After school activities.

"Catching two teachers together turns into a girls first time."

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‘Ugh, how much longer.’ Not for the first time that thought crossed my mind. I was stuck at the school well after I would normally be home. You see, at the time, my school had a policy to save money that included keeping certain ‘good’ students after school to help clean up the school. We got extra credit in any class we choose, and the school didn’t have to pay for a full-time janitor, since there were enough of us to get most of the cleaning done. That day, I was stuck in Mr. Brown’s math room cleaning the dry erase boards and ensuring that the markers still worked.

I didn’t mind cleaning Mr. Brown’s room so much. You see the policy was for the teachers whose rooms were being cleaned to stay after with the students to make sure they did their work. Mr. Brown would normally stick around only long enough to make sure you had the supplies you needed and to turn on the small radio he kept in his desk drawer. After that, he would leave you to it and normally return just before we had to leave. Of course, being high school, there were all kinds of rumors going around as to what he did during that time. They ranged from going down to the teachers lounge to drink, to having an illicit affair in one of the other classrooms.

There was even one particularly prevalent rumor that stated it was with Mr. Baker. You see, there was another rumor floating around that they both were gay. I didn’t really care one way or the other what he did, since his being gone gave me time to think and have a little fun of my own.

Most of the time, I just did the work and let my mind wander. At sixteen, most of my thoughts were filled with what my first time would be like. I didn’t hold out hope that it would be soon or anything, but it was still fun to think about. I had never had a boyfriend, let alone kissed a guy, so my daydreams were the best I had at the time.

It was fun to dream of what I would do with some of the jocks at the school. I knew it would never happen, since I was the poster child for female nerds everywhere. At the time, I had thick horn rimmed glasses, mousy shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes that looked bigger then they were because of my glasses, and pale skin. My best feature was my chest. Within the last year, I had gone from having nothing up top to being a full C cup. I was proud of the accomplishment, but no one seemed to notice. Another problem I had was that I was painfully shy around people my own age. I could talk to the teachers and other adults’ just fine. When it came to others my own age, however, I usually ended up doing little more then incoherent babbling.

On this day, I was running a towel over the board but not really paying attention to whether it was actually cleaning anything off or not. Once again, my mind was wandering. In this particular daydream, I had somehow transformed into a tanned beauty and every guy I walked past was left in a drooling puddle in my wake. It was a boost to my confidence that I didn’t want to leave. As such, it took a few moments for me to realize that the radio Mr. Brown had left on had turned off. I reluctantly came out of my daydream and noticed that the lights were out as well. I silently cursed to myself, because that meant I was stuck in the school since all the doors would lock down when the power went out.

I quickly decided I wasn’t going to stay in this semi-dark room alone, so I left in search of other humans. As the door clicked shut behind me, I gave a small start. I had been mildly scared of the dark ever since I was little. As my panic began to lightly build, I picked up my pace. At first, the only sound I heard was my own footsteps bouncing off the closed lockers. I rounded the corner of the next hallway and saw a faint glow coming from under Mr. Baker’s classroom door. My heart gave a little leap, knowing that light meant other people.

As I approached the slightly ajar door, I heard strange noises coming from the room. Perhaps because of the vast amount of time I spent playing scary video games and watching scary movies, my first thought was ‘Oh god, zombies!’ Thinking back now, I know it was silly, but at the time it seemed perfectly logical to my sixteen year-old brain. I put up my guard and approached the door very slowly, wishing I had a gun. Once I reached the door, I looked in slowly and cautiously. Thankfully, what I saw wasn’t another person being eaten by the undead, but was just as shocking to my virgin eyes.

There, sitting on the desk, was Mr. Baker. He had his head back, his eyes closed and his pants down. Kneeling in front of him was Mr. Brown and his head was bobbing up and down in his crotch. Now, I was no idiot. I knew what oral sex was, but I had never seen it in person, let alone between two men. Mr. Baker was moaning lightly and had his hand on the back of Mr. Brown’s head, guiding his movements.

As I watched, I felt myself dampen. I was slightly repulsed by the sight in front of me, but I was also immensely aroused. My right hand, completely of it’s own accord, moved to the front of my jeans and began to lightly rub and massage the area. As Mr. Baker increased the movement of Mr. Brown’s head, I increased my own movements. After several minutes of watching, I moved my hand down my pants and underwear and began to touch my hand to my engorged clit. As I began to flick it back and forth, I heard Mr. Baker actually speak.

