I’m just dying to tell someone about what happened last weekend. Actually, I shouldn’t say anything but if I don’t, I’ll just burst. For the first time in a very long time, life, except for an occasional guilty feeling, couldn’t be better.
It all started a couple of months ago when my boiler began making an awful racket. The hot water was defying the trades descriptions act and the central heating was there only in name. Luckily for me, Marilyn, my next door neighbor had just popped in for a quick cuppa and heard the commotion when I tried using the faucet.
“What the bloody hell is that?” she asked in surprise when the pipes cracked and groaned yet again.
I explained how the boiler was playing up and saw the look of concern on her face. Although I was sick and tired of taking cold showers, I couldn’t afford to get it repaired, so it was a case of grin and bear it. Marilyn gave a pitying look.
“Oh Andrea, you should have said something. My John’s right handy with that sort of thing. I bet he can fix that in a jiffy.”
“Well, I don’t like to impose,” I replied, mumbling feebly into my cup.
“Honestly darling, he won’t mind. Tell you what, when he gets home later, I’ll ask him to come over and take a look.”
True to her word, John arrived that same evening sporting a big grin and a large toolbox in his hand. After giving me a huge bear hug which lasted longer than was strictly necessary, he asked where the boiler was. After leading him to the offending appliance, he immediately got down to business. While he was busy tinkering away, I casually let my gaze roam over Marilyn’s tasty piece of eye candy.
“Jesus he is good looking,” I muttered under my breath. Well groomed, nicely muscled and best of all, a nice tight little bum. While I was fantasizing about what I’d like to do with that, John, noticed me eying him up and smirked knowingly at me.
“Do you like what you see Andrea?”
Although his tone was friendly, albeit well mocking, I hadn’t realized I was studying him so blatantly and felt myself blushing. Not knowing where to look, my toes curled in embarrassment and all I wanted was the floor to open up and swallow me. Then deciding attack was the best form of defense, I came in with guns blazing
“Yes Sweetie, I couldn’t take my eyes off you. I was just thinking how big your muscles are, but I have to wonder… Are they from the gym or chemically induced?” Except for the exaggerated wince, he accepted the barb with good grace.
“They’re from the sports school. I go three times a week. What do you think of this?” He raised his arms in the traditional he-man pose. I had to laugh at his amusing antics.
“Oh my hero,” I replied using my best damsel in distress imitation and we both started laughing.
“Marilyn is really lucky, you know, to have such a shy, modest hunk to wake up next to,” I commented, “Normally I prefer my men a bit more outgoing if you know what I mean, but she probably takes pity on you.”
John just smiled roguishly. “Oh but you’re not so bad yourself Andrea, I know plenty of guys who’d like to…well, you get my drift don’t you?”
Although my ego started to grow, I blushed again while accepting the compliment graciously.
“I know I wouldn’t mind…” He didn’t finish his sentence; he didn’t need to. My eyes sparkled with excitement now and my body tingled as he continued to flirt outrageously. However, Marilyn was a good friend and I decided not to pursue it any further. To be perfectly frank, I wasn’t sure I had enough willpower to resist temptation, and he was very tempting.
Fortunately, John had finished servicing the boiler, and he began tidying up his tools. “Well Andrea, I’m pretty sure that’s it. I’ve done my best, and as far as I can see…” He made a dramatic gesture of double checking. “Everything is pretty much in order. Shall we put it to the test?” He raised his eyebrows suggestively.
I led him and could literally feel his gaze on my bum. In the bathroom, my head was humming with all this flirting and I couldn’t deny enjoying the attention he was paying me. Once the shower was running it wasn’t long before the bathroom was getting all hot and steamy. John, wearing a big proud grin, winked at me.
“Well, no more cold showers for you, Darling! From now on it’s hot, bloody hot, and really fucking hot. Actually just like someone I know,” he commented and winked lecherously.
I said nothing; I was already imagining taking a nice long steamy shower.
“If you need someone to rub your back, just let me know.” His eyes twinkled naughtily. “I’d gladly take one for the team,” he continued, his body shaking with mirth. I just stared.
“I’m always ready to help, and I’m really good with my hands if you know what I mean.”
