I Love You Daddy- Part 3

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The next morning, Master woke up before I did. When I finished doing my hair and makeup in the bathroom, I went straight to the living room without getting dressed. I remembered he had something serious to talk about with me and I didn’t want to appear overly guarded or haughty.

I found him in the computer nook, fully dressed in one of his work suits, with the administrator page of the website opened.

“Daddy…” I began. He was tapping the right hand of his chair and his brow was furrowed.

“Daddy…what is it you wanted to talk about?”

“I noticed yesterday a few of the website’s paying members let their subscriptions run out. It happened again this morning. I still have a few more payments to make on the Jag, too.”

“I’m sorry Daddy.”

“You also spent quite a lot of money yesterday at the salon.”

I knew it. I swallowed against my shame.

“I overspent my allowance, didn’t I?”

“No baby you didn’t, but you came within a hundred dollars of overspending and I can’t have you being frivolous with money when the website isn’t drawing much in. Your allowance comes out of the website, and that’s money I could be putting to something useful.”

I held my hands at my side, like I’m supposed to when he’s talking to me. He doesn’t like fidgeting, but at this moment it was almost impossible not to. I slowly ran one leg up and down the calf of the other.

“You also came when you weren’t supposed to last night. On one hand, that video of you shooting your load over the balcony while getting bent over is your most frequently watched, but on the other, you know the rules.”

“I do.”


He wheeled his chair to face me, still looking thoughtful and distant.

“Today you have a job to do. You are to dress as if you are about to go to a job interview. Since this is a job for the website, you will be interviewed by those who view it. I put an announcement on the home page that anyone who wishes to interview you may do so, with the address for the interview site. I also opened a forum for our subscribers to make requests. We’ll see if this gives the website the boost in needs and until then your allowance is suspended.”

“Thank you for this opportunity to make amends.”

“Baby you are welcome. Now get dressed.”

In the bedroom I put on the same black pencil skirt, dress shirt, dress jacket, black leggings and nice, open-toed black heels I wore to my first meeting with Master. When my old Master told me he had a buyer, he said the client wanted me to dress as if I were going to a job interview. The buyer who would become my Master met me in one of his nicest Armani suits. He asked me a few questions, checked my holes and my clit and told the old Master he would buy me for twice as much as was offered.

The old Master said that if he was willing to pay that much, then he should buy one of his fully trained slaves. I had no training at all. Master said part of what he was paying for was the opportunity to train me himself and he did so for about four months. During that time I was confined only to the bedroom when he wasn’t home. I had a leash around my neck binding me to a bed post, with enough slack to use the bathroom if I wanted, but only to go pee. I was not yet permitted to masturbate or wear clothing, but I was permitted to wear makeup.

When he was home, he would unhook me for as much time as I needed to clean the apartment and make dinner and drinks, then back to the leash. He said my hole stretched and became relaxed sooner than any slave he had ever owned, but I still get really shocked whenever anything happens to my hole. I still scream sometimes, but Master says screaming is okay. After four months of training, he paid for my electrolysis, breast implants and facial feminization surgery. I’ll never love anyone as much as him.

After putting on some nice dark mascara and eye shadow and pink lip gloss and spraying my blonde, red high-lighted hair, I met him again in the living room.

We drove across town in his new Jag. We eventually came to this place with a lot of dealers and prostitutes standing around. We parked outside of a motel that was sandwiched between a liquor store and a big, plain, ominous concrete building. Outside of the motel was a young, rake thin girl with a blue-dyed boy cut. She wore a black latex mini skirt, a leather jacket and her face was covered in piercings.

Master led me inside by the hand. I hoped he would comment on my red nail polish, but he didn’t. Inside the motel’s lobby I was instantly hit with the smell of Nag Champa incense, some sort of generic floor wash and weed. There was a little alcove with a TV and some empty couches. Soon me and Master were standing in front of the desk attendant, who had salt and pepper hair and a face that was devastated with wrinkles. When he opened his mouth to speak I noticed he was missing a few teeth.

“Good morning, Alex! Is this the nice young lady with a giving heart?”

I smiled my biggest smile and gave a brief wave. Master loves my smile.

“She is indeed. Which room?”

