At the Tearoom

"Waitress Lana's bored on a rainy day and dreams of a powerful fucking from her Boss.."

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Images of Desire; At the Tea-Room Part 1

Lana was bored. She perched on a table at the back of the tearoom swinging her long legs and occasionally looking up at the huge clock on the wall. The minutes seemed to grind by achingly slowly.

It was late afternoon on a warm but rainy day and few people were passing by. Even fewer were venturing into the tearoom.

Sometimes she saw figures huddled under umbrellas rushing by outside, and heard the sound of their heels clicking on the pavement. More often there was nothing to see, and only the sound of the heavy rain and the ticking clock.

The atmosphere in the place was hot and sticky and moisture ran down the windows where steam from the teapots met the cold glass.

Lana had unbuttoned her white blouse until a hint of her full cleavage and white cotton bra was exposed beneath the silver heart that hung around her neck on a leather string. Her blonde hair was tied tightly back with ringlets escaping around her pretty features. She pouted her red lips miserably and looked up at the clock again with round eggshell blue eyes.

There were still a couple of hours to work until Mr Merchant would return to check the takings and to close up for the night, and seeing Mr Merchant was the only excitement in an otherwise dull day Lana mused. If it weren’t for him she would have given up the job a long time ago.

Mr Merchant sometimes stepped in to help his wife if she was ill or otherwise engaged, and Lana had had a crush from the first moment she set eyes on him. He was tall dark and extremely handsome, and had an air of authority that made Lana weak at the knees and her pussy wet within her knickers. He was gentle but firm and Lana would willingly do anything he asked. Anything.

Mrs Merchant ran the tearoom on a day-to-day basis, and Lana hated her. She was cold and spiteful and kept an ever watchful eye on her staff, being quick to punish the slightest mistake. Lana wondered what the sophisticated Mr Merchant saw in such a dowdy figure.

Lana dreamed of stealing Mr Merchant away, at least for a little while, with the temptation of the delights her willing nineteen year old body could offer, and each day she wore a skirt just a little too short, and a blouse just a little too tight, in the hope that Mr Merchant would notice her. When he was at the tearoom she would make every effort to catch his eye, smiling her “fuck me hard” smile whenever he looked her way. However, as yet, Mr Merchant seemed indifferent to her evident charms. His eyes would occasionally rove over her bare thighs, or take in the plump curve of her buttocks as she leaned to clear a table, but he would look away and showed no other interest in Lana as she hoped he might.

Lana slipped into a daydream.

She imagined Mr Merchant returning to the tearoom to find her waiting for him, slid over the heavy oak table at the back with her heavy firm tits bare, squashed against the cool wooden surface, and her long tanned legs spread wide apart. Her short skirt was roughly pulled up over the wonderful round globes of her firm arse which was thrust up lewdly, inviting a good hard fucking. Lana looked back over her shoulder to watch him approach and she sighed and whispered the words “do me, fuck me hard, fuck me now!” over and over.

She dreamed of Mr Merchant fiercely pulling his clothes free from his body, his eyes fixed upon the prize he desired; Lana’s gaping wet pussy, and in a second he was upon her, grasping her hard around the waist and holding her as he pressed his thighs to the back of her legs and, with a savage thrust of his hips, spearing her on his long hard cock, shoving it deep into the wet heat of her pulsing cunt. He rode her, driving her over the table, lifting her feet from the floor, slamming into her, until with a cry of pure dominant lust he grasped her by the hair and filled her pussy with a flood of white hot cum.

Lana moaned loudly, and then immediately opened her eyes to look around the tearoom. There was no one there.

Her daydream had made her horny. She clasped her thighs together and smiled wickedly. She swung her legs gently and a shiver of pleasure ran through her body as the bud of her clit tingled within the sticky heat of her cunt. She was hot and liquid between her thighs, and she knew she needed to satisfy her demon within right now.

The kitchen had no windows and so Lana knew that she would not be seen as she pulled herself up so that she was sitting on the worktop there. She drew her long legs up and wide apart and ran her fingertips over the gusset of her white lace knickers feeling the heat and wetness flooding through. She could smell her own arousal; the musky smell of sex; of a girl turned on and horny. She bit her lower lip and closed her eyes.

