“So who is this new little pet who is joining us?” Beleeza was splayed over a table in Reina’s workshop watching her bondmate rummage about. The Daemon was looking especially outlandish today, her curved horns larger than usual, covered in dangling jewelry and chains. Her skin was charcoal gray, with only a few spots of brilliant red strewn across her face and arms. The elegant cloth around her waist was only there because Reina had ordered it so.
“She has worked under Mistress Loranna, who thought she could use some alternative education,” Reina said absent-mindedly as she selected tomes from her shelves and put them on a table. The Warlock’s usually messy hair was tied back and she wore her deep red scholar robes. A display of status, no doubt. “Her name is Idina, and not pet,” she added with not a little scorn in her voice.
“Idina, you say? Quite the cute little name that…”
Reina was quick to aim a warning glare towards the Daemon. “NO. I will not have a repeat of what happened with Telitha. You will behave.”
“Have I not begged for your forgiveness already?” Beleeza purred with a feigned pout on her face. “Did I not apologize on my knees for a long time..?”
“Quiet you!” Reina slammed down a thick tome with a resounding thud. “It’s bad enough that I had to send away a good assistant because of your games. I can’t have my underlings going against discipline. My hands are quite full with you as it is.”
Beleeza smiled gleefully. “I’d say it’s more than your hands that are full most of the time…”
Reina sighed and threw up her hands. “I could have gone with the House of Paradoxes, but no. I just had to go for the carnally crazed.” Suddenly, a careful knock on the door sounded and broke her nearly-begun rant. Reina pointed a warning finger towards her Daemon. “Behave.” Beleeza simply pointed her long, snake-like tongue at her bondmate with a mocking smile and slid off the table.
Outside the door waited a young girl clad in simple, black robes. Big, nervous eyes peered out from under auburn red hair, long and wild with a stray lock of white across her forehead. A spatter of freckles covered her face, marking her as a southerner. Her right arm was branded red, with ritual sigils and lines carved into it. Reina couldn’t help admitting that she was quite cute.
“You are Idina, sent by Loranna?”
“At your service,” the girl answered with a slight curtsy. Her voice was lithe like a songbird’s, and not a little melodic. Hardly the picture of a Warlock that the Wizards’ Order would have people believe stalked in the shadows.
“Please, come in,” Reina said and opened the door further. Barely had the girl taken two steps into the workshop before she was startled by Beleeza, who towered above her. No doubt having intended just that effect.
“My, what a fair little doe we have here,” Beleeza purred, eyeing Idina up and down.
“This is my Daemon and bondmate Beleeza,” Reina said, keeping her calm but giving Beleeza a cold glance. “She will not be bothering us today.”
“I-I’m, uh, pleasure to meet you,” the young girl stammered, not quite knowing where to look or how to greet such a being. So far her work had only required her to face Daemons who were much less exhibitionist. But now, with Beleeza’s swelling breasts in height with her face she was certainly out of her element.
“In more ways than one, little assistant,” Beleeza said with a low, tempting voice. She took Idina’s hand and gave it a smoldering kiss. The girl’s face grew deep red, though she dared not pull away her hand.
“That’s enough of that,” Reina interrupted and shooed Beleeza away. “Now, you’ll be assisting me with research around Enuitan remnants, mostly translation from tomes. May I ask if you have some specialization from your work with Loranna?”
Idina gathered herself, desperately trying to stop blushing. “Yes, miss. I know the different desert speeches well and Mistress Loranna has had me study Enutian disasters for some time. I also have some knowledge of Wizard’s work and practice in Oneiromancy.”
Reina’s brow furrowed. “Dream walking? That’s quite an unusual skill to have these days. Did Loranna ask that of you?”
“The Mistress likes her assistants to have a broad range of skills,” Idina said with an apologetic smile.
“I suppose that is up to her discretion,” Reina said, with a tinge of exasperation. She had hoped for something a bit more useful. Telitha had been a bigger asset than she had realized. But that mattered little now. “If you would take a seat I’ll show you the material I have.”
