With hugs around the room we were sent off to our bedroom with instructions to stay in bed as long as we pleased in the morning. We were told that if we chose not to get out of bed before noon it would be fine with them as they just wanted us to relax and enjoy their home. They assured us that we would have plenty of time to visit and that they had made no specific plans for things we needed to do or see.
We held hands as we walked up the stairs to our bedroom and I was wondering if you would be awake long enough to get undressed for bed. As we reached our doorway I opened the door for you and followed you inside, then turned to close the door. As I turned back around you were standing directly in front of me, looking wide awake and perhaps a little angry. “Is something the matter, baby?” I asked.
You pushed me back against the door and pressed your body against me. “I have been smelling you on my skin for the past two and half hours and I am so horny right now we may not make it to the bed.” With that said you wrapped yourself around me and kissed me hard. Your tongue was inside my mouth within a nanosecond and I could certainly tell that you were already worked up.
You pulled back from me and began unbuttoning my shirt. “I want you right now and you had better not be tired.” You tossed my shirt aside and began to unbuckle my belt. I reached for you but you pushed my hands away saying, “Let me do this.” Within a minute you had me down to nothing but socks and instructed me to pull back the covers and lie on the bed while you undressed.
You were so firm about what you wanted done I did not disagree or suggest anything else, but simply did as you had instructed. When I reached the large bed I turned back the covers, pulling the spread all the way to the foot of the bed, pulled back the top sheet and sat on the bed. I pulled off my socks, tossed them across the room toward my suitcase and rolled over on my back, lying on my side of the bed.
You were still standing near the door and undressing, but very slowly. “You are already hard,” you said in a very soft and dreamy voice.
“Of course I am, baby. You’ve just undressed me and I know what is going to happen. How could I not be hard?” I answered.
You put your hands to the button on your jeans as if you were going to unbutton them and in that same soft voice said, “You know what I want you to do now?”
I did know and watched as your eyes got wide as I reached down and took my cock in my hand and began to slowly stoke it. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” I said.
“Yes, baby,” you answered very softly. “That does turn me on so.” And as you watched me you continued to shed your sweater and jeans until you were naked, because I hadn’t allowed you to wear your panties or bra. You stood five feet away from me with your eyes fixed on my hand and cock.
I could see that your nipples were hard and I knew exactly what I would feel if I put my hand between your legs. But you stood motionless, just watching.
“I thought you wanted me,” I said.
“I do, baby,” you answered quickly. “I just love watching you and I don’t know what I want to do first.”
“Come here,” I said. “Come stand here by me.” I held my arm and hand out over the edge of the bed and motioned for you to move. You took three steps and were standing an inch from my hand. “Come here and open your legs for me,” I commanded. You moved so that my hand was touching the side of your leg and moved your feet slightly apart. “More,” I told you, “Open them wide enough for me to see you and touch you.” And you did.
I placed my open palm between your legs and was excited to feel how hot and wet you were. While I continued to slowly move my right hand over my cock I moved my left hand so that I had my thumb at the opening of your pussy. It was so hot and so wet that I didn’t need to wet my thumb before pushing it into you. I simply found your opening and plunged my thumb into you as hard as fast as I could. Instantly your eyes closed and you sucked in air and I felt you move a bit as if to take me deeper.
“You are dripping wet, my love,” I said in a loud whisper.
“I know. God I know,” you gushed.
I pulled my thumb out of you and placed it on your clit while I pushed two fingers into you, hearing you suck in air once again. I moved my fingers in and out of your pussy while letting my thumb rub over your clit. After about a minute I said, “Now tell me what you want.”
“I want you inside me,” you told me as for the first time in several minutes you made eye contact with me.
“I want that too,” I said. “Do you want to get on top of me?”
“Yes, I do,” you said and immediately moved onto the bed and positioned yourself on top of me with your pussy just inches away from my cock. You looked up at me and without looking away moved yourself down slowly until the head of my cock was perhaps half way into you. Then you simply dropped yourself down, driving my cock into you as deeply as it could possibly go. We both gasped. I could not believe how hot and wet you were. Your juices came flowing out of you and all over me.
You dropped down on my chest as you have done before after you’ve had an orgasm and kissed frantically. When you finally took your lips from mine you said, “Oh God, baby, but you feel so unbelievably good inside me.”
