Learning a Lesson at Middlesex High, Over the Lap Style, Part A

"As the secretaries go over their bosses' laps, the witnesses sing along."

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This was a hectic week for Bonnie Anderson.

She had spanked Dave Smith’s bare buns on Tuesday until he howled for mercy, a quality the beautiful, but stern, principal of Middlesex High did not possess. Smith was one of Bonnie’s math teachers. He earned a trip over his principal’s lap as too many of his students failed the state exams. Between yowls, in response to each hot hairbrush stroke, Smith promised to become a better teacher. Only time and the hairbrush would tell.

That was the day Bob Perkins, Middlesex’s dean and prominent stud first “did” her and it was good. No, it was great. Now that Bonnie had the taste, she wanted more.

Amy Peabody’s cute ass got welcomed to the dean’s office the next day, and upon returning to the principal to report her spanking to Bonnie, got a taste of the principal’s hairbrush to help her remember the experience. Bonnie’s inspection of the young teacher’s already well spanked ass cheeks, found “insufficient evidence of motivational therapy.”

Peabody was one of Middlesex’s English teachers, and no twenty-five year old had a finer bottom. But it was her tardiness in turning in her paperwork that put her over the dean’s lap. Bonnie also wanted to reward Perkins for his great performance the day before, and decided that Amy’s great ass was the perfect present for her stud.

Bonnie had been thinking about the secret society of witnesses that Julie gathered each time a spanking was administered in her office, or by the dean, and was concerned about it. At first it seemed like a good idea for word to go out that staff members were humiliatingly spanked on their bare butts. But as the numbers grew outside in the hallways, and the chorus got louder, Bonnie realized it was becoming too public and could turn around and hurt her. She decided on a plan to stop the vicarious voyeurism today.

This morning Bonnie dressed for intimidation. She also knew she would need a good poke from Perkins after the newest set of bottom warmings she had planned, so she dressed for him as well. For Bob, she put on her thigh high hose with the cute lace tops, then the sexy black panties he loved to remove. Bonnie next stepped into the tiny slip that came just below her panties and barely covered her thighs. Although she didn’t know how Perkins would poke her, she put on a business suit with a tight skirt. This was to show the girls who the boss was; Perkins would figure out away to get his cock into her. He was good at that, very good.

Bonnie arrived at work a few minutes late and saw Julie sitting at her desk. Without showing her hand, she greeted the young secretary very warmly. Quite nonchalantly, as she was entering her inner office, she stopped, turned around and said, “Oh, Julie, could you come in about 3 pm, with your hairbrush. I have a small matter to attend to. And ask Dean Perkins to get here a few minutes before.”

Bonnie knew the minute she closed her door, Julie would notify all her friends that a spanking was on tap for 3 pm, even though it was not known whose bottom was to be turned up, bared and addressed. So far, so good.

The day went well for Bonnie. She kept busy, knowing her problem would go away and she would get a nice preview of this weekend’s activities. Perkins had agreed to come visit her and Bonnie planned to get laid in every room of her home, and fuck the dean till he walked like the girls who left his office after a hard spanking.

About 2:30, Bonnie called Julie and reminded her to have Perkins come to her as soon as he could and then called again requesting Holly by 2:50. Holly was the dean’s secretary and another leader of the self proclaimed wet panty brigade.

All seemed to go well. Perkins came by and Bonnie briefed him on the plan to end the cheering section. He thought it a good idea, not only watching two more wriggling buns on display, but hopefully the show would be followed by a nice poke. As much as he had been drained by his girlfriend last night, he always had some left for a great looking woman, particularly when she was his boss.

At ten to 3, Holly came in not knowing why she was summonsed. She had asked Julie and only got a blank stare in return. Julie hoped it was not her friend that would be singing along with her hairbrush. Once Holly was in the inner office, Bonnie called for Julie, who came in, hairbrush in hand.

