Communing With Nature

"Spring is in the air"

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It was the first warm day of spring, and the dog perked up every time I stood up from the computer. “Not yet.” was my answer throughout the work day, but when my final meeting was over I was just excited as he was to get out of the house.

“Heading out for a walk!” I yelled upstairs to my wife’s office.

“Are you taking our four-footed friend?” she yelled back down.

“Of course!” It was a little difficult to get the harness on him while he was jumping up at the front door, but we finally managed and headed out.

It’s about a mile through the neighborhoods to get to the forest, and we made good time, keeping the sniffing to a minimum. We crossed the last street and set foot on the path. He immediately sat down, the signal he was ready to get off the leash.

“Stay.” I removed the leash from the harness. “Good boy.”

He waited, taut but obedient. “Go!”

He uncoiled like a sprinter out of the starting block, tearing down the trail. He went only as far as he could still see me, then waited for me to catch up. We made our way deeper into the woods, him exploring every fresh scent, me enjoying the first signs of green peaking out.

When we got to turn up the hill to the secret circle, he waited to see if we were going up. I nodded at him, “Yes, let’s go UP!” At the word, he bounded up the small hill.

It was a short path, only five hundred feet or so, going straight up the side of a small hill. It lead to a natural feature that I’d never seen in other places and gave the spot a magical feel. There was a depression at the top of the hill, only three or four feet deep, maybe twenty-five feet in diameter. Around the depression was a circle of moss, beautifully green and soft. Somehow this circle was maintained, nothing growing there but the moss with leaves and fallen branches always swept away by the wind.

Even though it was just a few feet off the main path, I never saw anyone here. I guess because it was a dead-end, and most people walked the trails with a purpose. But I stopped this way frequently; stopping to enjoy the forest.

On this day especially, I wanted to drink my fill of nature. The dog was happily running around all over, chasing whatever sounds or scents he detected. I could never match his nose, but I tuned in to the sounds. Birds chirping near and far, calling to each other, searching for mates for the upcoming nesting season. Squirrels were rustling through the underbrush or climbing through the trees. The winds were blowing gently, causing the branches to sway and rustle.

I closed my eyes so that I could listen better. My sense went beyond what I was hearing to take in the feeling of the woods. The energy was flowing, and I immersed myself in it. The warmth from the sun was bringing small creatures out from winter slumber. The plants were straining to get their leaves out into the nourishing rays of the sun and the soil itself soaking in both heat and moisture from the melted snow. I came back to my body and felt that direct warmth from the sunrays, and adjusted my stance to feel more of it on my skin.

The simple joy of being a living being washed over me. None of these creatures cared what was on my computer. They focused on the simple needs; warmth, safety, water, and food. I tuned myself to the primal needs of life, letting my ‘civilized’ worries drain away. I felt the warmth of the sun. I felt the caress of the wind. I felt my breath move in and out. The beating of my heart.

My clothes became an impediment to communing with nature. I opened my eyes and looked around, checking the spot in the trail you can see through the trees. I listened for anyone else on the trails, but no human sounds intruded.

I stepped next to a convenient branch, strong enough to act as a clothes hanger. The coat went first, and the shirt soon after. I paused and took a deep breath, feeling the chill of the air balance the heat of the sun. The shoes came off, with the socks tucked inside. I took another survey but still couldn’t detect any other humans in the vicinity. The belt was unbuckled, pants unbuttoned, and underwear was swept off with the pants. I now stood naked and natural on the circle of moss in the middle of the woods.

I stood tall, turned to the sun, palms up, eyes closed. I absorbed the sunlight with my skin. The wind played across my body, raising goosebumps as it chilled me, which subsided when the wind stilled and the sun’s warmth again dominated. I closed my eyes, extending back out into the surroundings. Beyond food and safety, was another primal need. It was spring, and the energy of mating season was palpable. Squirrels, birds, the deer, all following their needs to procreate, driven to find a suitable partner and mate, mingling bodies to create new life, passing along parts of themselves to a new generation of beings.

My own needs awakened. I already had a child and had no plans on creating more, but the instinct, the need to procreate was still ingrained in my body. A feeling stirred in my loins, and my hand moved in response. I began rubbing myself, slowly. Slowly, with no rush to get anywhere, just a response to an urge. My mind went back out, synching with the other animals, for I am just an animal too. My body has urges, my body has needs, and my body responds to stimuli, just as the stag smells the doe and chases her. My nostrils flare now with every breath, my toes dig into the moss as my body sways slightly from the surges of desire I feel washing over me.

My hand is gently stroking my slowly stiffening cock. Yes, mating requires a mate, but I am alone. No partner to motivate, no porn on a computer, not even fantasies of other women. I simply focus on the fertility of the forest, and the abundant energy of creation around me.

I am a magnificent male specimen, full of life and virility. It’s natural for me to produce the seed of life, to answer the call of mating, to perform just as my ancestors have over countless ages. One hand is roaming over the sun-warmed muscles of my chest, abdomen, haunches, and ribs. The other is caressing my cock, stroking to ever fuller proportions as the energy swells within me.

I snap back to my body and the immediate surroundings. I am naked, exuberantly so, and enjoying the freedom from civilization. Blood is coursing through every muscle, air flowing deep into my lungs and out again, one hand stimulating my now fully erect penis. No matter if other humans arrive to see me, this is my natural state, I am strong, I am virile, and I am performing as my body was intended!

My cock is sunlit, glistening with the saliva I used for lubrication. Red-tinged, rigid, and swollen to its largest size with all of the energy I have gathered from the forest, passed through my being, and focused on my sexual outlet. The energy surges through me, into my balls, and ignites an explosion of cum bursting forth, arching through the sunlight, and splashing on the mossy floor. I groan loudly, releasing the energy with my spunk. Another wave and my body bucks, hips thrusting reflexively into the female body that isn’t there today. But more cum flows forth, adding to my homage to nature now decorating the green moss with a small white pool.

I stretch my body, arms overhead, as the last bit of juices seeps out of me. “Ahhh!” I release the feeling verbally. My body is still tingling, but with the content sensation of energy well spent, now relaxed. I chuckle, snapping back into my civilized mode and seeing the naked man with cum dripping off his cock. I take a quick look around, but no one else is there, my activity undetected. I am relieved, but also a little sad. Yes, the vast majority of encounters would not have gone well. But it’s still a little sad that there was no one there to share.

Except for the dog. He stands by watching, checking to see if this means it’s time to go home. “Just a minute boy.”

I wipe myself off as best I can, accepting that I’ll just be a little messy until I can get home and wash off. Definitely need new underwear. I dress and then give the scene a last fond look.

Nothing to bear witness except the small spot of my cum on the moss. I smile. An offering, Mother Earth, I hope you accept it in the spirit in which it was given. Testament to your great power over us, no matter how much we pretend to be civilized. I acknowledge the primal drive you have placed within me, and even revel in it!

Published 3 years ago

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