It was just starting to snow as the blonde entered the lobby and pressed the button for 725. “Inger, is that you?” A feminine voice called out over the speaker.
“Yeah, Barb, it’s me.”
“Um, you’re kinda late.”
“I know, I know. Buzz me in, will ya?”
The buzzer rasped and Inger opened the door to the lobby, took the elevator to the seventh floor and knocked twice on 725.
Barbra, a pert brunette with shoulder length hair and wearing a Terrycloth robe, opened the door with one hand while holding a glass of white wine in the other and let Inger in.
“I was under the impression we were gonna do some bar hopping looking for Mr. Right,” she said.
Inger made herself comfortable on the leather couch Barb had picked up at a consignment store the week before. Running a hand over the smooth, but worn leather, Inger said, “It’s nice, Barb. I think you got a real deal on this.”
“Thanks, but you’re more than two hours late. What happened?”
“Could I please have some wine first?” Inger replied.
“Sure if you don’t mind Gallo by the gallon.”
“Ugh … well, beggars can’t be choosers.”
“Yeah, you could have brought a nicer vintage if you’re gonna be a friggin’ connoisseur.”
“Sorry, Barb, but wait ‘til you hear about my little adventure.”
Barb perked up at her friends words. “Adventure? Do tell.”
“The wine, Barb, please, I really need a drink.”
Holding her robe closed with one hand, Barb walked into her kitchenette, picked up the wine and filled two large glasses to the brim and came back, handing one glass to Inger then carefully took a sip to lower the wine’s level in her own glass and joined her friend on the leather couch.
“So tell me about this big adventure.”
Inger held up a hand, took a big swallow of the Gallo White, grimaced at the lack of flavor and said, “Okay, I was walking alone down 14 th Street because I had some time to kill.”
“You had time to kill and you’re this late?”
“Stop interrupting, Barb. You know what I mean. You take forever to get ready. I was giving you time, figuring we’d be fashionably late for…what the fuck am I talking about? We were going to pop in and out of some bars, for Christ’s sake. There was no set time frame. And I know, I know, I am late. But let me tell you why.”
“Go on, tell me.” Barb said, drawing her legs up under her and pulling the robe tight around her to keep the warmth in.
Inger nodded and resumed talking. “So I popped into a Nedick’s and grabbed a hotdog and an orange drink, you know, to fortify me for a while. I’m still chewing on the last of the dog when this well-dressed guy, maybe thirty, thirty-thirty-five comes onto me, saying, “Excuse me, but you’re a most attractive woman and I wonder if I might have a few words with you?”
It took me a second or so before I realized he was holding a video camera and had it focused on me.
“Well, you know the city is full of whackos that come in all shapes and sizes. But this guy seemed harmless. I say that on account of how he kept his distance, not coming too close, you know?”
“So you heard him out?”
“Yeah, well sort of. Anyway, I said, ‘what’s your problem?’”
“Problem?” he says, “I don’t have a problem. I have a beautiful girl talking to me. That’s hardly a problem.”
“It could become one, Mister. I don’t normally speak to strangers on the streets of Manhattan; especially at night.”
“Oh, then my name is Joey and I was … well, I wanted to tell you how attractive you are … how photogenic, and….”
“But what is your name, if I may ask?”
I don’t know why exactly, but he was so nice and persistent that before I knew it, I was blurting out my name to him.”
“Inger,” he said, repeating my words. “A lovely name for a lovely lady.”
I think it was at that moment that I noticed his cologne. I couldn’t place it, and you know how I am about things like that, Barb.”
“Yeah, you go nutso until you can place it, or find out its name.”
“Right, and so for that reason I kept talking to Mr. Persistent; even though the damn camera was annoying as hell.”
“So what was the name of the cologne?”
“I never thought to ask him.”
“You never asked him?”
“No, we, umm, got to talking and shit and I forgot.”
“I’ll bet he was some talker to make you forget something like that, Inger.”
“Well, he told me right off that I was beautiful.”