Both girls were wearing nice form fitting designer jeans and cute blouses, accentuating their nice firm tits. Being Friday, school rules permitted a casual day, as long as the attire was still appropriate. The women loved showing off their sportswear. They both showed signs of anxiety, not knowing what to expect. Julie didn’t know what to do with the brush and looked at Bonnie. “Just hold it, Dear, I will call for it when I need it.” Holly too, was very apprehensive.

“Julie, please go and lock the outer door. Then come back and leave this one open.”

Now, Julie knew a spanking was definitely on the menu today. Would it be Holly? Had she done something wrong, and if so, why didn’t the dean handle it? He had spanked her enough times. Julie became very concerned that it might be her cute, young and previously un-spanked ass cheeks being set on fire today.

Standing by the couch with Perkins, Bonnie told both girls of her concern. She looked like a woman in charge, business suit, well dressed and hands on her hips.

“As secretaries to the people running this school, you are privy to confidential information. It must not be shared and our confidences must not be breached. You girls have failed us.

The last few administrative matters involving my teachers were broadcast all over the school.”

Then raising her voice, but still very much in control, she added, “Don’t you think we heard you out there?”

“If you want to work here, you will learn to exercise some discretion. Otherwise leave. Julie, as you work for me, I take full responsibility for your actions. I have failed in my duties of properly training you.”

“What shall we do?”

“We apologize, Miss Anderson. It was my fault. I called Holly and the others.”

“The truth is nice but your misdeeds must be dealt with. What do you suggest?”

“We promise never to do it again, Miss Anderson.”

Holly jumped in too and repeated the oft-used useless refrain that normally preceded a good spanking.

Bonnie assumed the other girls were outside by now and were ready for the show, just wondering where their leaders were.

“Julie, you know my rules. Hot bottoms teach lessons. Please meet Dean Perkins at the spanking chair.” With that Bonnie lifted up the visitors’ chair and placed in the center of the room, facing the couch.

“Can we close the door, Miss Anderson?”

“Afraid someone is listening, Julie. Now you know how the others felt. Not very private, is it?”

“Dean Perkins is in charge of insuring proper behavior by the students and staff, and I think this falls into that realm. Dean, please do your duty.”

With that, Perkins removed his jacket, went to the chair and started rolling up his right sleeve. Bonnie took a seat on the couch, giving her a great view for this soon to be administered bare bottomed spanking. She hiked her skirt up to mid thigh, crossed her long legs, and smiled at Perkins.

Then Bonnie announced, “Dean Perkins will give Julie a lesson in maintaining her boss’ secrets. If she objects, she can clean out her desk and leave now. What’s it to be Julie?”

This was said for both girls’ benefit. Julie started crying, and said she did not want to lose her job and that she liked working for Miss Anderson.

“Now Julie, I want an answer. Over the lap or out the door,” she said firmly.

Julie walked over to Mr. Perkins, still holding her hairbrush, and started bending over him.

“Didn’t you forget something, Julie? Take them down. Holly, you stay here and see what happens for indiscretion. Your sorry ass is next.”

“By the way, Julie, can you tell us where you are and what is about to happens to your cute buns?”

“I am so ashamed, Miss Anderson. Please don’t spank my tush.”

“Is that what I asked you?” Bonnie said sharply.

“No, Miss Anderson. I am going over the dean’s lap and going to be spanked! I am so sorry, please don’t do this to me.”

“And where are your pretty jeans going to be during your spanking, Julie?”

“All the… the way down, Miss Anderson.”

“I’m having trouble hearing you, girl. Speak up. Where are your jeans going to be?”

“All the way down to my knees.”

A matching chorus was heard from outside, “All the way down!”

The singing was followed by some giggles.

Julie’s face got red as she undid the belt and pulled down the zipper of her jeans. She had to struggle to get them over her full hips, and they started taking her panties with them. Julie grabbed the waistband of the small panties and raised them back up, realizing it was a futile gesture. When her jeans were at her knees, she draped herself over the dean’s lap and closed her eyes. Holly could barely look, from her position near the door, knowing she was next.

Once Julie was settled on the dean’s punishment lap, Perkins looked at her ass and decided it was more mature and therefore much sexier than the teenaged ones it was his obligation to spank; firm, full, round, creamy and delicious to look at.

