A caped rider off in the night
He as little time too waste
Riding with purpose at midnight.
He brings his ride to a halt
The first house is that of Gwen
Ravages her on the table
There’s little time to spend.
Quickly he rides to the next stop
Pretty lass Susie waits at the door
Off his ride and he jumps her
Then finishes her on the floor.
At the manor is the milk maid
Quietly rides the tack not to rattle
She gives him a blow job
Right there in the saddle.
Off once more, into the night
The Guernsey twins are his next stop
There one sits astride his face
While the other bounces on top.
There’s no more time to waste
He races into the dark night
He has yet to screw sweet Pamela
The brand new vicar’s wife.
Next is lovey little Rebecca
Seventeen just this last May
He saw to her virginity then
She offer it up to him that day.
Back on his horse again
Riding harder and without haste
Just a few more stops to make
Time is fleeting now don’t waste.
Victoria sitting on the porch
With her legs spread wide
Jumping off his steed and there
His cock into her he did hide.
Riding further into the dark
A cabin by the road he saw
Lovely Jacky offers him a bite
Then upon her pussy he did gnaw
Off to the next homestead he rode
Poor Beatrix was tearing a weep
Tis my time this day sir
Please come back next week.
Riding harder trying to gain time
A small cottage did his horse stop
He runs into house of Janice
And right there gives her a pop.
He’s rides up to one last house
More slowly the at first ride
At the door there to greet him
His wife by the door inside.
He sweeps her up into his arms
Then quickly to bed they guide
He mounts her there and then
He takes but just one last ride.
So who is this caped rider
I would have thought it quite clear
This was that other midnight ride
Of the famous Paul Revere.