The girls seemed to get the point, but now it was time for a final reminder for Julie, the main organizer of the wet panty brigade. The brigade was a group of other secretaries and young teachers who squirted into their panties as they enjoyed spankings given to their colleagues. Getting to watch a spanking would be great; listening to the slaps and cries of one through the door was still a turn on.
They counted out the strokes and sang along with the humiliating cries for a lessening of the hot kisses burning through the delightful bottoms of their friends.
This was not a good day for Holly and Julie, For today, the usually spunky young ladies had painfully red ass cheeks. Bonnie had some post spanking plans that would round out the afternoon’s activities and release the pent up emotions the hot spankings had generated. Generated in her and the dean. The girls would be excluded from this part of the session; sent home to tend to their sore butts.
From the looks of the front of Dean Perkins’ pants, he too was ready for some relief. But then, the stud of Middlesex High was always ready to slip his perennially erect penis into somebody!
Holly, as instructed after her sizzling spanking by the principal, went to the door and turned around to watch her friend’s final chastisement, her panties now below her knees and her hands by her sides. Holly dreaded all having a full frontal view of her after the rather long embarrassing display of her tender rear being spoken to.
Despite the hard spanking being over, Holly still sobbed, trembled and felt her sweet tush swell and throb. As much as she wanted to touch her burning butt, she knew that was not permitted and just accepted the stinging aftermath of her very shameful spanking from her principal. Bonnie delivered this spanking as she knew Holly usually got a good poke after the dean spanked her.
Today, Perkins cock belonged to Bonnie, as did Holly’s ass.
Bonnie, now having finished with Holly’s sorry buns, directed Julie to return to the spanking chair. Julie at first refused to budge, but when she was told her stubbornness would add another twenty strokes to her bottom, she slowly shuffled over.
This time Bonnie was to administer the second session of the spanking with Julie’s own hairbrush. Her first dose, a hand spanking by Perkins, was merely a warm up to tenderize her bottom for the long handled grooming tool. Perkins, always thinking ahead to his next poke, held back somewhat, but a Perkins’ spanking was still a spanking, and Julie was not a happy camper.
No sense using a hairbrush unless the bottom cheeks are ready for it!
This is the part of the spanking Julie would remember for some time. Before she assumed the position, Bonnie told her to announce to the voyeurs that she was getting fifteen with the hairbrush on her already well-spanked butt. Julie mumbled something but Bonnie doubted the young women outside heard it. “Once again, nice and loud, Julie, what’s going to happen now?”
“I am getting fifteen more on my very sore butt with my own hairbrush.”
“Fifteen more,” the glee club happily sang out.
With that, Julie shuffled back to the spanking chair and lowered herself on the towel-covered lap. Bonnie went to work, after adjusting the thin pink panty to slightly above Julie’s knees. The strokes were spaced out but the girl was delirious. Each burning hairbrush stroke left a nice imprint, which was followed by a long and loud announcement of severe discomfort.
Julie’s legs went every which way and Bonnie and Perkins saw plenty of pussy. Even though the jeans kept Julie’s legs somewhat together, there was plenty of up and down action. Bonnie had to hold the shrieking girl around the waist, lest she bounce off that punitive lap.
Perkins, who had been on the couch, came over to watch the last five. Standing by Holly, he told her he was sorry her butt hurt so much. He put his hand behind her and tried to caress her, but Holly flinched as if the spanking was still on. After a sharp glare from Bonnie, Perkins turned his attention to the spanking on display. He admired Julie’s cute round and bouncing butt and thighs all the way down to the thin pink line of her rolled panties, tight around her nice legs.
Julie’s wails told him those twin peaks were burning up and the bright red color confirmed that. Perkins hoped he had the opportunity to be very nice to them some day. After this powerful spanking Julie would be a model secretary and hopefully she would come to visit him when Holly was away.
The poor girl could not control herself. “Please, Miss Anderson, please stop spanking me. I am burning up,” she spit out between cries and yelps. “I will be very good, please stop my spanking.”
Bonnie ended Julie’s current session with two very hard strokes. First the right cheek, then, thirty seconds later, the left one. Julie’s head came up from the floor and she emitted a loud “Ooowwweeeee. No more, I’m sorry.” Two very white imprints of the brush were in the center of both red globes. The girl couldn’t fathom the pain she was enduring. She howled out her discomfort but the only understandable word was “Puhleeeese.”