Barb laughed, and said, “He certainly knew how to get your attention.”
“Shut up!” And laughed along with her friend.
“Then he asked me if I’d pose for him.”
“All this with the camera going?”
“Yeah, I almost forgot about, but not quite. Anyway, I was quick to tell him I wasn’t interested in posing for him or anyone else.”
He didn’t bat an eye, just kept talking, “But why not? Surely you know how attractive you are.
“Are you from Brooklyn?”
“No, Queens.”
“So, you are a big city girl. You must value money.”
“Of course I value money. Who doesn’t? That’s a dumb question.”
”But it got you talking to me, didn’t it? Why I even bet you don’t remember my name.”
“Of course I do, it’s Joey.” I pretended to be pissed off at him and turned away. I got two steps before he called out: “Would $70 interest you in posing just a little bit?”
I thought of those shoes we saw at the mall yesterday. Do you recall them?”
“Yeah, weren’t they like $300 bucks?”
“$282.75 to be exact. I really loved them, but didn’t have that kind of money to spend on them. Suddenly this guy had my interest.
The thing about him was that he never shut up, just kept on chattering away. “If only you would say show me your breasts…”
“No, go away!’ I said, but stood there waiting for what he had to say next.
“They are very nice breasts … very big. I bet your boyfriend likes to look at them.”
I was thinking about the shoes and didn’t catch what he’d said for a second or two. Then I said something brilliant, like, “What?”
“I said I bet your boyfriend likes to see your breasts.”
“What if he does? He’s my boyfriend after all.”
“Yes, and that’s why I’m willing to pay you for the privilege. Believe me it would be a privilege to see them.”
“You’re crazy!”
“No, I’m not crazy. Well, I’m crazy to see your lovely body. But otherwise I’m not crazy at all.”
I tried calling you then Barb, but got a busy signal.
“Yeah? I was trying to get you!”
“Oh shit! Isn’t that always the way?”
“Yeah, crazy isn’t it?”
“So what happened next?”
“He asked me who I was calling. I said my boyfriend.”
“Oh, you liar!”
“Yeah, well, he said, how can your boyfriend’s phone be busy? I don’t understand; why I would keep my phone open at all times if you might call me. There you are, as pretty as you are and his line is busy… maybe talking to another girl. I would never do that to you.”
I rolled my eyes as if exasperated and turned away from him.
“So where are you going now that your boyfriend’s not answering?”
“If you must know I’m going to my girlfriend’s that’s where!”
What I couldn’t understand was why I wasn’t putting some distance between us and walking away. But there was something about his persistence.”
“Yeah, and the money that might help get those shoes, maybe?” Barb said caustically.
“Fuck you, Barb. You’re just being catty.”
“Can I come along? Maybe she would like to pose for me too?”
“I’m not taking you to her place!”
“Then come with me to mine. I have a hotel room just down the block. It’s a nice hotel and we can get out of the cold.”
I had to laugh at that. But just then the wind picked up and I shivered with the sudden cold blast.
“So you’re laughing! He said happily. That’s good. Let’s get out of the cold, the forecast is for snow. Will you come with me?”
Now I should tell you that even before he spoke to me he was videoing me. By this point I’d grown used to it and was able to ignore it.
“I thought of the shoes … I really wanted them. The money looked easy enough. I’d let him see my tits and that would be that plus the promised money, which I told myself I’d get up front.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll go with you. How much further is your hotel?”
“Two blocks, just two blocks.”
It was really frigid and after a sudden gust of wind nearly blew my skirt up over my head I realized I was standing there stamping my cold feet on the sidewalk while listening to him. You know, they say women are talkers. Well I want to tell you this guy never shut up. He kept chattering away. Half the time he wasn’t saying anything coherent, but it didn’t matter, he kept talking and talking. He had a nice voice, not overly husky or anything, but it certainly had a calming effect on me. I forgot to worry about his being a complete stranger when everybody knows it’s dangerous to do. It’s like inviting trouble. But his voice was soothing, almost hypnotic in a way, and he kept his distance, never getting in my space.
