Summer’s End: A Loss Of Innocence – Part 1

"A skinny dip turns into something more than a night time swim for Summer. Will she become a woman?"

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“Are you looking at my ass?”

“That’s one of those questions like ‘Is my butt fat in this dress?’ that no matter how I answer it I’m going to get in trouble. Right?”

“Are you saying my ass is fat?”

“I’m not going to get sucked into your little game. You can just stop trying.”

“I can’t believe you think I have a fat ass.”

“I did not say you had a fat ass.”

“So you were looking at my ass.”


“Is it fat?”


“Haaa! See I knew you were looking at my ass.” I stated with a little butt wiggle. “Are you ready yet?”

“Kind of. Go ahead and get in and I’ll be there in a second,” Steven said.

“What’s wrong?” I asked spinning around.

Steven was dressed in just his shorts. His shirt was off to reveal a stunning chest and stomach.

“Holy crap. Turn around or cover up or get in the water.”

“You know . . .” I said and paused. “I really thought the first time I got naked in front a man and he would say something other than ‘Cover up’. So you do think I’m fat!”

“Noooo, not at all. I just… We shouldn’t do this.” Steven stammered out.

“You said you wanted to do a dare. I choose that we go skinny dipping. Are you trying to get out of your part of the dare?”

Steven just stared at me. “God you’re beautiful. We shouldn’t be doing this.”

“Drop those shorts!” I demanded and started walking toward him. “You’ve seen me naked now it’s your turn. Drop’Em stud.”

“I can’t right now.” Steven said sheepishly.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“You just need to get in the water or cover up or something. Please.”

“Do you have a hard-on? You do don’t you? Is it because of me?” I asked as a sense of pride came over me. The one time in my life that I was naked in front of a man and he got excited.

“How about this? Drop’Em or I’m going to take them off you,” I said while grabbing the top of Steven’s shorts.

Steven tried to take a quick step back but I pulled and his top button let go. I could hear his zipper releasing with a loud tearing sound. He tried to push my hands away from his shorts but I pulled myself against him. Steven’s hands were on my shoulders trying to push me back but I kept moving into him. I jerked down on the waistband of the shorts causing them to loosen and fall to the ground. Steven grabbed me in his arms lifting me off the ground and lost his balance.

The weird thing about the fall is that I don’t remember hitting the ground. I don’t remember Steven’s weight coming down on top of me or is head hitting mine. What I remember was feeling his warm chest against my breasts. I remember his arms around me hold me to him and I remember feeling his hard cock pressed between us; hot against my stomach.

“If you wanted to have sex with me you could have just asked,” I groaned.

Steven was between my spread legs trying to keep his weight off me. His hard cock was lightly pressing against my stomach.

“Are you okay?” Steven asked wiping sand from my face.

“You do have hard-on; I can feel it,” I asked trying to smile.

“You never stop do you? Are you alright?”

“Can I see it?” looking into the shadows of Steven’s face.

“NO! Seriously? Are you okay?”

I curled my hips up so Steven’s cock and balls pressed between us then I rolled my hips lightly side to side. I could feel how hard his cock was against my stomach.

“mmmm, I like that,” I said while biting my bottom lips and smiling.

“Oh my God you have got to stop.”

“Can I touch it?”

“No!” Steven said but didn’t pull his hips away from the pressure I was starting to apply to him.

“Please?” I asked in a whispered. “I’ve never touched one before.”

“You have to stop or I’m gonna cum.”

I looked into Steven’s eyes and smiled through pursed lips, “Then cum.”

“Can I fuck you?” Steven asked with his lips just a fraction from mine.

“Yes. Just be gentle. I’ve never done it before.”

“Never done what before?”

“Had sex. I’ve never had sex before,” I said while still grinding my hips against Steven’s hard cock.

Steven suddenly jumped up to his knees and grabbed his cock. He ran his hand down the shaft and held it there tightly. He let out a deep groan and thick white liquid erupted from the tip of his cock. He was cumming. The cum landed on my stomach, breasts and neck with a few drops on my pubic mound. Steven collapsed on the sand next to me and tried to regain regular breathing.