Julie’s two firm promontories jutted up and out from her lush thighs and tapered into her slim waist. How her twin peaks maintained that high round shape when her feet and hands were on the floor dumbfounded him, but the girl had a great ass and he enjoyed looking at it. When it turned colors and bounced on his cock, he would enjoy it even more.

Julie’s tiny pink panties were more like thongs, as she didn’t want a panty line marring the finely shaped rear view of her jeans. Small as they were, Perkins took his time admiring the way they accented her sweet bottom cheeks. Round and matching globes he would soon be turning pink and warm.

The tiny panties stretched across her wide hips and came in at an angle to meet at her crack line, rather high up. As small as the panties were, Julie was somewhat relieved that the three witnesses to her spanking didn’t see her bare buns. Well, not for long!

Even though they afforded her no protection, Perkins placed his fingers in the waistband and slowly slid the panties over the high hills of her butt and down the lush firm thighs. Julie shuddered at the new and totally unnecessary exposure of her creamy white bottom and resigned herself to this humiliating and juvenile punishment that would definitely change the color of her never before spanked buns.

Perkins left the wispy panties on Julie’s milky white thighs a few inches above her knees, keeping the entire rounded cheeks free for his administrative duties, a duty he fully intended to comply with!

The thin pink line afforded a very nice contrast against the creamy thighs now covered in quivering goose bumps. It also drew a nice line for him, outlining his target.

Perkins saw the hint of Julie’s light brown bush protruding from between her upper thighs and knew he would soon see much more. He looked at the wonderful pulchritude, already fidgeting on his lap with amazement. He then glided his hand over the smooth hemispheres, as if contemplating where to strike.

The dean slid his palm down to Julie’s firm thighs, up again over her perfectly shaped ass cheeks and down to her small waist. He returned to her thighs and separated them slightly. Pulling his right leg out a bit brought Julie’s pussy into view. This was going to be a very good afternoon.

Nature began to take its course and Julie pressed down on the hard protuberance she felt under her belly. “What a waste of a good erection,” she thought and wondered how good it would feel inside of her. At another time and place, Julie would be cooing with delight; now she trembled with fear at what she knew was coming.

Perkins told her to hold the hairbrush until called for and raised his hand. Julie pressed down one last time on Perkins’ cock, just to let him know she knew it was there, hoping against all hope that it might change things.

The first sharp crack of the dean’s hand told Julie the gesture was fruitless. Perkins was moderately severe with his hand. The slaps could be heard for some distance and Julie knew that. Other than a few “Oooh’s,” she kept silent, not wanting to add to the show her friends were listening to, but knew she would soon be matching the sounds of the burning slaps.

After seven or eight firm and stinging slaps, Julie started groaning at each new assault on her tender and now smarting butt. As was Perkins’ policy, he alternated his spanks from cheek to cheek and spaced the crisp slaps about ten seconds apart. Julie felt the full effect of each hot kiss on her defenseless bottom before the next hot kiss fell.

Julie often wondered what an adult type bare bottomed spanking would feel like, having heard Holly’s stories of what went on in her office when the dean spanked students for violating school rules. Now she knew and definitely didn’t like it. She twisted and rolled on the dean’s lap, trying to avoid the hot spanks, but soon realized it was pointless. Perkins caressed each warm globe during his ten second hiatus, all the while appreciating her grinding on his bulging cock.

The only relief on one side of Julie’s sore tush was when she felt the searing sting of the dean’s hand on her other poor cheek. Julie’s legs kicked out and she bucked up and down.

When Perkins approached ten, Julie came out with the familiar “Owwow’s” and “Aaaahhh’s” she had heard through the door.

Not knowing how many were due, Julie was unsure how noisy this would become. Her legs, still encased in the jeans below her knees, were kicking up a storm, flailing with each hot slap. Each buck exposed Julie’s cute brown bush and occasionally her pink wet gash was seen. Even though Perkins saw glisten on most of the girls he took over his lap, he still didn’t understand why. They cried from the heat of the spanking, yet the heat somehow warmed up their pussies.

