She opens hers, flickers of light flow into his dreams
It is she that stood holding him tight, keeping worries away
Yet, the rule has changed, now she needs his strength
Not a word is said about her, she is everything and nothing
Her pain, sorrow, grief and burden cannot compare
For his victory, success, knowledge and joy
Is to be her reward, so she waits, dies a bit more
Every day that passes is harder than the one before
The glitter and gold slowly fade from her soul
She wants, needs nothing more than his smile
Colors, sure, she always speaks of them for that is her
Those hues that combine into the path of their existence
Where she sits dressed in black is where she is for now
She has broken the rule, the one that brought her to him
She has fallen in love and now she weeps for he does not
Too busy to see that it was her not the crowd that cheered
The eternal struggle, the cold rain, the sound of echos
She is here and will remain until he awakes to soothe her pain
That day will come, she has no doubt for although he does not say
He too has fallen with her, this has just begun, makes no sense
None at all, that is what keeps them coming back.. home