I had never quite understood how she made a living, nor how she could afford a suite in Las Vegas. I had assumed that when I met her she was just visiting town, but that didn’t seem to be the case from our conversations online. She still didn’t know who I was. I don’t post any pictures of myself, and I use a pen name on this site for publishing purposes. Besides, I had never told her my name at all. I still didn’t know what her last name was. She was simply Brooke on our site.
She quickly gained friends. They lusted for her, of course. That always works to bring in friends. And she was bright enough to write a few stories, which brought in more admirers. She was becoming quite popular. Good for her, I thought, the little skank whore.
In the last story I told you I didn’t believe in coincidences. I still don’t. But something strange was happening here. And I had no problem with it. I liked fucking her before and I would love to do it again. My problem was how to get that to happen with someone online.
The stars seemed to be aligned properly. It was coming up to Thanksgiving. My wife and I would be traveling to spend a few days with my sister, Janice. She was the matriarch of the family now. I was the oldest but my home was so out of the way that few would visit me for the holidays. It had become the normal course for all the available family members to spend the holiday at my sister’s home. She had purchased a lovely place just a few years earlier with the help of a good friend. It provided plenty of space and extra rooms for some of the family to stay for more than one day of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
I spoke to my sister on the phone about the arrangements and what we should bring, as well as who would be there. To my surprise she told me our brother, Robert, would be coming this year. This was somewhat unprecedented. He had not made an appearance at a family gathering for decades, since he married a woman who expressed disdain for his whole family, and forced him to stay away. He had kept in touch with Janice over the years, but had not spoken to me in so long that I could not remember the last time.
About a year ago Janice told me that Robert had been divorced. As to how he made a living, or even where he was, that was a mystery. Robert simply told Janice that his work kept him moving all the time. Janice did tell me that Robert had finally told her that he had wanted to divorce his wife for years, but had stayed with her for the children. That old story. We used to hear it all the time. Not so much anymore. He finally dissolved the marriage when his son graduated from college.
Since my wife was feeling physically poorly she decided at the last minute that the long ride and the hustle and bustle involved in our family gatherings would be too much for her this year. She was going to stay home and rest, and even enjoy being alone for awhile.
When I arrived at Janice’s home I found that I was the first to arrive. Her children and and grandchildren would be coming over for the dinner the next day. They all lived nearby. Robert had told her he would arrive later that afternoon, the day before Thanksgiving, with his new wife Brenda. None of us had ever met her. I was staying in one bedroom, and the other would be occupied by my brother Joseph and his wife. Janice had her master bedroom. Robert had taken a hotel suite downtown for himself and Brenda. It had two large beds. I learned all this from Janice while we chatted over the kitchen table by ourselves.
Robert arrived about 6:00 o’clock in the evening and I was surprised at how old he looked. Then I realized that I must seem the same to him. We hugged, and the years faded away. We were brothers and that relationship hadn’t changed for us. I was really happy to see him. His new wife, Brenda, was still out at the car, gathering her purse and various other things she apparently needed right then.
We were standing in the living room, just chatting and trying to catch up on all the years that had passed, when she came in through the front door. She was a short, blonde girl with nice breasts and lovely legs. She was Brooke!
She gave not a sign that she recognized me. Robert introduced her to Janice and me.
“Brenda, this is my sister Janice and my brother Peter. You should have met them long ago. But we can make up for lost time. Isn’t she a pretty thing Janice? She looks a little like you I think. And I’m proud to say she finally finished at community college in Vegas. Even if she is twenty-five years old, it’s great she’s trying something new. She used to just sit around the hotel room while I was out gambling.”
My sister Janice does have blond hair and she’s a knockout for her age. She did look something like Brenda. So there were hugs all around. I felt Brenda’s nipples pressing into my chest.
Anyway, Robert told us that they had been living in Las Vegas for over a year now. He went on to discuss how he had, over the years, been making his living as a professional gambler. They had lived in Reno, Atlantic City, and now Las Vegas, again. We had all sat down by this time, and Brenda crossed her great legs showing lots of thigh. I was starting to grow a boner. That would not do in front of Janice or Robert. Brenda had a little, quiet smile on her lips. She seemed shy as a mouse.
Janice asked if anyone wanted something to drink. She had some Zinfandel open if we wanted some wine. Or she could make some coffee. And there were other things in the fridge. Brenda got up and went to the refrigerator and got a soda. I wasn’t really watching, but out of the corner of my eye I saw her give the can a shake. What was up with that? Then she opened it and, of course, sprayed all over her blouse.