As Idina and Reina sat down by the stack of tomes Reina had gathered on the table, Beleeza slowly stalked towards them, hips swaying as her eyes were locked on the new girl. Slowly, but in no way subtly, she put her hands down and leaned over the table, making sure that the cloth around her waist fell away just right so that her large, swollen cock rested on the table. Pointed towards Idina. It didn’t take long before the girl noticed, her eyes growing large and her face becoming as red as her hair. A few tense seconds passed before Reina caught on. She glared at Beleeza with a look that could’ve frozen hellfire.
“Put that thing away this instant or I’ll feed it to the dogs outside.”
“But I was just looking at what you were doing,” Beleeza pleaded with a feigned pout. But Reina was having none of it.
“Leave us to our work. Now, Beleeza.”
“Fine, fine…” Beleeza sighed with a smile and made sure to sway her firm behind a little extra as she walked away. She could feel the girl’s burning gaze on her ass.
Without Beleeza’s interference, the two Warlocks were free to descend into the old texts, putting together a reading plan for Idina. Endless pages were rifled through and Beleeza was quickly losing interest. But every now and then, the young assistant glanced towards the Daemon. Short, secret glances that spoke louder than the girl might have intended. But Beleeza knew when to not push too far. A bond was still a bond.
When Reina got up to fetch some more tomes from the shelf Idina suddenly looked much more intently towards Beleeza. After a quick glance towards Reina, who had her back turned, the girl parted her robes just a little bit, looking Beleeza in the eye as she exposed her left breast to the Daemon, stroking herself gently. At once, Beleeza’s attention was piqued. Even to her, this was something of a surprise. As Reina turned from the shelf, Idina covered herself just in time, leaving her overseer none the wiser.
Beleeza didn’t let her gaze stray anymore, keeping her eyes firmly locked on the young assistant. Every time Reina turned away or went to search for something Idina would expose herself a bit more. Showing her cute little breasts, nipples stiff with excitement. Pulling up her robes to show her slender legs. Little by little Beleeza felt her cock swell up, even when trying to remain discreet. But when Reina went to rummage through a chest of tools Idina upped the ante. Using her finger, she started licking and sucking seductively, as if playing with a rock hard cock. Beleeza’s cock grew harder and harder, and she was just as excited as she was bewildered at the sheer audacity of this human. The bulge under her waist cloth was no longer possible to conceal. Irina looked her intently in the eyes as her teasing grew more and more intense.
Then, in the blink of an eye, their secret play ended as Reina closed the chest and got up. Once more the two Warlocks submerged themselves in the tomes. But Beleeza saw as Idina let one hand slide down under the table, pulling up the robe and parting it so that her upper thighs were exposed. A playful finger traced up and down, gently stroking the delicate skin. Extending an invitation she very well knew that Beleeza had to restrain herself from accepting. Little had the Daemon suspected this young girl would have such fire.
She watched Idina play in that way until Reina suddenly got up from her chair. “I think I may have some texts on translation down in the cellar. Why don’t you look through this while I go get them, I’ll only be a minute.” Then she turned towards Beleeza and gave her a warning look. “Only a minute. Behave.”
“I sit only in my corner, quiet as a mouse,” Beleeza purred, quickly covering the large erection pulsating between her legs.
Seconds later, Reina had gone down the creaking stairs to the cellar. Idina and Beleeza were alone, staring at each other intently. Slowly, Idina rose from her chair. With nimble fingers she undid her robe, exposing her pale breast again. She didn’t stop there, however, but went around the table and bent over. Beleeza watched transfixed as the girl slid her breeches down, showing off her taut little behind with seductive sways. Inviting. Without even thinking, Beleeza stood up, her uncovered cock now fully erect. She strode towards Idina as the girl sat up on the table, spreading her legs with one hand covering her most secret place. Teasing and gently rubbing.
“You play with fire, girl,” Beleeza whispered with a savage smile. She started rubbing her own cock, just as much to tease the girl back as being unable to resist.
“Am I tempting you, Daemon?” Idina whimpered as she rubbed herself. “Do you wish to plunge that thick cock into me?”