“101,” he said as he slid a key over the desk into Master’s dark hand. On the wall to the right of the desk I noticed photographs tacked up. I leaned forward and peered at them, and they were all of people having sex or standing around naked, mostly women. The backgrounds of the pictures were shadowy.

“Thank you, Al,” Master said as he led me down a hall to our right. Something about the wood flooring felt fake and my heels echoed in a really strange way. When Master unlocked a door and led me inside, I had decided this was the worst motel I’d ever seen.

The whole place stank of carpet shampoo and cigarettes. There was nothing but a bed, a TV and an arm chair.

“Stand to the left of the bed, baby.”

I wordlessly obeyed but the temptation to ask what the hell we were doing here was intense. Master pulled a rolled up length of wire from the inside of his jacket.

“Hands above your head, baby.”

I did it but it moved my jacket in an awkward way. It was too warm in here. I needed to take my jacket off.

Master stood as close as possible to me and wrapped the wire around my wrists, cinched it until it cut into my skin, then climbed on the bed. The wire wasn’t very long, apparently, as it barely reached the low ceiling. Directly above me was the kind of hook that chandeliers are normally hung on. Master wrapped what remained of the wire around it, climbed off the bed and walked away, with the door wide open. One or two people walked by, mostly youngish guys. Maybe five minutes passed and I was starting to get seriously scared when Master came back with a tripod and his camera. He set it up directly to my left so the camera had a full profile view of me, and the bed to my right.

After taking a minute to adjust the camera, he came back over.

“Baby, today you are going to be interviewed by our website’s viewers to determine whether or not you are cut out for this job. You are not to speak unless spoken to and you are to let them do whatever they want to you. The door to this room will remain open and anyone at all might come in and interview you between now and five o’clock this evening. At five o’clock, the desk attendant will release you and I’ll have a car waiting for you outside. Do you understand what you will be doing, today?”

“Yes, Sir, I do.”

“Of course you do baby. You’re smart enough to know you are my property, but sometimes things like this are necessary.”


“Yes, baby?”

“I’m sorry I came when Zach was fucking my ass on the patio.”

“You also know you are not to come unless the interviewers give you express permission?”

“Yes, Sir, I do.”

“Good girl. I’ll see you tonight.”

With that he unceremoniously left the room, as if he was just stepping out for a cigarette. My hands were tied together, palms open, so I wrapped my fingers around each other and squeezed to take my mind off of the wire cutting into me and the burn that was slowly growing in my forearms. The only other time Master had ever tied me was during my training. He had tied my wrists and ankles to the bed posts, lubed up his cock and began pounding away. He let me have it as hard as he could give it even though I’d never taken anything in my hole before.

He believed in jumping into the deep end. After he brutally fucked my shit hole for an hour, he shoved a fat vibrator inside of me, turned it on high and left the bedroom to have a few drinks. When he came back, he was ready to continue drilling me. After another hour he came again and then he untied me to give me an enema in the bathroom. While he did it, he showed me how to do it myself. I was to give myself an enema every time I took a shower. He told me it was his favorite hole, which meant that taking care of it was my most important duty, more important than everything else. It was also why my ass training was so essential and had to be completed before we moved onto anything else. That was the first video we ever made and it was one of the most popular on the website. It used to be the most downloaded video. It seemed like all of my training videos were downloaded more than any we filmed since. There were also a lot of subscribers to the live stream of the security cameras in the apartment. The videos of me going pee, playing with my clit or giving myself an enema in the bathroom were also kind of popular. I wondered how my first training video was doing compared to the video of the patio fuck fest.

As hard as he had tied me, though, I wasn’t standing with my arms above my head at that time. Several minutes passed and the burn in my arms became a truly torturous ache. The pain made me feel the sweat on my body even more. My shirt already felt sticky and I was wondering if my makeup might run. The switched-off fan in the middle of the ceiling looked like a cruel joke.

I had totally lost track of time when I heard laughter down the hall. Two Asian boys walked in, they looked like they were maybe eighteen or twenty.

“Oh my god it’s actually her!” said the taller boy, laughing.

“This is the chick with a dick?” asked the other, who was obviously about to explode with nervousness and lust. I could see the bulge in his pants.