“I think I’m getting mixed signals here. When I said I wanted to have sex with you, you pulled away from me and flopped down next to me. Does that mean that ‘Yes, you do want to have sex’ or ‘No you don’t want to have sex’ with me? I kind of hoped when I said I finally said I was ready to have sex that it would have turned out differently.”

“Stop. You need to stop.”

“You know I’ve heard all these amazing stories about the first time and I was kind of . . .” I got up and walked toward the ocean. “. . . expecting it to feel a little different. Maybe it’s me. It could be I guess but I really thought when I professed my virginity to someone that they would throw themselves at me.”

I walked into the water until I was waist deep. I started to rub the cum off my body and looked back at Steven lying on the beach with his chest heaving.

“You still haven’t completed your part of the dare,” I yelled.

A few minutes later Steven got up and kicked his shorts off. He walked down the beach and into the water. He was standing at the water’s edge looking out at me. His body was the same body I had seen years ago just filled out and more muscular.

It was my moment to pretend I was Haley Berry. I was going to slowly walk up out of the water with a sexy bikini, dive knife and gorgeous figure. Except I was nude, wet and still washing cum off my stomach but it was going to be perfect. It would be a moment more romantic than the beach scene in “From Here to Eternity”.

I started walking toward him. Slowly letting the surface of the water drop below my breasts. The water level kept going down so my stomach, pussy and legs were finally revealed. I kept moving closer and closer. I was trying to make it as slow and seductive as I could but the ocean had other ideas.

I heard it rather than saw it. There was a low rumbling and the water around my feet started to retreat into the ocean. My feet sank into the sand. A large wave crested and crashed into the small of my back. I was launched forward into the sand. The wave continued rolling forward gathering me up and depositing me at Steven’s feet.

With wet stringy hair I looked up from my hands and knees right at Steven’s now flaccid cock.

“That didn’t go exactly as planned,” I laughed and rolled onto my back.

“It was really sexy right up until the wave part. You have no idea what it was doing for me. How did you plan the wave to hit you at just that moment?”

“Oh, shut up.”

“Does this sort of thing happen to you a lot? I have got to get a camera. What’s that show ‘Funniest Nude Home Videos’? I think this one would have been a winner.”

“Are you done making fun of me? Can you help me up? Please.”

Steven stepped over across my chest and reached down between his legs for my hands. With very little effort Steven started to pull me up.

“Oh, ooooooh,” I said while looking at Steven’s cock. “Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.”

“What? What’s wrong?” Steven questioned while holding me still.

“Nothing, I just want to look for a second.” I said with a smile.

Steven lowered me back to the ground and dropped onto his hands and knees above me. “Are you always like this?”

“Like what?” I sassed.

“Like I don’t know. Flirty, silly, playful, sweet and bold.”

“I’m not sure I’m any of those. I think nervous, scared and frightened would be better words.”

“If this is nervous, scared and frightened I can’t wait to see you when you’re flirty, silly, playful and sweet.”

“You know, I always thought that I would get a kiss from my lover before he came. I think I’m doing things a little bit out of order.”

“Is that what you want? A kiss?”

“A kiss would be nice but it’s only one of the things I want.”

“What else do you wan.. wooo?” Steven asked as I closed the fingers of one hand around the shaft of his now semi-hard cock and my other hand closed around his balls.

“What’s wrong?”

“Your hands are a little cold.”

“Is this what they mean when they say ‘you got him by the balls’?”

“Yeah, I think that could be considered a literal interpretation,” Steven grunted as I was stroking his hardening cock.

“Do you know that this is the first time I’ve ever touched a man’s cock?”

“I think I better kiss you quick.”

I smiled up at Steven and asked “Why’s that?”

“I don’t want to be accused of cumming on a beautiful girl twice without having given her a proper kiss,” Steven said as his lips closed against mine.

After a few minutes of Steven’s soft lips caressing mine and my hand stroking his cock Steven tensed. Steven pulled his head back and grunted as his hot cum started to spill onto my stomach. Once Steven finished cumming he rolled onto the beach next to me and gasped for air.

“What are you doing to me?”

“I think that was called a handjob. It seemed pretty effective to me.”

“Oh it was effective all right. Damn.”

Published 11 years ago

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