“Oh hell. I’m soaked. My blouse is ruined. Robbie, I have to change. I can’t stay like this.”
“Can’t you just wash it off or something, Brenda? We just got here.”
“Robbie, please, this is embarrassing. I need to change.”
“Hey Robert, you and Janice should have a good chat. I can talk with you later. Let me take Brenda back to your hotel and she can get changed. It isn’t a bother at all. I could get to know Brenda on the way.”
“Oh, well, I don’t know… Yeah, why not. Okay, she knows our room and she has her own keycard.”
With that I put my hand on Brenda’s back and we walked to the door, out to my car, and climbed in.
“Hello, master. Hello, Daddy.”
“Hello Brooke, my little cum slut. You’re just what I wanted for an early Christmas present.”
As we drove to the hotel downtown I had Brooke suck my cock. I knew she had missed it because she told me so, and she did such a great job sucking the whole thing down her throat and only gagging a little bit. Her blond head bobbed up and down on my pecker and her slobber was soaking my pants, but what the fuck, right?
I drove slowly to the hotel, being careful and getting the best head since that Vegas night last spring. As we pulled into the parking lot I found a space in a dark area and let loose a wad of spunk that she struggled to gobble down. But she took it all. Then she thanked her master.
This was the best surprise I’d had in years. For a long time I had been faithful to my wife, but always yearning for more and more pussy and ass. I had been a good boy until a little tramp had taken me to her room in Vegas. Now I knew that little twat was my sister-in-law. In some ways that made it even better. At last my dream was fulfilled.
As we exited the car, and I put my arm around her shoulder, she thanked her master for finding her again. I was the master so to her I was all powerful. That was the way is should be. We walked quickly into the hotel and took the elevator up to my brother’s suite on the top floor. I had already made plans, even while moaning with her lips wrapped around my prick.
“Tell me little slut, how long are you and Robert staying here?”
“Master, we’re staying tonight and two more nights. Is that alright?”
“That’s good. I’m going to use you again right now and then we can go back to Janice’s house.
She wrote down her number while I was stripping out of my clothes. Then I made her do a slow strip for me.
“Make me hard again, my little slut. Make your master hard and I’ll give you a surprise.”
So she started a bump and grind, like she had done this before. Slowly taking off one piece of clothing after the other. I got glimpses of tits and ass as clothing dropped around her. It was making my pecker rise slowly and surely. I was getting ready to use him again. Brooke obviously was good at this.
“Tell me slut, have you done this before?”
“Yes master. Yeah. I did this on the nights Robbie was out gambling. I was making money at strip clubs. I’m really naughty master. You could punish me if you think I need it. You really should, daddy.”
“I think you’re right little slave. You do need to be taught a lesson. Get across my lap. Right now. Quick!”
With that she scampered eagerly over to me and kissed me, then laid her sweet, tender body on my lap, with her round ass up for me to rub and start spanking faster and faster, as she was squealing with glee, and her ass turned pink. I slapped that waxed pussy too, and that made her squirm with pleasure as she moaned with the lust of pain. I could feel her coming onto my hard prick and on my hand, too. I needed to lick some of that cunt. But I needed a good fuck first.
“Your master wants some pussy. Get on the bed and spread your legs slave. Your master needs cunt.”
I got a rubber out of my pants because I didn’t need to get my brother’s wife pregnant. But that would not take away from the pleasure of taking her again.
She did as ordered. I was going to make her come so hard she would be moaning for hours afterwards. Not really, but she would feel like it. I moved up and put her legs on my shoulders. Her soft knees were next to my face so I licked the soft flesh and she giggled. I pressed the head of my cock into her greasy slit and I slid into her trembling cunt. Oh, shit. I remembered this pussy. It was so fucking good. I rammed into her and started fucking. I knew we could not be here for a long time or Robert might get suspicious.
“Jesus, master, I remember this cock. Oh shit, it’s so fucking good. Fuck me master, please. Fuck me hard, Daddy.”
That was no problem. I wanted this as much as she did. I needed this pussy. I jammed all of my cock up into her cooze and got as deep as I could over and over again. Her cunt was sucking on my prick and squeezing it harder and harder the more I fucked her. I finally built up some spunk to fill that rubber in her cunt. I knew she would feel me filling it and come again for me. She did, as I groaned and came inside her pussy.
That was good, but I wanted more. That would have to wait. We got cleaned up. She made sure to get into different clothes, and we quickly went down and got on the road back to Janice’s house.
“Thank you, master. Was I good for you, Daddy?”