Julie, suffering from the fires in her buns, wanted to raise her hand for protection but knew that was not a good idea. She looked up and saw Holly crying quietly, knowing it was her butt next. When Perkins reached twenty, each sharp crack of his hand was answered with a loud “Yowweee” or “Ooooowww.” At twenty-two Julie, a beaten and totally humiliated young woman, lost it and begged Perkins to stop. Her tender young ass was on fire and each sharp slap added more fuel.

Forgetting about her friends outside the door, she screamed out, “Please Dean Perkins, Miss Anderson, I can’t take anymore. Please stop spanking me, my butt is on fire.”

Twenty-four brought forth a loud gasp for air and twenty-five caused her to arch up and yell, “Aaaaaaahhhh. Ouch, that really hurts, Dean Perkins. Please stop my spanking, Miss Anderson.”

From outside the door, a hushed, “Please stop my spanking, Miss Anderson,” was clearly heard.

Perkins stopped at twenty-five, after a nod from the principal. Julie lay there in her shame, crying and shaking her shoulders and rolling her shimmering red hemispheres from side to side, trying to assuage the stinging pain. It seemed to her that a thousand bees had descended to her butt and all stung at the same time. The only pleasant part of the experience was feeling the warm log slowly growing between their bodies.

Her pressures on Perkins’ throbbing cock felt very nice and the dean contemplated having her address that organ at another time. He hoped he wouldn’t embarrass himself now, especially in front of Bonnie, who was waiting to enjoy the fruits of this spanking.

Perkins tried to console the crying and bouncing young secretary on his lap by rubbing her pulsating and swollen ass cheeks. The mere touch on her tender orbs only hurt her more. Perkins only wished he could lean over and kiss them, but that would have to wait.

Julie didn’t know how to take his caresses. She was terribly embarrassed at the idea of the public spanking, not to mention the discomfort from the stinging pain the dean put into her poor tush. Having this good-looking man caress her very hot buns was a small consolation. She had to figure out a way to have her panties down and her butt in his face without getting spanked!

Bonnie told her to get up and meet her at the door. As Julie did, all witnessed the dance of the recently well spanked. Hopping from foot to foot and crying at the same time, Julie was red faced and terribly embarrassed. It took her awhile to regain her composure somewhat, but eventually Julie reached down for the panties and jeans. Bonnie, however, told her the spanking was not over and to leave them down. Julie shuffled to the door, trying not to stumble.

Julie’s panties were now below her knees and the jeans were at shoe level, evidence of the storm she had kicked up; her red butt was steaming. A very red faced Julie sobbed silently and shook her whole body, as she stood facing the door. All looked at her very red and trembling ass cheeks, as if it were a beacon calling heir attention.

Perkins almost shot his load, watching Julie waive her fantastic ass in his direction.

As Juie moved one hand to feel her burning butt, one look from Bonnie told her that was not a good idea. “Leave them by your sides, Julie. We are not finished.”

In a voice louder than necessary, Bonnie asked her, “Did the first part of your bare bottomed spanking teach you anything, Julie?”

Julie, not wanting to talk by the door merely shook her head.

“I can’t hear you, Julie. How did the first twenty five spanks feel on your sorry ass?” Speak up girl or I’ll have to repeat them.”

“They really hurt me. I am so sorry, Miss Anderson, please don’t spank me anymore,” the pretty young girl said between sobs.

“It feels like I sat on a stove.”

“What hurt, Julie?”

Knowing she had lost this fight, Julie said, nice and loud, “My spanking hurt me, Miss Anderson, it was very hard.”

“Who spanked your naughty bottom, Julie?”

“Dean Perkins did it, Miss Anderson, my butt really stings and is very sore.”

The chorus sang out, “My butt really stings and is very sore.

“And where did Dean Perkins spank you, Silly girl?”

“On my bare butt, Miss Anderson. Is my spanking over, Miss Anderson?”