Beleeza had no time to answer before the creaks of the cellar stairs broke their moment. Idina flew over the table, quick as lightning, and had her robe all tied up in just seconds. Beleeza was not as quick, however, and it was impossible to hide her hard cock when Reina came back into the room. The Warlock was not happy.
“For all that is- I can’t leave you alone for even a minute, can I!” she yelled at Beleeza. The Daemon looked at Idina, who was feigning the most innocent of faces. “Maybe you need to go back a while and cool off,” Reina said, starting to channel a banishment spell.
“But she-” Beleeza began, but then the banishment sent her hurling through shadows back to the House of Flesh, leaving only a wisp of smoke behind.
“I’m sorry about that,” Reina said with a sigh to her new assistant. “If you ever choose to bond, think twice about considering the House of Flesh. I hope she wasn’t too much trouble.” Idina just shook her head with an embarrassed smile. And so, they returned to the tomes, pouring through old texts as Idina did her best to ignore the burning wetness between her legs.
Meanwhile, deep in the House of Flesh, Beleeza was fuming with a frustration that bordered on the impressed. Never before had a human made such a mockery of her. This would not pass without consequence. With a snap of her fingers, she summoned a voluptuous little succubus, which she promptly pushed down on all fours, spreading her legs wide. And as she plunged her rock hard cock into the howling little Daemon, she started plotting her revenge.
That night, Idina was dreamwalking as she usually did. This time she strolled in the rosy golden light of dusk among gardens and statues, impossibly intricate as only dreamborn things can be. The warm breeze caressed her naked skin and tousled her hair as the air was filled with the fragrance of jasmine and sea breeze. She had never understood how much one could miss the ocean until she had come to Robeka. Sand and desert everywhere. But here, she could forget all that. Here-
Suddenly something shifted in the dream. A disturbance that shouldn’t be. The garden seemed to grow denser and darker, turning into a maze before her. She tried to wrest control of it, but something powerful had taken hold. This was no longer her dream. She started running. The podiums where statues had once stood were now empty, and in every shadow, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. At once she knew – she was being hunted.
Faster and faster she ran, as fast as her legs could carry her. Flames were rising around her, setting the garden ablaze. As she turned a corner, a wall of flame rose before her and blocked her path. Behind her, the maze crumbled and fell in on itself. She was caught. Before her eyes, a shadow rose among the flames, and it laughed a wicked laugh. Instantly she knew who had taken her dream from her.
The Daemon strode out from the flames with a savage smile on her face. Within seconds she was upon Idina, lifting the girl with barely an effort.
“You played a dangerous game, young Warlock,” Beleeza growled with pleasure. “Usually the dreams of humans don’t concern me, but the dreams of an Oneiromancer is a different thing. Especially when said Oneiromancer causes me such a bother.”
“W-what do you want?” Idina whimpered, not daring to think about how much trouble she was in.
“Why, I want to finish what we started,” the Daemon said. At once the flaming gardens fell into the shadows and instead a city rose around them, with buildings and people all around them.
“I-I’m sorry for-”
“Don’t be,” Beleeza laughed. “I admire the spine on you girl. Not many would be so brazen towards a Daemon. Besides,” she added with a grim smile, “I very much liked what I saw.”
Idina hesitated. “You aren’t going to kill me then?” Only now Idina seemed to notice the hustle and bustle going on around them. People had stopped around them and were watching incredulously.
Beleeza feigned an insulted face. “Kill you? An underling of my bondmate and one of very few interesting humans? I would never.” The Daemon lowered Irina to the ground, pressing the Warlock against her body.
“So…what do you want?” Idina asked with hesitation, though she could well guess it.
“You like for people to look at you, yes?” Beleeza asked with a smirk.
Idina blushed, hiding her face. She did. It lit a fire inside her like nothing else. But how could she admit that to this Daemon? But was it not from the House of Flesh? Could it not already see her innermost desires? Finally, she whispered, “I do.”
“Then I want to give you what you want, and take what I want as well. I am going to fuck you right here, where you can enjoy the countless gazes upon your body as I claim it.”