“Now tell me what you want,” I whispered into your ear. “Are we going to lay still and enjoy the feeling or are we going to move?”
You seemed a little puzzled by that and said, “What do you mean?”
“I want to know if we are going to make love for the next hour or are we going to fuck for the next ten minutes,” I said, still whispering into your ear.
You hesitated just a moment and then moved your mouth next to my ear. “I really want to fuck, baby. I feel like I’m about to explode right now. I’ve been smelling you on me for hours and I want to let it all go.”
You started to move against me and I stopped you by holding your ass with both of my hands. “I have one more question before we start. Do you want to fuck me or am I going to fuck you?”
I felt you shiver from the idea and then you leaned back and sat up on me with my cock still buried inside you. “I want to fuck you, baby. I want to fuck you until I am too tired to move. I want to fuck you until you beg me to stop,” you said almost breathlessly. You rose up allowing me to feel the cool air in the room on my very wet and very hot cock, then dropped back down again and began to rock back and forth. You quickly built up speed and moved to what I would call “orgasm speed” within seconds. Your mouth was open and you were making moaning noises. I could tell that your entire being had been moved to a six square inch area between your legs. Your mind had turned off and your pussy was now in charge.
Suddenly you stopped rocking and lowered your chest down so that you could now move yourself up and down on my shaft. Each thrust was hard and deep and we could both hear the sounds of our bodily fluids as our bodies came together and parted. The sounds and the feelings were more than erotic. We had both been transported into a mental place close to madness. We had no idea if we were quiet or screaming. We were only aware of our bodies and the building passion that was very near a volcanic eruption. Your eyes were closed and your pussy was slamming into me as hard as I had ever pushed into you.
My only conscious thought was that you said that you wanted to fuck me, and I did my best to remain as still as possible and let you do the work. It was almost impossible for me to not push back and respond to your movements. I pulled your face down to mine and talked into your ear, “Fuck me, baby. My God how I love you and I want you to take all of me. Take all of me, now!”
You slammed against me even harder and said to me, “Cum for me, baby. Please. I am about to explode.”
And it all ended as it started with both of us having that eruption at the same time. I locked my arms around you and your arms were locked around me. For the first time I moved and rolled you over on your back with me still buried deep inside you.
We were both breathing like we had just run a mile but as happy as if we had just won the lottery. I pressed my lips to yours and said, “Was that what you wanted, darlin’?”
“Don’t stop,” you whispered in my ear, “Please, baby. Keep moving. Please. I want more of you.”
And now it was my turn to move against you. Even through we had reached our orgasms together, I continued to thrust into you as if we had just started. My cock was still hard and I thrust into you over and over and over. You wrapped your legs around me and pulled me into you and with each thrust you said, “Yes, baby, yes, baby.”
Finally, I ran out of energy and collapsed over you. I was still inside you, but there was nothing left in me to make love to you. I wrapped my arms around you and held you close to me. “Do you know how much I love you?” I asked.
“Yes, baby,” you smiled. “About as much as I love you.”
And I pulled you to me, kissed you once … twice … and we passed into sleep with our lips touching.
Saturday morning came and we slept like logs. Our room was dark and the house very quiet, our friends obviously being careful to let us sleep until right around 10:00 AM when some loud music from the family room woke us. I quickly pulled on a shirt and yesterday’s jeans. Opening the door I was greeted with, “You might want to sleep all day, but I’d like to eat breakfast. My wife says we can’t eat until you guys are down here, so move your asses!”
Laughing, we quickly freshened up enough to be reasonably presentable and hurried downstairs. We took lots of ribbing about how long we had slept and what we must have been doing. The breakfast was sensational. There was so much to eat that we knew we would never be interested in lunch. In fact, we sat and ate, and talked and ate, and drank coffee and ate until almost noon.
When we finally got up it was determined that we would go back to our room and do an “official” clean up (probably meaning that I would shave) and reconvene around 1:00. Just as we were walking into the door of our bedroom I heard a male voice from downstairs saying, “If I know him we shouldn’t expect to see them again until 2:00.”
“What did he say?” you asked me.
I closed the door and replied, “Oh, I think he said something about taking a nap.”