“Not quite, Julie. You can stand here and watch Holly get hers now. Hold on to that hairbrush. I will use that after I spank Holly.”

Julie turned around, exposing her bush to all in the room. With her panties still lowered, the choices were limited; either this or the trembling red buns they just saw being toasted.

Julie tried covering up with her hands and the brush, but after a sharp look from the principal, she snapped to attention.

Bonnie went over to the spanking chair, as Perkins got up, and looked at Holly sternly.

“Over here girl and be quick about it. I would normally have the dean administer the spanking, but I am afraid you might enjoy it and we can’t have that!” Bonnie had a small towel ready in case there were any discharges. It didn’t take much to cause these young girls to gush. Bonnie didn’t need any stains on her new business suit.

Holly blushed at the thought that Miss Anderson knew of her trysts with the dean and walked over and stood in front of her.

Dean Perkins used Holly as the official school witness during spankings given in his office. That turned them both on and Holly couldn’t wait for the crying girls to leave the room. She would then lean over Perkins’ desk, spread her legs apart and get the powerful poke they both needed. Perkins knew how to do it anywhere!

“Drop those jeans, Holly, and get into position. You have heard a few spankings here, and seen many more in the dean’s office, so you know just what to do.”

Holly looked over her shoulder at Perkins and waited for some salvation, but none was forthcoming. She now wished she had listened to his warnings.

Holly almost hoped it would be the dean who would spank her upturned bare buns. Having been slipping his huge tool into her for three years, he might show her some consideration. But with the principal calling the shots, Holly’s expectations for an easy afternoon were very low.

Holly slowly opened her jeans and pulled them down. They too, took the panties with them but Holly pulled them back up. Once the jeans were on the floor, Bonnie sat down, laid the towel on her lap, and slipped her thumbs inside the waistband of the silky panties. These weren’t thongs but still too tiny to be anything other than a sex toy.

Bonnie slowly pulled them over Holly’s hips and stopped the thin black line at mid thigh. This too, formed a very nice contrast against Holly’s white thighs. She then took Holly over her lap to deliver a spanking Holly would remember for some time. Same story, different bottom, more than likely the same song would be heard. After a few smart spanks, Holly was begging for mercy.

“Owwee, Yoweee, Ooohh, please stop spanking me, Miss Anderson.” Legs kicking, ass cheeks twisting and pubic hair and pink slash smiling up at Bonnie, Holly continued to plead for an end to this very hard spanking. Lying across the principal’s lap, as Dean Perkins and Julie watched her ass being spanked, was very embarrassing.

Holly twisted and rolled, trying to avoid those burning slaps to her bare butt, to no avail. Miss Anderson was a very proficient spanker and Holly felt each loud spank clearly. The fires were burning from deep within. Holly realized everyone saw much too much as she kicked her legs, but couldn’t help it. Every stinging slap caused Holly’s feet to try and run away, but there was no escaping this spanking.

Bonnie had learned from Perkins and delivered the spanking slow, hard and alternated from one sore ass cheek to its lovely twin. Holly recoiled from each cruel smack as her glowing buns colored evenly.

All Holly could do was clench her fists and try to keep them on the floor. Years before, Perkins had put a similar throbbing into her tush. Eventually, those spankings were followed by some very nice cums. That assuaged the pain somewhat and taught Holly that sometimes lowering her panties for the dean was a good idea.

Holly knew there was nothing Miss Anderson would do to mollify the terrible burning in her stinging and swollen bottom cheeks. This fire would burn for days.

At twenty, Bonnie rested and felt the swollen cheeks. “Why all the noise Holly, you are barely warm and only mildly pink?”

“Oh, Miss Anderson, no more, please stop spanking me. My bottom is on fire.”

“Say it again louder, Holly, I can’t hear you.”

Holly spoke to the girls outside this time. “Please Miss Anderson, your spanking is killing me. I have learned my lesson; my butt is so sore. I will never listen in to another spanking, believe me.”

My butt is so sore,” came thru the door. Even though the cries were coming from their friend, the wet panty brigade could not control their glee over the loud cracks of the hot spanking. Even with the knowledge that the principal knew they were there, the sounds of the spanking kept them riveted to the door.

