Who languish lost from loves adieu.
The lingering taste of a love’s goodbye
Creates thereby a needful guy.
My sweet Chanel’s heart of empathy
Can feel your loss and set you free
From jilted love’s created need
And willingly fills your carnal greed.
She’ll foreplay with the jilted man
She’ll stroke him softly with passions hand.
She’ll let him fondle her perfect breasts
As she massages and fills his sex requests.
Erotic therapists do fill a need
And give safe options your lust to feed
In lieu of unsafe sexual search
He visits my Chanel’s passion perch.
True she limits where he can go
But allows him plenty as passions flow.
For next he fondles her luscious ass
As his balls enjoy her sweeping backhand pass
With finger nails she’ll lightly scratch
Calling out your passion patch
Now hard and hot your body begs
You arch your back, your hand between her legs
Her hands respond to your begging way
As you feel her heat she enjoys cock play
She strokes you harder and faster which
Brings your passion to a fever pitch.
In full release you cry out her name
And free yourself from lost love’s pain
My sweet Chanel has once again
Brought satisfaction to a needful man.
Do I mind these men who make her hot?
I’ll tell you why I’m jealous not.
They leave satisfied with her in passion fits
And I, yes I reap the benefits.
For now her passion juice I taste
Hot and wet she fucks my face
I please my princess as only I can
As she awaits the next needful man.