Whispering softly, your words embrace me, like a gentle siren,
luring me towards your inner beauty, your foundry.
luring me towards your inner beauty, your foundry.
I wander through your work, discovering your gifts,
And with each line, I wonder, amazed how your writing lifts.
Whether erotic or teasing, you melt my heart, unknowing,
Your metre, a soft breath on my neck – making goose bumps.
You are an inspiration, your coppery tresses, pre-Raphaelite,
Leaving an indelible mark on my soul, you vixen, you wizard.
Your words sparkle, a myriad of thoughts, eliciting awe,
I shiver – reading, a delightful sympathetic response, tense and raw.
Never stop my darling, don’t desist, feed us with your skill,
I will love you always, worship your locution, while ever you tease and thrill.