When the door was closed I took your arm and turned you around. “Am I going to get my good morning kiss now?” I asked.
“Don’t you think that should wait until you shaved?” was your reply.
I pulled you over and pushed you back on to the bed, landing halfway on top of you saying, “I don’t plan on waiting one more second before I kiss your wonderful lips,” and with that said touched my lips lightly to yours. My intention was to not rub my bristly face over yours, but those good intentions lasted about twenty seconds.
When our tongues touched we moved back in time to the previous night when we had been so out of control with lust for one another. In less than a minute both of us were breathing heavily and pulling at the others clothes. Since I had not allowed you to wear a bra, my mouth was on your nipples and I would have eaten them right off of you had I not heard you make a noise that I didn’t recognize as one you make when you are feeling pleasured.
I backed off and asked, “What’s wrong, sweetie?”
“Your whiskers hurt,” you replied none too gently, giving me the ‘pouty face’.
I moved a little farther away and said, “I’m sorry, my love. That was pretty thoughtless of me. We should just get cleaned up and resume this later in the day.”
You unbuttoned the snap on your jeans and gave me a serious look saying, “Are you kidding? Not a chance. You’ve done your usual thing and got me all worked up in less than two minutes and I’m not stopping now.” By the time you had finished saying that you had kicked off your jeans and tossed your shirt across the room. You turned around, pulled back the still unmake covers on the bed and put your head on a pillow. You took my pillow and pitched it down to the far end of the bed. I love looking at you when you are lying naked on a bed, but I was puzzled at what you were doing.
“You want to tell me what you have in mind?” I asked seriously.
You sat up, leaned over and kissed me, then said softy, “Take off your clothes and come back to bed when you are naked. Then put your head on that pillow.”
I still had no idea what you were doing, but followed instructions and peeled off my clothes and laid back on the bed with my head on the pillow.
“It may be a fetish thing,” you said, “But it has nothing to do with feet.” You lifted your right leg and pulled my right arm between your legs. Then reached your right arm and gently took my cock in your hand.
At this point I didn’t need any directions or explanation. I moved my hand between your legs and as I neared your pussy you opened the gates for me and made that wonderful little noise when you suck in air as I touched you. I moved a finger down to feel your opening and found that you were wet and willing. And as I begin to slip my finger inside you I felt you take a tighter grip on my hardened cock and begin to lightly stroke it. We both made some adjustments to make us fit better, but with our heads up on pillows I could see what you were doing to me as you could watch my fingers in and on you.
“Do you plan on making me cum?” I asked softly as I began to rub the place I knew would get you off.
In a voice as soft as a whisper you said, “Yes, baby, I want to watch you cum.” I could see that your eyes were just barely open. Then you said, “And you are going to make me cum too. I can already feel it.”
For the next several minutes we stroked each other, watching what the other was doing, feeling how the other responded and trying to get the other closer and closer to orgasm. I could see how hard your nipples were and I longed to touch them. The wetness between your legs was driving me crazy. But when my juices started running down my cock you ran your fingers through it, moved them to your mouth and licked them.
That was all I needed. “Please, baby,” I whispered, “Make me cum. Jerk me fast and make me cum.”
You put your hand back on me and began to stroke me quickly. When you whispered, “Let me see you cum, baby. I want to see it,” I let loose. Hot, white cum shot out of me in a fury. Four gushes came out flying into the air and then down to cover your hand. You kept stroking me until I put my hand on yours and stopped you.
I closed my eyes for a second, feeling the cum running across my belly, then opened my eyes and said, “Are you ready now?”
You didn’t say anything, but looked into my eyes as if asking what I was going to do. I took the hand that had been in and on you over and ran it through the pools of cum on my chest and belly. Once it was quite coated I brought it back between your legs and rubbed it across your clit and began to rub you using my cum as a lube. I could tell that this excited you and you were very close to orgasm. Just as I could sense that you were about to pop you ran your hand that had been covered with my cum, up to your mouth, putting your fingers inside so that you could taste and smell me. Fifteen seconds later you went off like a roman candle. You groaned, sucked on your fingers and locked your legs around my hand between your legs. You stayed completely still for a long while.
When you opened your eyes I felt like I could still see a smoldering fire inside you. Looking as though you were focusing on me you finally said, “Wow.”
“Wow?” I asked.
