Lia’s Graduation Day (Part 1)

"Lia and Sam set up each other's parents to have unexpected results."

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“Mom enough pictures already!” Lia yelled as she looked away from the camera.

“Grandma and Grandpa want a picture of you for their mantle. Now stand still and smile like you miss them!”

Lia smiled, holding her high school diploma and making a cute pose in her graduation gown. It was raining, so the best place to take the picture apparently was in front of the women’s bathroom.


“Now that wasn’t so hard was it?” Lia’s mom asked.

“I was about to turn into a statue. I’m terrified of statues because of my favorite show, mom!” Lia made sure that the picture would come at a price. It only took the slightest bit of complaining to make her mother irritated. The two headed towards the exit.

“I’m just glad we are out of that gym. If they turned up the temperature any more in there I would have turned into a puddle instead of a statue.”

Lia and her mother both stared out into the rain and searched for their car. The rain was coming down so hard they could barely see the parking lot outside the windows.

“What a perfect day to wear white! I’m not wearing much underneath this, mom!” Lia’s mom continued to ignore her, using years of training to not be effected by her daughter’s constant whining.

After a moment, the two looked at each other for a moment, signaling to run out to the car. The run to the car probably lasted about 25 seconds, but it felt like five minutes.

By the time they reached the car, they were both completely drenched. Lia’s graduation gown was soaked, revealing her bra and thong clearly.

“I may as well be naked right now!” Lia laughed to herself sarcastically.

Lia’s mom looked over to see her daughter wearing rather seductive underwear she didn’t remember washing.

“When did you get those?” Mandy, her mother, asked.

“I got them a while ago, but I knew you would be freaked out if you saw them. I didn’t want you thinking I was sleeping around with anyone. Believe me, I found out what happens when you do that!”

This was an obvious jab at Mandy for being promiscuous in high school and sleeping with Brent, Lia’s father. Brent never knew that Lia was ever born. After a quick fling in high school, Brent moved to a new school and never came in contact with her again. Mandy felt it was best to keep Lia to herself, knowing that Brent was not a good role model.

Having a child at 17 during the 80’s was not a fun task. Raising Lia was tough for Mandy, but because of Mandy’s parents they were always financially secure. The two were only 17 years apart, but Mandy worked hard to make sure Lia didn’t make any of the same mistakes she did.

“I know that you’re 18 and can wear what you want, but you might want to use more appropriate clothes when you wear white next time. Consider it a good learning experience. Also, you need to show me where you got those! They’re really nice!”

“Eww mom, I don’t want to picture you in lingerie.” Lia rolled her eyes. Her mom was a pervert and she knew it. After Lia reached 16, she discovered her mother’s collection of dirty things ranging from vibrators to romance novels. Even with that theory, Mandy never brought home other men or went on dates. This made Lia feel guilty knowing it was because of her that Mandy couldn’t have a love life.

“I saw you talking to Mr. Pierce at graduation, mom. How is he?”

“He seemed alright. Do you know his daughter Samantha?”

“Yah, she’s OK. Never really got a chance to know her, but that’s not what I’m talking about. He is single! You should totally go out with him sometime!”

Mandy blushed and hesitated before answering.

“That would be nice I’m sure, but I don’t think he is looking for anyone right now. The dental business is really busy this time of season.”

“That may be the worst excuse I ever heard, but it’s your life I suppose.”

The rest of the car ride was silent except for the radio.

After arriving home Lia quickly ran to her room and stripped off all of her wet clothes. There was nothing like the feeling of unhooking her bra and collapsing onto her bed. She took the moment to examine herself, staring at her B-cup breasts and fondling them for a moment.

“Maybe if I water you two you will grow,” she muttered to herself sarcastically. She knew she had quite the female figure, but she just wanted some of her butt to transfer up to her breasts. Even though she was skinny, her genes gave her quite large hips.

She moved her hands down her body and began to do what she saw her mother doing in the shower one day a long time ago. She lightly grazed the outside of her lips and became wet, then proceeded to move her fingers up and down the entirety of her pussy. Eventually, she began to finger herself and came quickly since she was still a virgin and very sensitive.

She lay on her bed relaxing from her after-climax coma. After a while of staring at the ceiling, she grabbed her laptop.

A few hours later while Lia was on the Internet, she ran across Samantha’s name on her favorite social networking site. After quickly seeing her name, Lia got an idea.