“Oh yeah, Matthew. Suck that cock. Take it all baby.”

I jolted slightly at the words. I looked up at Mr. Baker and noticed that he had lifted his head and he was looking down. I saw him bite his lip and realized I was doing the same. My hand was a blur under my clothes. I had masturbated before and knew I was close. It would only take a few more minutes of watching this for me to explode. Apparently, Mr. Baker was close to because I heard him address Mr. Brown again.

“Oh baby, you ready for my cum? Here it comes!”

With that, his body began to jerk about on the desk. I saw both of his hands clamped to the back of Mr. Brown’s head, which had become still and pressed firmly into Mr. Baker’s crotch. Mr. Baker was moaning and groaning the whole time. Just as his body gave a few more small jerks I saw him look up and right at me.

Of course, my orgasm broke at just that moment, so I was helpless to move or say anything. I just stood there filling my panties with my own cum while he stared me down. Once I had finished, I wanted to bolt back to Mr. Brown’s room, but I was frozen to the spot in fear.

To my immense surprise, Mr. Baker didn’t say a word to Mr. Brown, who had by then stood back up and was sitting on the desk beside Mr. Baker and rubbing his own crotch. Against my better judgement, I decided to stay where I was knowing I may never get another chance like this. Mr. Baker just sat on the desk beside Mr. Brown and looked at me.

Suddenly he seemed to look over at Mr. Brown. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, so I prepared myself to run, assuming I could move of course. Slowly, Mr. Brown leaned over to Mr. Baker and kissed him on the mouth. They sat there for a moment just kissing and then I noticed Mr. Brown’s hand snaking around Mr. Baker’s waist. Mr. Baker pulled out of their kiss and moved his mouth to Mr. Brown’s neck. I couldn’t tell, but I got the feeling he had whispered something to Mr. Brown when Mr. Brown’s eyes flickered to my face.

My body had begun to relax when they started to kiss, but it had gone back to attention when Mr. Brown looked at me. To my shock, Mr. Brown called out to me.

“Hello, Miah. I figured you would be looking for some other life forms. How about you come in here and join Mr. Baker and me,” he said as he continued massaging the other mans back.

Unsure of what to do, I stood there frozen for a moment. Mr. Baker, who had been licking Mr. Brown’s neck and nibbling his ear, turned and smiled at me. With both men smiling at me, I relaxed a little and took the few tentative steps into the room. Once I was at the door, I found myself stiff again.

“Go ahead and close the door,” Mr. Baker said to me before turning his attention back to the man sitting beside him.

I stuck my hand out behind me, clasped the handle and pushed. When I heard the door click closed, I gave a small jump. My nerves were on edge and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to relax ever again. Mr. Brown must have noticed because he pulled away from Mr. Baker and stood up slowly.

“Miah, it’s ok. You aren’t in trouble. Mr. Baker and I just want to have a talk with you. Now, how about you come over here and have a seat so we can have a nice talk.”

The tone of his voice and his kind words took some of my tension away, so I slowly made my way to the desk in front of Mr. Brown. As I passed, I felt his hand pat me on the back. That simple gesture relaxed me fully and I slide into the desk feeling confident that everything would be ok. As I looked at the two older men, my mind began to race with how this was going to turn out.

Mr. Baker, who had remained seated the whole time stood up and addressed me first. “How old are you Miah?” he asked as he began to slowly pace in front of the desk.

“Sixteen, almost seventeen,” I squeaked back. I cleared my throat hoping not to squeak again.

Both men looked at each other and grinned. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but something told me I was going to find out soon enough.

“Ok. And do you know what being bisexual means?” he asked as he leaned against the desk beside me with his legs stretched out in front of him.

“It means that they like people of both genders,” I said without thinking and in a much stronger voice than before.

“That’s right,” Mr. Brown said from my other side causing me to jump slightly. He had moved to the desk on my other side without me noticing.

I shrank back into my chair a bit and looked straight ahead. I was unsure why I was so scared, but I had no way of controlling it.

Mr. Brown noticed my reaction and sat back a bit himself. I could tell he was trying to make me comfortable. “And Mr. Baker and myself are both bisexual. That means that what you saw is our gay side. Of course, we both also like women. Tell me, Miah, have you ever had sex before?’