She slid her fingertips into the waistband of her knickers, pushing both hands between her legs, down to the swollen wet folds of her cunt. She spread herself, flooding the white lace of her knickers with juice, and pushed her fingertips inside. She threw her head back with her eyes tightly closed and her mouth open wide as she frigged herself hard, whimpering and grunting with pleasure as she masturbated, turning her fingertips over and over the swollen bud of her clit, pumping one long finger deep within the tightness of her pussy walls and raking herself with her long fingernails.

“Oh fuck yes!!” she moaned, “fuck yes…I’m gonna…God yes!!!”

Her fingers worked madly within her stretched knickers, her body grinding back against the wall, rigid with pleasure as she started to cum hard.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuck yes!!! YES!!!!!!!!” she screamed into the air as she shuddered against the wall.

And then a bell was ringing somewhere, over and over.

“Oh fuck!” Lana panicked, almost falling from the table, scrambling to her feet and smoothing her skirt over her thighs, “I’m coming!” she called, realising that someone had entered the tearoom, “Oh fuck am I coming!” she whispered as she scurried through trying to straighten her hair, and praying her face was not too red.

“Hello!” a woman’s voice called, “anyone at home?”

Lana hurried out blushing madly to face two women who stood side by side by the small step that led up to a seating area. Both women wore rain hats with wide brims and long shining black raincoats. They looked up at Lana who approached them trying to appear as calm as she could.

“A table for two please young lady,” the first woman said with a confident smile. She caught Lana in a stare from her deep blue eyes and for a moment Lana could not look away. The lady was clearly strikingly attractive, between her early to mid thirties, and possessed a natural air of authority.

The lady pulled her hat from her head hardly breaking her stare at Lana, and she shook her dark hair free around her shoulders. Then she reached up and her long red nails worked at the buttons at the top of her coat.

Lana glanced quickly at the second lady who was looking around the tearoom. She was slightly shorter than her companion but a similar age and again she was pretty. She looked at her friend and followed her lead in removing her hat and coat.

The two women wore short expensive looking summer dresses which clung to their hourglass figures; one was orange and the other cream. Their legs and arms were bare and tanned golden brown.

Lana gently took the wet raincoats and hats and hung them up on the coat rack to dry.

“Follow me please,” she half whispered, and she led the two ladies to a table at the back of the dimly lit room. They took their places facing each other and Lana turned to fetch menus. She was nervous. As she returned she dropped the menus and they fluttered to the floor close to the woman’s feet. Lana dropped to her knees and scrambled after them and both women looked on with amused interest.

“May we smoke?” the first woman asked.

“You’re not allowed,” Lana began and the woman arched an eyebrow, “but..but as no one else is in, you can, if you want to. I don’t mind.”

The woman smiled.

“Only, please put them out if anyone comes in,” Lana stressed, “or I could get into trouble.”

“Oh,” the woman replied with obvious amusement. “Well, we wouldn’t want that would we?” She passed a cigarette to her friend and flicked a lighter to the tip. Her friend leaned forward and drew hard on the cigarette to light it, blew a ribbon of blue smoke into the air above her and the first woman did the same.

Lana rose up and passed the menus to each of them, aware they were toying with her. “What would you like ladies?” she said, with an edge of annoyance evident in her voice.

The woman in the orange dress looked Lana up and down slowly, making her squirm. She smiled as her eyes met Lana’s. “You look rather hot,” she teased, “are you feeling that way?”

“I’m not sure what you mean,” Lana said, tapping her pad with the tip of her pencil and looking firmly downward.

The first woman drew deeply on her cigarette. “Oh, I’m sure you do!” she drawled.

“Could we have two teas please?” the second woman asked and Lana noted that her voice was softer and more hesitant.

“Thank you.” Lana turned quickly and made her way to the kitchen.

Lana poured the tea listening to see if she could make out the woman’s conversation. They spoke quietly and often giggled and laughed. Lana returned with a concentrated frown as she balanced the tray and made her way over to the table where the women sat. Lana placed down the tray and glanced from one woman to the other. With some surprise she noticed that the woman in the orange dress had placed her hand over her friends hand in the centre of the table.