Holly had no idea how cute she looked over the lap. Her bright pink ass cheeks were outlined by her blouse at the waist, and the thin black line of her panties on her thighs. Her legs were bare and every time she kicked them wildly, her pussy sneaked out from between her thighs and smiled at Bonnie. Her plaintiff cries for mercy from the hot spanks added music to her dancing.

Perkins, watching it all from a few feet away, had mixed feelings. He was very sympathetic towards the predicament his secretary and daytime sex partner was in, but watching her two round mounds bounce and roll on Bonnie’s lap was a show he was glad he didn’t miss. The occasional view of her pink pussy gave him an immense hard-on and he wished he could dive in. Hopefully his erection would be satisfied shortly

“We are almost finished, Holly. Just five more and you can join your friend by the door.”

Those five more almost killed Holly. Bonnie put a powerful burning sensation in that pert bottom. Holly feared she would never sit on those tender globes again. Her legs kicked wildly, displaying her glistening pussy and her light brown bush.

Each well-delivered crack was answered by a loud cry, easily heard outside by Holly’s friends. These spanks turned Holly’s bottom very red. Holly knew this was a formidable spanking from her principal’s punishing hand, one not to be soon forgotten.

Holly heard every sharp slap a moment before the pain registered in her brain. Then her response was issued. Usually it was an “Oooowweee,” or an “Oooohh, please stop, Miss Anderson, I can’t take anymore.” She couldn’t believe this was actually happening. When Bonnie announced the last two, Holly didn’t know whether to be relieved there were only two more coming or dread any more unremitting slaps on her flaming tush.

“Julie, bring me your hairbrush. I think that will be a nice way to finish Holly’s training session. You can stand here and see what your brush can do.”

“No, please, Miss Anderson, not the hairbrush, please.”

Again from outside, “Oh, please, not the hairbrush!”

Julie shuffled over very slowly and handed her boss the brush. Bonnie held it a moment to feel its weight. Getting a good grasp on it, she rubbed it over Holly’s smarting right cheek for a moment and then blasted it rather sharply. Holly bounced up and almost fell off Bonnie’s lap. A moment later a loud “Yooowwweeeeee” came out of her mouth. Bonnie waited for the girl to stop crying, and feel the full effect of that last hot kiss of the hairbrush.

When the poor girl stopped howling and twisting, Bonnie knew it was time for the matching twin. She then came down with a similar crack on the left hemisphere, after a nice caress with the smooth wooden side of the brush. Two nice white oval imprints, right in the middle of each red cheek, appeared on the bouncing buns. Then Holly sucked in a mouthful of air and exclaimed, “Ooooowwww, No more, puhleeeese!! I can’t take it.”

Of all the spankings Holly received as a student at Middlesex High over Dean Perkins’ lap, none were as heavy handed as this one, but then Anderson was not looking to slip her thing into her afterwards. Holly knew she would sleep on her tummy for a week.

Bonnie handed the hairbrush back to a crying Julie and started her post spanking examination. She ran her hand over both red and hot ass cheeks and knew they had been soundly spanked. Holly would never listen at the principal’s door again. If she ever survived this assault on her poor bottom, she would remain in her office and wait for her boss to poke her nicely after whatever it was that was done here.

The brigade outside got quite a show but it was not over yet. When Holly regained some measure of control, she got up and asked for permission to raise her jeans. She wondered which was redder, her embarrassed face cheeks or the burning lower ones. Her request was denied and she was told to stand near by to witness the resumption of Julie’s spanking; Julie being the major culprit, had more heat coming her way.

To Be Continued:

Get ready for the next sizzling installment of spanking and cuming at Middlesex High. Is Julie’s spanking over? How much more can the poor girl take?

What effect will two squealing young ladies, being soundly spanked, have on Bonnie and Bob and how long before the principal starts making some noise of her own?

Will Perkins do her again?

Stay tuned.

Rickey Smarts © 2013

Published 11 years ago

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