard. I can feel him begin to grind with me, neither of us thrusting, just grinding deeper. My finger nails dig deeper into his flesh, I moan out his name, telling him I’m going to come. He growls, grinding a little deeper inside me, clearly wanting me to come.

With that, I cry out more curse words then I need as I come hard. The squeezing tension around him is a welcomed touch. He begins thrusting hard, fucking me mindless, wanting to join in my orgasm.

When he does come, he groans out, filling me with his hot seed. I feel it explode deep inside my womb. I take it all, lifting my hips up, as he fills me more. I milk him until it’s passed. When he stops moving, he rolls off me, and I climb down and suck his cock into my mouth.

I taste the both of us on him, sucking gingerly on his shaft. I want to feel him shudder as I suck on him. He watches me work him, sucking him clean of our juices. I can’t help but love the way we taste mixed together. My tongue flickers down along his shaft, teasing him slightly hard. The groan he offers me tells me it’s a welcomed touch, I don’t want to stop, and don’t plan to. I’m sucking on just the head of him at first now, my tongue bathing the head of him before working down lower on his shaft. I can still smell the scent of his body soap, old spice I think. It mixes well with everything else.

It clearly smells of sex in the room. It kind of makes me think of the Rihanna song S&M. Such a good song that one is. Cory reaches down, and caresses my hair as I suck on him deeper. I know he’ll come again, even if it isn’t as strong as the one he just had. I want to make sure he goes home happy, and empty. Bobbing my head at a gentle speed until he’s rock hard again for me, I start to go a little faster. The throb in his cock teases my tongue, and I moan for him to make the throb stronger.

He tells me it won’t be long, at the rate I’m going. I slow down to tease him, but pick back up after a few minutes. I switch to slow, and back to fast, bringing him closer and letting him lose it just on the brink. Finally his body tightens, and releases another orgasm. I swallow it, tasting that it isn’t a big one as I expected but still succeeded at making him come once more. I let him pop from my mouth, before going up to him.

My lips are full from sucking on him, and he kisses me. He tells me how much he loves how swollen my lips get after sucking cock. I’ve heard this before, but don’t tell him that. He kisses them gently before we shower together. He can’t stay long after, for he has to be home for dinner. We say our goodbyes, and he tells me he’ll get in touch as he always does.

Instead of going home after my date with Cory, I choose to go on a drive. I blast the radio, and roll down the windows. I let the air swallow me whole as I drive faster. I’m on the highway, the ocean on one side, and endless trees on the other. I have no place in mind I’m going, I just want to drive. I sing along with each song, stumbling through a few of them, making up my own lyrics. It’s not until a love song comes on I quiet down.

I can’t deny even to myself wondering what it’d be like to be in love, and have a relationship. What it would be like to come home to the same man day in and day out, the dates, the love, the cuteness, the fights, and waking ups, the sex, just all of it. I love being free, to do as I please, and the job I have isn’t one any man would want from his girlfriend or wife, and I don’t want to give it up. What would I do if I did? I can’t think of anything I want to do besides this. I let out a sigh, and know for at least the time being I’m perfectly set with life.

By the time I get home, it’s late, and the sun has set. I watched it do so by the beach, it was beautiful. Cricket is all mews, and begging for attention. I feed her a few treats, and hold her close. She’s the closest thing I have to a cuddle buddy, outside of AJ. I have been avoiding him as of late though, and he can tell. He sends me all kinds of texts, and e-mails. He even sent flowers, asking if I was mad at him. Of course I’m not, but each time we spend time together I feel as though I fall for him.

I decide to text him, so he doesn’t think I’m mad at him. That’s not right, or fair of me.

“Hey AJ, I’ve been swamped with work. You know how it is.”

“Lexi Girl! What’s up Doll? You take a holiday and come back to work even harder? You’re going to burn yourself out.”

“Yeah, I know. I should slow down.”

“What are you up to tonight?”

“Nothing, I just got in from a date, just thinking of ordering Chinese, and pigging out. Typical night for me, I suppose.”

“Care for company?”

I know it was a mistake to say yes, since I know how I’ve been feeling, but I really wanted to see him. I haven’t spent all that much time with him lately. It’s not like us not to, and he won’t believe I’m not mad at him if I said no.

“Come on over, I’ll order now.”

“On my way, babe.”

I let out a sigh, and read through our messages again. I can see how much he cares for me just through the texts. I tell myself that we won’t have sex; it’ll just be two friends hanging out. I don’t need to fuck him every time I see him, do I? I settle on that being good enough, and wondering if I can actually keep my mind set on that.

When he shows up, he kisses me softly and then on the forehead. I can’t help but feel flutters, but shake it off quickly. We pick a film, and start eating. I’m famished, and eat more than my share of food, thinking I need to get back to the gym again tomorrow. It has been a few days since I’ve gone. I sit at the other end of the couch, trying to put space between us. But when the food is gone, and we clean up he sits next to me, pulling me into his arms. I can’t help it, I let him. It just feels so right, and natural. We don’t say much, being we’re both too involved in the DVD but also because I’m afraid if I talk, it’ll lead somewhere.

Before long, I’m drifting off into a deep sleep in his arms, right there on the couch. He holds me close, still awake watching the second film we put in, not wanting to wake me. When the movie nears the ending he drifts off, holding me close.

When I wake up, I feel as though I slept a thousand sleeps. I’m so well rested I don’t want to move, snuggling into my spot as I find AJ holding me into him still. I watch him sleep, his eyelashes fanned out across his face, his breathing steady and slow. He looks so peaceful, I want to touch him, but I know it’ll wake him. I just rest in his arms, wondering what in the hell I’m getting myself into.

Fuck Doll is evolving, but is she going to change? Chapter eight has some ify moments. Let’s hope she stays with her playful ways. She has so much more to share with us. She’s our little fuck doll after all. Come back and find out what happens next.

Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! 

Published 12 years ago

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