I kept thinking about the damn shoes. And all but agreed to pose for him by saying, “I get the money before I go in the room, right?”
“Well the money is in the room, but as soon as we get in then yes, I’ll give you the money. But you must promise not to run out until we’re finished with the posing.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll pose for your pictures.”
“Oh, wonderful,” he said, “we can make such beautiful pictures together!”
When we got to his hotel room I saw that it was just a tiny room; just a bed and a chair and a bathroom.
“Make yourself comfortable,” he said and went on to tell me I had the most expressive eyes he’d seen in quite some time.
“Really,” I said, probably wanting to hear more. He didn’t disappoint me. You have the most beautiful eyes, and I have to mention from what I can see your breasts are magnificent!’”
He was getting to me, I have to admit it.
“He got to you long before that Inger,” Barb said, neglecting to close her robe which had fallen open exposing a good deal of her thigh.
“Yeah, I think it was when I thought of the shoes.”
“You know it, Inger.”
“Anyway I told him he had a good line of bull.”
He looked confused. “What’s that mean?” He said.
“I mean you have a good line of bullshit.”
“But I’m not bullshitting you. I mean what I say!”
“If you’re not bullshitting me, then where’s my money?”
“Oh, the money!” he said and went to a bag at the foot of the bed and counted out $75.
“It was supposed to be $70,” I said.
“That’s all right. I think you’re worth $75. Now why don’t you take off that coat and sit down?”
I should point out that he was already sitting in the chair fiddling with another camera on a tri-pod. I had little choice but to sit on the bed. I took my coat off and sat on the bed.
He kept talking in this soft, reassuring tone. “I like your blouse, is it a blouse or something else?”
“It’s a body suit,” I answered and slapped his hand away from my breast.
“Don’t touch!” I said and meant it.
“But you’ve such beautiful breasts, surely you like having them caressed.”
“My boyfriend caresses them, that’s enough for me. “
“But if he’s the only one touching them, how do you know for sure?’
“I know,” I said and then grew confused. “What? What did you just say?”
“I’ll tell you what, Inger, lovely Inger. You show me those magnificent breasts and I’ll give you another $50.”
I started to flush at the thought of letting him see my tits, but that fifty bucks would add up to a hundred and twenty-five. And I did want those shoes.
“You just want to see my breasts?”
“Yes, that’s all, Inger my sweet.”
I stood up and removed my skirt in order to get at the snap of the body suit.
He never stopped chattering away and I suppose that made things easier for me. Somehow he seemed less of a threat as he talked. Still and all, I was so nervous that I had a bitch of a time releasing the snap at my crotch and almost tore the body suit off me.
“No bra, right?” Barb chirped and suppressed a knowing giggle.
“Right as rain, Barb. You don’t feel or look right with a bra under a body suit.”
“So he could see your nips all along.”
“I guess.”
“So now you’re standing in just your panties?”
“Umm, my thongy, yeah.”
“What’d he say when he saw them?”
Inger laughed. “You won’t believe it.”
“Oh, Inger, by now I’ll believe almost anything.”
“Okay, he said, and I quote: “Holy Mother of God! I don’t believe my eyes!’”
“Very complementary,” Barb said as she carefully filled their wine glasses again.
“Umm, thanks,” Inger said, taking a sip. “He was a shrewd bastard, that Joey. He reached out and gave my left tit a little squeeze. “Stop that! No touching!” I groused and meant it.
“Oh he was all apologies then, couldn’t stop apologizing. But as soon as I relax my defenses, he started again, only this time he’s complementing my babies, saying shit like how full they are, how firm, and look, look how they stand out, so proud.
“Listen, that shit gets to you after a while. What he was doing was wearing down my resistance. So when he asked how heavy they were, he had me. I honestly had no idea. I mean, I know they’re fucking heavy. I do need to wear a firm bra, but I’d never considered how much they weighed or anything like that.”