Even though he was joking, the longing in his eyes was unmistakable. Despite laughing at his self-effacing humor, I did wonder for a second how serious he was and whether I should take him up on his indecent proposal. The thought of getting amongst other things, my back washed, was very hard to resist.
I could feel my nipples hardening.
“Thank you, John, that’s interesting to know,” I replied with a sultry edge to my voice.
I I stole a quick glance at my bosom and saw the two points of excitement growing. Returning my attention to John, it was obvious he was one step ahead of me. His eyes were locked onto my chest. Then seeing me watching him, he quickly averted his gaze but two red blotches on his cheeks gave away his true feelings. Looking him seductively, I asked him nonchalantly if there was anything I could do to repay his kindness.
All the ‘double entendres’ had turned me on and my old, loose fitting sweatshirt wasn’t hiding anything. Although John was looking on gratefully, he shook his head, grinning ruefully.
“Not that I can think of, Andrea. I best be getting back.” His tone was one of disappointment but his eyes sparkled with amusement. “But if something comes up,” and he thrust his groin upwards like Michael Jackson, “I’ll be sure to let you know.”
I wasn’t going to let him off the hook that easily. My nipples were straining against my top and between my legs, things were getting hot and sticky. Deliberately I leaned forward and grabbed his impressive biceps. “Are you sure there’s nothing I can do for you?” This time he paused thoughtfully before answering.
My sweatshirt might have been an old, worn out rag but in some situations, and this was one of them, it was extremely useful. One of the reasons was the neckline; stretched beyond repair, it always hung loosely off one or the other shoulder. Now, because of my so called friendly gesture, the front of the sweatshirt was gaping open and my firm, full breasts, encased in a sexy bra was clearly visible to John. I’m very proud of my boob’s and seeing John staring at them hungrily only made me hornier.
The fact that we had been flirting was bad enough, but me intentionally flashing him my tits so blatantly was definitely crossing a line. However, I wasn’t the only one affected by the situation. Unadulterated lust was written all over John’s handsome face and the bulge in his trousers was causing me to moisten up nicely. I’m sure if he’d made a move, we’d have been fucking in no time, unfortunately…
Instead, I had to contend myself with watching the internal struggle going on in his head. Half amused and half hoping he’d throw caution to the wind, I saw how he finally made up his mind. He was obviously made of sterner stuff because he didn’t succumb. He just looked up at my flushed expression and smiled wistfully. His clear blue eyes regarded me curiously and I had the faint impression he was already regretting his decision.
“Oh, I don’t know Andrea. Maybe you can buy me a beer sometime.” Flashing one last smile, he turned and without waiting for a reply, exited the bathroom. Shit!
Usually, after a successful harvest, our village likes to organize a week of festivities, and the highlight of this is a huge party in a marquee on Saturday evening. With live music and an abundance of food and drinks, it’s pretty much the highlight of the year.
Fortunately, this year, the Indian summer we were experiencing didn’t seem to want to end, so I decided to wear my favorite summer dress. Cut short in the length and low in the top it barely covered my bum and granted to anyone who cares to look, an indecent amount of cleavage. With a little make up to accentuate my green eyes, and my long dark tresses tied up in a loose braid, I knew I looked good. Not that I was on the prowl, but it doesn’t hurt to advertise the goods once in a while.
Marilyn was already in the tent when I arrived and upon seeing me, she rushed over and gave me an enormous hug. She was also wearing a pretty summer dress, but without being too biased, I looked much better. Hers wasn’t quite so short or low cut but it still showed off her figure quite well. Releasing me, she took a step backward to give me the once over. Her eyebrows shot up and her mouth almost fell open when I did a twirl, but then her eyes sparkled mischievously and she winked at me.
“You look absolutely gorgeous Andrea. Jesus, you’ll give all the men a hard on when they see dressed like that.” Her impish smile was infectious. “Come on,” she said, “Let’s meet the rest of the gang.”