“Nnnn…no, Mr. Brown, ” I stammered as I looked back at him. I noticed a very sweet smile cross his face. His eyes darted back to the man setting on my other side.

“That’s wonderful Miah. Good for you for holding on to such a wonderful treasure,” Mr. Baker chimed in. “I am honestly surprised that a girl as beautiful as you has been able to hold on to it for as long as you have.”

I found myself laughing at him. For some reason, his words had dissolved all my nerves and emboldened me. “Are you kidding? Have you actually looked at me and compared me to the other girls in this school” I said as I sat up straighter in the desk.

“Of course we have,” said Mr. Brown, who leaned against the side of my desk.

Mr. Baker matched his move on the other side and I suddenly found myself encased in the scents of these two men. “You are one of the most beautiful girls in this school,” Mr. Baker said, drawing my attention to his face.

I noticed it was only a few inches away from mine. I felt an urge to close the gap and kiss him, but I was worried about what might happen if I did.

“You know, Miah, ” Mr. Brown said from my other side, ” We are both single right now and have been discussing maybe finding a young woman to share between us. Of course, that isn’t something we can really do in the open, but we decided that if the opportunity presented itself, we definitely wouldn’t pass it up. So, since this is the opportunity, we are taking it. We just want to make sure you are ok with it. We assure you, we will follow your every wish and will never do anything you don’t want to do. So, what do you say Miah? Want to learn about sex from two older men that know how to treat a woman?” The whole time he had been speaking, he had slowly been leaning into me. His last words were spoken so close to my face that I felt my hair blow in the breeze from it.

My mind began to race. How was it possible that these two handsome men found frumpy, mousy me attractive? I had no idea, but I decided I wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass me by either. 

Mr. Baker chose that moment to reach out and touch my arm. I turned my head, which I had turned toward the front of the room after Mr. Brown’s questions, to get a good look at him. His hair was a dirty blonde and cut close to his head. It looked just right for running your fingers through.

His eyes, a piercing blue grey, were looking into mine. His lips, a soft looking pale pink pair, were turned up slightly in a mischievous grin. He knew they had me and he wasn’t going to give me time to rethink it. He began to rub my arm and leaned in to place his lips softly to mine. I took in a quick breath when our lips touched and felt a jolt of electricity shoot through me.

Without warning, I felt two hands snaking around my waist and, before I knew it, I was being slowly and gently pulled out of my chair. I stood on legs that were slightly wobbly and Mr. Baker had continued kissing me the whole time. Now, he gently pulled me from behind the desk I was sitting in and moved me toward the desk where I had caught the two men when I first approached the door. With our tongues now dancing, I felt myself being lifted again. To my surprise, I wasn’t sat on the desk. I was lifted up even with Mr. Baker and his hands quickly wrapped around my waist. For support, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. As I drew my crotch against him, I felt his cock through his pants. I had nothing to physically gauge him against, but even to my inexperienced mind him seemed rather large.

Slowly, I felt myself being lowered a little and noticed that we were moving back slightly. Suddenly, I felt another hard cock pressed against my ass and another pair of hands appeared on my breasts. I had almost forgotten about Mr. Brown being in the room. The hard dick now pressed firmly against my ass crack reminded me of him quickly while his hands massaged and kneaded my breasts. I heard his breath in my ear and I was immensely turned on by the things these two men were doing to me. I was lost in erotic lust and I never wanted it to end. Suddenly, Mr. Baker pulled out of our kiss and stepped back a little.

“Now, Miah, since you are still a virgin, I assume you have never been shown how to please a man. If you like, Mr. Brown and I would be happy to show you what to do first,” he said as he let his hands roam my body.

“I would love to see that,” I said after letting out a moan.

Mr. Baker let me go and I plopped lightly onto Mr. Brown’s lap. From the feel of it, he was slightly smaller then Mr. Brown, but at the time I didn’t really care. I was just excited to finally be having sex. I felt Mr. Brown trying to slide me off his lap, so I helped him and took a seat on the desk beside where he was. Mr. Baker was standing in front of us. He looked at both of us in turn and began to undo the zipper and fly of his tight fitting jeans. I noticed he had to pull out slightly to free himself and made a mental note of it for future experiences.