“What’s your name girl?” the woman in the orange dress asked.


“Well hello Lana,” the woman nodded, “and how do you enjoy your job?”

“It’s OK” Lana replied.

“My name’s Caren, and this is my friend Felicity.”

Lana looked from one to the other and nodded.

“Felicity was asking about your work, but she’s too shy to ask you herself, so I’m asking. I hope you don’t mind?”

“Not at all,” Lana replied. This was certainly rather different to most of the customers who never made any effort to speak to her unless it was to order or complain.

“Felicity finds your job rather appealing, don’t you Fliss?” Caren continued, as she ran her leg forward to nudge her friend. Felicity looked up at Lana and smiled.

“She likes to serve people.”

“Well it’s not all fun, I can tell you!” Lana said with feeling.

The woman in the orange dress smiled. “Oh, it could be darling, it could be!” She drew a final time on her cigarette and snubbed the butt into an ashtray as she inhaled. “As its quiet in here at the moment, will you play a game Lana?”

“I’m not sure I should,” Lana muttered nervously, wondering what the strange customer had in mind.

“I understand,” Caren said smoothly. “You’re not brave enough, are you? You don’t want to try anything too wild or dangerous do you?” The challenge was clear.

“OK, I’ll do it,” Lana snapped, placing her hands on her hips angrily, “What’s the game?”

“I want you to swap clothes and places with Felicity, so she can play at being a waitress for a while.” Felicity looked up at Caren with wide questioning eyes, but she was met with a stare that clearly told her she had no choice but to obey.

“Where should we change?” Lana asked when Felicity stood up beside her.

“Right here, in front of me,” Caren purred.

The two girls changed quickly and nervously.

Lana tried not to look at Caren, but she could tell that the woman was watching her closely and letting her gaze rove up and down her body.

Lana finished first, buttoning up the expensive cream dress and fastening it at her side. She immediately liked the way the fine material felt against her skin and smiled. Caren signalled that she should sit opposite her, in Felicity’s place.

Felictiy struggled to fit the small waitress’ outfit on and it clung tightly to her full hourglass figure. She fastened the zip at the back with some difficulty, and then she tied the white pinafore around her narrow waist. She looked up at Caren with wide eyes.

Caren looked at Lana with a wicked grin. “Well Lana my dear. What would you like Felicity to fetch for you?”

Felicity shifted her weight from one foot to another.

“Just tea please”, Lana answered.

“Very good,” Caren said, “I’ll have the same. Nice and strong please Fliss. Not too much milk. Please be quick about it!” She snapped the order, and Felicity turned on her heel and walked towards the kitchen. Caren watched her carefully, her eyes roving up and down her friend’s body, taking in each curve and swell of her feminine figure.

“She looks pretty like that, don’t you think?” Caren questioned and turned to Lana expecting an answer.

“Oh yes,” Lana replied quickly, “she looks great!”

“Do you get turned on when you wear your uniform Lana?” Caren continued, “knowing it makes you a slave to other people’s wicked desires. Do you ever think of what older men might be dreaming of doing to you, as you walk back and forth from your kitchen, bringing them their tea and cream cakes?”

“No!” Lana snapped as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

“Liar!” Caren giggled, and Lana looked down quickly.

“Here she comes,” Caren chimed, as Felicity returned from the kitchen, carefully balancing a tray with a teapot and two cups and saucers which rattled as she walked. She approached the table and Caren deliberately threw down her napkin at her feet. “Put the tray down on the table, and pick up my napkin whore!” she demanded.

“Yes Miss!” Felicity replied. She placed the tray down and turned her back to Lana. She reached down without bending her legs and her short black skirt rose up to reveal the gusset of her lace knickers beneath. Lana could not help but notice, and she bit her lower lip. When she looked back to Caren, the older woman returned her gaze like a mistress who had caught her cat licking the cream. Felicity placed the napkin on the table and also looked at Lana reproachfully. Lana could feel her cheeks burning with shame.

“Pour the tea!” Caren snapped at Felicity.