After greeting the other ladies sitting along both sides of the long party table, we sat down. Feeling slightly disappointed that the menfolk weren’t around, I couldn’t help looking round for John. Eventually, I saw him standing at the bar with his cousin Eric. They were both dressed appropriately the warm weather; long shorts and loose shirts, and from this distance, John’s muscular body looked good. Unconsciously I stared at him for a lot longer than I should have, but as if physically feeling my gaze, he slowly turned his head and winked at me.
My spirits rose and I gave him a friendly wave before returning my attention to the table. Sitting opposite Marilyn, I absently listened to her babbling with all the other women, while my mind drifted into a world that consisted of me, John and a big double bed. Suddenly she directed a question my way and without realizing it I was drawn in to the conversation. Within minutes we were all chatting away like old friends.
After a while, John and Eric joined us at the table bringing another round of drinks, and much to my surprise, Eric sat down beside Marilyn while her husband seated himself next to me. Glasses were placed in front of us and before long the party was in full swing. Suddenly, I felt a hand land on my thigh, then a muscular leg pressing against mine. Shocked, I threw a sideways glance at John but he ignored me and carried on talking to Eric, although the hand didn’t move.
Marilyn then asked me something and I quickly returned my attention to her, but under the table, my assailant’s fingers began moving, and not towards my knee. Unable to move due to Eric’s wife sitting the other side of me, I tried to keep a straight face, but it wasn’t easy especially when the hand crept higher and higher. Not daring to breathe, I waited until I felt the nimble fingers brushing softly against smooth material covering my pubic mound.
I was desperate not to reveal what was happening, but when those fingertips began writhing up and down the thin barrier protecting my moist slit, I thought I was going to scream. For an instant, I managed to make eye contact with John, but all he did was grin naughtily at me before continuing his conversation with Eric.
Okay, I’ll admit it was extremely arousing watching Marilyn chatting away happily, totally unaware I was getting expertly fingered by her husband, and despite the obvious risks, I didn’t want him to stop, but then he did something I hadn’t expected. Not content with just teasing me with his fingers, he slipped his hand under my small cotton triangle and pulled at it savagely. I swear I heard the soft fabric ripping, but secretly hoped it was my imagination.
What I couldn’t ignore was the feeling that my panties were hanging loosely around my hips. The bastard deliberately stretched the thin material and elasticated waistband and now I wondered what I should do. Sitting there fuming, I was stunned by his audacity and prayed that the garment wasn’t as badly damaged as it seemed or I’d really be giving the party goers a show when I stood up.
Pretending as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening, John, having created enough room in my panties, thrust his hand between my legs and agile fingers penetrated my dripping wet cunt without encountering any resistance from me. Without further ado, two thick digits slid inside my warm slick sheath and then things started getting exquisitely difficult for me.
He kept tormenting me for about ten minutes, and a few times I had to bite my bottom lip to stop myself from crying out as he took me towards the edge. The delicious feelings he was causing had me constantly squirming in my seat, and I really had to concentrate to avoid giving things away. Knowing the inevitable was not far away, but unable to do anything about it, except surrender to John’s will, was making this an evening to remember.
The combination of his fingers, the crazy reckless situation, and the sheer sexual pleasure rippling through my body had created some powerful pent up energy and it needed a release. I’d been teetering on the edge for a while, but as John slowed his fingers, I thought I had everything under control.
I came gloriously as John ramped up the action again, his fingered deep inside me. My whole body wanted to explode but because I didn’t want anyone to notice, I fought against the wild sensations coursing through me. Sitting there, shuddering uncontrollably, I clamped my legs together, trapping my tormentor’s fingers for a moment. Looking away from Marilyn, I quickly covered my mouth with my hand and bit hard into my palm, stifling the scream erupting from within.
My panties and the top of my thighs were wet and sticky from cum which had flooded my sex and if my dress had been longer, a large wet patch would have appeared. Luckily, the wooden bench seat soaked up most of my juices and after a few seconds, my body began to calm down. Eventually, my breathing returned to normal and I was even able to release John’s hand, still trapped between my thighs. When he looked at me, had a very smug, superior expression.