While Mr. Baker finished removing his pants, Mr. Brown began to tug my shirt up and over my head. I was silently glad that I had chosen today to wear matching underwear as my shirt slide over my head. I heard both men gasp lightly as my breasts were revealed in their cotton covering. As the shirt finally cleared my vision I was greeted by the sight of Mr. Baker’s glorious tool. I had seen porn videos on the internet and had read that some men were bigger then others. I had also learned that the average for an American male was about 6 inches. Mr. Baker had to be at least 8 inches and I wasn’t even sure he was completely hard. I saw Mr. Brown look at him lovingly.

“You ready for your first lesson,” Mr. Brown asked before reaching out his hand and clutching Mr. Baker. I noticed that Mr. Brown couldn’t get his hand all the way around him and wondered momentarily if he would even fit inside me. I cut my thoughts off, wanting to be able to learn all I could. Mr. Brown looked away from me and up at Mr. Baker. Mr. Baker looked down at him and smiled. I saw Mr. Brown’s tongue jut out and lick along the opening in the end of Mr. Baker’s penis. Mr. Baker let out a moan and moved his far hand to the back of Mr. Brown’s head, ensuring that I could still see the action.

Mr. Brown had continued his licking and had just began running his tongue around Mr. Baker’s head when I looked back down at him. I heard Mr. Baker suck in a breath, but I didn’t dare look away this time. I could tell by the way his cheeks were caving in that Mr. Brown was sucking on Mr. Baker. I wanted to ask a few questions, but I was again too scared to open my mouth. Thankfully, Mr. Baker took care of that problem for me.

“Um, Miah. Oh god. If you have any questions, please, feel free to ask,” he said as Mr. Brown started to bob his head up and down.

“Well, I do have one. Is he just sucking or is he moving his tongue to, Mr. Baker,” I asked as I watched the man beside me begin to bob his head a little faster.

” Please, Miah, call me Jake. And he is sucking and flicking his tongue. It feels amazing.” With that Mr. Brown slowly pulled his mouth up and off Mr. Baker. I heard a slight pop beside me and Mr. Baker audibly sighed.

“Ok, Miah,” Mr. Brown said. “I think you’ve seen enough to at least get started. And, before you say it, call me Matthew, please.”

Oooo… ok,” I said as I leaned over a little. Mr. Baker turned himself toward me and held his erection toward my face.

“Go ahead Miah. Start slow and work your way up. Trust me, after you get used to it, you’ll know what to do.”

“Exactly,” Mr. Brown chimed in. “Besides, Jake tastes fantastic, trust me. You’ll love it.”

His words seemed to spark something in me. I suddenly wanted nothing more then to taste the man standing with his rock hard cock in my face. I stuck my tongue out and ran it along his slit, just as I had seen Mr. Brown do. I swirled the sticky liquid I found there around with my tongue a bit and that brought a gasp from both men.

“See, Jake, I told you! She’s a natural,” Mr. Brown said as he moved the hand closest to me onto my thigh. The movement of his hand made me more confident with what I was doing. I opened my lips and took the tip of Mr. Baker’s head in my mouth. Ever so slowly, I worked more of him into my mouth, ensuring that I licked every inch of him as it touched my tongue. The feeling was a little strange to me. He felt like a firm sponge. Mr. Brown had been right that he tasted wonderful.

The more of Mr. Baker I got into my mouth, the farther up my thigh Mr. Brown’s hand went. The closer he got to my groin, the harder I breathed. Suddenly, I felt Mr. Bakers hand at the back of my head and felt him pulling me farther onto him. I went with it and slide my mouth until he hit the back of my throat. I instantly gagged and had to pull him all the way out of my mouth.

“Oh my god, Jake. I am so sorry. Did I hurt you?” I asked as I realized I may have dragged my teeth along his length.

“Oh no, Miah. No need for you to be sorry. I should be the one apologizing. I got a little carried away and tried to force you to fast. If it makes you feel any better, what you were doing felt wonderful,” he said as he looked at me. I felt myself blush and felt a surge of pride. I was glad that what I was doing had felt good to him. I knew that what Mr. Brown was doing to me felt wonderful.

“Ok,” Mr. Brown said. “Since you have already gotten off once today, Jake, I think it’s my turn. How about you get down here and show Miah what it’s like to have a man eat her out,” he said as he stood up.

“Sounds good to me. Miah, could you stand up real quick for me and take your pants and panties off,” Mr. Baker said. I obliged and had my bottom half completely naked in seconds. I went ahead and removed my bra also, even though he hadn’t asked. Standing there in front of them naked, I suddenly felt a little shy and moved my arms to cover up my breasts.