Felicity carefully worked at her task, placing the cups and saucers in front of her two companions, and pouring the tea from the china teapot. She poured milk next from a tiny white jug, first for Lana and then for Caren.

Caren watched Felicity for a moment and then moved her hand upward sharply as though to touch her collar. She caught Felicity’s elbow and the small jug fell from the waitress’ hand onto the table, crashing against the saucer as it fell. The milk flooded the tablecloth in a large pool. Lana gasped.

“You stupid bitch!” Caren hissed as Felicity grabbed a napkin and quickly tried to mop up the mess. “Bend over the table there, now!” Caren pointed as she spoke.

“I think it was an accident,” Lana said carefully.

“If I need your opinion, I’ll ask for it girl!” Caren purred, and she turned to Felicity again. “I said bend over that table fuck toy, and stick that sweet arse of yours up in the air!”

“Yes Miss,” Felicity replied as she turned to the nearby table. She planted her feet wide apart and leaned her upper body forward looking at Caren and Lana. Soon her heavy tits were pressed into the table, squashed through her white blouse, her face turned to one side, flat against the cool wooden surface. Her flared skirt had risen up so her bottom was fully presented, on display to the two other women. Her lace knickers were tight over her swollen pussy and the folds of her cunt lips were evident beneath. The material had been drawn between the cleft of her arse cheeks so the round globes of golden flesh were exposed.

Lana felt her flushed cheeks, shocked by how aroused and horny the situation was making her. She clamped her thighs together to try to quell the insistent tingling sensation in her crotch, but it only made her more wet and horny. She shuddered a little, and Caren grinned.

“You should punish her; for being so clumsy. Go and spank her, as hard as you can.”

Lana raised a hand to her mouth shocked, “Oh, fuck no! Sorry….no! I couldn’t”

“I said, spank her!” Caren grinned, “She deserves it!”

Lana rose up slowly and brushed the fine material of her cream dress down her slim thighs. She walked over and stood by Felicity. She looked to Caren.

“Lift her fucking skirt up over her hips and she can hold it as you spank her.”

Lana reached out to Felicity cautiously, frightened the woman may turn on her, but Felicity looked up at her with wide pleading eyes and grasped the material of her skirt, pulled it up and bunched in the small of her back. Felicity shifted her weight from one foot to another and her round buttocks wobbled gently.

“Spank her hard on each cheek with your open hand,” Caren directed, “and make it hurt!”

Lana gritted her teeth, and raised her hand high. The feeling of power which swept through her as she brought her hand down and it came into contact with the heat of the woman’s skin made her gasp. It was wonderful. She widened her stance and brought her open hand down once again onto Felicity’s bottom. It wobbled a little as she struck. She spanked her harder and harder, again and again, making the woman buck and whimper beneath her. She rubbed her fingers between Felicity’s legs roughly. She looked up at Caren.

“She’s wet!” she gasped.

“Of course she’s wet,” Caren replied with a grin, “she’s a total slut! It isn’t everyday she gets spanked by a mere slip of a girl. She’ll be as horny as Hell!”

“Shall I spank her again?” Lana asked.

“Of course,” Caren said, “but pull her knickers down this time, so we can see her dripping pussy!”

Lana grasped the waistband of Felicity’s knickers, and roughly pulled them down to the woman’s knees. Felicity grunted as she was exposed and drew her legs together.

Lana rested her hand on Felicity’s buttocks and felt the heat there. Her fingernails pointed inward towards the woman’s pouting cunt. She raised her hand and spanked her again, hard, moving back and forth from one buttock to another. She slapped Felicity as hard as she could getting a little carried away as the woman bucked on the table beneath her.

“Take that bitch!” she hissed as she spanked hard. “You dirty whore!”

“Enough!” Caren called out.

Lana’s hand hovered over Felicity’s bum.

“I can see you’re both enjoying this,” Caren continued, looking to Lana’s eyes and then to Felicity’s reddening backside, “so I think we’ll take this a step further, eh, Felicity dear?”

“Oh yes!” her friend sighed, her voice thick with arousal and pent up lust.

“Would you like that too Lana?” Caren questioned with a wicked grin.

“What…what does it involve?” Lana asked.