Knocking back yet another Bacardi and Coke, Marilyn was really getting into the party spirit and when the band began their second session, she asked if I wanted to dance. Although my legs were still weak and I wasn’t sure if my knickers could stand the rigors of some enthusiastic dancing, I really couldn’t think of an excuse not to. To be honest I was still recovering from an intense orgasm but hardly tell her that, so not wanting to raise any suspicions, I reluctantly agreed. Risking embarrassment in more ways than one, I gingerly stood up from the bench and turned towards the dance floor.
As we grooved to the beat, I was aware the sweat trickling down my spine wasn’t just because it was so warm in the tent. Fortunately, Marilyn hadn’t noticed the state I was in and if she had she would hanger probably put it down to the energetic dancing. Gradually the musical beat started getting funkier and so did our dancing until suddenly John and Eric appeared next to us. They were obviously in the mood to have some fun, and before long we were all laughing and dancing together.
After a couple of songs, the band started playing some old fifties rock and roll, and Eric grabbed hold of Marilyn’s waist and began leading her skillfully around the dance floor leaving John and myself standing there like a pair of dummies. Even though the music was quite loud, the awkward silence between us was deafening. Finally, he gave me his thousand watt smile and took my hand, leading me to the edge of the dance floor.
Once out of the way, I leaned against John’s chest and watched fascinated as Eric and Marilyn glided effortlessly around the dance floor. I couldn’t help admiring the way they moved together and was curious.
“Shouldn’t you be dancing with Marilyn?”
“I can’t,” John admitted a bit shamefacedly. “I haven’t got the rhythm that Eric has. They both love it, but it’s not really my thing.”
“I know what you mean,” I replied automatically. “I can’t dance like that either.” Remembering what he was good at, I started flirting.
“But……I am very good at other things,” I continued, giggling uncontrollably whilst grinding my bum against his groin.
“Oh, what are you so good at then, Andrea?” he asked in a low sensual growl.
Pressing my bum harder into his body while running my hands down his thighs, I said challengingly, “What do you think I’m good at, John?”
His mouth moved to my ear and I could feel his hot breath against my neck.
“I think you’re an expert prick teaser, and one hell of a fuck!” he whispered, whilst grabbing my hips and pulling me tighter against his body.
“Now that’s for me to know…and you to find out,” I replied playfully, grinding my bum against his erection. “Ooooooh, what ya got there stud? Don’t tell me you’re getting all hard.”
He said both but there was no mistaking the effect I was having on him. John’s bulge was nestled nicely between my buttocks; it felt huge.
“You fucking dirty bitch!” He exclaimed hoarsely. “I want you so badly, my balls are aching.” He hissed through gritted teeth, while his hands disappeared beneath my dress. By now, with all this horny talk, my gusset was completely sodden and when he cupped my ass cheeks I knew there and then, I wanted him.
“I’d like to shove my big fucking prick right up that slutty little arse of yours, Andrea, just to hear you scream out my name.” As if to prove his intent, deft fingers sought their way inside my panties and began massaging my leaking pussy juices into my anus.
“Mmmm that sounds like exactly what I need right now,” I replied huskily, enjoying what was happening out of sight.
I felt his whole body stiffen behind me and had to stifle a giggle.
“Andrea, don’t play fucking games with me.” His voice sounded strained. “I’ve wanted to screw you ever since I fixed your boiler, and if you keep talking like this, I’m gonna throw you over one of these tables and fuck the consequences.” Without so much of a please or thank you, a thick finger disappeared up my anal passage.
We stood there for what seemed like ages but in reality wasn’t longer than a minute or two. Watching his wife being pushed around the dance floor while he fingered my ass was proving too much. I couldn’t take it anymore. His threats and actions had ignited a fire in my belly, and the heat was increasing. I wanted more. I wanted something longer, bigger and thicker up my ass and that wasn’t gonna happen here.
“But I’m not joking John. What are you waiting for?”
Under the pretense of going outside for a smoke, we walked towards the exit.
Once outside the brightly lit marquee, we hurried away looking for somewhere less conspicuous than a marquee party table. Less than a hundred meters from the tent, we found a small dimly lit alleyway. Unable to contain himself any longer, John dragged me into the narrow opening until we had gone far enough not to be easily recognized from the street. Then he grabbed my hands and pushed me against the crumbling brickwork.