“Dude don’t you remember the video I showed you? This is the dick girl who got drilled in the kitchen then took that dude’s load on her face and titties.”

The other boy still looked like he felt like he was on another planet.

“She’s like…tied up though.”

“Yeah, it’s what she and that dude do. She’s here because she wants to be, right baby?”

“Of course I am!” My smile beamed through my sweaty face. “You boys are so adorable, I can’t wait for you two to whip’em out and have your way with me!”

Both boys were beet red. The bigger one slid his shoes and jeans off immediately and ran behind me. I thought he was gonna climb up on the bed so I could suck him off, but instead he unzipped my pencil skirt and slid it down to my thighs. His friend continued to stare, eyes as wide as saucers. I smiled for him. I felt the other boy’s rigid, teenage cock poking around between my butt cheeks, but I couldn’t really spread my legs since the skirt was still around my thighs. I could feel his hot, deep and irregular breaths in my hair.

I wanted to say something to the quiet boy, but Master had been absolutely clear. Do not speak unless spoken to, so I just smiled as wide as I could and licked my lips.

The boy behind me was totally failing to penetrate, but he seemed to be satisfied by grabbing my hips and rubbing his cock through my butt cheeks. His tip slid against my hole a few times and my clit started to grow. When I was half hard, the quiet boy swallowed and walked slowly over, hands anxiously working at his belt until his swollen little rod came springing out. He was so nervous it was adorable. It was so easy to imagine him hiding porn under his bed.

His friend meanwhile had stopped dry humping me and was now feverishly jerking his cock with his tip poking between my cheeks. The quiet boy seemed to feed off his friend’s energy since he pressed his cock against my clit and started jerking us both like crazy. Now that was good. He closed his eyes, rolled his head back and let out a loud sigh. He was jerking pretty hard, but not nearly as hard or fast as his friend. The quiet one eventually stopped jerking and started running his hand over my clit while staring down at it, standing up beside his boy dick.

It was so obvious he had never done anything with it until today.

Rather quickly, he sank to his knees and surprised me by taking my balls in his mouth and sucking. He was doing it too hard, though, and soon I was gasping and whimpering, even though the vibration of his breath and tongue felt great. When he finally let up a little bit, my clit was fully erect, towering over his black hair.

Soon, his friend spread my cheeks as wide as he could, shoved his tip against my hole, and shot his load as he held my cheeks together over his dick. Master had always penetrated me, so nothing like this had ever happened. I had felt jizz run out of my asshole before. Zach had actually sucked his own jizz out my hole, but I never really felt anything like a full load exploding between my cheeks. Soon it was running down my thighs and I almost felt like I was peeing my pants. Afterward, he flopped down on the bed while staring at his friend in an annoyed way. His quiet friend, meanwhile, was slowly tonguing my balls. He let them fall out of his mouth and ran his tongue up my clit. It was hell not being able to tell him to suck me.

He had almost reached my tip when I felt hot, fluid spurts licking my ankles and feet. It was like the nylons weren’t even there and of course I was wearing open-toed heels. It was heart breaking. He was just gonna shoot his load all over my feet and the expensive shoes that covered them and leave without sucking me off. He and his friend were already putting their pants back on, wordless with shock over what they just did. They left the room quickly and anxiously, left me hanging from the ceiling with a painfully swollen clit.

Hours passed. I did my best to keep my head clean of images of Master or his coworkers, but my clit was so rigid. It felt like I would die if I didn’t get myself off through fantasy, but Master said I wasn’t allowed to and the camera was still rolling. Several people walked by without coming in. A man in a black t-shirt pushed the door all the way open, took a picture with his cell phone then continued on his way. The girl with the blue hair and leather jacket I saw outside earlier dragged an older guy inside and gave him a blowjob while he sat in the arm chair. They both came and went without giving any sign that they noticed me.

At what felt like midday, three cops walked in. One of them, with gray eyes and blonde hair, said “It’s a cumslut on a string.”

“Her dick is hanging out.”

“Jesus fucking Christ did she jizz on her own feet?”

The blonde one spoke up again. “Did you come on your feet, cumsucker?”

“No Sir, I didn’t. Master told me specifically not to.”

