My partner’s nephews had always been a pretty consistent presence the entire nine years we had been dating. They were just kids to me at first and I really never paid attention to them. That was until a few years ago, when Lance, the older of the two, started to play sports and workout.
The competitive exercise quickly turned him from a kid to a young muscle stud. His only flaw was that he started with the heavy weight way too early and his height had suffered. His six pack abs, ripped arms and tree trunk legs were all crammed onto a 5’6″ frame. He was well aware of his shortness.
Logan, Lance’s little brother, was three years younger and just turned sixteen a couple of months ago. He had always been the stereotypical skinny little kid brother and never really had much interest in sports. He surpassed his sibling’s height about nine months ago and made sure to remind Lance of that all the time. This quickly spurred a fight where the muscled college jock made the younger beanstalk pay for his rudeness.
There’s the back story. I’m about to talk about the encounter I had over Fourth of July.
My job had kept me from seeing the boys for a couple of years now. They lived in El Paso and I couldn’t take the time off to make the trip. I was very excited to get to spend time with them.
When we pulled up to the house, I could hear the weights being lifted in the shop adjacent to the house. I figured it was Lance getting a workout in before work, and we went ahead into the house to set food down.
Even though they were like family to me, I really couldn’t help but to watch any hot young guy working out. It was very sexy to me. So, I couldn’t wait to get out there to maybe get a couple minutes of good viewing in.
While we were in the kitchen I heard Logan come in from outside and go to the bathroom so I seized the opportunity to take a “smoke break” and wander out to the shop.
Well, when I got there, it was empty. I started walking around and noticed that the weights that were loaded up were a little lighter than what Lance used, and I realized that it must have been Logan out here lifting by himself.
No sooner had I realized it was Logan, then he walked in. My jaw hit the floor, as I had to look up to my sixteen year old nephew. He was now standing at 6’1″. He came over and gave me a big hug, and it felt like a much tighter squeeze than I usually got from him. Then, I felt my feet come off the floor. This kid had lifted my two hundred plus pound frame off the floor! After a few seconds of kind of swaying me back and forth, he finally put me down.
“Hey, Uncle Kenny, check these out!”
With that being said, he suddenly gave me a double biceps pose. He was still tall and skinny but was putting on some nice lean muscle mass. I could easily see his arms pop with veins and two defined lumps of hot teenage muscle before me.
“Feel how hard they’re getting.”
I noticed how cocky he’d become and decided to kind of knock him down a notch by just squeezing the hell out of his arms. (You know, typical uncle stuff). That plan backfired. I reached up and put forth a good almost-everything-I-got squeeze and I could barely dent the skin. My dick became instantly engorged. I had never felt muscles quite this hard in my life. It was literally like squeezing marble balls.
“Ha Ha, thought you could trick me, huh? I was ready for you, Kenny. So, they’re really frigging hard, aren’t they? Hey check this out, too. Why don’t you give these bad boys a few solid punches?”
With that, he slowly lifted up his tee shirt to reveal a beautifully defined eight pack.
“Go ahead, punch ’em. Trust me, you’re not gonna hurt this brick wall.”
I obliged and gave a few jabs, each bouncing right off as if I were hitting an actual brick wall.
“Yeah, I’m not nearly as strong as Lance, but I’m getting there. So, whadda ya think?”
“I think it’s pretty amazing. You are developing into quite a ripped young athlete.”
“But I do have my little older bro beat in one department already.”
With that comment, he grabbed at his crotch, giving it a couple of good squeezes. I nervously chuckled and tried not to look directly at my nephew’s package, but kept finding myself fixated on it.
“Do you wanna see it?”
So, there I was, feet away from my ripped young nephew and he suddenly grabbed his crotch.
“My muscles aren’t the only thing getting bigger these days,” he said with a devilish smirk. “Hey, you wanna see how big it’s gotten?”
“Uh, I don’t think that would be very appropriate. Trust me; I know your family is blessed with very nice packages.” I sheepishly chuckled and tried to look at anything else other than his crotch but I kept catching myself drawn to his awesome young body. I couldn’t help myself. I could only imagine what his dick looked like.
His true uncle, my husband Doug, had a beautiful 8.5 inch long, thick cock. He and Logan could be body doubles. So, I could only guess Logan’s penis was getting to be about that size, too.
“Aw, dude, come on. At least tell me how I compare to uncle D. The only other dick I have to compare to is Lance’s and I’m already so much bigger that him. So, you need to tell me if he is just abnormally small or if I am just bigger that most guys.”
“I’m gonna just say you’re bigger that most boys your age.
The only door was on the other side of my horny, muscle bound nephew. I just made a bee line for the exit, hoping he would just let me go. Not wanting to make eye contact, I stared at the floor.