“So you let him lift them,” Barb said knowingly.
“Yeah,” Inger replied somewhat forlornly. “I did let him.”
“So tell me, exactly what did he do?”
“Just what he asked to do. He sort of hefted one and then the other. I should mention that with my clothes off the room was kinda cold and his hands were warm and I kinda welcomed the warmth.”
“Of course you did,” Barb said smugly.
“Hey, fuck you, Barb. Oh, and while you’re at it, how about another glass of this fine Gallo Brothers vintage, what is it, next year’s blend?”
Barb laughed and got up, her robe falling completely open revealing that all she wore underneath was a pair of lacy panties. She returned with the gallon jug and filled both their glasses.
“Mmmm, where was I?” Inger asked.
“He was feeling your babies and you were liking it,” barb giggled. Inger noted that her friend had neglected to close the robe and glanced at her crotch seeing a tuft of pubic hair peeking out above the panty top.
“Mmm, yeah. I let him warm them up until he was playing with the nipples. I told him to stop and he did.”
“So he let you take control for a while and then he’d try something else until you stopped him again,” Barb said.
“Umm, yeah, sort of,” Inger agreed.
“Playing Cat and Mouse with you and you didn’t know it.”
“Mmmm, I guess not,” Inger conceded.
“Thinking about those shoes, weren’t you?”
“I guess.”
“So tell me oh ye of the bountiful babies,” Barb half-giggled, “where did he move to next?”
Inger touched her right breast, and then the left as if reassuring herself that Joey hadn’t stolen them away from her. Realizing what she was doing, she gave Barb a sly grin, but said nothing.
“By my count you’ve still got two lovelies tucked away in there,” Barb laughed and Inger, slightly embarrassed, laughed along with her.
“Umm, to answer your question, Barb, he commended my underwear.”
“Did he now? Just what did he say; I’m very curious because I suspect you were about ten seconds away from peeling them off and showing him your money maker.”
“Stop it!”
“I’m right, aren’t I?” Barb laughed and her robe opened revealing both of her pear-shaped breasts. Inger saw that her nipples were taut and knew her friend was highly aroused.
But she didn’t call attention to them, instead she resumed her commentary, saying, “You’re close, Barb. He said something about them being very nice and probably very expensive.
“How much did you pay for them?” he asked.
I had no idea; Jeff bought them for my birthday. Silly me told Joey.
He said, “ It looks spectacular on you. Now come on, show me that lovely pussy hiding under there.
I don’t know about that….”
“Oh, yes you did. Come out and play little pussy. Is that what he said?”
“No! In fact he asked me to lay down on the bed and pose in them.”
“And you did.”
“And then he tried to take them off.”
“No, but he asked me to do it.”
“Aha! Hello, little Miss Pantiless.”
“Oh, ho, look who’s talking, Miss Lookit my tits.”
“Oops,” Barb said quickly closing the robe. “Didn’t realize my twins were out for a walk.”
They both laugh as they sipped their wine. Each knowing full well the breasts popping out was not an accident.
“Anyway, Joey kept up his chatter, saying something like: “Come on, why don’t you lay on the bed and slowly take off the underwear.”
So I lay back and slowly peeled them off me.
“Off come the panties…” he whispered. “I tell you Barb, he gave me goosebumps; it was like he was in awe of my pussy!”
“Look at that!” he said. “Fantastic!” he was breathing heavily. Well I think I was too.
“Does it excite you that a stranger is watching you?” he asked.
“Oh, your pussy is beautiful. It’s the most beautiful one I have ever seen. It looks delicious.”
“I bet you had visions of him going down on you there and then,” Barb giggled.
“I… I honestly don’t recall, but I was rubbing my breasts with one hand back and forth… first one then the other.”
He spoke so softly, so smoothly that I didn’t understand what he said next.
“I think you like to show your pussy. You’re a very naughty girl showing me your pussy like this.
He touched me then, saying, “It’s so soft, what a lovely pussy you have. Don’t you enjoy being naughty like this.”