Idina could barely speak. This was just a dream, but still, the mere thought stunned her. She had thought of such a deed often, but never dared admit it to herself. Even in dreams she had not dared face it.
“All you need to do is say yes, Warlock. I can sense your desire,” Beleeza growled, greatly enjoying playing with the young woman.
Idina’s heart was beating so hard she could barely breathe. She wanted it. She wanted it so very badly. But shame burned her cheeks just as much as desire burned between her legs. She had wanted the Daemon to fuck her, to feel that raw, unhindered desire. She wanted it so much.
“Yes. Do what you want with me, in front of all these people,” she finally whispered.
Beleeza did not waver for a second. Out of nowhere, a podium rose under them, lifting them up for the whole square to see. People stopped to stare as the Daemon turned the Warlock around so she could see the masses looking upon her. For a moment Idina hesitated. Then she let her hands fall, revealing her naked body. She knew it wasn’t real. She knew it was all a dream. But still, the fire raged and burned inside her. Beleeza’s big, hard cock pressed against her backside, goading her on further.
“Well, now you have an audience,” Beleeza whispered in her ear. “Why don’t you show them what you can do..?”
Idina nodded, ashamed out of her mind but turned on like she had never been before in her life. Obediently, she got down on her knees and took Beleeza’s big cock in her hands. Gently, she started jerking it, marveling at how hot it felt against her skin. She couldn’t resist letting her lips and tongue kiss and lick around the shaft, enjoying how it twitched at her touch. Quickly it became slick with her spit and precum, and she started working it with her hands more and more firmly. Beleeza’s deep breathing and moans pushed her onwards and soon she opened her mouth greedily, letting that hard cock slide deep into her mouth. It throbbed against her tongue, pulsating and eager. For a second she thought that Beleeza would come in her mouth, but even as she sucked and rubbed it she was denied that reward.
All the while she could hear the people around her, how they watched and talked about her. She wanted to show them more. To be seen. To be desired and wanted. She took Beleeza’s cock out of her mouth, and looked up pleadingly at the Daemon.
“Please…do with me what you wish.” Her voice was low and smoky, dripping with desire.
In an instant, Beleeza had lifted her off the floor, and bent her over a railing. Idina felt one hand gripping her hair, and another grabbing onto her hip. She knew what was coming, and the entire square before her would see as she was taken as a Daemon’s plaything. For but a moment she felt the swollen head of Beleeza’s cock press against her soaking wet pussy, teasing her with what was about to come. And then, with one strong thrust Beleeza filled her up, making the young Warlock cry out with pleasure for all the square to hear.
She got only a few seconds of reprieve before the Daemon started fucking her with slow, deliberate thrusts. Her hands gripped the railing tightly, holding on for dear life as pleasure wracked her body. It was like a rod of hot iron, filling her up again and again and all she could do was take it. Before all these people she was used for a Daemon’s pleasure, and it drove her into a frenzy – little by little she gave up control, letting her cries get louder as she bowed down to pleasure. With a deep, beastly growl Beleeza forced her cock as deep inside Idina as she could and came for the first time with thick, hot spurts. The young Warlock came achingly close to climax herself, but could only claw in desperation as it remained just out of reach.
She was then forced down on all fours, with the Daemon’s cock still trusting into her with a force that shook her entire body. She felt her awareness starting to slip, how everything was starting to become a delirium of pleasure. Desperately she writhed and moaned, wanting everyone to see just how deeply she was drowning in lust. But even as Beleeza came inside her once more, climax eluded her.
And even as Beleeza took her and fucked her in every way the Daemon wanted, so it remained. No matter how that thick, wonderful cock filled her, no matter how fingers, tongue, and lips teased her, and no matter how much she strained, she could not come. Some malevolent curse chained her, and kept her body from singing out in pleasure. All she could do was struggle and take whatever Beleeza gave her, filling her over and over.
Finally, as Idina was riding Beleeza’s thick cock, the Daemon smiled at her with malice. “Do you wish to finally come little one?”
Idina could do nothing but whimper and claw at Beleeza’s muscular body as she felt her burning pussy be filled up over and over again.