The next thing I knew, I was flat on my back, looking up at Logan. He had grabbed a beam as I passed and clothes-lined me. As he stood over me with his loose running shorts on, I had no choice but to look at his massive young cock. I didn’t know what took my breath away more, the slam or his ridiculously matured package.
“Oh, shit. I didn’t mean to knock you down, Kenny. I just wanted to stop you! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just wasn’t expecting to be clothes-lined.”
“Let me help you up.”
He extended his hand to me and yanked me to my knees in one fluid, effortless curl.
I now found myself face-to-crotch with this muscle stud. I could see the veins popping out from his lower abs and I could feel the heat radiating from the massive phallus I just marveled at. It was pulsating and twitching under the thin material of his running shorts. I was harnessing all the will power I could muster trying to resist the urge to rip his shorts off and get a good, long, hard look at his manhood.
I then felt him grab a fistful of my hair and twist my head backward, forcing me to look up at his face. He stared down at me with a look of cocky satisfaction. He and I both knew he was in control and he was enjoying every second of it. I felt his grasp get even tighter as I felt several hairs being ripped from my scalp.
“Well, while you’re down there, Kenny boy…”
So, my muscle jock of a nephew had me by the hair, on my knees right in front of his crotch. I could only imagine what he meant by “while you’re down there”. I reluctantly (but secretly eagerly) prepared to worship his sizable cock that was straining the thin material of his running shorts.
“Ken, yo Ken! Where are you?”
I suddenly heard Doug calling for me from the house. Logan threw me back, released his grasp from my hair and plopped down on the weight bench.
“Shit!” He waited a beat for me to respond. When I didn’t, he leaned over and slapped me in the face. “Well, answer him before he gets nosy! And get behind me like you’re spotting me.”
I was kind of taken aback that just this short little episode has given my nephew a sense of authority over me. However, I was also surprisingly turned on by his machismo. I did as he ordered. “Hey, I’m out here spotting Logan on the bench press. What’s up?”
Thankfully Doug just stayed at the back door of the house. “You need to start getting the food on the grill; we’ll be ready to eat in about thirty minutes.”
“Okay, be in a minute.”
I started to compose myself.
“Well, I guess we will have to pick up where we left off after dinner,” Logan said, while staring at me and rubbing his engorged dick through his shorts.
“Yeah, I don’t think that’ll be happening. I let you get away with a little fun but you took it way too far. Showing off your body and muscle growth is one thing. Showing off other body parts is not appropriate.” Even if I actually was looking forward to it.
Logan scoffed at my comment. He then stood up from the bench and stepped into my personal space. His six feet plus frame eclipsed my five feet nine height, and he looked down at me.
“You let me? Hahaha. Don’t think so, dude. You couldn’t make a dent in my biceps and your pathetic attempt at punching my abs made me laugh. Then, I so easily knocked you on your ass with just one outstretched arm. If anybody is letting anybody do anything it’s me.”
I couldn’t believe the arrogance of this sixteen year old punk. However, I wasn’t going to let him see my frustration. I turned toward the door and started to leave.
“Whatever floats your boat, Logo. I gotta go start cooking.”
Logan took a few broad strides and positioned himself between me and the door.
“Okay then, let’s prove it. I’ll arm wrestle you and if I win, you will pick up where you left off. If you win, I’ll do whatever you want.”
I was so ready to get out of the situation I mindlessly agreed to his challenge before I realized I could quite possibly lose. We both got on our stomachs and locked hands.
Logan started us off: “Ready, set, go!”
I started off at about seventy-five per cent of my maximum effort and found we were in a dead heat. Logan calmly smiled at me. He then grimaced a little and my arm started steadily going down. At about half way, I kicked in a little more and brought us back to upright and then gained on him.
I got him to about three inches off the floor and stopped. He began to huff and groan and started moving me back. At this point I only had a little bit to give and put my weight behind it. I slowly pushed him back and finally pinned him. I was exhausted.
Logan was pissed. “Shit! I almost had you. If I weren’t already tired from my workout, I probably would’ve easily taken you.”
Not letting my exhaustion show, I smoothly got up and went to prepare dinner. Upon leaving the shop, I bumped into Lance, Logan’s older, buffer, brother. At five feet six inches, he was a runt of a kid. But, what he lacked in height he made up for with pure lean muscle mass.
“Hey, Lance, you hungry? About to get the grill going.”
“Hell yeah, Uncle Ken, I’m ready for some F-O-O-D!”
Lance proceeded to the shop and I started to grill.
Author’s note:
I’ve always been a fan of erotic stories. Especially stories about younger jocks and muscle dudes who take control over older guys. This is my first stab at writing one. I hope it went well. Feedback is always welcome.