I pushed his hand away, but found I needed to be touched there, so I touched myself, as if to see if what he’d said was true.
“Do you like playing with your pussy?”
“How often do you play with it?”
“Maybe twice a week,” I lied. I play with myself every day. Well, almost,” Inger said with a rueful grin.
He touched me again, rubbing a finger along my slit. “It’s beautifully soft, quite delicate, and if you could see what I’m seeing you’d see its smiling at me as if to say, ‘I’m a naughty pussy.’”
I couldn’t help but laugh at him, he was so fuckin’ silly. It was at this point that he actually sent a finger into me. I shuddered, wanting more, but he took it out and put my hand back on it and asked me to open it so he could see inside.
No problem , I thought, and spread my labia apart to give him a good look.
His finger went in about an inch or so.”
“He was toying with you, Inger.”
“Yeah, but I was lovin’ it. Anyway, he says, ‘Oh, look how wet you are! That proves you have a naughty pussy.’”
“No!” I said in protest.
“Feel it!” He said and my finger joined his in rubbing my slit.”
“So, were you wet?” Barb asked trying to hide a smirk.
“Of course I was! I’d forgotten about the money. All I wanted was for him to make me cum.”
“That’s the Inger I know!” Barb laughed wildly until Inger joined in, spilling some wine on the leather couch.
“What do you think about when you’re playing with that fine pussy?” He asked.
“Men,” I said.
“Not your boyfriend?”
“Yes, my boyfriend, but sometimes other men.”
Do you fantasize about doing things with other men?”
“Yes I think about them in many ways.”
“Such as?”
“All kinds of things,” I said not wanting to get too specific.
His response caught me off guard. “Please move your pussy closer to the camera,” and I did, wondering what I should admit I wanted to do with my fantasy man.
His finger was back in my hole and I was rubbing my clit. It was like we were a fucking team, working my pussy.
I couldn’t believe how I felt towards this man I’d just met less than an hour before. I had never thought about doing anything remotely close to this, but here I was totally exposed and touching myself while he kept talking and talking while videoing me.
“Oh, my, he nailed you, didn’t he?” Barb cawed, but it was evident that Inger’s tale had her excited, for she was running her hand over her breast, which was completely exposed.
Either Inger failed to hear Barb’s comment, or choose to ignore it, for she continued talking. “I dipped a finger inside me and found that I was very wet. Very wet,” she said, repeating herself as if to fortify what was to come.
“Why don’t you open it for me again … let me see its inner beauty?”
I did.
“Absolute poetry,” he cooed.
I was melting down there, Barb. I was fuckin’ melting from his words.
“Why not show me what you can do with your pussy.”
“I…I can show you some. But don’t touch me.”
But he wasn’t listening to me. He was hypnotizing me, or mesmerizing me. I’m not sure which, but he was almost controlling my every move.
“But can I … just a little?” he said imploringly.
I didn’t say yes. I didn’t say no, and his middle finger slipped into me and poked around before I managed to push his hand away, telling him, “No, I … I’ll do it.”
Barb was silent, now engrossed in touching herself by sending a hand into her panties. Inger saw her but ignored it.
“Can you make yourself cum for me?” he asked.
“Yeah,” I told him. “Sure I can.”
“I was rubbing hard … getting close … he made me feel so fuckin’ naughty.”
“You love to fuck yourself don’t you?”
“You’re such a naughty bitch,” he said, and then he took over, fingering me and rubbing my clit until I was on the brink of cumming.
Then he stopped, having remembered something he wanted to do to me.
“Wait just a minute my lovely pussy. I have a present for you!”
I thought he was going to fuck me, but he produced a pair of metal balls … they were slightly bigger than golf balls, and were attached by a cord of some kind.
“Here, put them inside you. You’ll love what they do to you,” he purred.
“Of course I couldn’t hold them, my hands were trembling. I was completely out of it, you know?”
“I think I do,” Barb replied, working her hand furiously inside her panties.