“Yes,” you said, “Wow is about all I can say. That was just incredible.”
I smiled and said, “I only want to make you happy, darlin’. So if all you ever say to me is ‘Wow’, I won’t complain.”
We lay there a few more seconds, enjoying the afterglow.
Without giving you any warning I jumped up, rolled over you and out of bed on your side, so that I was standing at the door to the bathroom saying, “Hey, tall chick. You’re slow and I get the shower first!”
You charged into the bathroom behind me complaining that you had been tricked and I cheated. I explained that I had a bigger mess on me than you did and that mine needed attention first while you pointed out to me with unerring logic that since you had to wait for your orgasm until after I had mine that you should be allowed in the shower first. Then also pointed out that if you were in the shower first that would be certain areas that you would shave that could only be done in the shower while I could easily stand in front of the basin and remove those nasty hairs from my face. And, before I could offer one more thought you pointed out that if the cheeks on my face had any idea of being in the area that you would be shaving, I had better get a pretty damned close shave and soon.
Who can argue with logic like that?
Around 1:30 we came out of our bedroom and joined our hosts. I felt quite certain that I saw our host give an elbow to our hostess along with a knowing grin. We were dressed, cleaned and ready for whatever they had in store for us in the afternoon.
Within minutes the girls had separated from the boys, each going in different directions. I was placed in a small 4-wheel drive vehicle and driven to the pond that could be seen from our bedroom window. While there I was told about the different types of fish that could be caught there and the equipment used to do so. Having always enjoyed fishing, this was a most pleasant way to spend a few hours and we had a great time. When you consider the fact that loaded on the back of the 4-wheeler were drinks and goodies enough for six people, we were in good shape. Joe and I had an excellent time talking and fishing, but always managing to throw the fish we caught back into the pond. We probably spent as much time sitting in the grass, drinking beer and discussing the ills of the world as we did fishing.
At one point he looked at me and said, “You really are deeply in love, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Joe,” I answered as I watched my fishing line. “It has taken a very long time, but I have finally found the love of my life.”
He clinked his beer bottle against mine and said, “I can see it, old buddy. I can see it in both of you. When you two look at each other I see sparks and I wish you the very best of luck. It isn’t going to be easy, but I’ll be on your side.”
I touched my beer bottle to his and said, “Thanks very much for that. You and your lovely wife have been very gracious to have us here. I don’t think you know how much we needed this time away from home and work.”
He reached over and patted my shoulder and said, “You two are welcome here any time. And I do mean any time. Heck, even I got laid last night. Just being around the two of you got my old lady fired up. I haven’t had sex that good in the last two years!”
“What do you mean?” I said. “We didn’t do anything last night. We weren’t even sitting beside each other.”
“Oh please!” he said. “Every time she looked at you last night even an old guy like me could see the love in her eyes. She wanted to get you back to the bedroom, of that I am certain. And you, you are so much in love with that beautiful woman that you might as well wear a sign on your head.”
“That obvious?” I asked
“Oh yeah,” he said as he finished off his bottle of beer and reached for another one. “I’ve seen people that were just stupid in love, but you may be the worst. I think that maybe I envy you a little. Not because I don’t love my wife more than anything in this world, but I envy you for the pure joy of new love. I remember. There is simply nothing like it. And I think if you hold on to it, it can last you two for the rest of your years.”
“I’ve never been happier,” I told him.
“Do you know that she loves you as much as you love here?” he asked.
I hesitated a long while as I thought about his question. “I wish it was the case, Joe,” I answered, “But I’m just not quite certain. I spend a fair amount of time each day thinking that she is going to wake up and say ‘what the hell am I doing with this guy’?”
“Well, I think you can stop wasting your time on that,” he said. ”My sweet wife explained that to me last night. Of course, being a woman, she’s gonna be on her side, but she told me that your sweet young woman is … what was the word she used? I think it was “Ga Ga,” over you and I think that is supposed to be good.”
“I want to believe that,” I told him, “But I’m pretty hard headed. I need a lot of reassuring.”
He took another long pull on the beer bottle and said, “None of my business, but how’s the sex?”