“She’s just hanging there with the door open, it was probably that skeezy desk attendant,” said the cop who mentioned my clit. He took his belt off, dropped in on the floor and laid down on the bed. He started channel surfing, and the other cop stripped naked and got into bed with him. The blonde one was still staring me down.

“You’ve been peddling your loose, gaping boy pussy all day, haven’t you, cumslut?”

“Yes, Sir, I have.”

The cop with the TV remote had chosen a gay porn movie and the naked cop undid his fly and started sucking him off.

“You’re disgusting,” the blonde continued. “I see sluts like you all the time, on every street corner. None of them have Masters that know how to do their job. I have a lot of respect for your owner since he got me a nice divorce settlement, and I’m certainly not about to arrest his fuck bag. I don’t mess with other men’s property. That being said, I think he has a bit of a soft side. I need to send you back to him with extra training.”

Without warning, he grabbed my jacket and ripped most of it off, leaving only the dark sleeves. He yanked off my top, sending buttons flying and tore away the cloth on my arms. Next, he ripped off my skirt and panties and tore my bra open at the point between the cups. My clit was totally hard again and I was completely naked except for my heels and leggings. The blonde cop was unhooking something from his belt as he disappeared behind me. I felt a strange, round object being pushed into my hole and my legs flew apart.

“Legs, together, slut!”

As I gingerly closed them, I heard a noise that sounded like a bicycle pump. At first, I thought the blonde cop was fucking me with some kind of object, but it wasn’t moving in and out: it was getting bigger. My breath was being sealed in my chest as I realized how big it was getting. It was almost as thick as the thickest dildo Master had ever pegged me with. It got bigger than that, and I started to shudder and moan.

“You like that, slut?”

“Yes, Sir!”

I heard him spit and then he wiped his saliva across my face. The spit combined with my sweat was probably making my makeup run like crazy.

“Don’t you dare let your voice crack, we’re nowhere near done!”

He kept pumping for a few more minutes until it was bigger than anything I had ever taken. I was moaning uncontrollably and had given up standing altogether, but I was still hanging from the ceiling.

“Oh my god,” the cop groaned. “This stupid pig is squealing her head off even though her hole’s been getting pounded all day, her cheeks and her thighs still reek of jizz.”

When the ball was at its biggest, he started pulling it in and out of my hole. As I hung there wheezing and yelling I realized that the two cops on the bed had been loudly fucking for a while now. I barely had it together to notice them. This was the biggest object ever to fuck my hole and this was every bit as intense as my first session of training.

When he finally pulled it out I felt totally drained. I would have fallen on the floor if I wasn’t hanging. I barely had time to catch my breath before the cop was kicking my legs apart and sliding his cock into me. Somehow, I thought taking dick would be easier after that last episode, but it was like the inflated bulb never left, and his hands on my hips were like stone, never to be resisted or disobeyed.

Eventually, the same guy in the black t-shirt who took the cell phone picture of me earlier came back with another guy and they just stood in the door way jacking off. That tied it all together for me and I started moaning more with pleasure than shock, grunting along with the cop’s thrust.

The cop in my ass spit in my hair and yelled, “Ahh I get it, she can’t get in the mood unless there’s someone watching!”

I thought of how this whole day must look on the camera that Master had set up over to the left and I was terrified I was going to come again. I love you, Daddy, so much, and I’ll spend every day in this motel of you want me to, but I want to prove to you that I’m learning from this punishment.

The two cops on the bed appeared to be all done fucking. One of them was getting dressed and the other, still naked, walked over to me, spat on my clit and started jerking me off.

“You boys wanna see this girl come?” he called over to the two men in the door way. He barely had to stroke me for three seconds before I was jizzing all over him and the clothes the blonde one had torn off, which were all in a pile at my feet.

When the blonde one was all done, he laughed and said, “Looks like the cumslut isn’t completely useless, she at least knows she can only come with permission now. But still, better safe than sorry. We don’t wanna let her off the hook too easy. Open your mouth, slut.”

I obeyed and he stuffed my cum soaked panties in my mouth. He took the condom off his cock and stuffed that in also, along with the condom the two other cops fucked with. After putting his pants back on, he took out some electrical tape from his pocket and taped my mouth shut.