Finally the hairbrush part of Julie’s spanking was over, but that didn’t mean the noise was. After some very prolonged crying and shaking, Julie eventually regained some measure of composure.
She was told she could get up and both sobbing girls were told to lean over Bonnie’s desk for the customary inspection. Two round, firm, and very red bottoms were on display. Beautiful, trembling, and very sore. Both sets of panties well below the cheeks they were meant to cover. Pointing right at Perkins, this was a most memorable sight, as the tent in his pants confirmed.
“Dean Perkins, please check for any damage beyond what you would expect to find on a recently well spanked bottom.”
Perkins went to Julie first and felt her cheeks. Having received fifteen with the hairbrush on top of the twenty-five hand spanks he had given her, he was not surprised to feel two very hot and quivering orbs.
Julie was still crying and her sobs resonated throughout her body. Perkins felt those tremors in her butt. After examining both hot cheeks very slowly, Perkins dropped his hand and let his middle finger touch her pussy. It was wet. He slowly pulled that intruding digit up in between the red globes, feeling her reaction.
Having lubed that finger first with pussy juice, Perkins very slowly examined the hidden space tween Julie’s prominent butt cheeks. It was warm and quivering.
When Perkins reached her anus he applied a slight pressure and Julie bucked up and kicked out a leg. Perkins ended the exam with a slow up and down glide of the area between those luscious hemispheres. Truly gorgeous, he thought, as the poor girl tried to wriggle away the indignity.
“Seems OK, Miss Anderson. Just a very warm bottom of a well spanked young lady. She will feel this for a day or two and hopefully remember this spanking somewhat longer.”
Perkins was very familiar with Holly’s butt so the checkup was not as extensive. He did caress the sore cheeks and told Holly she would be OK soon. Bonnie also took a long look and compared the hot cheeks of both girls. Naturally Julie’s buns were more sensitive than Holly’s, and she shuddered at the unwanted touches.
Bonnie and Perkins, after examining both spanked bottoms, concluded the girls had been sufficiently disciplined and would learn from this lesson. The two chastised secretaries, thoroughly humiliated and embarrassed by this time, continued to flinch as the uncaring hands explored their hot, tender butts as they sobbed uncontrollably. Bonnie even gave each one a sharp pinch, on the bottom of their hot orbs, where cheek met thigh, causing them both to yelp out loud.
“Holly, you and I both work for Miss Anderson and must follow her rules. Do you think you can?” asked Perkins.
“Yes, Dean Perkins, I will be very careful about keeping private matters private. I don’t ever want another spanking in this room.”
Then both young ladies were told to stand by the door. They shuffled over, still with their panties below their knees and dragging their jeans.
“Girls,” Miss Anderson stated loudly, “if there are any more violations of the sanctity of my office by either you, or anyone outside this door, all the violators will be taken to the cafeteria, bent over one long lunch table, and feel the dean’s paddle on their bare bottoms.”
That’s when they heard the sounds of running feet and clicking heels. To further put the fear into the wet panty brigade, Bonnie grabbed the door and shook it loudly.
“Now you two can stand here facing that door while Dean Perkins and I rest on the couch, and don’t touch those bottoms, or else I will. Keep your hands by your sides.”
The two pretty red trembling bottoms were on display as Bonnie and Perkins sat on the couch and admired them. The twin butts looked very cute, as they danced to the music of their owners’ sobs. Julie’s pink and Holly’s black panties looked like gift-wrapping.
Their continued wriggling and swaying told Bonnie these two spankings were done rather well and should be effective. But if they had to be repeated, they would.
Watching the humiliated girls try to shake out the heat without touching themselves was rather interesting and Bonnie noticed that Perkins got very stiff watching the nicely paired bottoms roll from side to side.
Bonnie felt Perkins’ hardness thru his pants and squeezed him gently.
When Bonnie could wait no longer for Perkins’ hot appendage to quench her thirst, she told the girls they could lift their panties and jeans and leave. They looked even prettier when they bent over to reach the lowered clothes and pointed their very cute asses in her direction. Both felt the heat again as they pulled up their tight jeans, but they had no choice. Julie opened the door and was ready to leave when Bonnie called them both back.