She pulled up Samantha’s page and sent her a message.

Hey Sam!

I know we don’t know each other very well, but our parents do. My mother and I were planning on going out to dinner this weekend to celebrate our graduation. After talking to your dad at the graduation ceremony, my mother thought it would be a great idea if you both came along!

Let me know soon!


“It’s a perfect plan!” Lia said to herself. Within an hour Samantha had agreed to come along and asked about the details.

The two talked for a while and got to know each other a little better, and planned out the evening. Eventually it turned into dinner and a movie after the girls talked about the latest chick flick they wanted to see. Convincing her mother wouldn’t be difficult since the two would go out to dinner on the weekends occasionally.

When Lia told her mother about the idea of dinner, she didn’t mention Sam or Mr. Pierce. She wanted to make sure her mother wouldn’t put on too much makeup or overthink the outing.


The day finally came and proceeded like any other. Lia decided to break the news to her mother on the way and Mandy about swerved off the road when Lia told her. Suddenly her mother became frantic and began using her makeup bag to apply certain makeups that she had not bothered to use. Even with the slight delay, the two arrived on time to the restaurant to find Samantha and Mr. Pierce already waiting for the table.

Lia began to talk to Sam as Mandy nervously began to talk to Mr. Pierce.

“So, Sam, what happened to your mother? That is, if you don’t mind me asking.” Lia hoped to figure out what Mr. Pierce was like through Sam.

“My dad divorced my mom when I was very young. I think he caught her sleeping around or something because I have never got a straight answer. He just says that she was a bad role model, which is why I ended up with him.”

Sam seemed a bit nervous as she stared at her father and Mandy. Lia noticed and decided to ask Sam about it.

“Sam, are you okay with this? It sounded like you were when we were talking about it.”

“Yah… it’s just… never mind.”

“What is it, Sam? You can tell me. If anything, I’ll understand since I know what it’s like living with only one parent, and high school is over so no rumors or anything.”

They both laughed.

“I’ll tell you later after dinner. This isn’t exactly the place.”

Lia was intrigued. Whatever Sam was going to tell her, she knew it was top secret.

The dinner went on well with nice conversation and food and afterword, they all headed to the nearby movie theatre.

Once they arrived, Sam and Lia went to the bathroom to talk in secret.

“This doesn’t leave this bathroom, Lia. I’m serious.”

“Alright I promise, just tell me already I’m dying to know!”

“Okay well, I love my dad. I don’t want to see him hurt.”

Lia was a bit disappointed. She was hoping for something better than that.

“Well I love my mom too, and I agree. I’m not saying we send them to the altar or anything yet!”

Sam laughed.

“No, Lia, that’s not what I mean. My father and I have a very special relationship. We rely on each other for everything and well… I love him.”

“Well that makes sense since you’re his daughter.” Lia laughed.

“You still don’t get it. My dad has taught me everything I know. He is the only one in my life I can rely on and I need him.”

Lia was starting to get confused. Was Sam talking about a different kind of love with her dad?

“Wait, do you mean love as in…”

“Yes! That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. I just haven’t realized it until I saw the way he looked at your mom. I want him to look at me that way too.”

Lia had not encountered a situation like this before and had no idea what to do.

“We can talk about it more after the movie is over. You can come over to my house and we can talk about everything, unless you’re busy.”

“That sounds great! Let’s do that.”

Sam and Lia met up with their parents again and got concessions before they entered the theatre. Mr. Pierce sat down with Mandy towards the front of the theatre. Sam and Lia grabbed spots on the other side of the theatre to give them some time alone.

The movie progressed normally, until Sam nudged Lia.

“Let’s move spots so we can spy on them, but make sure they can’t see us!”

“Okay!” Lia responded.

The two exited the theatre and then entered through a different door towards the back so their parents wouldn’t notice.

After grabbing spots behind them, the two were confronted with something that would be engrained into their heads for a long time. From where they were sitting at, they saw Mr. Pierce’s cock at the bottom of an empty popcorn tub being stroked by Mandy. Lia had never seen a penis in person before, so she was memorized at the sight for a moment. It looked like Mandy was using the butter as a lubricant to give Mr. Pierce quite the handjob. No one was sitting behind them, so apparently Mandy’s kinkiness got the best of her.

Lia looked at Sam to see her face go white, and then ran out of the theatre holding back tears. What had she gotten herself into?

(To Be Continued…)

Published 11 years ago

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