“Well, I think the cumslut’s had a good brush up on her training boys,” said the blonde. “Let’s continue our tour of the motel. Excuse us, gentlemen.”

When the two cops left the two men in the door way walked in. The one who took the picture of me earlier climbed up on the bed and started jerking off right next to my face. I looked up at him, mascara running down my cheeks in black streaks and mussed, kinky hair and whimpered for him. Master always liked it when I whimpered through a gag.

The other guy started jerking off over my ass and shot off in maybe a second. The one standing on the bed took his time, savoring my complete humiliation and my gurgling whimpers through the jizz, condoms and electrical tape. When he finally shot off, I kept my eyes wide open, even though he got a few drops in them. He took a picture of my face with his phone and left.

After that, nothing happened for a long enough time for me to fall asleep, even though the gay porn was still playing on the TV. It must have been one of those four hour movies.

I woke up with a start and realized I was on the floor. I was barely aware of what was going on when I heard the desk attendant say, “Time’s up, dearie. Your ride should be here any minute now.”

I groggily rose to my feet and rubbed my sore wrists and arms. The ache seemed unbearable. As I finally started to regain my balance, I started to dry heave, so I tore off the electrical tape, spat out the torn panties and the condoms and just coughed up saliva for a while. I was about to head down to the lobby when I realized the camera was still there, and so was the case Master carried it in. After turning it off and putting it back in its case I realized that all of my clothes were totally destroyed. Absolutely none of them were salvageable. So I went down to the lobby in nothing but black heels and leggings, bearing my tits and clit to anyone who walked by.

When I got to the lobby I looked at the clock and saw it was five even, but I didn’t see a single familiar car in the parking lot. I turned to ask the desk attendant if I could use the phone and he let me. As I dialed Master’s number, I noticed he was tacking up a polaroid he had taken of me before I woke up, hanging by my wire, totally unconscious and naked with smeared, running makeup and dried jizz on my face. As the phone rang on the other end, I brushed some hair out of my face and had to pull it off of the dried up load.

It had almost rung long enough to go to voicemail before Master picked up.


“Daddy it’s me.”

“Baby I’m kind of tied up here at the office, I can’t come get you right now, but I’ll call Jared. Just hang tight there for a few minutes.”

“Okay Daddy, thank you. I packed up your camera.”

“Thanks baby, I’ll be eager to review it when I get home.”

For about ten minutes I just stood there, naked in the window, wanting to think Jared would show up any second, but eventually I just took a seat with a good view of the parking lot. The girl with the blue hair was sitting across from me with some new guy. They kept glancing at me, whispering and laughing. I couldn’t help but notice the man was staring right at me while the blue haired girl rubbed his crotch.

That just kind of went on for a while until Jared showed up. He covered me with a blanket and let me doze in his car as he drove me home. No one was home at the apartment. I showered, left the case with the camera propped against the computer desk, made some simple pasta and mixed a martini so Master would have something when he got home. I went straight to sleep. When Master finally shook me awake, he was overjoyed.

“Baby I have good news.”

“What is it, Daddy?”

“Ten new people subscribed to the website. The motel footage is your most viewed yet, and the monthly yield already looks like it’s gonna be far better than last month.”

“Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the household, Daddy. I really want to do my part.”

“I know you’re a good girl at heart, baby, but it looks like the occasional lesson still helps you sometimes.”

“I know Daddy. Thank you for today.”

“The message boards are going crazy to.”


“Your second most downloaded video is the patio fuck fest, the foot job in particular. A lot of our viewers want to see you top more often.” 

Author’s Note: I took this story down for a while because I wasn’t sure how comfortable I was with it. I never thought any of my stories would be this dark, and even through I wrote this from a very personal fantasy, I also wondered if it could be construed as misogynist. What I’ve decided is that you wouldn’t be on this website unless you were looking for something like this and you probably wouldn’t click on something tagged “BDSM, humiliation, exhibitionism” if we didn’t have something in common. That’s why I’ve decided to put this back up. Also, perhaps like some of you, I’m wondering where I could take this story from here 🙂 Enjoy lushies!

Published 11 years ago

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