“I want you both to tell me what you learned today.”
Talking while their bottoms were stinging and throbbing was not easy but spankings at Middlesex High were always well delivered. Trying their best not to touch their hot bottom cheeks, the crying girls answered.
“Miss Anderson,” stated Julie between sobs, “I will keep your affairs confidential and never tell anyone what goes on in here.”
“Me too, Miss Anderson,” offered Holly as she danced from foot to foot. “I don’t ever want such a hard spanking again.”
“How about you, Julie, did you like your spanking?”
“No Ma’am, and I will make sure you never have to give me another one,” Julie offered up as her face reddened again.
“OK, girls, you are excused. You may go home now. Good thing today is Friday; no need to sit at your desk all day tomorrow!”
It was just their lucky day to be spanked on Casual Friday! Actually both girls thought, if spanked on another day, they might have been wearing some loose fitting dress, rather than the jeans stretched over their steaming buns.
Holly and Julie both left, still sobbing and holding their throbbing bottoms. They went down the hallway walking the walk of the recently well spanked. Bonnie went up and locked the door again. She closed the inner door this time.
It was Friday at 4 p.m. now and the week’s recent administrative duties had been completed. The well punished and very sorry young ladies had walked rather gingerly out of Bonnie’s office with mascara lines running down their faces. Hopefully their friends in the brigade had left for the day too, and wouldn’t have to be faced.
Bonnie hoped they would exercise better discretion in the future or else she would notify their friends, herself, of the next spanking to be administered. She might even invite them inside.
As usual, after watching hot bottoms squirm and young ladies bawl, Bonnie was ready for a poke. There was no doubt the cute red tushes made Perkins’ dick hard. Not that it took much to do that.
Perkins had said he would visit her this weekend, but Bonnie needed a cum now. Dressed in her new business suit, with its non-flair skirt, she wondered how to give Perkins access to her charms.
Bonnie was glad she remembered to cover her lap as she saw someone’s pussy juice on the towel. Bonnie had also squirted some into her panties. Spankings had a way of doing that.
Bonnie went to put the spanking chair back by her desk, but Perkins had other ideas for it. Leaving it where it was, Bonnie thanked Bob for assisting her with this matter. As was typical, she saw the results pushing out his pants. She went to her dean, took hold of his cock, and kissed him. As she held his stiff organ, and thought of what lay ahead, she squirted again. It was a good thing these panties would soon be coming off!
Bonnie opened his zipper and took out her new best friend. It was warm and red. She gingerly massaged it and told him she couldn’t wait until he came over to her place later. The tumescent monster actually grew as Bonnie caressed it. How big could this thing get?
Would that huge cock ever fit into her? Only one way to find out!!
“If I give you a nice poke now, will you still want more tonight?” the dean asked.
“Just you wait and see how much I want, but I need a quickie now, or else I won’t make it home. But how do we do it with this tight skirt?”
Perkins kissed her gently and opened the button and zipper of her skirt and slipped it down. The slip came to a few inches below her panties. Remaining on one knee, he helped her as she stepped out of the skirt; then he kissed her tummy. Asking her to lift the slip to her waist, he put his fingers into the waistband of those silky black, and very wet panties he loved so much.
He slowly drew them down past her hips and sweet legs and helped Bonnie step out of them. He put the panties in his shirt pocket for later use. No sense spanking the girls for indiscretion and then having the principal’s screams heard throughout the school.
Now looking at her bush, he kissed that and ran his tongue along her pussy. Wanting to return the favor, Bonnie pulled him up and squatted down to grasp his cock with both hands. Bonnie took the huge erection in her mouth and washed it with her tongue. She felt it grow and heard Bob catch his breath.
She was so sweet, Perkins thought. Today he would teach her a new way to get poked in inconvenient places. He went back to the chair, turned it around and led her by the hand. Actually, she led him by the cock.
“Bonnie, I am going to sit in the spanking chair, but your tush is safe, at least for now. Just follow my lead and you will be cuming soon.”
“I don’t understand Bob, how can we do it with you sitting there?”
“Just follow my lead, Boss, and hold that slip up, but first drop my pants.”