“Oh, please don’t Miah,” Mr. Brown said. “Your breasts are wonderful and I am sure they taste lovely.” I slide my arms back down to my sides and pushed my chest out slightly. His words had sent a jolt of pride through me. I saw both mean look me up and down and they both smiled at me.

“Now, get back up on the desk,” Mr. Baker instructed. I did as I was told. “Great, now, get up on your hands and knees with your head toward Matthew and your ass toward me,” he said. He had moved behind the desk and taken a seat in his chair. I did as he said and was in position very quickly. At some point, Mr. Brown had undone his pants and let them and his underwear fall to his ankles. I had been right in my earlier assessment that he wasn’t as long as Mr. Baker, but he was wider. I marveled at his width until I felt something warm against my lower lips. I jumped and turned to see what was going on.

“It’s ok, Miah. It’s just my fingers. And, from the looks of things down here, you are more then ready for me to devour you. Now, you get to work on Matthew and I’ll get to work on you.” I turned my attention back to the man in front of me and took him in my hand. I couldn’t get my hand completely around him, but I did my best. I started on him the same way I had Mr. Baker and I heard Mr. Brown moan. I took the opportunity to look at his balls, which was something I hadn’t done with Mr. Baker. The skin was pulled tight around them and they seemed to be very close to his body.

“It’s okay Miah. Go ahead and touch them if you want,” I heard Mr. Brown say. He must have caught me looking. I took his advice and reached my hand out to tentatively touch them. They were a lot smoother then what I thought they would be, and his were hairless. I knew from the videos I watched that this wasn’t how they were on every man, but I liked the way they felt.

All this time, I had been working him into my mouth. I had about half of him in my mouth and I began to moan involuntarily. This sent Mr. Brown into a moaning spree and the room was quickly filled with the sounds of our fun. By this time, Mr. Baker had begun using his mouth and tongue on me and I was filled with sensations I had never experienced before. He used a couple fingers to separate my lips and was using his tongue to flick my clit rapidly back and forth. He would alternate that with taking long licks along the length of it and he was driving me wild.

I pulled my hand away from Mr. Brown’s balls and used it to support myself. I felt Mr. Baker slide first one, then two fingers into me and I knew I wasn’t going to last long. It only took two or three strokes of his fingers and I exploded into his hand. My orgasm set my body shaking and I was sucking as much of Mr. Brown as I could get into my mouth. I wanted him to experience the same pleasure that I was feeling.

“Oh god, Miah. You need to either stop that or you are going to get a mouth full of my sperm,” he said. At that moment I wanted nothing more then to taste him, so I continued sucking. I was able to take all of him into my mouth and I felt him twitch. Without warning, I felt something slide down my throat. Not wanting to miss my chance to taste him, I moved him out of my mouth and let him finish on my tongue. He tasted sweet with a tinge of bitter, but I didn’t mind. I heard him moaning and felt his body jerking with each jet of cum that shot into my mouth.

After he stopped, I continued to suck on him until I felt him pull me off.

“Easy Miah,” he said. “The head gets very sensitive after a man cums,” he said.

“Oh, sorry,” I said as I moved into a more comfortable position. My knees were red from being on them for so long, but I didn’t care. “Sooo, now what,” I asked as Mr. Baker walked around to stand beside Mr. Brown in front of me.

“Well, I think you should be getting home,” Mr. Baker said. I looked at him. I was hurt and shocked by his words.

“What the hell do you mean?” I asked. I felt like I was going to cry.

“Calm down Miah,” Mr. Brown said. “It’s only because the lights are back on, it’s past 7:30 and we don’t want you getting in trouble with your parents. If they do ask what happened, tell them I kept you after talking about your grade and ways to make some extra credit. Now get dressed and get out of here.” I dressed in a hurry. I knew what they were saying was right. I didn’t want to risk getting myself, or them, into trouble. Once I was fully clothed, I walked briskly to the door. As I opened it, I looked back at them.

“Will we ever do anything like this again,” I asked with my hand on the door knob.

“Of course Miah. We’ll figure it out, even if it means telling everyone you are getting extra help for your AP classes, we’ll work it out. Now, get,” Mr. Baker said. I smiled as I turned, opened the door and left the room. On my way out, I left a little present on Mr. Brown’s door. As I left the front door, I wondered what Mr. Brown would think about me leaving my underwear for him.

Published 11 years ago

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