“I want you to give words to your innermost desires… Only then can you come.”
Idina struggled to gather enough of her mind to grasp at an answer, but too much pleasure had driven her too close to the edge. Words were beyond her.
“What do you want, little Warlock!?” Beleeza growled with joy.
“Sing it!”
“I-I”- Suddenly something gave way in Idina, and she cried out. “I want you to fuck me like this while Reina watches!”
Beleeza let out a fierce laugh. “Hah! Good answer!” In a swift motion, the Daemon turned over Idina on her back, and with a whisper of dark magic, she removed the seal she had placed on the young Warlock. Then, with an unearthly effort, she took Idina one last time.
No more than a few moments passed before Idina felt how a massive orgasm was building in her, taking her very breath away and making her muscles tense up so hard she thought she would break. And then – blissful release as every fiber of her being screamed out and nearly shattered. It was not just a climax, it was a torrent of orgasms exploding inside her over and over again, like a violent blossom of pleasure. She didn’t even notice how she came all over Beleeza, nor how the Daemon let her cock shoot its hot, thick load deep inside her pussy one final time. All she knew was a maelstrom of sensations that nearly tore her apart.
She had no idea how long she was shivering and trembling, tightly clung around Beleeza’s body. When she finally regained her senses again, they were laying in the statue gardens again. She had thought that she would wake up for real, safe in her own bed, but apparently, the Daemon had something else in store.
“I believe that makes up for your teasing today,” Beleeza said with a smirk. “Don’t let it be the last time.” Idina had no energy to answer, and could only watch as the Daemon stood up and stretched. “But before I go,” Beleeza continued, “I have a small gift for you.” She kneeled over Idina and put one of her hands over the Warlock’s forehead. “Your Oneiromancy is not too bad, girl. But a small boost should help you out.” A sudden spike of energy surged through Idina’s head, and for a moment she struggled to regain her senses. Once she did, Beleeza was watching her with amusement.
“What did you do to me..?”
“Now you should be able to have more control in your dreams. As well as understand how to enter the dreams of others.” The Daemon stood up and started to fade from the dream. “Use it well,” Beleeza added, with a mischievous wink. And so, with a wisp of black smoke, she was gone.
For a moment Idina wanted nothing more than to step out of the dream to just enjoy a night of deep, black sleep. But then an idea entered her head. An idea that was too enticing to pass up.
When Idina stepped into Reina’s dreams she found herself walking in a strange, ancient forest. Mossy ruins and crumbling walls were strewn all around, hinting at bygone ages. It didn’t take her long to track down the core of this dreamland – the dreamer herself. She found Reina by the edge of a small lake, playing with her feet in the water. An intimate view of her new superior. For a moment she hesitated. Did she actually dare go through with this? She could still turn back. No. The fire inside her was too strong now. She did not have the willpower to turn around.
Slowly she approached Reina and as she did so she focused the dream, making it more stable. She didn’t want it to fade too quickly. When Reina noticed her, she simply stopped, and let her robes fall to the ground. Standing there, completely naked in front of her boss made her impossibly excited. She could probably stroke herself to orgasm right there. But it was nothing compared to what would come next.
“How did you find this land?” Reina asked absently, wrapped in the delirious logic of dreams.
“I came because you called,” Idina answered, careful not to break the vague veil. Anything too direct would make an unskilled dreamer wake up. She took a few careful steps toward Reina and laid down in the grass beside her. Gently she started to stroke herself, spreading her legs, hiding nothing. Even here in the world of dreams, showing herself off turned her on like nothing else. “I came because you wanted me to.”
Then, with a quick but confident force, she pulled the image of Beleeza from Reina’s mind and gave it form. Just as she had seen her before. Charcoal skin adorned in tattoos, taut over rippling muscles. Great, curved horns arching towards the heavens. Heavenly, round breasts, and that big, hard cock that promised so much pleasure. Not as good as the real thing, but it would do splendidly.
“Because you wanted Beleeza to have me, didn’t you?” she whispered to Reina with a slight moan.