Once he was sitting in the chair again, after Bonnie dropped his drawers, and having his face close to the action again, Perkins kissed her tummy and then turned her around. Several wet kisses to her full white ass cheeks followed and then he made her coo. He separated those beautiful twin spheres and licked her in between.
Bonnie bent forward to give him more access. Bonnie knew she would explode rather loudly, and realized why her panties were so close by. Perkins had that effect on her.
Turning her around to face him again, Perkins asked her to take his thumb into her mouth and make it wet. Not sure what he was planning, but knowing it had to good, she complied. Perkins then slowly pushed his thumb into her wet pussy and explored. Wherever he touched, Bonnie responded with a vengeance.
“What do I do now, Bob. I’m dripping.”
Perkins had her straddle him with a long leg on either side. Her high heels were planted on the floor. The shiny black hose was high on her thighs and very sexy to look at.
“Bonnie, you have to help here. Pull apart your pussy lips and guide me in. I will go slowly. You then drop down very slowly until I fill you up. You can pump yourself at whatever speed you like. You can also take me in as far as you want. You are running this show. I will hold your sides and guide you. Don’t forget the panties when you need them, they are right in front of you, or I may have to spank you for your indiscretion!”
She guided him in and loved the new position. Then she took the panties from his shirt and held them tightly. Men had always entered her at their speed and went in as far as they wanted. Now she would make those decisions.
Bonnie pumped her legs very slowly and controlled the poke. It was very nice. Soon she increased her tempo and was taking him in all the way. The deeper Bonnie took him, the larger he felt.
Knowing what was next, Bonnie stuffed her panties into her mouth and bit down. The cums took hold of her and but for Perkins’ practiced hands, she would have lost her rhythm. She felt the contractions build and the moan come up her throat.
Perkins rammed her up and down at a brisk speed and soon Bonnie was exploding. Her “Oooooh, oooooh, ooooh’s, called out each mini burst of her lithe body. Bonnie’s love juices ran down her sweet thighs. She finally collapsed on his lap and rested her head on his shoulder. Perkins took the panty out and kissed her.
“Bob you are sooo good to me. Did you read that in a fucking book too?”
“As your dean of discipline, I must advise you against such language in school, Miss Anderson.”
“I’m sorry, Dean, but after that fucking, if you have to spank me later I won’t mind.”
“Don’t be so quick, Boss. Ask Julie how I spank.”
“Now I need a favor. Holly usually takes the stiffness out of my cock after I turn a shapely student or two over my lap and toast those buns. I doubt she is in the mood today, and your sweet ride on my cock only added to my needs.”
“Whatever you want, Dean. You’re the boss, now.”
Perkins took her to her desk and gently bent her over. Bonnie was beautiful to look at. Starting at the top, Perkins admired her full creamy white ass cheeks, firm and round. Then looking down, thigh-high hose with a cute little lace collar at the top, encasing her very sexy long legs, all the way down to her heels.
Perkins glided over her smooth cheeks, gave them a few kisses and pulled apart her lower lips. First he kissed them and then he inserted his tongue a bit. Bonnie squirmed and cooed. The twisting of her bottom made him that much harder. Entry was easy as she was still dripping wet. Perkins closed his eyes and thought about the two red dancing bottoms on display earlier today. After two or three firm thrusts, Bonnie squirted on him again and almost lost her footing. That brought him off rather quickly and he drained himself. Actually, he flowed like a river. He could barely stand and leaned on the desk.
Bonnie got up and licked him clean. “Was that good Bob? I want to be so good to you.”
“You were wonderful, Bonnie. I love being inside you. Can’t wait till I get over to your place tonight. Hope I have some cock left for you.”
“Don’t worry, Bob. I have the perfect recipe for waking that bad boy up.”
They kissed warmly and got dressed. Bonnie’s outer office was empty. He went back to his office, and as expected, Holly had gone home too. He didn’t want to go home in case the girlfriend wanted some, so he took a nap on his office couch and then went to shower in the boys’ locker room. By 7 p.m., he was ready to drive to his principal’s home.
To Be Continued…
Now that Bonnie had the taste, what awaited her this evening?
Would she be spanked, or fucked over every piece of furniture in her house?
Read on; Dean Perkins can easily do both!
Rickey Smarts © 2013