Restraining my hands high above my head, he shoved a thigh between my legs and forced my legs to part. His other hand reached up and pulled my breasts free from my dress, admiring them for a second. “Good your tits look great,” he said a little in awe. I’ve wanted to do this for ages.” Then he began fondling them roughly. Leaning his head forward, he planted his mouth onto mine and our tongues started dueling.
Our kissing was so wild and passionate; it was making me impatient for what was coming. I could have straddled him there and then, but he was in command and he was determined to carry on where he’d left off in the marquee. He stopped playing with my breasts and moved his hand down between us, pulling the front of my dress upwards.
Cool air swirled around my exposed fanny causing a shiver of pleasure to run down my spine. The sensation was short lived because John was following his own agenda. His hand slid easily inside my loose knickers. His palm pressed hard against my swollen clit pussy as his fingers invaded my dripping cunt for the second time this evening. I couldn’t believe how hot it was getting fingered in a public place, knowing at any moment we could be discovered, and feeling John’s rock hard manhood pressing into my hip was only making things worse.
I decided it was my turn to do something. I’d felt his erection pressing against me too many times this evening and now I wanted to see it, taste it, and feel it push past my lips until I’d swallowed it completely. I stopped kissing him and tried escaping his hold on me.
“John let me go,” I gasped breathlessly. “I want to suck your cock.” At first, he didn’t respond but the idea of me on my knees in front of obviously appealed to him. He released his grip slightly and obediently I sank to my haunches. He released my hands so I could remove his shorts but immediately he grabbed my hair, ready to take control. Because of the excitement and fear I felt, I was fumbling with the buttons on his shorts and in my head, it all seemed to be taking too long; time we didn’t have.
Eventually, my efforts were rewarded and the last buttons flew undone and triumphantly I pulled the flaps open and was within spitting distance of my trophy. With a determined yank, his shorts were quickly dispensed around his ankles and my prize sprung into view.
Apparently, John wasn’t wearing any pants because his erection, all eight inches, stood to attention just in front of my mouth, practically demanding to be kissed. Without a moment’s hesitation, I leaned forward and placed the large, spongy helmet between my succulent lips and began licking. My tongue swirled frantically around the warm shaft, while in the distance I could hear the music from the tent, the heavy bass carrying in to the night. I heard him groan as I sucked on the big bulbous head, and I felt a delicious shiver down my spine as I swallowed all his salty pre-cum. Then wanting to assert his dominance, John slowly guided my head downwards and his huge cock irrevocably disappeared down my throat.
When his balls banged against my chin, John held my head there for a moment, pulling it upwards before I started gagging. He repeated this again and but held me in place a lot longer. When he withdrew his cock completely from my mouth, long tendrils of saliva kept us joined together. Grabbing his prick, he slapped the heavy appendage against my upturned face.
“You like that don’t you, Slut?” I grinned and nodded.
“Good, now get ready, Darling, because I’m gonna fuck that sweet, cock sucking mouth of yours until I cum all over your slutty, little face.”
‘Promises, promises,’ I thought, but seconds later discovered I was mistaken. John rammed his cock down my throat and began vigorously bucking his hips. He didn’t hold back, not one bit. He was using me like the dirty little scrubber I was.
I relaxed my jaw, allowing him to slam his manhood down my throat as hard as he pleases. He had loosened the grip on my hair, but not that much because he was determined to have his way. His movements increased in tempo and his grunting got louder. Guessing he was rapidly approaching the edge, I pushed a hand against his groin and tried slowing his movements.
Luckily he took my hint and relaxed. Now I grabbed the slippery rod pistoning between my lips and began to wank him with a delicious twisting motion. As I clamped my lips tighter around his delicious sausage I felt him speed up again.
“Hey stud, take it easy,” I urged him alarmingly. “Otherwise the party will be over before it’s started, and you promised me a fuck.”
John groaned unhappily, but I was adamant. He wasn’t the only one who needed some release.
“Andrea, we don’t have much time,” John whined breathlessly when I stood up. “What if Eric and Marilyn are looking for us right now?”
He was right of course but I didn’t care. He’d fucked my mouth; now I wanted it up my ass!
