Is 500 miles very many?
I couldn’t even say
It doesn’t seem so far
Yet still not a promise of a day
Am I a fucking idiot?
So caught up in a dream
Unaware of reality
Are things not what they seem?
Will a promise be enough?
And how long will we wait?
Will this be my lifetime?
Is this my fucking fate?
What have I done to me?
It’s way to fucking late
Love will never set me free
No expiration date
This is the fucking moment
These moments, they exist
When I feel unsure of everything
And fear I must resist
But he tells me this
A promise of his love
I believe his words
Am I asking for too much?
In this very day
This moment that I live
He offers me his heart
Is there any more that he could give?
Can I just be happy?
To have his love surround me?
Affirmed by not a touch
But never lacking in his deeds
Is there any more that I should want?
Am I caught up in my greed?
Am I a selfish bitch?
Concerned with just my needs?
Fucking questions haunt me
On cloudy days like this
Inviting all my tears
And stealing happiness
So I call to him
Tell him of my seethe
He will soothe my ache
And put my heart at ease
Patient in his love
He removes these ugly doubts
Forever steady, never swaying
He sweeps away the clouds
And when my tears have dried
And my visions is all cleared
I see our love remains
Us… We are still here
There are no logistics to this love
No conditions of the heart
No expectation of a touch
Just two.. To never part