“I … I’m kinda hot myself, Barb. Mind if I loosen this body suit a little?”
“No … no, go on.”
Inger tugged at the snap holding the body suit together at her crotch and giggled as it opened.
“What?” Barb inquired, wondering why her friend was giggling.
“I … I’m fuckin’ soaked down there. It’s a swamp of juices.”
“Oh …” Barb replied, “Me too. Awfully wet myself.”
As Inger sent a finger into her pussy, she gasped, “Oh, oh … Ohhh!”
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Barb sighed.
“Mmmm, yeah … where was I?”
“The golf balls….”
“Oh, yeah, the balls … Joey pushed the first one into me. I managed to shove the second one in after it … then something happened. I think … yeah, I remember it now … I was shifting a little trying to get all the balls inside me when Joey pressed his hand down on my clit, maybe not on it exactly, maybe a bit higher up and things went crazy.”
Barb hesitated a moment in her fingering to ask, “You went crazy?”
“Yeah,” Inger replied in a dreamy tone. “I went fuckin’ crazy ‘cause the first ball was rubbin’ my G-Spot.”
“You feel it, don’t you?” He says.
“I do, I do,” I mumbled, and Inger laughed before adding, “as if I was getting married.
“Oh … I had been so close to cumming before that. So blissful, I wanted it to go on and on and on. But when that ball rubbed across my ‘G’ I started fucking the air and everything else around me. Christ, I couldn’t stop cumming! I was flopping this way and that … groaning and sobbing … while he rubbed my tits and my clit and kept talking while I came and came and came.”
After I calmed down some, he asked me if I’d like to go down to the café on the corner and have a cup of coffee.
“Coffee sounded wonderful, but the thought of going out in the cold so soon caused me to turn the offer down.
“We have other things we can do,” he said in that smooth voice of his.
“Such as?” I asked. I tell you, Barb My brain wasn’t moving to swiftly at the time.
“We could fuck,” he said as he lowered his fly.
“We could fuck …” I said as if this was the solution to all mankind’s woes.
“Look what I have for you? See how hard it is for you?”
“His cock was bouncing up and down in front of my face.”
“What’d you do?” Barb grunted as she frigged herself furiously.
Inger laughed at her friend and tried to see how many fingers she could get in her own pussy before answering. She managed four while making an unmistakable squishy sound.
“Oh …” Barb sighed at the sound. “So … so was he a good fuck?”
“He … was … great!” Inger gasped as she came hard and fell back into the couch cushion. A moment later Barb groaned loudly, and then came almost as hard as Inger had.
“Please, suck my pussy, I know we’ve never done this … but I want you between my legs, I need you to go down on me. I want to taste you too. Please … tongue fuck me, I want to cum on your face, I need you to eat my cunt.”
“Will you make me cum again, if I do?”
Inger managed to smile at her friend and turned herself round on the couch and said “Of course I will.”
A long moment passed then Barb climbed on top of Inger and buried herself in her sopping pussy. She used both hands to spread the wet folds of Inger’s lips, giving her much better access to her hard clit. As she started to lick and suck, Inger shifted enough so that her face furrowed into Barb’s cunt returning the favor.
In short order both women were writhing on the couch, their tongues lapping away at each other with more and more urgency. Inger came first, her juices spilling into Barb’s eager mouth. This sent Barb over the top and she came hard, grinding her mound into Inger’s mouth, both forced their respective pussies onto each other’s mouths until long after their orgasms subsided.
Barb got up, neglecting to pull her robe back on and went to the window and looked out.
“Someone will see you,” Inger called out.
“So what if they do? It’s really snowing out. You’ll have to sleep over.”
“Okay, thanks,” Inger said wearily, for she was very tired, but also very satisfied.
“Umm, you think you might could find this guy again?’ Barb asked softly.
A fleeting smile crossed Inger’s face but she quickly suppressed it before answering.
“Maybe,” she said, “Why?”
It was Barb’s turn to smile. “Well, I was thinking, I could use a new pair of shoes myself.