Reina pondered in delirious confusion, eyes darting between the two interlopers in her dream. Had she? She must have. Why else would they be here?
“Yes. Yes, I did.”
“Because you wanted Beleeza to fuck me?” Idina pulled Beleeza’s visage closer to kneel above her.
“To fuck you…”
“You wanted to watch as she fills me with her cock?” She couldn’t help herself. It was too much, the fire was too powerful. Beleeza’s visage was leaning over her inviting body, with its big, hard cock so close to her wet, aching slit.
“Yeah, I…I want to watch,” Reina said.
“Tell her!” Idina cried out, barely able to contain herself, reaching out and taking one of Reina’s hands in her own.
Reina hesitated but for a second before she gave the order. “Fuck her. Fuck her hard! I want to see her come harder than she ever has before!”
After that, it all happened very quickly. Idina could barely pull her hand away before Beleeza’s visage thrust its hard cock against her pussy and with little resistance, all the way deep inside her. The young Warlock cried out in pleasure, never breaking eye contact with Reina. And as she was getting fucked, Idina put on the show of a lifetime. Not just because she was enjoying being watched this way, but because she wanted Reina to never forget this view, even if waking life were to erase the dream.
She wanted her boss to remember her filled up and fucked this way, a plaything for her Daemon. Never had she wanted to abandon herself so in front of anyone, to let them see everything. Suddenly, a violent orgasm shook her and she struggled to keep her eyes on Reina. After that everything became a blur of straining muscles and impossible pleasures. But always there was her Mistress’s eyes, burning with desire. Urging her on. Watching.
And then, the dream ended.
Reina awoke with a jolt in her bed. Images from her dreams lingered for a few seconds before they faded back into nothingness. She had never been skilled at dreaming. But whatever she had been dreaming about had left her soaked and now a fire was throbbing between her legs. Even the lightest touch of her fingers made her shiver and squirm with pleasure, sending small shocks of pleasure all the way out to the tip of her toes. There would be no more sleep before she had gotten some relief. But her fingers could not reach deep enough, and no matter how slowly or frantically she rubbed herself she could not reach climax. Everything she did just made the fire worse. With gritted teeth, she realized she had but one choice.
“Come back to me Beleeza,” she whispered to the dark. And the dark answered. Before she could react, she felt something big crawl onto the bed and under the sheets. Warm hands spread her legs to the side, and something hot and wet brushed against her aching lips, whispering of sweet relief. Finally, she felt Beleezas lips wrap around her pussy and by then all she could do was grab the Daemon’s horns tightly and hold on as lips, tongue, and fingers fucked and licked her into a frenzy. And then, with a deep groan, she came in wracking spasms all over Beleeza’s face. She was still panting and shivering when Beleeza crawled up and wrapped her arms around her. It was impossible to ignore the warm, hard cock that pressed against her backside.
“Do it,” Reina groaned, unable to resist the temptation. Beleeza was not late to obey and pushed her down on her stomach, spreading her legs wide. She mounted Reina, who cried out and bit the pillow as the Daemon’s rock hard cock pushed deep inside her pussy with great eagerness. And then Beleeza took her Warlock with savage glee, their bodies tightly pressed against each other, grinding and straining in wild lovemaking.
It didn’t take long for Reina to come once more, her pussy clamping around Beleeza’s great cock, slick with her wetness. Mere seconds after, Beleeza let out a deep groan and bit down hard on Reina’s shoulder as she came in thick, hot spurts inside her bondmate, filling her up completely. She kept trusting all the way until she had emptied her last inside Reina, and both of them slumped together in exhaustion. Panting and slick with perspiration, Beleeza held Reina tightly in her arms, her cock still deep inside the Warlock. Slowly drifting into the fogs of sleep.
“You are incorrigible,” Reina whispered faintly, being completely spent. Even now, tiny spasms of orgasmic bliss rippled through her.
“That is why you chose me,” Beleeza whispered back with a laugh. “Seems your new assistant is a bit of a troublemaker…”
“You would know…” Barely had the words escaped Reina’s lips before sleep carried her off.