“Then we’d better get on with it,” I insisted sharply, reaching under my dress and pulling my panties down. Then I turned around and faced the wall, wiggling my bum at John’s groin.
“Come on you bastard, fuck me. Take the giant cock of yours and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.” I placed my hands against the wall to brace myself and arched my back in anticipation. “Hurry up John, I want it now,” I urged through gritted teeth.
John positioned his prick between my swollen pussy lips and before I could protest, thrust forward with all his might.
“Fuuuck,” I screamed loudly as he buried his cock deep inside my cunt. Even though my slippery tunnel easily welcomed his warm hard flesh, I wasn’t what I wanted.
“No you shit, up my ass, I want it up the ass.”
“Shut the fuck up Andrea,” John hissed as he slammed into me again. “I’m just getting it nice and wet.” His hands reached around my body and grabbed my swinging tits. He pulled me away from the wall and held me against his chest.
His cock rammed home again, forcing a loud groan from my mouth.
“For fuck’s sake, put a sock in it Andrea, or we’ll have the whole fucking tent out here in a minute.” Not trusting my ability to keep quiet, he took my panties and fed them into my mouth.
The soft cotton material, soaked in an exotic cocktail of pussy juice and cum, tantalized my taste buds as I clamped my teeth into the garment. Eventually, I felt John withdraw his prick from my pussy and press it deliciously between my buttocks. ‘At last.’
Resuming my prone position against the wall, I heard John spit and felt warm spittle firstly land at the top of my crack and then trickle towards my anus. Using the saliva for lubrication, John massaged the slimy fluid into my tight hole with his thumb.
“I think that’ll just about do it,” John muttered in a hoarse and gravelly voice.
“Mmmmm,” I moaned into my panties as his thumb slid in and out of my bum.
“Oh God Andrea, you’re such a horny slut aren’t you? You really are dying for it aren’t you?” John stating the obvious was beginning to annoy me. I just nodded my head vigorously, as he reached down between us and grabbed hold of his greasy pole.
His thick bell-end pressed determinedly against my tight entrance.
“Mmm, that’s it, Babe, let me have it all.”
His thick cock pushed past my sphincter and continued pressing home. Arching my back some more, I thrust my rear end backward. In no time, his wiry pubic hair brushed against my buttocks and I could feel his meat throbbing deep in my bowels. Holding my hips tightly, he gyrated his pelvis, like Elvis Presley used to do, grinding his shaft deeper into me. My breathing was coming in short sharp bursts as I readily accepted this beautiful impalement, and if the truth be known, I could have stayed like this forever. Unfortunately, time want on our side and John began slowly withdrawing.
John pulled his cock from my ass and teased me a little before plunging it deep inside me again. Then he started fucking me, his cock stretching my ass with each forward thrust, long deep strokes designed to drive me crazy. Occasionally, he’d withdraw his prick completely, leaving me with an empty ache which could only be exorcised by eight inches of rampant cock. Gradually, John picked up the tempo and to make sure I didn’t miss a thing, I timed my thrusts to meet his.
To fill the void in my cunt, I shifted my weight onto one arm and reached down between my legs. A delightful shiver of pleasure rippled down my spine as my fingers caressed my extremely sensitive clitoris. For the next few… seconds, minutes, hours… to be honest, I’m not sure but for however long it was, my world consisted of John’s wonderful cock and my slender fingers. Our tempo kept increasing and our bodies were making delicious slapping sounds as they collided against each other. Each time he buried himself in my backside, my panties stifled a heartfelt groan, literally forced out of my lungs by the force of his pounding.
Although it had been a while since my last shag, this was definitely worth the wait. I’ll admit, being in an alley, getting gloriously screwed by Marilyn’s husband, was probably not my wisest decision but was making this one of the best fucks ever. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t help it. The fact that our friendship, their marriage, and my reputation was on the line, just wasn’t important. What did matter was; the large prick pounding my ass and the orgasm I was about to have.
Another deep thrust sent me spiraling over the edge. John ground his pelvis against my buttocks for extra depth but I was already gone. My legs began to shake violently as muscles everywhere started contracting and expanding. Stomach cramps followed, making breathing very difficult and John’s cock felt even bigger as my back passage tightened around his rock hard shaft.