“Well my dear. It involves us going into that kitchen, and I spank Felicity here with a wooden spoon until she’s a nasty lil cumming wreck!”

“Oh God!” Lana bit her lower lip, “and what do I do?”

“Ahhh!” Caren grinned as a gleam of pleasure flickered in her hazel eyes. “You lick her pussy as I smack her, and drink all her hot girl juice as she cumms! You give her pleasure, I give her pain!”

Lana gulped, “No…. no I can’t do that!” she stammered.

Caren stood up sharply. She made her way over to Felicity’s side and took her friend by the hand. She pulled her, and Felicity stood up. Caren put her arm around Felicity’s waist and looked Lana in the eye. “It’s your choice,” she smiled. “Follow us, or wait out here. It’s only you that will miss out.”

Caren led Felicity to the kitchen and Lana followed a few feet behind.

When Mr Merchant entered the tearoom he was surprised that Lana was nowhere to be seen. He was about to call out for her when a noise from the kitchen caught his attention. The sharp crack of a hand, or something else on flesh, sounding time and time again; the rhythmic moaning of a woman in pleasure or in agony, he could not tell which. He walked quickly to the kitchen door trying to make as little noise as possible, and then he paused to listen to the sounds within.

“What the Hell is going on!” he muttered beneath his breath and he pushed gently on the kitchen door and peered within.

He recognised the uniform immediately. Lana’s waitress clothes. But it was not Lana who wore them. A beautiful blonde woman stood in the centre of the room with her legs spread apart, holding her short black skirt up around her waist, and another woman in an orange dress with flowing dark hair stood at her side spanking her harshly with a wooden spoon. The blonde’s round backside was a livid red where she’d been spanked and she writhed and whimpered in pain and ecstasy.

A third woman sat on the floor between the blonde’s spread legs with her head upturned. Her own long legs were spread wide and her hands thrust into her knickers. Mr Merchant could not see her face as it was shoved up between the blonde’s inner thighs. He could only see her chin and her tongue working as she licked the blonde’s glistening wet pussy.

He stood motionless for some time just staring and opening and closing his mouth in dumb awe.

“Ohhh!!! Fuck, yes!!!” the blonde waitress whimpered as another blow fell on the peach of her backside. She sunk down hard onto the tongue that was shoved deep into her cunt, and she stiffened as she began to cum.

The woman in the orange dress looked up quickly and saw the man standing framed in the doorway with his mouth wide open. She grinned.

“Enjoying the view, sir?” Caren drawled, her voice full of wicked pleasure.

Before Mr Merchant could reply Felicity realised what was happening and looked back over her shoulder. She gasped and stepped back and exposed the girl whose face had been buried between her thighs.

“Lana!” Mr Merchant cried out.

“Mr Merchant!” Lana gasped, her face dripping with pussy juice, “I can explain this! Honest I can!”

Mr Merchant sat at the desk in his small office waiting for Lana to come to him. He had ordered the two other women to leave, and he had gone to his office whilst Lana tidied up and dressed in her uniform once again.

When Lana entered his office she had her head bowed and she stood before him with her hands locked in front of her like an errant schoolgirl. “I’m so sorry sir,” she muttered beneath her breath.

He rose and turned his back to her. “Explain why I shouldn’t sack you right now?” he said in a raised voice. “Explain what the Hell you think you were doing!”

“Oh fuck, I don’t know,” Lana pleaded, “It just happened. Please don’t sack me sir. Please don’t. I’ll do anything to work for you!”

Mr Merchant turned and his features hardened.

“Anything?” he questioned.

Lana licked her lips and smiled, “Yes sir……. anything!”

She rocked her hips from side to side and smiled.

Mr Merchant leaned forward and slid the drawer of his desk open. He fumbled inside and withdrew a length of yellow bamboo, about two feet long with a leather handle, and a pair of leather cuffs with a silver chain and heavy padlocks to lock them. He placed them in the centre of the desk and looked up.

“Well maybe, just maybe, if you’re very willing and apologetic, we can work something out!”

He smiled so wickedly Lana wet her knickers. She flushed.

“Yes sir.” She purred, “Let’s work something out.”

Published 11 years ago

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