“It might not be your business, but I’ll tell you. Our sex is beyond belief. I have never, and I do mean never, had anyone to compare with her. She is a dream come true for me. She is the answer to a prayer. She is everything I have ever wanted in a woman and more. Our minds are in the same groove. If she can think of it, I want it and vice versa,” I told him. When I finished my sentence I swallowed the last drop in my bottle of beer and he handed me a new one.
He looked at me as few men do. Directly in the eye and I was certain that he had a tear in one of his. “Then you, my friend, are a truly lucky man. Very few men ever find a woman that meets their wants and needs and brings them true love. I salute you.” Once again he touched his bottle to mine and we drank deeply and sat quiet for a while.
It was probably 5:00 when we pulled up at the back of the house and began to unload (mostly empty beer bottles). Joe looked up and saw his wife motioning to him from the window and excused himself. I finished unloading and began to walk up to the back of the house. When I reached the back deck you came out with a big smile and gave me a sweet kiss.
“Did you boys have fun?” you asked me.
“We did,” I answered, reaching over for another kiss. “We did some fishing, some talking and drank a lot of beer.”
“Are you sober?” you asked.
“Yes, baby,” I told you. “Sober as a judge. And what did the girls do?”
“Laurie showed me around the house. She pointed out all of the work that they have done it and the improvements that they have made. She showed me the different art pieces they had bought and things like that,” you told me.
“OK,” I said, “That took care of about thirty minutes. Then what did you do?”
“Oh,” you said with a smile, “We had girl talk.”
“Ah ha,” I said out loud. “I should have known there would have been girl talk. And what did the girls discuss other than the men?”
“Other than men? Nothing,” you said with a laugh.
“Did she think that I’m a keeper?” I asked.
“Oh sweetie,” you told me, “She thinks that you are so in love with me that I should have you bottled and sold at the grocery story. She thinks you are the most head over heels in love man she has ever seen and that I would be absolutely stupid to ever let you go.”
“You know,” I said seriously, “I’ve always thought of her as one of the most intelligent women I have ever known.”
You laughed and hit me on my shoulder. “Now I have something to tell you,” you said. “While you guys were away they had a call from someone in town. It seems that some group that they belong to has moved their monthly meeting from next Saturday to today and someone forgot to tell them. At any rate I insisted that they go. I told her that we would be fine here alone and that, in fact, we would enjoy being alone. We could take care of ourselves and see them when they got home afterwards or in the morning. After all, we aren’t leaving until Monday.”
“And?” I asked.
“Well, she’s telling him right now and I’m guessing that she will convince him to go. It is a group that they enjoy and she thinks that we will enjoy this place on our own. She says it is a very romantic place to be … when you’re in love.”
Around 6:30 they were waving to us as they drove away from the house, leaving us standing alone. I turned to you and said, “May I suggest that we pour ourselves a drink and adjourn to the back patio to enjoy the sunset as only lovers can do.”
You kissed me lightly on the cheek and said, “Indeed, my love. A wonderful idea.”
Fifteen minutes later we were standing on the back patio with drinks in hand, watching the sunset and marveling at the beauty of this place. “This is really beautiful, my love,” I whispered in your ear, “Almost as beautiful as you.”
You turned and kissed me and said, “I love it when you talk dirty to me.”
We both laughed and sat down in some chairs that our hosts had placed specifically for the purpose of “sunset watching.” We sat quietly and talked only a little, just marveling at the colors. The temperature cooled a little but it was still comfortable.
You turned to me and said, “Walk with me down to the edge of the bluff?”
“Sure,” I said, “If that’s what you want to do.” And we set our glasses down and walked hand in hand down to the bluff and stood beside a tall tree.
You leaned against the tree with the fading sunlight dancing in your hair and asked, “Do you love me?”
I was almost hurt by the question, but answered, “You know that I do. I love you more than anything in this world.”
Gazing into my eyes you said, “That’s exactly what Laurie said to me. She could tell that you loved me that much. She said that I should grab on to you and never let go because so very few women ever have a chance to find a man that would love them that much.”
“And what did you say?” I asked.
You put your hand on my neck and pulled me close to your face and said, “I told her that I already had done that and that I would never let you go.”
I stood very still for a moment and gazed into your eyes.
“Did you hear what I said, baby? I said that I would never let you go. Never. Now I need for you to stop worrying about me. Just love me as only you can.”
Part 3 follows …