“Oh Goddd, don’t stop,” I screamed. “I’m cummminnggg. Oh yeeesss.” If I hadn’t been for my own panties, I’m sure we would have been heard above the loud music, such was my outburst, but luckily for me, no hordes of footsteps could be heard coming, unlike me. My body shuddered uncontrollably when John, obeying my plea, resumed his pounding, eliciting soft little whimpers from me.
Much like the earlier orgasm I’d had this evening, cum flooded my cunt and the slick, sweet juices easily escaped from my gaping orifice. Small aftershocks racked my body as my fingers pressed nice and hard against my clit. As the warm fluid trickled down the inside of my thighs, I heard a commotion approaching the alley and feared the worst.
A group of people were walking past the entrance to the alleyway and had stopped to see what was going on. Because it was dimly lit, I’m sure we weren’t recognizable, but due to a distant street lamp backlighting us, our silhouettes were clearly visible.
As John kept up his magnificent thrusting, the crowd began catcalling and whistling as they realized what they were seeing. Two people, in a dark alley, joined at the hips can only mean one thing and they were quick to catch on. Luckily for us, it was all good natured and after the initial fascination of seeing something taking place, that shouldn’t have, they gradually moved away amidst peals of raucous laughter and drunken shouts of encouragement. Although the immediate panic I had felt, which surged through my body just as my orgasm had moments earlier, was now rapidly fading away, I was well aware that John was about shot his load.
“Oh Jesus, I don’t think I can hold on much longer Andrea…” he moaned softly. “Oh shit, I’m cumming!” John roared, still tightly holding my hips. I spat out my panties and looked over my shoulder.
“Baby, let me watch you cum,” I panted, “it’s what you wanted to do anyway.”
A smile appeared on his contorted features as he concentrated on delaying the inevitable, and then everything seemed to happen so fast. In one choreographed movement, he pulled his throbbing erection from my bum and spun me around with his hands. As I turned I automatically sank to my haunches and grabbed hold of the slippery erection wavering in front of me. I opened my mouth to receive his warm offering and began tugging. Sure enough, I felt his seed surging up the greasy shaft.
“Aaahhh yes, yes I’m cuming.”
Time seemed to stand still as the first salvo exploded from his engorged helmet and bridged the short distance between us. A stream of hot thick spunk landed on my chin, over my face, and in my blond hair. The second load followed directly and joined the first.
Greedily I enclosed my lips around the engorged helmet and felt another volley of seed splatter powerfully against the back of my throat. Determined to milk every last drop from his balls, my hand continued pumping his flesh until he finally begged me to stop. I released his erection from my hungry mouth and looked up at him, licking my lips. He smiled down at me, grabbing his cock and used it to smear his cream into my skin. Then he presented it to me for cleaning.
“Mmmm, your spunk is delicious, Darling,” I murmured, hungrily licking the last remnants from his manhood. “Do you have any more for me?” I asked mischievously. For an answer, John just grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me to my feet.
“Not now, Andrea, we haven’t got the time. We’ve been gone long enough as it is.”
“I didn’t hear you complaining when your cock was up my ass,” I sniggered, but it was obvious his sense of humor had gone AWOL.
“Here,” he said a bit agitated and handed me my panties from the ground. “Wipe your face clean and let’s get out of here.”
“Andrea, next week when Marilyn goes dancing, I’m gonna come over and fuck the living daylights out of you. And that’s a fucking promise.”
“Well see,” I replied wantonly. He pointed a finger at me to emphasize his intention and I mentally began counting down towards Thursday. Saying nothing, but smiling smugly, I made myself decent and stuffed my soiled panties into my handbag. When we arrived back at the marquee, Eric and Marilyn were sitting at the table, drinking beer and it didn’t seem like we were missed at all. How wrong was I?
“Where have you two been all this time?” Marilyn asked conversationally.
“Well, after we had a smoke, Andrea was hungry, so I treated her to a delicious juicy hot dog,” John answered deadpan, hardly daring to look at me.
“Mmmm, I’m feeling a bit peckish myself,” she commented innocently. “If they’re that tasty, maybe I ought to have one!”