“Yes, you were very pleasing, pet. I’ll reward you soon Brooke. You know you’re my great little slave. So tell me, how’s your relationship with my brother? Is he a good husband? I haven’t spoken to him in years you know.”
“Robbie is okay. But he’s not really much fun. I can walk around half naked and he doesn’t even notice. I always want to fuck, but he isn’t always in the mood. Anyway, he’s better than that bitch, his ex-wife. She was always running around on him, but he never got that. He was too busy gambling.”
“I’m sorry pet. I’ll make it all up to you. I’ll make you happier than any slave in the world.”
“I know you will, master. You’re the best. I worship you master.”
I caressed her blond hair and pulled her over to lean on me as I drove us back to my sister’s house. We had been gone long enough.
It was all cool when we got back. Robert and Janice had been looking at family photos on her computer. Robert, for some reason, was really missing the family he’d had to ignore for so many years. That was fine with us. We had always been a close family, except for his absence, and apparently, that was now going to change. According to Robert he was going to go back to Vegas, but he was planning trips back to visit whenever he could. He must have been pretty successful as a gambler. Not many were, but he was one of the lucky few who were lucky, so to speak.
We were just scrounging in the fridge for sandwich stuff, like cold cuts, and some fried chicken Janice had made a few days before. It was all fine with us. We were a happy little family group, chatting and snacking. At last it was late enough that Robert and Brenda needed to get back to their hotel room.
My other brother and his wife were not coming until the morning so their bedroom was empty. It had one large bed for the two of them. The room I was going to sleep in had twin beds. Janice had been thinking and she came up with an idea.
“Hey Robert, if you want to it would be fine for you and Brenda to stay here tonight. I’ll just move Peter into the room with the twins, and let you and Brenda have the room with the full bed. Why don’t you do that? We could stay up later and chat more. It’ll be fun.”
“I think it’s a great idea, Janice, but the staying up part is not so great. I have jet lag right now and could really use the sleep. What about you, baby? You want to just get to bed, Brenda?”
“Sure Robbie, that sounds fine. I’m beat, Janice. I’d love to just get to bed now.”
“Oh, alright. You’re both party poopers. But, go on, get to bed. Peter, we’ll chat for awhile longer and then I probably need to get to bed too. I really need to get up at about 7:30 to get the turkey and the ham cooking.”
So I glanced over at my pet and she gave me the look. I would see what appeared in my bedroom later on. Janice and I talked as we always did, with lots of family love and enjoyment. Then she yawned, stretched, and went in to bed, giving me a kiss and saying goodnight. I went into the room with the one large bed. I didn’t intend to go to sleep, but I did. I was feeling tired.
I was awakened by someone sucking on my cock. There was some light from a nightlight, and I could see it was my little vixen, Brooke. She was loving my dick. I was loving it too, the cock sucking, of course. But I glanced over at the bedside clock and saw it was about 4:00 in the morning. That gave me time to get some more screwing in.
I whispered to Brooke, “Get your ass up here and give me a kiss, slave.”
She giggled and slid up beside me and we made out for about five minutes. I was using this time to get as hard as I could, and sucking on her tits and tongue, and licking her neck and ears. She was starting to tremble in anticipation.
“Get your ass up in the air. I want to suck your asshole and fuck you. Do it quickly, little slave.”
She followed orders as she always had, so far. I licked her ass and she giggled. I told her to hush and keep it quiet. Then I rose up, stuck my prick into that tight ass hole and began working it in as deep as I could. Her moaning just made me work harder to screw her ass. Oh god, that was a fine ass! I was now fucking it as deep as I could. I was riding her like a whore, which she was. I held her hips with both hands as she keep trying to keep from moaning out loud. Fucking her was like fucking a sex angel. What a great piece of ass my slave was.
I humped her for a long time. I had already shot my wad twice in the past few hours, so I could ride her as long as I wanted. And her cunt was dripping out onto the sheets. Fuck it. I wanted that fuck. She kept coming for her master and I thrust as hard as I could.
“Here it comes, wench. Here comes your reward for being my best little bitch. Fuck, I’m coming, coming, uhhh, uhhh!”
“Fill me, Daddy, fill my ass please, please, oh fuck please. Fuck me harder, Daddy.”
Here it came. All the sperm I had built up over the past few hours, filling her ass and making a cream pie as I pulled out slowly. Damn, that was a pretty ass. I got up and went to the bathroom and got a wet washcloth to wipe us both clean. This was everything I had ever wanted and I was pleased, very pleased.
After she cleaned up she snuck back into the room where her husband, my brother, was snoring away. I watched my little slut glide out of the room, and I made more plans for the future.